
Kène Henkens - Selected Publications#

Henkens has published in the most important journals in the field of Demography and Gerontology including Population and Development Review; Population Studies; Population Place and Space; European Journal of Population; Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, Psychology and Aging; The Gerontologist, Research on Aging; Ageing & Society; European Journal on Ageing, as well as in top journals in related fields such as Multidisciplinary Psychology (American Psychologist), Public, Environmental and Occupational Health (American Journal of Epidemiology, European Journal of Public Health).

His H-index from Google Scholar equals 34, which means that 34 of his publications are cited at least 34 times each. His H-index since 2010 is 27, which means that since 2010 he has published 27 articles that are cited at least 27 times each. His total number of citations in Google Scholar is 3763 (2560 since 2010). According to the Web of Science, his overall H-index is 18 and the total number of citations is 1073. (per 1th December 2015)

1. Henkens, K. (1999), Retirement intentions and spousal support: A multi-actor approach, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 54B(2): S63-S73. (Impact Factor: 3.2; ranking 5/32)

2. Henkens, K. (2015),Labor force transitions in late life: Between agency and structure. In: Finkelstein, L., Truxillo, D., Fraccaroli, F. & Kanfer, R. (Eds.), Facing the challenges of a multi-age workforce: A use-inspired approach. SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series. London: Routledge, p. 321-330

3. Karpinska, K., K. Henkens & J. Schippers (2013, early view), Retention of Older Workers: Impact of Managers’ Age Norms and Stereotypes, European Sociological Review, (Impact Factor: 1,7; Ranking 14/142)

4. Dalen, H. van and K. Henkens (2007), Longing for the good life: understanding emigration from a high income country, Population and Development Review, 33(1): 37-65. (Impact Factor: 1.7; ranking 19/142)

5. Wang, M, K. Henkens & H. van Solinge (2011) Retirement Adjustment: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Advancements, American Psychologist, 66(3): 204-214. (Impact Factor: 7.1; ranking 8/129)

6. Damman, M., K. Henkens & M. Kalmijn (2013) The Preretirement Work Disengagement Process: Examining the Role of Past and Anticipated Career Experiences, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 68(3): 455-463. (Impact Factor: 3.2; ranking 5/32)

7. Hershey, D., & K. Henkens (2013, early view), The Impact of Different Types of Retirement Transitions on Perceived Satisfaction with Life, The Gerontologist, (Impact Factor: 3,2; Ranking 4/32)

8. Dalen, H. van, K. Henkens (2012), The Intended and Unintended Consequences of a Publish-or-Perish Culture: A World-Wide Survey among Demographers, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63 (7): 1282-1293.

(Impact Factor: 1,8 Ranking 13/85)

9. Henkens, K., H. van Solinge and W. Gallo (2008), Effects of retirement voluntariness on health behaviors: changes in smoking, drinking and physical activity among Dutch older workers, European Journal of Public Health, 18(6):644-649. (Impact Factor: 2,6; Ranking 20/147)

10. Dingemans, E. & Henkens, K. (2014),Involuntary retirement, bridge employment, and satisfaction with life: A longitudinal investigation. Journal of Organizational Behavior 35 (4): 575-591.(Impact Factor:3,0; Ranking 7/76)
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