Thóra Berglind Hafsteinsdóttir - Biography#
Dr. THÓRA B. HAFSTEINSDÓTTIR, RN, PhD, senior researcher, Department of Nursing Science UMC Utrecht, and University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and lecturer at Clinical Health Sciences, UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands and a former director at the international Board of Directors of Sigma Theta Tau International, where she served for 6 years (2014-2919). Dr. Hafsteinsdóttir research focuses on capacity, leadership, and capability development in nursing science, she has numerus publications in scientific journals. She chairs the Dutch National Leadership Programme for postdoctoral nurses followed by 28 fellows (2016-2021).
Dr. Hafsteinsdóttir was (2017-2020) coordinator of the European funded Nursing Leadership and Mentoring Programme for Doctoral Nursing Students & Postdoctoral Nurses, the Nurse-Lead (, involving 6 countries, followed by 50 fellows. She is a member of Board of Directors, Foundation for Nursing of Sigma, overseeing grant funding and serves on numerous international boards and committees. She was one of the organizers of The Institute for Global Healthcare Leadership, London 2018. Dr. Hafsteinsdóttir is a member of Committee on Nursing Research, Novo Nordisk Foundation, Denmark overseeing grant funding.
Dr. Hafsteindóttir is one of the 12 partners in Capacity Building European initiative: Accelerating Master and PhD nursing in Kazakhstan (AccelED 2020-2023) aiming to modernize higher education system in Kazakhstan. Dr. Hafsteinsdóttir is instrumental in leadership development of postdoctoral nurses in Europe and established collaboration of 44 partners from 22 European in a COST Action Proposal OC-2020-1-24594: Establishing Pan-European Leadership Academy for Postdoctoral Nurses to Impact Health Care: EuroNurseLead. In 2019 her book Leadership in Nursing: Experiences from the European Nordic Countries was published by Springer