Marina Grishakova - Selected Publications#
(with M. Poulaki). Narrative Complexity: Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution. Lincoln: Nebraska University Press, 2019
(with S. Salupere). Theoretical Schools and Circles in the Twentieth Century Humanities: Literary Theory, History, Philosophy. New York-London: Routledge, 2015.
(with M.-L. Ryan). Intermediality and Storytelling. Narratologia, 24. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 2010.
Grishakova, Marina. The Models of Space, Time and Vision in V. Nabokov's Fiction: Narrative Strategies and Cultural Frames. The Hague: OAPEN, 2012 (Open Access Publications in European Networks), 322 pp. (2nd revised edition of 2006 book)

Special issues
Grishakova, M.; Le Juez, B.; Springer, O. (2023). New Critical and Theoretical Approaches in Comparative Literature. Special issue of CompLit: Journal of European Literature, Arts and Society, 1 (n 5). Paris : Classiques Garnier

M. Grishakova, L. Boldrini and M. Reynolds, guest eds. New Work in Comparative Literature in Europe: Special Issue. CLC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture, 15.7. December 2013. Purdue University Press. [Open access publication:

Research papers and book chapters
"Complexity, Entropy, and Noise in Sciences and Art: Lotman, Prigogine, Serres." In: A. Duprat and A. James (Ed.). Figures of Chance II. Chance in Theory and Practice. (67−77). London-New York: Routledge
"Intermediality as a material practice and artistic event." In: Thomas, B., J. Round, and A. Ensslin (Ed.). Routledge Companion to Literary Media. London-New York: Routledge.
"Semiotics/ Structuralism." In: Richter, David H. (Ed.). The Blackwell Companion to Literary Theory (x−x). Malden-Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017
“Fiction as a Cognitive Challenge: Explorations into Alternative Forms of Selfhood and Experience.” In: Mark Bruhn and Donald R. Wehrs (eds.). Cognition, Literature, and History. London-New York: Routledge, 2014, 190-205.
“'Unruly Fictions': Literature, Mimesis and Media.” In: Gillespie, Gerald; Saussy, Haun (eds.). Intersections, Interfaces, Interdisciplines: Literature with Other Arts. Series “New Comparative Poetics,” 30. Bern-Berlin-Brussels-Frankfurt am Main-New York-Oxford-Wien: Peter Lang, August 2014, 213-227.
"Complexity, Hybridity, and Comparative Literature." In: M. Grishakova, Lucia Boldrini, and Matthew Reynolds (guest eds.). New Work in Comparative Literature in Europe: Special Issue. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.7. December 2013.
“La littérature en transition: fiction et adaptation d’un média à l’autre.” Revue de littérature comparée 2013, 13: 4, 399-412
"Stranger than Fiction, or Jerome David Salinger, Author of "Lolita": Real, Implied and Fictive Authorship." In: Lehtimäki, Markku, Laura Karttunen, and Maria Mäkelä (eds.) Narrative, Interrupted: The Plotless, the Trivial and the Disturbing in Literature. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter 2012, 238-253.
“On the Typology of Virtual Narrative Voices.” In: Per Krogh Hansen, Henrik Skov Nielsen, Stefan Iversen (eds.). Strange Voices in Narrative Fiction. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 2011, 175-190.
“Narrative Causality Denaturalized.” In: Jan Alber and Rüdiger Heinze (eds.). Unnatural Narratives – Unnatural Narratology. Linguae & Litterae, 5. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 2011, 127-144.
"Intermedial Metarepresentations." In: M. Grishakova and M.-L. Ryan (eds.).Intermediality and Storytelling. Narratologia, 24. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 2010, 312-331.
“Around Culture and Explosion: J. Lotman and the Tartu-Moscow School in the 1980-1990s.” In: Semiotics, Communication, Cognition, vol. 1. Juri Lotman. Culture and Explosion. Ed. by M. Grishakova, transl. by W. Clark. New York-Berlin: De Gruyter, 2009, 175-187.
“Beyond the Frame: Cognitive Science, Common Sense, and Fiction.” Narrative 2009, 17:2, 188-199.
Evidence of impact:
Prof Grishakova's works have been translated into Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Italian, Spanish.
Her books (authored and edited) have been reviewed in, amongst other journals: Language and Literature, Poetics Today, Česka Literatura, American Book Review, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, Recherche Littéraire / Literary Research, Slavic and East European Journal, Partial Answers.