
Roland Gorbatschev - Selected publications#

  • Bogdanova, S., Bingen, B., Gorbatschev, R. & Kheraskova, T. (2008). The East European Craton (Baltica) before and during the assembly of Rodinia. I Bogdanova, S. (Red.) Precambrian Research (pp. 23-45), 160. Elsevier.
  • Söderlund, P., Söderlund, U., Moller, C., Gorbatschev, R. & Rodhe, A. (2004). Petrology and ion microprobe U-Pb chronology applied to a metabasic intrusion in southern Sweden: A study on zircon formation during metamorphism and deformation. Tectonics, 23. American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Bogdanova, S., Gorbatschev, R., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Janik, T., Kozlovskaya, E., Motuza, G., Skridlaite, G., Starostenko, V. & Taran, L. (2006). EUROBRIDGE: New insight into the geodynamic evolution of the East European Craton. I Gee, D. & Stephenson, R. (Red.) European Lithosphere Dynamics (Memoirs) (pp. 599-628), 32. Geological Society of London.
  • Bogdanova, S., Gorbatschev, R. & Garetsky, R. (2005). The East European Craton. I Selley, R., Cocks, L. & Plimer, I. (Red.) Encyclopedia of Geology (pp. 34-49), 2. Elsevier.
  • Gorbatschev, R. & Bogdanova, S. (2006). Aspects of the Proterozoic boundary between SE and SW Sweden. Lund University.

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