
Simon Goldhill - Selected Publications#

Victorian Culture and Classical Antiquity: Art, Opera, Fiction, and the Proclamation of Modernity, Princeton 2012 [Winner Robert Lowry Patten Award from Studies in English Literature for the best book in C19th literary studies]

Sophocles and the Language of Tragedy, 2013 [Winner Runciman Prize for the best book on a Greek topic, ancient or modern].

The Buried Life of Things: How Objects Make History in 19th-Century Britain, CUP, 2014.

A Very Queer Family Indeed: Sex, Religion and the Bensons in Victorian Britain, Chicago 2016.

Postclassicisms, co-authored with the Postclassicisms Collective, Chicago, 2019

Preposterous Poetics: the Politics and Aesthetics of Form in Late Antiquity, Cambridge 2020

The Christian Invention of Time: Temporality and the Literature of Late Antiquity, Cambridge 2021.

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