
Frank Glorius - Curriculum Vitae#

Frank Glorius was born in 1972 in Germany. From 1992-1997 he studied chemistry at the University of Hannover, Germany. In 1995/1996 he performed some research studies in the group of Prof. Paul A. Wender at Stanford University, USA. His diploma thesis (1997) was completed through a collaboration in the groups of Prof. Andreas Pfaltz (Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim/Ruhr) and Prof. H. Martin R. Hoffmann (University of Hannover). Between 1997-2000, he worked towards his Ph.D. in the group of Prof. Andreas Pfaltz (University of Basel & MPI für Kohlenforschung) which he received with summa cum laude. In 2000/2001 moved to Harvard University where he joined the group of Prof. David A. Evans as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2001 he started his independent research career at the MPI für Kohlenforschung in collaboration with Prof. Alois Fürstner. In 2004 Frank Glorius became a C3-Professor for Organic Chemistry at the University of Marburg. Since 2007 he has been Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

He is an expert in the development and application of new catalytic methods in the field of organic chemistry. Using rational design, intelligent screening strategies and computer models, he designs molecules with attractive functions for, among other things, materials science. The goal is to facilitate the production of organic molecules. In addition to the production of a wide variety of organic compounds, Frank Glorius pays particular attention to making these processes as efficient as possible. In this context, catalysis is a key technology - Glorius and his team are focusing their attention on the research areas of C-H activation, photocatalysis, aromatic hydrogenation and organocatalysis. They are also designing molecules that have sought-after functions in fields such as biology and materials science, serve to modify surfaces and materials, and are suitable for applications in membranes and batteries. A unique feature of his group is that research is successfully conducted in many complementary areas of catalysis. This diversification is advantageous for a well-rounded education of the group members and also enables modern interdisciplinary research projects within the group.

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