Harald Gall - Publications#

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Citations > 14'600
h-index: 60
Papers with > 300 citations:
Cross-project defect prediction: a large scale experiment on data vs. domain vs. process; T Zimmermann, N Nagappan, H Gall, E Giger, B Murphy; Proceedings of ESEC/FSE 2009; 779 citations (Test of Time Award)
Populating a release history database from version control and bug tracking systems; M Fischer, M Pinzger, H Gall, International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2003. ICSM 2003; 729 citations (foundational paper for change coupling analysis and mining software repositories)
Change distilling: Tree differencing for fine-grained source code change extraction; B Fluri, M Wursch, M PInzger, H Gall, IEEE Transactions on software engineering 33 (11), 725-743, 2007; 708 citations
Detection of logical coupling based on product release history; H Gall, K Hajek, M Jazayeri; Proceedings. International Conference on Software Maintenance, 1998; 626 citations (Most Influential Paper Award)
Don't touch my code! Examining the effects of ownership on software quality; C Bird, N Nagappan, B Murphy, H Gall, P Devanbu
Proceedings of ESEC/FSE 2011; 414 citations (Test of Time Award)
How can i improve my app? classifying user reviews for software maintenance and evolution; S Panichella, A Di Sorbo, E Guzman, CA Visaggio, G Canfora, HC Gall; 2015 IEEE international conference on software maintenance and evolution , 2015, 409 citiations
Software engineering for machine learning: A case study; S Amershi, A Begel, C Bird, R DeLine, H Gall, E Kamar, N Nagappan, et al.
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering, 2019; 359 citations (Best Paper Award)
Does distributed development affect software quality? an empirical case study of windows vista; C Bird, N Nagappan, P Devanbu, H Gall, B Murphy; 2009 IEEE 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, 518-528, 2009; 323 citations (Distinguished Paper Award)