
Dieter Fellner - Major Publications (Partial List)#

Fellner D. W.: Videotex - an environment for low-cost image creation systems. In Proc. Videotex ’84 International (London, Nov. 1984), Online Publications, pp. 101–107.

Fellner D. W., Posch R.: Bildschirmtext – an open videotex network for text and graphic applications. Computers & Graphics 11, 4 (1987), 359–367.

Posch K. C., Fellner D. W.: The circle-brush algorithm. ACM TOG 8, 1 (Jan. 1989), 1–24.

Fellner D. W.: Computer Grafik, 2 Ed., vol. 58 Reihe Informatik. B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, 1992.

Fellner D. W., Helmberg C.: Robust rendering of general ellipses and elliptical arcs. ACM TOG 12, 3 (July 1993), 251–276.

Fellner D. W., Helmberg C.: Best approximate general ellipses on integer grids. Computers & Graphics 18, 2 (1994), 143–151.

Fellner D. W.: DFG SchwerpunktprogrammVerteilte Verarbeitung und Vermittlung digitaler Dokumente. Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung 12, 1 (1997), 38–42.

Fellner D. W., Schenk N.: MRT – a tool for simulations in 3D geometric domains. In 11th European Simulation Multiconference, Kaylan A. R., Lehmann A., (Eds.). Society for Computer Simulation Intl. (SCS), 1997, pp. 185–188.

Fellner D. W.: MRT – a visualization tool addressing problems ‘outside’ the classical rendering domain. In Visualization and Mathematics, Hege C., Polthier K., (Eds.). Springer, 1997, pp. 239–248.

Fellner D. W., Havemann S., Müller G.: Modeling of and navigation in complex 3D documents. Computers & Graphics 22, 6 (1998), 647–653.

Buhmann J., Fellner D.W., Held M., Ketterer J., Puzicha J.: Dithered color quantization. Computer Graphics Forum 17, 3 (Sept. 1998), C219 – C231. (Enderle Award)

Endres A., Fellner D. W.: Digitale Bibliotheken – Informatik-Lösungen für globale Wissensmärkte. dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, 2000.

Müller G., Schäfer S., Fellner D. W.: Automatic creation of object hierarchies for radiosity clustering. Computer Graphics Forum 19, 4 (Dec. 2000), 213–221

Fellner D.W. et al: Beiträge der Computergraphik zur Realisierung eines verallgemeinerten Dokumenten-begriffs. it+ti Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik 42, 6 (2000), 8–16.

Fellner D.W , Liu Z.: Verfahren zur Prädiktion der Funkwellenausbreitung; Patent Nr. 196 52 605, erteilt am 07.06.2001

Kim H., Fellner D. W.: Interaction with hand gesture for a back-projection wall. In Proc. Computer Graphics International 2004 (2004), IEEE CS Press, pp. 395–402.

Halm A., Offen L., Fellner D.: BioBrowser: Concepts for fast protein visualization. In Proc. EUROGRAPHICS – IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (2005), Eurographics, pp. 287–294.

Fellner D. W., Havemann S.: Striving for an adequate vocabulary: Next generation ’metadata’. In From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering, Spiliopoulou M. et al (Eds.), Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer, 2006, pp. 13–20.

Fünfzig C., Ullrich T., Fellner D. W.: Hierarchical spherical distance fields for collision detection. IEEE CG&A 26, 1 (2006), 64–74.

Müller K., Reusche L., Fellner D. W.: Extended subdivision surfaces: Building a bridge between NURBS and Catmull-Clark surfaces. ACM TOG 25, 2 (April 2006), 268–292.

Havemann S., Fellner D. W.: Seven research challenges of generalized 3D documents. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27, 3 (May/Jun 2007), 70–76.

Havemann S., Hopp A., Fellner D.: A single chip DLP projector for stereoscopic images of high color quality and resolution. In Proc. 13th EG Symp on Virtual Environments, 10th Immersive Projection Technology (2007), Fröhlich B., Blach R., v. Liere R., (Eds.), IPT-EGVE, Eurographics, pp. 21–26.

Leeb R., Settgast V., Fellner D., Pfurtscheller G.: Self-paced exploration of the Austrian national library through thought. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism 9, 4 (2007), 237–244.
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