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Number of books written: 2

1: Introduction to Relativistic Kinetic Theory, L.P. Csernai and D.Strottman, Chapter 1 in: Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, ed. by L.P. Csernai and D.D. Strottman, (World Scientific, 1991) Vol I, pp. 1-37. PDF File

2: Introduction to Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, L. Csernai, (John Wiley &Sons, 1994) ISBN-471-93420-8.

Number of books edited: 3
Number of invited talks and lectures at int. conferences and schools: 239

BIBLIOMETRIC DATA from ISI on Dec. 11, 2009: #

Publications in ISI Basic Source database: 131
Citations in ISI Basic Source database: 2581
Publications in ISI Cited Reference database: 301
Citations in ISI Cited Reference database: 2993
H-index in ISI Basic Source database: 29

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