Ismail Cakmak - Biography#
Ismail Cakmak is Professor at the Sabanci University in Istanbul. He received his Ph.D. (1988) at the University Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany.
He is editorial board member of the journals Plant and Soil (Springer), European Journal of Agronomy (Elsevier) and Frontiers in Plant Nutrition (Frontiers Journals). He was also “Honorary Theme Editor” of the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems and edited the section entitled Impacts of Agriculture on Human Health and Nutrition published by UNESCO.
He is recipient of the IFA (Intl' Fertilizer Assoc.) 2005 International Crop Nutrition Award, and Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering 2007 "Derek Tribe Award Medal”.
He has published over 125 peer-reviewed journal articles, which received more than 5250 citations (h-Index: 40). For further details on publications:

Prof. Cakmak has delivered more than 50 oral presentations at international conferences held in 33 countries, including 18 Invited Keynote Speeches.
The total budget of the past and current projects directed by Prof Cakmak is nearly US$ 12 million. Currently, he is coordinating a global zinc fertilizer project (

Around mid-1990's, he has also directed a successful long-term multi-institutional NATO-funded project (with 1 million USD budget) on the zinc deficiency problem in cereals and children in Turkey.
Following organizations have given research fellowship to Prof Cakmak for his research stay abroad (between 4 to 36 moths): USDA, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, German Research Foundation (DFG), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and OECD.
He has acted as external examiner for the PhD Defenses at University of Adelaide, University of Western Australia and Copenhagen University. He was also external reviewer of EU 6th Integrated Project “PHIME”.
Currently, he is coordinator of the Working Group 1: Soil- Plant Interactions and Physiology of the EU COST Action 0905.
For further details of Prof. Cakmaks' cv including list of publications: