
Margaret Buckingham#

Margaret Buckingham obtained her MA and PhD by University of Oxford. In 1971 she moved to France where she is presently Professor and a CNRS Research Director. Margaret Buckingham is the head of the Molecular Genetics of Development Unit at Pasteur Institute since 1987.

Margaret Buckingham did a post-doc in Prof. François Gros lab in Pasteur Institute. She also served as Director of the Departement of Developmental Biology at the same institute and presided the section of Development Biology and Reproduction of CNRS from 2001 to 2004.
Margaret Buckingham is member of several scientific organizations such as EMBO, the French Academy od Sciences and Academia Europaea.

Prizes and honours including:
  • Boehringer Prize of European Federation of Biochemistry Societies (1980)
  • Jaffé Prize from French Academy of Sciences (1990)
  • Médaille d'argent du CNRS (1999)
  • Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur (2002)
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