
Paola Bovolenta - Selected Publications#

Moreno-Marmol, T, Ledesma M, Tabanera N, Martin-Bermejo MJ, Cardozo, MJ, Cavodeassi F, and Bovolenta P. (2021) Stretching of the retinal pigment epithelium contributes to zebrafish optic cup morphogenesis. eLife 10:e63396. doi: 10.7554/eLife.63396

Rueda-Carrasco, J, Martin-Bermejo MJ*, Pereyra, G*, Mateo, MI*, Borroto, A, Brosseron, F., Kummer, MP, Schwartz, S, Lopez-Atalaya, JP; Alarcon, B., Esteve, P. Heneka, MT, and Bovolenta, P. (2021) SFRP1 modulates astrocyte to microglia cross-talk in acute and chronic neuroinflammation EMBO Rep. Sep 27:e51696. doi: 10.15252/embr.202051696. *equal contribution

Buono L, Corbacho J., Naranjo S., Almuedo-Castillo M, Moreno-Marmol T., de la Cerda B, Sanbria-Reinoso E, Polvillo R, Díaz-Corrales FJ, Bogdanovic O, Bovolenta P*, Martínez-Morales JR* (2021) Analysis of gene network bifurcation during optic cup morphogenesis in zebrafish. Nat Commun. 12: 3866 *co-correspondence

Cardozo MJ*, Almuedo-Castillo*, M and Bovolenta, P. (2020) Patterning the vertebrate retina through morphogenetic signaling pathways. Neuroscientist, 26, 185-196.

Esteve P, Rueda-Carrasco J., Mateo, I., Sandonís A., Crespo I., Martin-Bermejo M.J., Moreno I., Garcia-Esparcia P., Gomez-Tortosa E., Rabano A., Fortea J., Alcolea D., Lleo A., Heneka MT, Ferrer I., Dominguez M. and Bovolenta P. (2019) Elevated levels of Secreted-Frizzled-Related-Protein1 contribute to Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis. Nat. Neurosci. 22: 1258-1268. (Editors’ choice in Sci. Transl. Med, 2019, 11, eaay7697)

Bertacchi M., Gruart, A., Kaimakis P., Allet C., Serra L., Giacobini P., Delgado-García JM., Bovolenta P., and Studer M. (2019) Mouse Nr2f1 haploinsufficiency unveils new pathological mechanisms of human BBSOA syndrome. EMBO Mol Med. 11: e10291 (cover caption article)

Bertolini, J.*, Favaro R.*, Zhu, Y.*, Pagin M, Ngan C.Y., Wong C.H., Tjong, H., Vermunt M., Vermunt, M., Martynoga B., Barone C, Mariani J., Cardozo, M.J., Tabanera N., Zambelli F, Mercurio S., Ottolenghi S., Robson P., Creyghton M., Bovolenta P., Pavesi G., Guillemot F., Nicolis SK* and Wei CL*. (2019) SOX2 mediates transcriptional regulation through global functional chromatin connectivity in brain-derived neural stem cells. Cell Stem Cell, 24, 462-476.

Esteve P.* Crespo I.*, Kaimakis, P., Sandonís A. and Bovolenta P. (2019) Sfrp1 modulates cell-signaling events underlying telencephalic patterning, growth and differentiation. Cer Cortex 229, 1059–1074 (* co-authors)

Cardozo M., Sánchez-Arrones L., Sandonis A., Sánchez-Camacho C, Gestri G., Wilson SW, Guerrero, I. and Bovolenta P. (2014) Cdon acts as a Hedgehog decoy receptor during proximal-distal patterning of the optic vesicle. Nature Comm. 5:4272. (Selected in The Faculty of 1000).

Esteve P., Sandonìs A., Cardozo M., Malapeira J., Ibañez C., Crespo I., Marcos S., Gonzalez-Garcia S., Toribio M.L., Arribas J., Shimono A., Guerrero I. and Bovolenta P. (2011). Sfrps act as negative modulators of ADAM10 to regulate retinal neurogenesis. Nat. Neurosci. 14, 562-569 (Selected in The Faculty of 1000).

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