
Ignacio Bosque - Major Publications#

Sobre la negación. Madrid: Cátedra 1980.

"Retrospective Imperatives", Linguistic Inquiry, 11 (1980), 415-419.

“A condition on quantifiers in Logical Form”, Linguistic Inquiry 15 (1984), 164-167 (together with J. C. Moreno)

"On Verbal Quantification in Spanish" in O. Fullana and Francesc Roca (eds.), Studies on the Syntax of Central Romance Languages, Universidad de Girona 1998, pp. 9-63 (together with P. Masullo).

Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española (Espasa Calpe, 1999) (ed., together with V. Demonte).

"Adjective Position and the Interpretation of Indefinites", in J. Gutiérrez-Rexach and L. Silva (eds.), Current Issues in Spanish Syntax and Semantics, Mouton-DeGruyter, 2001, 17-38.

Redes: diccionario combinatorio del español contemporáneo. Madrid: SM 2004. Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe 2009 (Coordinator).

Fundamentos de sintaxis formal. Madrid: Akal 2009 (together with J. Gutiérrez-Rexach). “Postnominal adjectives in Spanish DPs”, Journal of Linguistics 32 (1996), 349-385 (together with C. Picallo).
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