
Walter Bodmer - Selected publications#

  • Yeung T.M, C Buskens, L M Wang, N J Mortensen and W F Bodmer (2013) Myofibroblast activation in colorectal cancer lymph node metastases.Brit.J.Can. 108, 2106-2115
  • Neil Ashley, Trevor Yeung and Walter F Bodmer (2013) Stem cell differentiation and lumen formation in colorectal, cancer cell lines and primary tumours. Cancer Research. Published Online First July 18
  • Bruce Winney, Abdelhamid Boumertit, Tammy Day, Dan Davison, Chikodi Echeta, Irina Evseeva, Katarzyna Hutnik, Stephen Leslie, Kristin Nicodemus, Ellen C Royrvik, Susan Tonks, Xiaofeng Yang, James Cheshire, Paul Longley, Pablo Mateos, Alexandra Groom, Caroline Relton, D Tim Bishop, Kathryn Black, Emma Northwood, Louise Parkinson, Timothy M Frayling, Anna Steele, Julian R Sampson, Turi King, Ron Dixon, Derek Middleton, Barbara Jennings, Rory Bowden, Peter Donnelly2and Walter Bodmer (2012) People of the British Isles: preliminary analysis of genotypes and surnames in a UK-control population. European Journal of Human Genetics 20, 203–21
  • Jérémie H Lefèvre, Carolina Bonilla, Chrystelle Colas, Bruce Winney, Elaine Johnstone, Susan Tonks, Tammy Day, Katarzyna Hutnik, Abdelhamid Boumertit, Florent Soubrier, Rachel Midgley, David Kerr, Yann Parc and Walter F Bodmer (2012). Role of rare variants in undetermined multiple adenomatous polyposis and early-onset colorectal cancer. Journal of Human Genetics 57, 709–716
  • Shazad Q. Ashraf, Angela M. Nicholls, Jennifer L. Wilding, Triantafyllia G. Ntouroupia, Neil J. Mortensen and Walter F. Bodmer (2012). Direct and immune mediated antibody targeting of ERBB receptors in a colorectal cancer cell-line panel. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109, 21046–21051
  • Carolina Bonilla1, Jérémie H Lefèvre, Bruce Winney1, Elaine Johnstone1, Susan Tonks, Chrystelle Colas, Tammy Day, Katarzyna Hutnik, Abdelhamid Boumertit, Rachel Midgley, David Kerr1, Yann Parc and Walter F Bodmer. (2011) Cyclin D1 rare variants in UK multiple adenoma and early-onset colorectal cancer patients. Journal of Human Genetics (2011) 56, 58 - 63
  • Trevor M Yeung, Shaan C Gandhi and Walter F Bodmer (2011): Hypoxia and lineage specification of cell line-derived colorectal cancer stem cells. - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 108(11):4382-7.
  • Evseeva I, Nicodemus, K.N, Bonilla, C., Tonks, S and Bodmer, W.F. (2010) Linkage disequilibrium and age of HLA region SNPs in relation to classic HLA gene alleles within Europe. European Journal of Human Genetics 18, 924-932
  • Trevor M Yeung, Shaan C Gandhi, Jennifer L Wilding, Ruth Muschel and Walter F Bodmer (2010): Cancer stem cells from colorectal cancer-derived cell lines. - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107(8):3722-7.
  • K Bracht, A M Nicholls, Y Liu and W F Bodmer (2010): 5-Fluorouracil response in a large panel of colorectal cancer cell lines is associated with mismatch repair deficiency. - Br J Cancer, 103(3):340-6.
  • Jennifer L Wilding, Simon McGowan, Ying Liu and Walter F Bodmer (2010): Replication error deficient and proficient colorectal cancer gene expression differences caused by 3'UTR polyT sequence deletions. - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107(49):21058-63.
  • Matthew D Johnston, Philip K Maini, S Jonathan Chapman, Carina M Edwards and Walter F Bodmer (2010): On the proportion of cancer stem cells in a tumour. - J Theor Biol, 266(4):708-11.
  • Carol W M Chan, Newton A Wong, Ying Liu, David Bicknell, Helen Turley, Laura Hollins, Crispin J Miller, Jennifer L Wilding and Walter F Bodmer (2009): Gastrointestinal differentiation marker Cytokeratin 20 is regulated by homeobox gene CDX1. - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(6):1936-41.
  • S Q Ashraf, P Umana, E Mossner, T Ntouroupi, P Brunker, C Schmidt, J L Wilding, N J Mortensen and W F Bodmer (2009): Humanised IgG1 antibody variants targeting membrane-bound carcinoembryonic antigen by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and phagocytosis. - Br J Cancer, 101(10):1758-68.
  • Walter Bodmer and Carolina Bonilla (2008): Common and rare variants in multifactorial susceptibility to common diseases. - Nat Genet, 40(6):695-701.
  • T G Ntouroupi, S Q Ashraf, S B McGregor, B W Turney, A Seppo, Y Kim, X Wang, M W Kilpatrick, P Tsipouras, T Tafas and W F Bodmer (2008): Detection of circulating tumour cells in peripheral blood with an automated scanning fluorescence microscope. - Br J Cancer, 99(5):789-95.
  • Muhammad Emaduddin, David C Bicknell, Walter F Bodmer and Stephan M Feller (2008): Cell growth, global phosphotyrosine elevation, and c-Met phosphorylation through Src family kinases in colorectal cancer cells. - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105(7):2358-62.
  • Pj Conaghan, Sq Ashraf, Mg Tytherleigh, Jl Wilding, E Tchilian, D Bicknell, N Jmcc Mortensen and Wf Bodmer (2008): Targeted killing of colorectal cancer cell lines by a humanised IgG1 monoclonal antibody that binds to membrane-bound carcinoembryonic antigen. - Br J Cancer, 98(7):1217-25.
  • Matthew D Johnston, Carina M Edwards, Walter F Bodmer, Philip K Maini and S Jonathan Chapman (2007): Mathematical modeling of cell population dynamics in the colonic crypt and in colorectal cancer. - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104(10):4008-13.
  • Matthew D Johnston, Carina M Edwards, Walter F Bodmer, Philip K Maini and S Jonathan Chapman (2007): Examples of mathematical modeling: tales from the crypt. - Cell Cycle, 6(17):2106-12.
  • Fredrik Dahl, Johan Stenberg, Simon Fredriksson, Katrina Welch, Michael Zhang, Mats Nilsson, David Bicknell, Walter F Bodmer, Ronald W Davis and Hanlee Ji (2007): Multigene amplification and massively parallel sequencing for cancer mutation discovery. - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104(22):9387-92.
  • Anders Bredberg and Walter Bodmer (2007): Cytostatic drug treatment causes seeding of gene promoter methylation. - Eur J Cancer, 43(5):947-54.
  • N A C S Wong, B F Warren, J Piris, N Maynard, R Marshall and W F Bodmer (2006): EpCAM and gpA33 are markers of Barrett's metaplasia. - J Clin Pathol, 59(3):260-3.
  • Ying Liu and Walter F Bodmer (2006): Analysis of P53 mutations and their expression in 56 colorectal cancer cell lines. - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 103(4):976-81.
  • Walter F Bodmer (2006): Cancer genetics: colorectal cancer as a model. - J Hum Genet, 51(5):391-6.

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