
Walter Bisang - Selected Publications#

Bisang, W. 2016. Linguistic change in grammar. In: Allan, Keith (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Linguistics, 366-384. Oxford: Routledge.

Bisang, W. 2015a. Hidden complexity—the neglected side of complexity and its consequences. Linguistics Vanguard ISSN (Online), 2199-174X, DOI: 10.1515/linvan-2014-1014, http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/lingvan.ahead-of-print/lingvan- 2014-1014/lingvan-2014-1014.xml?format=INT

Bisang, W. 2015b. Problems with primary vs. secondary grammaticalization: the case of East and mainland Southeast Asian languages. Language Sciences 47, 132-147.

Bisang, W. 2014. On the strength of morphological paradigms—a historical account of radical pro-drop. In: Robbeets, M. and Bisang, W. (eds.), Paradigm Change in Historical Reconstruction: The Transeurasian Languages and Beyond, 23-60. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins.

Bisang, W. 2013. Word-class systems between flexibility and rigidity—an integrative approach. In: Rijkhoff, Jan and Eva van Lier (eds.), Flexible word-classes: A Typological Study of Underspecified Parts of Speech, 275-303. Oxford University Press.

Li, Xuping and Bisang, Walter. 2012. Classifiers in Sinitic languages: From individuation to definiteness-marking.” Lingua 122, 335-355.Bisang, W. 2011. Word Classes. in: Song, Jae Jong (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Linguistic Typology, 280-302. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bisang, W. 2009a. On the evolution of complexity — sometimes less is more in East and mainland Southeast Asia. In: Sampson, Geoffrey, David Gil and Peter Trudgill (eds.), Language complexity as an evolving variable, 34 – 49. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bisang, W. 2009b. Serial Verb Constructions. Language and Linguistics Compass 3, 792-814. Doi: 10.1111/j.1749-818X.2009.00128.x.

Bisang, W. 1996. Areal typology and grammaticalization: Processes of grammaticalization based on nouns and verbs in East and mainland South East Asian languages. Studies in Language, 20.3, 519-597.

Bisang, W. 1992. Das Verb im Chinesischen, Hmong, Vietnamesischen, Thai und Khmer. Vergleichende Grammatik im Rahmen der Verbserialisierung, der Grammatikalisierung und der Attraktorpositionen. [Language Universals Series, 7]]. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
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