
Brita Bergman - Selected Publications#

1. Bergman, Brita & Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth. 2010. Transmission of sign languages in the Nordic countries. In Brentari, Diane (ed.) Sign Languages. Cambridge University Press 74-94.

2. Crasborn, O., Mesch, J., Waters, D., Nonhebel, A., van der Kooij, E., Woll, B. & Bergman, B. 2007. Sharing sign language data online. Experiences from the ECHO project. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 12.537-564. (GS: 24 citations)

3. Bergman, Brita & Wallin, Lars. 2001. The Discourse Function of Classifiers in Swedish Sign Language. In Dively, V., Metzger, M., Taub, S., & Baer, A.M. (eds.). Signed Languages. Discoveries from International Research. Washington , D.C.. Gallaudet University Press, 45-60. (GS: 14 citations)

4. Bergman, B. & Wallin, L. 2001. A Preliminary Analysis of Visual Mouth Segments in Swedish Sign Language. In Boyes Braem, P. & Sutton-Spence, R. (eds.). The Hands are the Head of the Mouth. The Mouth as Articulator in Sign Languages. Hamburg. Signum Verlag, 57-72. (GS: 13 citations)

5. Bergman, Brita. 1995. Manual and nonmanual Expression of Negation in Swedish Sign Language. In Bos, H. & Schermer, T (eds.). Sign Language Research 1994. International studies on Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf, Vol. 29. Hamburg. Signum Verlag, 85-103. (GS: 14 citations)

6. Bergman, Brita & Dahl, Östen. 1994. Ideophones in Sign Language? The place of Reduplication in the Tense-Aspect system of Swedish Sign Language. In C. Bache, H. Basboll & C.E. Lindberg (eds.). Tense, Aspect and Action. Empirical and Theoretical Contributions to Language Typology. Mouton de Gruyter, 397-422 . (GS: 19 citations)

7. Bergman, Brita & Ahlgren, Inger. 1994. Reference in Narratives. In Ahlgren I, Bergman, B & Brennan M (eds.). Perspectives on sign language structure. Papers from the Fifth International Symposium on Sign Language Research. Durham. ISLA, 29-36. (GS: 16 citations)

8. Bergman, Brita & Ahlgren, Inger. 1990. Preliminaries on Narrative Discourse in Swedish Sign Language structure. In Vollhaber, T. (ed.). Current Trends in European Sign Language Research. Proceedings of the Third European Congress on Sign Language Research. Hamburg. Signum Verlag, 261-267. (GS: 13 citations)

9. Bergman, Brita. 1984. Non-manual components of signed language. Some sentence types in Swedish Sign Language. In Loncke, F., Boyes-Braem, P. & Y. Lebrun (eds.). Recent Research on European Sign Languages Lisse. Swets & Zeitlinger B.V., 49-59. (GS: 24 citations)

10. Bergman, Brita. 1983. Verbs and Adjectives. Some Morphological Processes in Swedish Sign Language. In Kyle J & B Woll (eds.). Language in Sign. An International Perspective on Sign Langage. London. Croom Helm, 3-9. (GS: 21 citations)

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