
Laure Bally-Cuif - Selected Publications#

Overall metrics: h-index : 46 ; 5,481 citations (without auto-citations); > 100 publications
78 research articles including 9 as 1st author et 39 as corresponding author
21 reviews, 9 book chapters, 2 commentaries, 1 university book

1. Than-Trong E., S. Ortica-Gatti, S. Mella, C. Nepal, A. Alunni and L. Bally-Cuif. Neural stem cell quiescence and stemness are molecularly distinct outputs of the Notch3 signaling cascade in the vertebrate adult brain. Development, 145, doi: 10.1242/dev.161034 (2018).

2. Lange M, Froc C, Grunwald H, Norton WHJ, Bally-Cuif L. Pharmacological analysis of zebrafish lphn3.1 morphant larvae suggests that saturated dopaminergic signaling could underlie the ADHD-like locomotor hyperactivity. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2018 Jun 8;84(Pt A):181-189

3. Furlan G, Cuccioli V, Vuillemin N, Dirian L, Muntasell AJ, Coolen M, Dray N, Bedu S, Houart C, Beaurepaire E, Foucher I, Bally-Cuif L. Life-Long Neurogenic Activity of Individual Neural Stem Cells and Continuous Growth Establish an Outside-In Architecture in the Teleost Pallium. Curr Biol. 2017 Nov 6;27(21):3288-3301.e3.

3. Galant S, Furlan G, Coolen M, Dirian L, Foucher I, Bally-Cuif L. Embryonic origin and lineage hierarchies of the neural progenitor subtypes building the zebrafish adult midbrain. Dev Biol. 2016 Dec 1;420(1):120-135.

4. Katz S., D. Cussigh, N. Urban, F. Guillemot, L. Bally-Cuif* and M. Coolen*. A non-canonical nuclear role for microRNA-9 and Argonaute proteins in balancing the quiescent and activated adult neural stem cell state. Cell Reports 17: 1383-1398 (2016). * co-senior authorship.

5. Dray N, Bedu S, Vuillemin N, Alunni A, Coolen M, Krecsmarik M, Supatto W, Beaurepaire E, Bally-Cuif L. Large-scale live imaging of adult neural stem cells in their endogenous niche. Development. 2015 Oct 15;142(20):3592-600

6. L. Dirian, S. Galant, M. Coolen, J. Livet, W. Chen, S. Bedu, C. Houart, L. Bally-Cuif* and I. Foucher*. Spatial regionalization and heterochrony in the formation of adult pallial neural stem cells. Dev. Cell 30:123-136 (2014). * co-senior authorship.

7. Alunni A, Krecsmarik M, Bosco A, Galant S, Pan L, Moens CB, Bally-Cuif L. Notch3 signaling gates cell cycle entry and limits neural stem cell amplification in the adult pallium. Development. 2013 Aug;140(16):3335-47.

8. Coolen M, Thieffry D, Drivenes Ø, Becker TS, Bally-Cuif L. miR-9 controls the timing of neurogenesis through the direct inhibition of antagonistic factors. Dev Cell. 2012 May 15;22(5):1052-64.

9. Lange M, Norton W, Coolen M, Chaminade M, Merker S, Proft F, Schmitt A, Vernier P, Lesch KP, Bally-Cuif L. The ADHD-susceptibility gene lphn3.1 modulates dopaminergic neuron formation and locomotor activity during zebrafish development. Mol Psychiatry. 2012 Sep;17(9):946-54.

10. Norton WH, Stumpenhorst K, Faus-Kessler T, Folchert A, Rohner N, Harris MP, Callebert J, Bally-Cuif L. Modulation of Fgfr1a signaling in zebrafish reveals a genetic basis for the aggression-boldness syndrome. J Neurosci. 2011 Sep 28;31(39):13796-807.

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