Barbara Baert - Biography#
Barbara Baert (

Barbara Baert was between April-September 2015 a senior fellow at

In 2006 Barbara Baert founded the Iconology Research Group, an international and interdisciplinary platform for the study of the interpretation of images (

She collaborates with the following members of the board: Claudia Benthien (Hamburg), Ralph Dekoninck (Louvain-la-Neuve), James Elkins (Chicago), Jeffrey Hamburger (Cambridge, MA), Bianca Kuehnel (Jerusalem), Ann-Sophie Lehmann (Utrecht), John Lowden (London), Anneke Smelik (Nijmegen), Victor Stoichita (Fribourg), Jeroen Stumpel (Utrecht), Paul Vandenbroeck (Leuven), Jan Van der Stock (Leuven), Gerhard Wolf (Florence).
Barbara Baert directs(ed) several international research programs with many PhD students, such as: “Mary Magdalene and the Touching of Jesus. An Intra- en Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Interpretation of John 20:17” sponsored by the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO 2004-2008). “The Woman with the Hemorrhage Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:24-34; Luke 8:42b-48). An Iconological Study of the Interpretation of the Haemorrhoissa in Medieval Art”, funded by the Catholic University Leuven (2008-2012), and “Caput Iohannis in Disco. Object-Medium-function” sponsored by the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO) and also “funded by the Catholic University Leuven (2012-2016).
Her articles appeared in a variety of scientific A1/ISI/peer review journals, including: Archaevs. Study in the History of Religions, Arte cristiana, Artibus et Historiae, Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, Critica d’arte, Das Münster, Gesta, Iconographica. Rivista di Iconografia Medievale e Moderna, Ikon, Images. Journal for Visual Studies, Konsthistorisk Tidskrift, Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte, Pantheon, Storia dell'Arte, Textile. Journal of Cloth and Culture, Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte.
She founded as editor-in-chief two series: Studies in Iconology (