
Doron Aurbach - Biography#

Doron Aurbach is a full Professor in the Department of Chemistry, a member of Bar Ilan University Senate, the Director of the Clean-Tech Center at the Bar-Ilan University Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA) and the leader of the Israel National Research Center for Electrochemical Propulsion (INREP), which includes 16 research groups from 4 leading academic institutions. He heads the Electrochemistry Research Group at Bar Ilan. It numbers >40 people and is certainly the biggest research group at BIU and perhaps the largest in Israel. He also serves as the chairman of Israel National Labs Accreditation Authority (from 2010) and is a past Chairperson of the Chemistry Department (2001-2005).

Doron has mentored 40 PhD students and 70 MSc students and has supervised 20 post doctoral fellows. Many of the graduates of his lab have gone on to successful careers in Israeli academia. He has published more than 480 research papers in leading electrochemistry, materials science and physical chemistry journals. These papers have been cited more than 20500 times and he has an h-index = 75 in April 2015. He is a fellow of the ECS, MRS and ISE and was serving the electrochemistry and power sources R&D community as an associate editor in three journals: JES, EEL and JSEL. Starting 2015, he became the senior editor for the Electrochemical Society journals JES and EEL in the areas of batteries and energy storage. He is also a member of the advisory board of the prestigious journal “ Nature Communication” . He has won several prestigious prizes, including the prestigious Ernest B. Yeager award of the International Battery Association (IBA) for Carrier-Long achievements in power sources research (2014), the Kolthoff prize of the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, for excellence in chemical research (2013), the Research Award of Battery Division of the Electrochemical Society (2013), the Israel Chemical Society Prize of Excellence (2012), Landau Prize for Green Chemistry (2011), the Edwards Company Prize of the Israel Vacuum Society for Research Excellence (2007) and the Technology Award of the Battery Division of the Electrochemical Society (2005).

The scope of his research is impressive, including all aspects of non-aqueous electrochemistry, many kinds of batteries: Li, Li ion, Na ion, Mg, metal (Li,Al) air, Li sulfur and lead acid systems, super and pseudo capacitors, electronically conducting polymers and water desalination by electrochemical means. The research coming out of his group is of extremely high quality and includes practical chemical engineering applications alongside intensive mechanistic studies. It makes use of a wide range of electrochemical, microscopic, spectroscopic and structural techniques in order to reach a thorough understanding of the correlation among surface chemistry, morphology, structure and function of complicated electrochemical systems related to power sources.
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