Gilberto Artioli - Curriculum Vitae#

Extensive research experience on the use of advanced radiation sources in the structural characterization of materials (synchrotron radiation, steady state and pulsed neutrons).
Research activity (over 250 publications):
- Powder and single crystal diffraction for the long-range structural characterization of silicate minerals, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Moessbauer spectroscopy, and resonant scattering applied to the short-range crystallochemical and structural characterization of silicates, structural and kinetic in situ investigation of phase transformations and chemical reactions at high temperature, time-resolved diffraction techniques.
- Application of innovative techniques to archaeometry.
- Present focus is on the understanding of the mechanical and rheological properties of industrial materials, mainly cements and binders, starting from the microscopic and textural properties of their components.
- 1992 Founding member of the Società Italiana di Luce di Sincrotrone
- 1995-1999, Associate Editor of the journal The American Mineralogist
- 1995-1996, Member of the European Science Foudation Working Group for the preparation of the scientific case for the European Spallation Source
- 1997 Chairman and main organizer of the 5th European Powder Diffraction Conference
- 1997-2002 Invited member of the International Centre for Diffraction Data
- 1998-2003 Member of the Chemistry panel for the evaluation of the beamtime proposals at ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), Grenoble
- 2000-2004 Vice-chairman of the European Powder Diffraction Conferences Committee
- 2006 Scientific responsible of the Galileo Project “The beginning of metallurgy in the Alpine Area" in collaboration with the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France, Louvre
- 2006-2009 Scientific responsible of the FP6-Mobility project “Prehistoric pyrotechnology: insights on hominid behaviour from high resolution study of combustion features” Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship in collaboration with the University of Boston
- 2006-2010 Director of the Doctorate School of Earth Sciences, Università di Padova
- 2009-2013 Associate Editor of the Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
- 2009-2013 Managing Editor of the journal Archaeometry
- 2010-2012 Member of the Dana Prize Committee, Mineralogical Society of America (MSA)
- 2010-2013 Director of the CIRCe Center for the investigation of cement materials, Università di Padova