
Irina Artemieva - Curriculum vitae#

1. Honors, employment, and training #

Present position:
Research Associate Professor
Department of Geography and Geology
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone: +45-3532 2473 (direct)

Honors and Professional recognitions:
  • Academia Europaea (elected Member, 2007)
  • Royal Astronomical Society London (elected Fellow, 2000)

  • 2007 Habilitation (dr. scient.), University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 1987 PhD in Geophysics (defended Dec. 1986); Inst. Physics of the Earth, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR
  • 1984 BS & MS in Physics, Physics Department, M.V. Lomonosovl, Moscow State University, Moscow, USSR

  • Since 2005 Associate Research Professor, Geological Inst., Univ. of Copenhagen
  • 2003-2004 Senior Visiting Researcher (full-time), U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, USA;
  • 2002 Visiting Researcher (full-time), EOST, l'Universite Strasbourg, France;
  • 1999-2001 Associate Research Professor (Forskare), Uppsala University, Sweden;
  • 1997-1999 Head of Research group, Leading Research Scientist, Inst. of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow;
  • 1987-1997 Junior, then Senior Research Scientist (Assistant Prof., Associate Prof.), Inst. of Physics of the Earth, Russ. Acad. Sci., Moscow, Russia
Professional long-term visits and awards:
  • 1995-2002 Visiting scientist, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, USA (ca. 4 months each year; the total exceeds 3 years)
  • 1998 Visiting scientist, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris
  • 1998 Visiting scientist, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
  • 1993 Visiting scientist, Technical University, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
  • 1993&1994 Soros International Science Foundation (Awards for Best Basic Research in Russia)
  • 1990 USSR Academy of Sciences (IPE Award for the Best Research Work of Young Scientists)

Professional memberships: AGU, GSA, EGU, EGS, RAS

2. Administrative experience #

Professional distinctions and international peer activities:

  • Since 2008 National Science Foundation, USA, external evaluator in Geophysics
  • Since 2006 Swedish National Research Council (VR), Panel member in Geology and Geophysics
  • 2005 & 2006 INTAS International Program Research Grant Assessment, evaluator in Geophysics
  • 2002 & 2003 Irish National Basic Research Grant Assessment, Earth Science Panel member
  • 1999-2001 ILP European Science Foundation program EUROPROBE (with ca. 1500 active participants), Science Coordinator

Editorial activities:
  • Since 2006 Editorial Board, Tectonophysics
  • Since 1999 Editorial Board, Journal of Geodynamics
  • 2008-2009 Guest senior editor, Special Issue of Tectonophysics (2009)
  • 2001-2002 Guest senior editor, Special Issue of Tectonophysics (2002)
  • Since 1999 Reviewer for more than 10 leading international peer-reviewed journals, including: Nature Geosciences, J. Geophys. Res. (Solid Earth), Geophys. Res. Lett., Tectonophysics, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Lithos, Geol. Soc. London, Geophys. J. Intern., J. Geodynam., Precambr. Res., Pure and Appl. Geophys., etc.

Professional activities (organizational):
  • Since 1994 Organizer, Convener and co-convener of ca. 15 symposia at the leading international conferences, including: European Geophysical Society. (1994, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002), International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (2001), Geological Society of America (2001), European Union of Geosciences (2003), European Geoscience Union (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009), American Geophysical Union (2007); International Geological Congress (2008)
  • 1999-2001 Organizer and Science program coordinator of nine ESF-ILP EUROPROBE research workshops, each with 80-250 participants
  • 1999-2001 Organizer and scientific secretary of five ESF-ILP EUROPROBE scientific steering meetings and five management meetings
  • 2000 Organizer and Science program coordinator of ESF-ILP Intern. Symposium "Future of EUROPROBE", Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 2006-2008 Science program coordinator in Solid Earth Geophysics, 33 Intern. Geological Congress, Oslo

3. Teaching and supervision experience #

Assessment committees:

  • 2009 Selection/assessment committee, Senior Research Position in Geophysics, Swedish National Research Council (VR)
  • 2008 Chairperson, assessment of PhD defense (C.Nielsen, KU)
  • 2008 Post Doc annual assessment (W. Stratford, KU);
  • Since 2007 Assessments of several candidates for 5 different PhD positions in geophysics (DGG, KU);
  • 1999-2005 Summer interns, U.S. Geological Survey, USA
  • 1994-1999Candidates for PhD positions in geophysics, IPE, Moscow, Russia


Theses and research:
  • 2002-2004 Co-supervision (with W.D. Mooney) of MS thesis students at USGS, Menlo Park, CA, USA;
  • 1999-2005 Co-supervision of summer interns and student volunteers at USGS, Menlo Park, CA, USA ;
  • Since 2009 Supervision of PhD student (Yulia Cherepanova) at the DGG, KU
  • Since 2007 Co-supervision (with H. Thybo, KU) of two PhD students (Yury Elesin, Ingrid Anell) at the DGG, KU.
  • Since 2006 Co-organizer of weekly Geophysics seminars at DGG, KU.

Field work:
  • 2008 Co-supervision of undergraduate DGG students at field training in Skane, Sweden
  • 2007 Co-supervision of undergraduate and graduate students at seismic field work in Norway (joint Danish-Norwegian project MAGNUS)
  • 2007 Co-supervision of undergraduate and PhD students at seismic field work in Crimea, Ukraine (joint Ukrainian-Danish-Polish-German-Dutch project DOBRE)
  • 2002 Co-supervision of student volunteers at USGS, Menlo Park/Parkfield, CA, USA

Invited lectures in the leading universities, research centers, and at international symposia:
  • 2009 Intern. Lithosphere Program and Academia Europaea symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, invited lecture
  • 2009 ESF Exploratory Workshop "Defining the LAB", Dublin, Ireland, key-note lecture
  • 2009 European Geosciences Union, Vienna, invited lecture
  • 2009 DGG, German Ass. for Geosciences, Annual Meeting, Kiel, Germany, invited lecture
  • 2008 International Geological Congress, invited lecture
  • 2007 European Geosciences Union, Union Session, invited lecture
  • 2007 ESF EuroCores TOPO-Europe Workshop, Rome, Italy, invited key-note lecture
  • 2007 Intern. Lithosphere Program, TaskForce symposium, Ensenada, Mexico, invited lecture
  • 2006 European Geosciences Union, Union Session, invited lecture
  • 2006 ESF-ILP Int. Symposium on Mantle Plumes, Strasbourg, France, invited lecture
  • 2005 TOPO-Europe and EuroArray initiativese, Budapest, invited lecture
  • 2005 Academia Europaea /TOPO-Europe Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, invited lecture
  • 2004 Danish Academy of Science and Letters, Copenhagen, invited lecture
  • 2002 ESF EUROPROBE Summary Symposium, Stockholm, invited lecture
  • 2000 Royal Astron. Society, Annual Meeting, London, U.K, invited lecture
  • 1998 Int. Symposium "Mantle xenoliths, kimberlites, and carbonatites", Montreal, Canada
  • 1997 Nordic Symp."Petrophysics and Reservoir Modeling", Göteborg, Sweden, key-note lecture

Courses/short courses/lectures read at the leading universities and research centers:
  • 2009 Uni. of Leeds, U.K., November.
  • 2007 GFZ-Potsdam, Germany
  • 2006 Kiel University, Germany
  • 2005 University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • 2004 McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  • 2004 University of Lund, Sweden
  • 2004 University of Uppsala, Sweden
  • 2003 Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
  • 2002 ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
  • 2002 Workshop ILP-URGENT, Germany, invited key-note course at the graduate-specialist level on "Mapping the lithospheric thickness"
  • 2000 US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, USA
  • 1999 Copenhagen University, Denmark
  • 1998 Mainz University, Germany
  • 1994-1999 Inst. Physics of the Earth-Moscow State University graduate level courses in geodynamics/geophysics
  • 1989-1994 Diverse contributions to the geophysics, programming, computer, and linguistic courses at different institutions in Moscow, Russia; level ranging from high-school to professional.

4. External funding: #

  • 2007 PI, personal 3-year research grant from Carlsbergfondet, Denmark (1.7 mln. kr.);
  • 2005 PI, personal 2-year research grant from Carlsbergfondet, Denmark (1.1 mln. kr.);
  • Since 1997 PI, several personal large-scale research grants from the world-leading companies in the diamond-exploration industry (Anglo-American Company, South Africa and De Beers Consolidated Mines).
  • 1998 PI, personal 1-year research grant from De Beers Consolidated Mines, South Africa (full-time salary);
  • 1997 PI, personal 1-year research grant from Anglo-American Company, South Africa (full-time salary);
  • 1996-2005 Participant in several research grants from NSF, Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Energy (all - USA), a member of a small research team
  • 1992-1996 Co-applicant, several research grants from Shell and Schlumberger (theory and software development for oil exploration industry), a member of 8-people research team.
  • 2007 PI, personal 3-year research grant from Carlsbergfondet, Denmark (1.7 mln. kr.);
  • 2005 PI, personal 2-year research grant from Carlsbergfondet, Denmark (1.1 mln. kr.);
  • Since 1997 PI, several personal large-scale research grants from the world-leading companies in the diamond-exploration industry (Anglo-American Company, South Africa and De Beers Consolidated Mines).
  • 1998 PI, personal 1-year research grant from De Beers Consolidated Mines, South Africa (full-time salary);
  • 1997 PI, personal 1-year research grant from Anglo-American Company, South Africa (full-time salary);
  • 1996-2005 Participant in several research grants from NSF, Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Energy (all - USA), a member of a small research team
  • 1992-1996 Co-applicant, several research grants from Shell and Schlumberger (theory and software development for oil exploration industry), a member of 8-people research team.

5. International cooperation#

Involvement (to various degrees) in large-scale international programs:
International Lithosphere program (ILP),
Topo-Europe (ESF-EuroCores) (including the initiative stages of the project),
close professional contacts with:
SCEC (South California Earthquake Center),
EarthScope (USA),
past Lithoprobe (Canada),
past Europrobe (ESF-ILP).

6. Publications#

A complete list and pdf files can be downloaded from: http://www.lithosphere.info/publications.html A single-authored monograph "The lithosphere" (Cambridge University Press, 450 pp.) is almost completed.

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