
Nicholas Arndt - Selected recent publications#

  1. Kieffer, B., Arndt, N.T. & ten others. 2004. The Transition from Plateau to Shield Volcanism in Ethiopia: a petrological and geochemical study. J Petrol. 45, 793-834.
  2. Bruneton, M., Pedersen, H.A., Vacher, P., Kukkonen, I.T., Arndt, N.T., Funke, S., Friederich, W. Farra, V. (2004) Layered lithospheric mantle in the central Baltic Shield from surface waves and xenolith analysis. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 226:41-52.
  3. Russell, M.J. and Arndt, N.T. 2005. Geodynamic and metabolic cycles in the Hadean Biogeosciences, 2, 1-15
  4. Arndt, N.T., C.M. Lesher, G.K. Czamanske. 2005. Mantle-derived magmas and magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits. Econ. Geol., 100th Anniversary volume, 5-24.
  5. Faure, F., Arndt, N.T. Libourel, G. 2006. Formation of spinifex texture in komatiite: An experimental study. J. Petrol 47, 1591-1610.
  6. Herzberg, C., Asimow, P.D. Arndt, N.T., Nui, Y., Lesher, C.M., Fitton, J.G., Cheadle, M.J., Saunders, A.D.Temperatures in ambient mantle and plumes: constraints from basalts, picrites and komatiites. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 8, Q02006, doi:10.1029/2006GC001390
  7. Lehmann, J., Arndt, N.T., Windley, B., Zhou, M.F., Wang, C., Harris, C. Geology, Geochemistry and Origin of the Jinchuan Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposit. Economic Geology 2007 102: 75-94
  8. Sobolev A.V., Hofmann A.W., Kuzmin D.V., Yaxley G.M., Anderson A.T., Arndt N.T. and 14 others. Estimating the amount of recycled crust in sources of mantle-derived melts. Science 316. 412 - 417.
  9. Chauvel, C. Lewin, E., Carpentier, M, Arndt, N.T., Marini, J.-C. (2008) Role of recycled oceanic basalt and sediment in generating the Hf–Nd mantle array. Nature Geosciences, 1, 64-67.
  10. Arndt, N.T., Barnes, S.J., Lesher, M.J. (2008). Komatiite. Cambridge University Press, 487pp.
  11. Sobolev A.V., Hofmann A.W., Kuzmin D.V., Yaxley G.M., Anderson A.T., Arndt N.T., et 14 autres. (2007) Estimating the amount of recycled crust in sources of mantle-derived melts. Science 316. 412 - 417.
  12. Ganino, C., Arndt, N.T., Zhou, M.F., Gaillard, F. and Chauvel, C. (2008) Interaction of the magma with the sedimentary wall rock and magnetite ore genesis in the Panzhihua mafic layered intrusion, SW-China. Mineralium Deposita 43, 677-694, doi: 10.1007/s00126-008-0191-5.
  13. Pitcairn, I. K., Arndt, N.T. and Da Silva, G. (2008) Shock brecciation around the Kidd Creek Deposit, Abitibi Belt, Canada. Can J Earth Sci., 45, 871-878.
  14. Arndt, N.T., Coltice, Helmstaedt, H. and Gregoire, M. (2009) Origin of Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle: Some Petrological Constraints. In: Structure of the Lithospheric Mantle: the petro-geophysical approach, Pedersen, H., Arndt, N.T., Snyder, D.B. and Francis, D. (eds) Lithos 109, 61–71.
  15. Ayalew, D., Arndt, N.T., Bastien, F., Yirgu, G., Kieffer, B. (2009), A new mantle xenolith locality from Simien shield volcano, NW Ethiopia. Geological Magazine, 146, 144–149.
  16. Bouquain, S., Arndt N.T., Hillebrand E., Faure, F. (2009) Crystallochemistry and origin of pyroxenes in komatiites and lunar basalts. Contributions Mineralogy Petrology, doi: 10.1007/s00410-009-0399-0
  17. Ganino, C. and Arndt, N.T. (2009). Climate changes caused by degassing of sediments during the emplacement of large igneous provinces. Geology 37, 323-326.
  18. Konhauser K.O., Pecoits E., Lalonde S.V., Papineau D., Nisbet E.G., Barley, M.E., Arndt, N.T., Zahnle K., Kamber B.S. (2009) Nickel depletion in iron formations, a methanogen famine, and the great oxidation event, Nature 458 doi:10.1038
  19. Pedersen, H., Arndt, N.T., Snyder, D.B. and Francis, D. (2009) Introduction: Structure of the Lithospheric Mantle: the petro-geophysical approach, Lithos 109 (2009) vii–viii.
  20. Arndt, N.T. (2009) Trickle-down geodynamics. Nature, News and Views, 460, 583-584.
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