
Sorin Antohi - Biography#

Sorin Antohi (born in 1957) is a historian of ideas, essayist, translator, and consultant based in Bucharest, where he has established in 2007 the Orbis Tertius / A Treia Lume Association, specialized in conferences and publications. He has studied English, French (University of Iași, Romania), and History (EHESS, Paris). A former professor of history, he has taught mainly at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), the University of Bucharest, and the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest (where he has also served as Academic Pro-Rector and has founded Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies). He has conducted research at universities, institutes of advanced study and other institutions in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Bielefeld, Braunschweig, Stanford, Vienna, Essen, Berlin, Leipzig, etc. He has lectured, participated in, (co)organized conferences, (co)directed academic projects in more than thirty countries. Among others, he has served as a member of the Board of the International Committee of Historical Sciences, and a Secretary General of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography, as well as on various editorial and foundation boards. He is a member of the Committee, Utopian Studies Society/Europe.

He has published widely on intellectual history, history of ideas, historical theory and history of historiography, as well as on Romania in European contexts. His main publcations include 13 books such as Utopica. Studii asupra imaginarului social (Bucharest, 1991, revised and enlarged in 2005—in Romanian) and Imaginaire culturel et réalité historique dans la Roumanie moderne. Le stigmate et l’utopie (Paris, 1999), as well as 8 (co)edited volumes such as Between Past and Future. The Revolutions of 1989 and Their Aftermath (Budapest and New York, 2000) and Narratives Unbound. Historical Studies in Post-Communist Eastern Europe (Budapest and New York, 2007). He has translated from English and French into Romanian 7 more books (with Mona Antohi).

More at www.sorinantohi.org.

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