
Eirik Schrøder Amundsen - Selected Publications#

Amundsen, E.S. and G. Nese (2017), "Market Power in Interactive Environmental and Energy Markets: the Case of Green Certificates", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 173, No 2, 301-321.

Amundsen et al. (2014), "Regulating Groundwater Use in Developing Countries: A Feasible Instrument for Public Intervention" Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 170, No. 2 (June, 2014) 317-335.

Amundsen, E.S. and Bergman (2012), ”Green Certificates and Market Power in the Nordic Power Market”, The Energy Journal, 3 (2), 101- 117.

Amundsen, E.S. , P. Andersen, F. Jensen (2011), ”Testing for cross-subsidisation in the combined heat and power generation sector: A comparison of three tests”, Energy Economics, 33, 750-757.

Amundsen, E.S. and G.Nese (2009), ”Integration of tradable green certificate markets: What can be expected?” Journal of Policy Modeling, 31 (2009) 903-922

Amundsen, E.S. F. M. Baldursson and J.B. Mortensen (2006), ”Price volatility and Banking in Green Certificate Markets”, Environmental and Resource Economics 35:259-287

Von der Fehr, N.H.M, E.S. Amundsen and L. Bergman (2005) ”The Nordic Market: Signs of Stress?”, The Energy Journal, 71-98.

Amundsen, E.S. and J. Birk Mortensen, (2001) “The Danish Green Certificate System: Some simple analytical results”, Energy Economics, 23, 489-509.

Amundsen, E.S. and R. Schöb (1999) «Environmental Taxes on Exhaustible Resources», European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 15, 311 – 329

Amundsen, E.S. and T. Bjørndal (1999) «Optimal Exploitation of a Biomass Confronted with the Threat of Collapse», Land Economics, Vol. 75 (2), 185 –202.

Amundsen, E. (1992) «Théorie des ressources épuisables et rente petrolière», Economica, Paris (Dissertation)

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