
Cláudia Álvares - Biography#

Principal researcher, in recent years, of four research projects (three funded by FCT and one ongoing, funded by the European Commission’s Civil Society empowerment Programme) and researcher of three international consortium projects, Cláudia Álvares is currently part of the European Science Foundation College of experts.

She has been an evaluator since 2014 for the European Research Council, Cost Actions, British Academy, FCT and A3ES.

She was elected president of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) for the term 2012-2016, having been the editor of the Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education and the senior editor of the open access magazine ‘Cogent Social Sciences' of the Taylor & Francis Group (Routledge).

Her most recent peer-review articles have been published in the journals Feminist Media Studies, Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, European Journal of Communication, International Commmunication Gazette, Javnost - The Public and The International Journal of Iberian Studies.

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