
Shanley Allen - Selected Publications#

Allen, S.E.M. & Behrens, H. (2019). Insights into understanding human language from children’s acquisition of morphology and syntax: A historical and current perspective on central questions in the field. In P. Hagoort (Ed.), Human language: From genes and brains to behavior (pp. 127-145). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Allen, S.E.M. (2017). Polysynthesis in the acquisition of Inuit languages. In Fortescue, M., Mithun, M. & Evans, N. (Eds.), Handbook of polysynthesis (pp. 449-472). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Allen, S.E.M. & Dench, C. (2015). Calculating mean length of utterance for Eastern Canadian Inuktitut. First Language, 35, 377-406.

Allen, S.E.M., Hughes, M.E. & Skarabela, B. (2015). The role of cognitive accessibility in children’s referential choice. In L. Serratrice & S.E.M. Allen (Eds.), The acquisition of reference (pp. 123-153). Amsterdam: Benjamins

Hughes, M. & Allen, S.E.M. (2013). The effect of individual discourse-pragmatic features on referential choice in child English. Journal of Pragmatics, 56, 15-31.

Allen, S.E.M., Skarabela, B. & Hughes, M. (2008). Using corpora to examine discourse effects in syntax. In H. Behrens (Ed.), Corpora in language acquisition research: Finding structure in data (pp. 99-137). Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Allen, S.E.M., Özyürek, A., Kita, S., Brown, A., Furman, R., Ishizuka, T. & Fujii, M. (2007). How language-specific is early syntactic packaging of Manner and Path? A comparison of English, Turkish, and Japanese. Cognition 102(1), 16-48.

Allen, S.E.M. (2007). The future of Inuktitut in the face of majority languages: Bilingualism or language shift? Applied Psycholinguistics, 28(3), 515-536.

Allen, S.E.M. (2000). A discourse-pragmatic explanation for argument representation in child Inuktitut. Linguistics, 38(3), 483-521.

Allen, S.E.M. & Crago, M.B. (1996). Early passive acquisition in Inuktitut. Journal of Child Language, 23(1), 129-155.

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