
Lucian Liviu Albu - Selected Publications#

1) "Non-Linear Modeling of the Impact of the Crisis on the Interactions among Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Variables in CEE Countries" (editor), Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives Series, Publisher:
Hauppauge, New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2016 (at present in 2 libraries listed at WorldCat)

2) "Nonlinearities and divergences in the process of European financial integration" (co-author), Economic Modelling, vol. 46(C), pages 416-425, 2015 (ISI journal, IF: 0.887, SJR: 0.612, H: 30)

3) "Estimating the Impact of Quantitative Easing On Credit Risk through an ARMA-GARCH Model" (first author), Journal for Economic Forecasting, 3, pages 39-50, 2014 (ISI journal, IF: 0.387, SJR: 0.273, H: 8)

4) "A Nonlinear Model to Estimate the Long Term Correlation between Market Capitalization and GDP per capita in Eastern EU Countries" (first author), Journal of Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 3, pages 5-22, 2014 (ISI journal, IF: 0.406, SJR: 0.311, H: 9)

5) "Foreign Trade and FDI as Main Factors of Growth in the EU", Journal for Economic Forecasting, 2, pages 7-17, 2013 (ISI journal, IF: 0.387, SJR: 0.273, H: 8)

6) "Non-linear Modelling in Economics – Beyond Standard Economics" (editor), Addleton Academic Publishers, New York, 2012 (in 107 libraries listed at WorldCat)

7) "The Convergence Process in the EU Estimated by Gini Coefficients", Journal for Economic Forecasting, 4, pages 5-16, 2012 (ISI journal, IF: 0.387, SJR: 0.273, H: 8)

8) "Spatial Distribution of the Informal Economy. A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation (first author), SCIENZE REGIONALI, 1, pages 63-80, 2011 (IDEAS/RePEc, IF: 0.442, and SCOPUS journal, SJR: 0.229, H: 4)

9) "Spatial Distribution of Key Macroeconomic Growth Indicators in the EU-27: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation" (first author), in: The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement – A New Regional Geography of Europe?, Physica-Verlag, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, London, New York, 2010 (in 312 libraries listed at WorldCat)

10) "Impact of Investments on an Emerging Economy: Models and Forecasts. The Case of Romania" (co-author), Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives Series, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2010 (in 821 libraries listed at WorldCat)

Scientific metrics:

  • ISI Thomson (Web of Sciences) and Scopus: H=5, more than 50 citations to 30 articles);
  • IDEAS/RePEc: H=5, 103 citations;
  • Google Academic and Google Scholar: h-index=14, i10-index=27, 692 citations (384 since 2011)
  • WorldCat: 60 registered book can be found in 1707 libraries

International visibility:
  • 10935 file downloads and 40743 abstract views for studies published at IDEAS-RePEc (May 2016)
  • Top 5% in the world for all years according to 11 criteria (used in IDEAS-RePEc classification)
  • Top 8% in the world as aggregated score for all years (alone author from Romania), among a total of 47313 registered authors
  • Top 5% in the world as aggregated score for last 10 years
  • First position in Romania, among a total of 1014 registered authors
  • Rank 1202 in European Union (top 6%) and rank 1316 (top 6%) in Europe
  • Citations in numerous studies (including in those published by international organizations (IMF, OECD, EU, WB, etc.)
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