
Dag Lorents Aksnes - Selected Publications#

H-factor: 36, citations: 5200 (google scholar)

Ten important international peer-review publications (where DL Aksnes has been lead/correspondence author):

DL Aksnes, A Røstad, S Kaartvedt, U Martinez, CM Duarte, X Irigoien. 2017 Light penetration structures the deep acoustic scattering layers in the global ocean. Science advances 3 (5), e1602468

A Røstad, S Kaartvedt, DL Aksnes. 2016. Light comfort zones of mesopelagic acoustic scattering layers in two contrasting optical environments. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 113, 1-6

C Lindemann, Ø Fiksen, KH Andersen, DL Aksnes. 2016. Scaling laws in phytoplankton nutrient uptake affinity. Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 2

DL Aksnes. 2015. Sverdrup critical depth and the role of water clarity in Norwegian Coastal Water. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (6), 2041-2050

A Urtizberea, N Dupont, R Rosland, DL Aksnes. 2013. Sensitivity of euphotic zone properties to CDOM variations in marine ecosystem models. Ecological modelling 256, 16-22

DL Aksnes, FJ Cao. 2011. Inherent and apparent traits in microbial nutrient uptake. Marine ecology progress series 440, 41-51

DL Aksnes, N Dupont, A Staby, Ø Fiksen, S Kaartvedt, J Aure. 2009. Coastal water darkening and implications for mesopelagic regime shifts in Norwegian fjords. Marine Ecology Progress Series 387, 39-49

DL Aksnes, MD Ohman. 2009. Multi‐decadal shoaling of the euphotic zone in the southern sector of the California Current System
Limnology and Oceanography 54 (4), 1272-1281

DL Aksnes, J Giske. 1993. A theoretical model of aquatic visual feeding. Ecological Modelling 67 (2-4), 233-250

DL Aksnes, JK Egge. 1991. A theoretical model for nutrient uptake in phytoplankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 65-72

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