
Malika Ainouche - Curriculum Vitae#

Malika Ainouche is broadly interested in plant evolution, with particular interest in the role and impacts of hybridization and genome duplication on population divergence and speciation. Her resear also aims to understand the genomic determinants of plant invasive abilities, and the impacts of polyploid genome dynamics on ecologically important functions.

  • PhD State Doctorate (« Doctorat d'Etat ») USTHB, Algiers 1993
  • PhD 3d Cycle Doctorate, USTHB, Algiers 1984
  • M. Sc. in Ecology, Algiers University 1977
  • Bachelor: Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) d'Alger (Algeria)

CURENT POSITION: Full Professor Univ. Rennes 1 (France)

TEACHING: (c.a. 230 hrs /year): Plant evolution, Phylogeny, Population Genetics, Speciation, evolutionary genomics. Coordinator of several modules in the Life Sciences programs (Bachelor and Master degrees) in Ecology and Evolution, Bioinformatics, Plant Sciences and Agrosciences.


  • Coordinator of the International Research Network POLYDIV “Polyploidy & Biodiversity” (2021-25): 8 labs from FR, USA, UK, BE, SE, CH, CZ. https://ecobio.univ-rennes1.fr/IRN_POLYDIV
  • Director of the Research Team “Evolution, Genomes, Adaptation” team in the UMR CNRS - 6553 "Ecobio", UR1 (2003 - 2021).
  • Director of the CNRS International Research Lab “Ecological Genomics of Polyploidy” (UR1-CNRS & Iowa State University, 2011 - 2018)
  • PI-Co-PI of Research programs and international partnerships: Univ. Fudan Shanghai (2019 - 2024). Make Our Planet Great Again partner, U. Tubingen-USF USA (2019 - 2022). Chateaubriand program (FR-USA 2020). FR- ISU USA Partner University Funds (2012 - 2015). Marie-Curie CIG FP7-People (2013 - 2017). Fullbright host USF USA (2016 - 2017). PHC Barrande FR-CZ (2011 - 2012). PHC Tassili FR-DZ (2008 - 2011). PI ANR “Biodiversity and Polyploidy” (2006 - 2009). PICS CNRS - NSF-USA (2006 - 2009). PICS CNRS-CSIRO Australia (2000 - 2002)
  • Board member: Graduate School Council in Life, Environmental & Agro Sciences. Scientific Council INRA Bretagne-Normandy. Scientific Board Regional Council of Brittany (Strategic Innovation Domain-2) 2018 - 2021. Scientific Board for Research supervision habilitation (HDR) Univ. Rennes 1 (2013-2017). Scientific Council Univ. Rennes 1 (2008 - 2009). Consultative Council UMR Ecobio (2002 - 2020). Teaching Department (UFR) “Life Sciences and Environment” Council (2014 - 2021)

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