
Evangelia Adamou - Selected Publications#

Adamou E. 2021. The Adaptive Bilingual Mind: Insights from Endangered Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Adamou E. & Y. Matras (eds). 2021. The Routledge Handbook of Language Contact. London: Routledge.

Adamou E., Q. Feltgen & C. Padure. 2021. A unified approach to the study of language contact: Cross-language priming and change in adjective/noun order. International Journal of Bilingualism 25(6): 1635-1654.

Adamou E. & Y. Haendler. 2020. An experimental approach to nominal tense: Evidence from Pomak (Slavic). Language 96(3): 507–550.

Adamou E. & R. X. Shen. 2019. There are no language switching costs when codeswitching is frequent. International Journal of Bilingualism 23(1): 53–70.

Calderon E., S. De Pascale & E. Adamou. 2019. How to speak ‘geocentric’ in an ‘egocentric’ language: A multimodal study among Ngigua-Spanish bilinguals and Spanish monolinguals in a rural community of Mexico. Language Sciences 74: 24–46. (Received the Sebeok-Love Award for the best article in language science 2019).

Padure C., S. De Pascale & E. Adamou. 2018. Variation between the copula si ‘to be’ and the l-clitics in Romani spoken in Mexico. Romani Studies 28(2): 263–292.

Adamou E. 2017. Subject preference in Ixcatec relative clauses. Studies in Language 41(4): 872–913. -+

Adamou E. & R. X. Shen. 2017. Beyond language shift: Spatial cognition among the Ixcatecs in Mexico. Journal of Cognition and Culture 17(1-2): 94–115.

Adamou E., Breu W., Scholze L. & R. X. Shen. 2016. Borrowing and contact intensity: A corpus-driven approach from four Slavic minority languages. Journal of Language Contact 9(3): 515–544.

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