
David Abulafia - Chief Publications #

The Two Italies. Economic relations between the Norman Kingdom of Sicily and the northern communes 1977; Italian edn., 1991.

Italy, Sicily and the Mediterranean, 1100-1400 1987.

Frederick II. A medieval emperor London and NY, 1988; third English edn., 2001; Italian edn., 1990; German edn., 1991.

Spain and 1492: unity and uniformity under Ferdinand and Isabella 1992.

Commerce and Conquest in the Mediterranean, 1100-1500 1993.

A Mediterranean Emporium: the Catalan Kingdom of Majorca 1994; Spanish edn., 1996.

The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms, 1200-1500. The Struggle for Dominion 1997; Italian edn., 1999.

Mediterranean Encounters, Economic, Religious and Political, 1100-1550 2000.

The Discovery of Mankind. Atlantic Encounters in the Age of Columbus, 2008.

(ed.) Church and City, 1000-1500. Studies in honour of Christopher Brooke ed. with M. Rubin and M. Franklin, 1992.

(ed.) The French descent into Renaissance Italy, 1494-5. Antecedents and effects 1995. Italian edn., 2005.

(ed.) En las costas del Mediterráneo occidental. Las ciudades de la Peninsula Ibérica y del reino de Mallorca y el comercio mediterráneo en la Edad Media ed. with B. Garí, Barcelona, 1997.

(ed.) The New Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 5, c.1198-1300 1999.

(ed.) Medieval Frontiers: concepts and practices, ed. with N. Berend, 2002.

(ed.) The Mediterranean in History (English, American, French, Spanish, German, Greek, Turkish editions) 2003.

(ed.) Italy in the Central Middle Ages 2004.

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