
Maria Ågren - Selected publications#


Att hävda sin rätt. Synen på jordägandet i 1600-talets Sverige, speglad i institutet urminnes hävd. Rättshistoriskt Bibliotek LVII. Stockholm 1997. 341 pp.

Domestic Secrets. Women and Property in Sweden, c. 1600 to 1857. Studies in Legal History published by the University of North Carolina Press in association with the American Society for Legal History. Chapel Hill 2009. 267 pp.

Articles published after peer review

"Land and Debt. On the process of social differentiation in rural Sweden c.1750–1850" in Rural History 5 (Cambridge University Press) 1994.

"Fadern, systern och brodern. Makt- och rättsförskjutningar genom 1800-talets egendomsreformer" in Historisk Tidskrift 1999.

"Contracts for the Old or Gifts for the Young? On the Use of Wills in Early Modern Sweden" in Scandinavian Journal of History vol. 25:3, 2000.

"Asserting one’s rights. Swedish property law in between community law and state law" in Law and History Review vol. 19:2, 2001.

"Caring for the Widowed Spouse. On the Use of Wills in Northern Sweden, 1750 to 1915", in Continuity & Change 19(1), 2004

"Hemligt eller offentligt? Om kön, egendom och offentlighet i det sena 1700-talets Sverige" in Historisk Tidskrift 2006:1.

"A Domestic Secret. Marriage, religion, and legal change in late seventeenth-century Sweden" in Past & Present 194, 2007

Rosemarie Fiebranz, Erik Lindberg, Jonas Lindström & Maria Ågren, “Making verbs count: the research project ’Gender and Work’ and its methodology”, Scandinavian Economic History Review November 2011
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