
José Álvarez Junco - Biography#

M.A. in Law (1965) and Ph.D. in Political Science (1974), Universidad Complutense (Madrid). For many years, Professor in History of Political Ideas and Social Movements at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid. Between 1992 and 2000 he held the Prince of the Asturias Chair in Spanish Culture and Civilization at Tufts University, while also chairing the Iberian Study Group at the Center for European Studies, Harvard Universi¬ty. In 2004-2008 he has been the Director of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, at the Ministry of the Presidency.

He has been visiting scholar or visiting professor at the Université de Paris-VIII and Paris-X Sorbonne (1981, 1997), El Colegio de México (1986, 1989), Oxford University (1991),Università di Padova (1992, 1993) and Harvard University (1994), among other international institutions.

He is the author of La Ideología Política del Anarquismo Español (Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1976), El Emperador del Paralelo (Madrid: Alianza, 1990; translated into English and published by Sussex University Press, 2001), and Mater Dolorosa. La idea de España en el siglo XIX (Madrid: Taurus, 2001; into English and published by Manchester University Press, 2011; translated into French by Université de Rennes, 2012), all of them studies on the Spanish political culture around 1900. His other publications include: (1984), Populismo, Caudillaje y Discurso Demagógico (1987), Spanish History since 1808 (co-edited with Adrian Shubert). and Las historia de España, Pons-Critica, 2013.

Alvarez-Junco´s articles have also been published in Revista de Occidente, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, Le Mouvement Social, Historia Social, History and Memory, Historia Mexicana and other scientific journals, mainly on workers' history, social movements, Spanish political thought in the 19th and 20th centuries, conceptual and methodological problems related with social and cultural history, political attitudes of intellectual élites, anti-clericalism, and nation-building processes.
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