Prof. Erol Gelenbe awarded the 2017 Mustafa Prize#
Prof. Erol Gelenbe awarded the 2017 Mustafa Prize#
The Mustafa Prize in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) was Awarded to Prof. Sami Erol Gelenbe
, a member of the Informatics of Academia Europaea for his pioneering research on “Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems”. The special medal and certificate were presented to Prof. Gelenbe in Vahdat Hall, the Opera House in Tehran, on Sunday 3 December 2017. As part of his visit to Iran, in addition to his acceptance speech, Professor Gelenbe has given two lectures in Tehran, one at Sharif University and the other at the Graduate University for Professors called the Tarbiat Modares University.
"The Mustafa (pbuh) Prize is a top science and technology award granted to the top researchers and scientists of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states biennially. The Prize is awarded in four categories, namely “Life Sciences and Medical Sciences”, “Nano Science and Nanotechnologies”, “The Information and Communication Science and Technologies”, and “Top Scientific Achievement in other fields”. The laureates in each section will be awarded 500,000 USD which is financed through the endowments made to the Prize. The winners will also be adorned with a special medal and certificate."
Award announcement by Imperial College London.
Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Gelenbe to this distinction!#
Washington Post

Imperial College