Biodegradable plastics: how do we engage with consumers and society?#
Webinar: Friday 21st May 2021, starting at 15:00 hours CET (14:00 hours Ireland and UK)Introduction#
Public awareness and concern over plastics pollution, especially in open environments such as oceans, rivers and land, are at an all-time high. At the same time, the public is often uncertain and confused about what to do with plastic items after use. The increasing availability of products made from biodegradable plastics is likely to add to the confusion.
The EU aims to transform the way plastics and plastics products are designed, used and recycled. There are actions planned on several fronts – improving plastic recycling, curbing waste and littering, encouraging innovation and promoting global action. However, for these plans to work, we need effective waste management infrastructures, coupled with strong engagement and cooperation with the public and society in general.
This interactive webinar will facilitate discussion between an expert panel and a live international audience, addressing a range of questions including:
- How are biodegradable plastics perceived, understood and used by consumers and other sectors of society?
- How can communication, education and labelling help support the appropriate use, management and disposal of biodegradable plastics?
- What market-based initiatives and policy options can help us achieve the necessary awareness and behaviour change to prevent biodegradable plastics that are designed for managed waste such as composting, instead ending up in the open environment?
- Professor Wouter Poortinga
, Professor of Environmental Psychology, Cardiff University
, Member of the SAPEA
Working Group
- Professor Pete Lunn
, Head of the Behavioural Research Unit, Economic & Social Research Institute
- Professor Tatiana Filatova
, TU Delft
, Member of the SAPEA
Working Group
- Professor Klaus Menrad
, Professor of Marketing and Management of Biogenic Resources, University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
- Professor Sabine Pahl
, Professor of Urban and Environmental Psychology, University of Vienna
- Dr Liam Carr
, Lecturer & Programme Coordinator, NUI Galway
- Silvia Forni, Policy Officer, European Commission Directorate-General for Environment
- Samantha Fahy
, Sustainability Manager, Dublin City University
Chaired by Professor Ole Petersen MAE, Academic Director of Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub

Panel discussions moderated by Professor Richard Thompson

We will also be showcasing the work of artist and printmaker, Heather Nunn

About the webinar#
This webinar is hosted by the Royal Irish Academy and is part of a series organised by SAPEA
, drawing on the Evidence Review Report ‘Biodegradable plastics in the open environment
’ and the associated Scientific Opinion by the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors. Further details can be found here