
Marie-France Vigneras - Selected Publications#

Arithmetique des algebres de quaternions Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes 800 (1980).

Varietes riemanniennes isospectrales et non isometriques Ann. of Math. 112 (1980), 21-32.

Representations des groupes reductifs sur un corps local With J.N. Bernstein, P. Deligne, D. Kazhdan
Travaux en cours - Hermann, Paris (1984).

Correspondances de Howe sur un corps p-adique . With C. Moeglin et J.L. Waldspurger.
Springer-Verlag Lectures Notes 1291 (1987).

Correspondance locale de Langlands semi-simple pour GL(n,F) modulo ell different de p. Inventiones 144 (2001), page 197-223.

On a numerical Langlands correspondence modulo p with the pro-p-Iwahori Hecke ring. Mathematische Annalen volume 331 (2005) No 3, 1432-1807 and volume 333 (2005) No 3, 699-701.

ell-adic Banach continuous representations of reductive p-adic groups when ell different de p. Dans Repr\'esentations p-adiques de groupes p-adiques II, Berger, Breuil, Colmez editeurs. Asterisque 330 (2010) 1-12.

From etale P_+-representations to G-equivariant sheaves on G/P. With Peter Schneider and Gergely Zabradi) LMS Lecture Note Series 415 ``Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations`` (eds.: F. Diamond, P. Kassaei, M. Kim) Volume 2, 248-366 (2014).

The pro-p-Iwahori-Hecke algebra of a reductive p-adic group I. Compositio mathematicae 152 (2016), 693-753.

A classification of irreducible admissible mod p representations of p-adic reductive groups. With Noriyuki Abe, Guy Henniart, Florian Herzig. Journal of the A.M.S. 30 (2016) no.2, 495-559.

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