
Bea Verschraegen#

Bea Verschraegen
Membership Number:4259
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:AUSTRIA

Present and Previous Positions
  • Since 1998 Chair professor (ordinaria) of Private Int'l Law and Comp. Law w. special focus on Priv. Economic Law – Univ. of Vienna
  • Since 2012 Adjunct professor at the University of Macau
  • Since 2011 Member of the International Advisory Board of CityU Hong Kong
  • Since 2013 Member of the Expert's Group on "Cross-Border Recog. and Enforcem't of Agreem'ts in Int'l Child Disputes" - HCCH
  • Since 2008 Head of the Austrian National Committee of the Int'l Academy of Comp. Law
  • Since 2010 Titular member of the Int'l Academy of Comp. Law
  • Since 2004 Member of the Austrian Mediation Council
  • 2004 - 2014 Professor at and from 2009-2012 Vice-Rector for Int'l Relations at Pan European University Bratislava
  • 2000 - 2001 President of the Commission Internationale de l'Etat Civil (Strasbourg)
  • 1994 - 1998 C4 professor for Civil Law, Private Int'l Law, Comp. Law, Eur. Private Law and Eur. Integration - Univ. of Bielefeld

Fields of Scholarship
  • National and foreign Private International Law
  • Private and Public Comparative Law
  • National and foreign Private Law
  • European Private Law
  • Fundamental Rights and Human Rights
  • Methodology
  • International and European Procedural Law

Honours and Awards
  • 2014 Award of the Russian „International Higher Juridical Prize ‚Themis‘ 2014 “ by the „International Fund for Support of Legal Initiatives“ (Международный фонд для поддержки юридических инициатив) for special legal cross-border academic services.
  • 2013 Short-listed (final round) for the position of Secretary General of the Hague Conference (The Hague)
  • Since 2002 Présidente honoraire de la Commission Internationale de l'Etat Civil (Strasbourg)
  • 2008 - 2011 President of the International Society of Family Law
  • 1985 - 1998 Co-opted member of the "Commission for European Law, Foreign Law and Private International Law" of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) (until the Commission closed down for financial reasons)
  • 1989 Sponsorship award 1989 (Humanities and Social Sciences) of the City of Vienna for all scientific contributions published, including the Habilitation thesis (at the time not yet published)
  • 1981 Academic scholarship of the Cultural Office of the City of Vienna for the project “Der EuGH und der EGMR und deren rechtsvergleichende Interpretationsmethode” (The ECJ and the ECHR and their comparative method)
  • 1973 - 1978 Various scholarships for gifted students und scholarships of the Senate of the University of Vienna for exam results

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