
Paul Vanhoutte - List of Publications#


1 Vanhoutte, P.M. Onderzoekingen over de regeling van de bloedsomloop bij spierarbeid. Universitaire Wedstrijd. Thesis, pp. 1-132, 1964.

2. Vanhoutte, P.M. Akute hypovolemie en cardiovasculaire aanpassing bij spierarbeid. Wedstrijd voor Reisbeurzen. Thesis, pp. 1-77, 1965.

3. Vanhoutte, P.M. Cholinergische mechanismen in vasculair glad spierweefsel. Thesis, Antwerpen, pp. 1-181, 1973.



1. Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. "Veins and their Control." W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, pp. 1-269, 1975.

2. Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. "The Human Cardiovascular System. Facts and Concepts." English Edition: Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-351, 1979; Japanese Edition: Nishimura Co., Ltd., Tokyo, pp. 1-363, 1983.

3. Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. "The Endothelium: Modulator of Cardiovascular Function." CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, pp. 1-228, 1990.

4. Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. “EDHF: The Complete Story” CRC Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, pp. 1-298, 2006.


1. "Mechanisms of Vasodilatation", Eds. Vanhoutte, P.M. and Leusen, I., Karger S., Basel, pp. 1-307, 1978.

2. "Vascular Neuroeffector Systems", Eds. Bevan, J.A., Godfraind, T., Maxwell, R.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M.. Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-4-1, 1980.

3. "Vasodilatation", eds. Vanhoutte, P.M. and Leusen, I. Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-523, 1981.

4. "5-Hydroxytryptamine in Peripheral Reactions", eds. De Clerck, F., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-232, 1982.

5. "Cardiovascular Pharmacology of the Prostaglandins", eds. Herman, A.G., Vanhoutte, P.M., Denolin, H. and Goossens, A. Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-456, 1982.

6. "Vasodilator Mechanisms", eds. Vanhoutte, P.M., and Vatner, S.F., Karger, S. Basel, pp. 1-283, 1984.

7. "Serotonin and the Cardiovascular System", ed. Vanhoutte, P.M. Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-288, 1985.

8. "Calcium Entry Blockers and Tissue Protection", eds. Godfraind, T., Vanhoutte, P.M., Govoni, S. and Paoletti, R. Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-261, 1985.

9. "Central and Peripheral Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Regulation", eds. Magro, A., Osswald, W., Reis, D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Plenum Press, New York and London, pp. 1-544, 1986.

10. "The Endothelium: Relaxing and Contracting Factors", ed. Vanhoutte, P.M. The Humana Press, Clifton, pp. 1-543, 1988.

11. "Vasodilatation: Vascular Smooth Muscle, Peptides, Autonomic Nerves, and Endothelium" Ed. Vanhoutte, P.M. Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-572.

12. "Calcium Antagonists: Pharmacology and Clinical Research", Eds. Vanhoutte, P.M., Paoletti, R. and Govoni, S. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 522: 1-802, 1988.

13. "Serotonin: From Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics", eds. Paoletti, R., Vanhoutte, P.M., Brunello, N. and Maggi, F.M. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, pp. 1-668, 1990.

14. "Endothelium-derived Relaxing Factors", eds. Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P. M., Karger, S. Basel, pp 1-337, 1990.

15. "Endothelium-derived Contracting Factors", eds. Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P. M., Karger, S. Basel, pp 1-237, 1990.

16. "Cardiovascular System, Hypertension and Serotonin Antagonists", eds. Paoletti, R., Vanhoutte, P. M., Brunello, N. and Maggi, F. M. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London.

17. "The Coronary Circulation in Physiological and Pathophysiological States", eds. Nakamura, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, pp.1-160, 1991.

18. "Mechanisms of Vasodilation", eds. Vanhoutte, P.M. and Stoclet, J.C., Karger, S. Basel, pp. 1-332, 1990.

19. "Fish Oil and Blood-Vessel Wall Interactions", eds. Vanhoutte, P.M., Ph. Douste-Blazy, John Libbey, Paris, pp. 1-162, 1991.

20. "Return Circulation and Norepinephrine: An Update", eds. Vanhoutte, P.M. John Libbey, Paris, pp. 1-237, 1991.

21. "Serotonin From Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics", eds. Vanhoutte, P.M., Saxena, P.R., Paoletti, R., Brunello, N. and Jackson, A.S. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-434, 1993.

22. "Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics", eds Singh, B.N., Dzau, V.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Woosley, R.L. Churchill Livingstone, pp.1-1231, 1993.

23. "Endothelium-Derived Hyperpolarizing Factor", eds Vanhoutte, P.M. Harwood Academic Publishers, pp. 1-338, 1996.

24. "Farmacologia e Terapia Cardiovasculare", eds Singh, B.N., Dzau, V.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Woosley, R.L. Guidotti, pp.1-707, 1996.

25. “The IUPHAR Compendium of Receptor Characterization”, eds. T. Godfraind, P. Vanhoutte, W. Ruffolo, P. Humphrey, Published by IUPHAR Media, London, 1998.

26. "Endothelium-Derived Hyperpolarizations" Ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Harwood Academic publishers, pp. 1-436, 1999.

27. « Nei Pi Yuan Xing Chao Ji Hua Yin Zi » (EDHF). ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Translation Rui-Jan Xiu, Books of the World, Beijing, pp. 1-148, 1999.

28. "EDHF 2000" Ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Taylor & Francis (London and New York), pp. 1-502, 2001.

29. “Selective and Specific If Inhibition in Cardiovascular Disease”, eds Singh, B.N. and Vanhoutte, P.M., Lipincott Williams & Wilkins (London), pp. 1-134, 2003.

30. "EDHF 2002" Ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Taylor & Francis (London and New York),pp. 1-354, 2004.


OR-1 Lacroix, E., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Leusen, I. L'activité phosphorylasique du myocarde sous 'influence de la réserpine. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 138: 329-333, 1962.

OR-2 Vanhoutte, P.M. L'adaptation cardio-vasculaire du chien anesthésié à un exercice musculaire imposé. C.R. Soc. Biol. 158: 2489-2491, 1964.

OR-3 Vanhoutte, P.M. Rôle des presso-récepteurs artériels dans l'adaptation cardiovasculaire au cours d'un exercice musculaire imposé chez le chien anesthésié. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 155: 463-466, 1965.

OR-4 Vanhoutte, P.M. Adaptation circulatoire du chien anesthésié à un exercice musculaire imposé en état d'hypovolémie. C.R. Soc. Biol. 159: 2274-2276, 1965.

OR-5 Vanhoutte, P.M. Bloedvolume en aanpassing van de hemodynamiek bij spierarbeid. Kontaktgroepen N.F.W.G.0., pp. 139-146, 1966.

OR-6 Vanhoutte, P.M. Influence de l'hémorragie sur le changement de l'hématocrite au cours de l'exercice musculaire. C.R. Soc. Biol. 160: 1751-1753, 1966.

OR-7 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lacroix, E. The cardiovascular adaptation of the anesthetized dog to muscular work after graded hemorrhage. Role of the arterial pressoreceptors. Arch. Int Physiol. Biochem. 74: 223-234, 1966.

OR-8 Vanhoutte, P.M., Lacroix, E. and Leusen, I. The cardiovascular adaptation of the dog to muscular exercise. Role of the arterial pressoreceptors. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem. 74: 201-222, 1966.

OR-9 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Leusen, I. The cardiovascular adaptation of the dog to muscular exercise after graded hemorrhages. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem. 74: 185-200, 1966.

OR-10 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Leusen, I. Adaptation cardiovasculaire du chien non anesthésié, en état d'hypovolémie, à un exercice musculaire modéré. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 162: 236-238, 1966.

OR-11 Clément, D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of monoamines on the capacity of isolated veins. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 166: 181-183, 1967.

OR-12 Vanhoutte, P.M. Influence de variations du pH sur la reactivite de fragments de veines isolees du chien. C.R. Soc. Biol. 161: 2318-2320, 1967.

OR-13 Vanhoutte, P.M. Clément, D. and Leusen, I. Response characteristics of isolated veins to electric stimulation. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 167: 495-497, 1967.

OR-14 Vanhoutte, P.M., Clément, D. and Leusen, I. The reactivity of isolated veins to electrical stimulation. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem. 75: 641-657, 1967.

OR-15 Vanhoutte, P.M. Influence des concentrations des ions Ca, Na et H sur la réactivité de fragments de veines isolées du chien. C.R. Soc. Biol. 162: 800-802, 1968.

OR-16 Vanhoutte, P.M., and Clément, D. Effect of pH and PC02 changes on the reactivity of isolated venous smooth muscle. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem. 76: 144-146, 1968.

OR-17 Vanhoutte, P.M., Waes, J. and Devriendt, G. A method for continuous registration of isobaric capacity reactions of isolated veins. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem. 76: 164-165, 1968.

OR-18 Brender, D., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Potentiation of adrenergic venomotor responses in dogs by cardiac glycosides. Circ. Res. 25: 597-606, 1969.

OR-19 Clément, D., Vanhoutte. P.M. and Leusen, I. Capacitance reactions of isolated veins to monoamines and acetylcholine. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem. 77: 73-87, 1969.

OR-20 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Leusen, I. The reactivity of isolated venous preparations to electric stimulation. Pflugers Arch. 306: 341-353, 1969.

OR-21 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Activity and thermosensitivity of canine cutaneous veins after inhibition of monoamine oxidase and catechol-O-methyl transferase. Circ. Res. 25: 607-616, 1969.

OR-22 Vanhoutte, P.M. Effets de l'hypoxie sur la réactivité du muscle lisse veineux. J. de Physiol. 62: 456, 1970.

OR-23 Vanhoutte, P.M. Mécanismes adrénergiques et réactivité des veines cutanéees du chien aux variations de la température locale. C.R. Soc. Biol. 164: 2666-2671, 1970.

OR-24 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lorenz, R.R. Effect of temperature on the reactivity of saphenous, mesenteric, and femoral veins of the dog. Am. J. Physiol. 218: 1746-1750, 1970.

OR-25 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Effect of temperature on reactivity of isolated cutaneous veins of the dog. Am. J. Physiol. 218: 187-190, 1970.

OR-26 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Effect of cooling on beta-receptor mechanisms in isolated cutaneous veins of the dog. Microvasc. Res. 2: 454-461, 1970.

OR-27 Hendricks, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Variations in external calcium concentration and sensitivity of venous smooth muscle to temperature changes. Arch. Int. Physiol. 79: 169-170, 1971.

OR-28 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Leusen, I. Effect of hypoxia on reactivity of cutaneous and mesenteric veins of the dog. In: Vascular Smooth Muscle, ed. E. Betz. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 138-139, 1972.

OR-29 Vanhoutte, P.M., Lorenz, R.R. and Tyce, G.M. Inhibition of norepinephrine-3H-release from sympathetic nerve endings in veins by acetylcholine. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 185: 386-394, 1973.

OR-30 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Venous relaxation caused by acetylcholine acting on the sympathetic nerves. Circ. Res. 32: 259-267, 1973.

OR-31 Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition by acetylcholine of adrenergic neurotransmission in vascular smooth muscle. Circ. Res. 34: 317-326, 1974.

OR-32 Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission in isolated veins of the dog by potassium ions. J. Physiol. 246: 479-500, 1975.

OR-33 Muldoon, S.M., Vanhoutte, P.M., Lorenz, R.R. and Van Dyke, R.A. Venomotor changes caused by halothane acting on the sympathetic nerves. Anesthesiology 43: 41-48, 1975.

OR-34 Vanhoutte, P.M., Verbeuren. T.J. and Lorenz, R.R. Effects of potassium ions on nerve endings and effector cells in adrenergically innervated vascular smooth muscle. Colloques INSERM, Paris 50: 425-442, 1975.

OR-35 Muldoon, S.M., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of amide-linked local anesthetics on adrenergic neuroeffector junction in cutaneous veins of dog. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 196: 723-736, 1976.

OR-36 Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of anoxia and glucose depletion on isolated veins of the dog. Am. J. Physiol. 230: 1261- 1268, 1976.

OR-37 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Depression by local cooling of 3H-norepinephrine release evoked by nerve stimulation in cutaneous veins. Blood Vessels 13: 92-99, 1976.

OR-38 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Inhibition by acetylcholine of 3H-norepinephrine release in cutaneous veins after alpha-adrenergic blockade. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 221: 344-346, 1976.

OR-39 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Inhibition by acetylcholine of the norepinephrine release evoked by potassium in canine saphenous veins. Circ. Res. 39: 263-269, 1976.

OR-40 Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Acetylcholine inhibits potassium evoked release of 3H-norepinephrine in different blood vessels of the dog. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 221: 347-350, 1976.

OR-41 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular reactivity of isolated perfused kidneys from male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats. Circ. Res. 41: 759-767, 1977.

OR-42 Muldoon, S.M., Janssens, W.J., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha-adrenergic blocking properties of droperidol on isolated blood vessels of the dog. Br. J. Anaesthesia 49: 211 216, 1977.

OR-43 Vanhoutte, P.M., Van Nueten, J.M., Verbeuren, T.J. and Laduron, P.M. Differential effects of the isomers of tetramisole on adrenergic neurotransmission in cutaneous veins of dog. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 200: 127-140, 1977.

OR-44 Van Nueten, J.M., Van Ree, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition by met-enkephalin of peristaltic activity in the guinea pig ileum, and its reversal by naloxane. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 41: 341-342, 1977.

OR-45 Verbeuren, T.J., Coen. E. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Determination of 3H-norepinephrine and its metabolites in superfusate from isolated blood vessels. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 227: 171-174, 1977.

OR-46 Verhaeghe, R.H., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Inhibition of sympathetic neurotransmission in canine blood vessels by adenosine and adenine nucleotides. Circ. Res. 40: 208-215, 1977.

OR-47 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Increased renal vascular reactivity to angiotensin II but not to nerve stimulation or exogenous norepinephrine in renal hypertensive rats. Circ. Res. 43: 544-552, 1978.

OR-48 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Neuronal and vascular reactivity in isolated perfused kidneys during the development of spontaneous hypertension. Clin. Sci. Mol. Med. 55: 233s-235s, 1978.

OR-49 Curro, F.A., Greenberg, S., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interaction between alpha-adrenergic and serotonergic activation of canine saphenous veins. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 207: 936-949, 1978.

OR-50 Herman, A.G., Verbeuren, T.J., Moncada, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of prostacyclin on myogenic activity and adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in canine isolated veins. Prostaglandins 16: 911-921, 1978.

OR-51 Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Instantaneous changes of alpha-adrenoceptor affinity caused by moderate cooling in canine cutaneous veins. Am. J. Physiol. 234: H330-H337, 1978.

OR-52 Muldoon, S.M., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Tyce, G.M. Norepinephrine metabolism in canine saphenous vein: prevalence of glycol metabolites. Am. J. Physiol. 234: H235-H243, 1978.

OR-53 Van Hee, R.H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cholinergic inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission in the canine gastric artery. Gastroenterology 74: 1266-1270, 1978.

OR-54 Verbeuren, T.J., Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of moderate acidosis on adrenergic neurotransmission in canine saphenous veins. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 206: 105-114, 1978.

OR-55 Collis, M.G., De Mey, C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Enhanced release of noradrenaline in the kidney of the young spontaneously hypertensive rat. Clin. Sci. 57: 233s 234s, 1979.

OR-56 De Mey, J.G., Burnstock, G. and Vanhoutte. P.M. Modulation of the evoked release of noradrenaline in canine saphenous vein via pre-synaptic receptors for adenosine but not ATP. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 55: 401-405, 1979.

OR-57 Driessens, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular reactivity of the isolated tibia of the dog. Am. J. Physiol. 236: H904-H908, 1979.

OR-58 Lorenz, R.R., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd. J.T. Interaction between neuronal amine uptake and prejunctional alpha-adrenergic receptor activation in smooth muscle from canine blood vessels and spleen. Blood Vessels 16: 113-125, 1979.

OR-59 Vanhoutte, P.M., Coen, E.P., De Ridder, W.J. and Verbeuren, T.J. Evoked release of endogenous norepinephrine in the canine saphenous vein. Inhibition by acetylcholine. Circ. Res. 45: 608-614, 1979.

OR-60 Vermeire, P.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitory effects of catecholamines in isolated canine bronchial smooth muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 46: 787-791, 1979.

OR-61 Vercruysse, P., Bossuyt, P., Hanegreefs, G., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Gallamine and pancuronium inhibit pre- and post-junctional muscarinic receptors in canine saphenous veins. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 209: 225-230, 1979.

OR-62 Webb, R.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Sensitivity to noradrenaline in isolated tail arteries from spontaneously hypertensive rat. Clin. Sci. 57: 31s-33s, 1979.

OR-63 Collis, M.G., De Mey, Ch. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Renal vascular reactivity in the young spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension 2: 45-52, 1979.

OR-64 Dalemans, P., Janssens, W.J., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of naturally occurring catecholamines on adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in the canine saphenous vein. In: Presynaptic Receptors, eds. S. Langer, K. Starke and M.L. Dubocovich. Advances in the Biosciences, Pergamon Press, Oxford, vol. 18, pp. 111-116, 1979.

OR-65 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of the responsiveness of cutaneous veins of dog and rabbit to adrenergic and cholinergic stimulation. Blood Vessels 17: 27-43, 1980.

OR-66 De Mey, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interaction between Na+,K+ exchanges and the direct inhibitory effect of acetylcholine on canine femoral arteries. Circ. Res. 46: 826-836, 1980.

OR-67 De Mey, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of removal and substitution of potassium ions on the adrenergic and cholinergic reactivity in canine femoral artery. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 67: 159-164, 1980.

OR-68 Lorenz, R.R., Powis, D.A., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. The effects of acetylstrophanthidin and ouabain on sympathetic adrenergic neuroeffector junction in canine vascular smooth muscle. Circ. Res. 47: 845-854, 1980.

OR-69 Rusch, N.J., De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of BL-5111-A, prazosin and phentolamine on responses of canine cutaneous veins to activation. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 244: 341-343, 1980.

OR-70 Vanhoutte, P.M., Verbeuren, T.J. and Van Nueten, J.M. Effect of lidoflazine on systemic arteries and veins. Angiology 31: 581-593, 1980.

OR-71 Van Nueten, J.M., Van Beek, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitory effect of lidoflazine on contractions of isolated canine coronary arteries caused by norepinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, high potassium, anoxia and ergonovine maleate. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 213: 179-187, 1980.

OR-72 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of the Ca2+ antagonist lidoflazine on normoxic and anoxic contractions of canine coronary arterial smooth muscle. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 64: 173-176, 1980.

OR-73 Webb, R.C., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Bohr, D.F. Inactivation of released norepinephrine in rat tail artery by neuronal uptake. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 2: 121-132, 1980.

OR-74 Webb, R.C., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Bohr, D.F. Calcium efflux in rat tail artery during potassium induced relaxation. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 164: 252-256, 1980.

OR-75 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Tachyphylaxis to 5-hydroxytryptamine in perfused kidneys from spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 3: 229-235, 1981.

OR-76 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Uneven distribution of postjunctional alpha1 and alpha2-like adrenoceptors in canine arterial and venous smooth muscle. Circ. Res. 48: 875-884, 1981.

OR-77 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of the intima in cholinergic and purinergic relaxation of isolated canine femoral arteries. J. Physiol. 316: 347-355, 1981.

OR-78 Rorie, D.K., Rusch, N.J., Shepherd, J.T., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Tyce, G. Prejunctional inhibition of norepinephrine release caused by acetylcholine in human saphenous vein. Circ. Res. 49: 337-341, 1981.

OR-79 Rusch, N.J., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The effect of profound cooling on adrenergic neurotransmission in canine cutaneous veins. J. Physiol. 311: 57-65, 1981.

OR-80 Rusch, N.J., Shepherd, J.T., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Webb, R.C. Different behavior of the resistance vessels of the human calf and forearm during contralateral isometric exercise, mental stress and abnormal respiratory movements. Circ. Res. 48: I-118-I-30, 1981.

OR-81 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Selectivity of calcium antagonism and serotonin antagonism with respect to venous and arterial tissues. Angiology 32: 476-484, 1981.

OR-82 Verbeuren, T.J., Coen, E., De Ridder, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of the responsiveness of isolated arteries and veins taken from the same dogs 17 days apart. Experientia 37: 590-591, 1981.

OR-83 Webb, R.C., Lockette, W.E., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Bohr, D.F. Monovalent ion specificity of the electrogenic sodium pump in vascular smooth muscle. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 166: 457-461, 1981.

OR-84 Webb, R.C., Rusch, N.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Influence of sex differences and oral contraceptives on forearm reactive hyperemia. Blood Vessels 18: 161-170, 1981.

OR-85 Webb, R.C., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Bohr, D.F. Adrenergic neurotransmission in vascular smooth muscle from spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 3: 93-103, 1981.

OR-86 Driessens, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of calcitonin, hydrocortisone and parathyroid hormone on canine bone blood vessels. Am. J. Physiol. 241: H91-H94, 1981.

OR-87 Janssens, W.J., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of moderate cooling on adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in canine cutaneous veins. Blood Vessels 18: 281-295, 1981.

OR-88 Vanhoutte, P.M., Collis, M.G., Janssens, W.J. and Verbeuren, T.J. Calcium dependence of prejunctional inhibitory effects of adenosine and acetylcholine on adrenergic neurotransmission in canine saphenous veins. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 72: 189-198, 1981.

OR-89 Van Nueten, J.M., Janssen, P.A.J., Van Beek, J., Xhonneux, R., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular effects of ketanserin (R 41 468), a novel antagonist of 5-HT2 serotonergic receptors. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 218: 217-230, 1981.

OR-90 De Mey, Ch. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of age and spontaneous hypertension on the tachyphylaxis to 5-hydroxytryptamine and angiotensin II in the isolated rat kidney. Hypertension 3: 718-724, 1981.

OR-91 Webb, R.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cocaine-induced release of noradrenaline in rat tail artery. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 34: 134-136, 1981.

OR-92 Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Deamination of released 3H-noradrenaline in the canine saphenous vein. Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 318: 148-157, 1982.

OR-93 Webb, R.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cocaine and contractile responses of vascular smooth muscle from spontaneously hypertensive rats. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 253: 241-256, 1981.

OR-94 Vanhoutte, P.M., Browning, D., Coen, E., Verbeuren, T.J., Zonnekeyn, L. and Collis, M.G. Decreased release of norepinephrine in the isolated kidney of the adult spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension 4: 251-256, 1982.

OR-95 Van Nueten, J.M., Janssen, P.A.J., De Ridder, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interaction between 5-hydroxytryptamine and other vasoconstrictor substances in the isolated femoral artery of the rabbit; effect of ketanserin (R 41 468). Eur. J. Pharmacol. 77: 281-287, 1982.

OR-96 Marcelon, G., Verbeuren, T.J., Lauressergues, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of ruscus aculeatus on isolated canine cutaneous veins. Gener. Pharmacol. 14: 103-106, 1983.

OR-97 Rooke, T., Cohen, R.A., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Non-neurogenic inhibitory effect of electrical impulses in isolated canine coronary arteries. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 80: 251-254, 1982.

OR-98 De Mey, J.G., Claeys, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent inhibitory effects of acetylcholine, adenosine triphosphate, thrombin and arachidonic acid in the canine femoral artery. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 222: 166-173, 1982.

OR-99 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Na+-K+ exchanges in canine arterial and venous smooth muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 243: H551-H559, 1982.

OR-100 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneous behavior of the canine arterial and venous wall: importance of the endothelium. Circ. Res. 51: 439-447, 1982.

OR-101 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Anoxia and endothelium dependent reactivity of the canine femoral artery. J. Physiol. 335: 65-74, 1983.

OR-102 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Rimele, T.J. Calcium and -adrenoceptors in activation of vascular smooth muscle. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 4: S280-S286, 1982.

OR-103 Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cocaine and neuronal uptake in the canine saphenous vein. Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 321: 207-212, 1982.

OR-104 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prejunctional and postjunctional actions of endogenous norepinephrine at the sympathetic neuroeffector junction in canine coronary arteries. Circ. Res. 52: 16-25, 1983.

OR-105 Lea, D.A., Rimele, T.J., Brubaker, R.F., Nagataki, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of thymoxamine on the human pupil. Exp. Eye Res. 36: 655-662, 1983.

OR-106 Aarhus, L.L., Shepherd, J.T., Tyce, G.M., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contractions of canine vascular smooth muscle cells caused by ouabain are due to release of norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve endings. Circ. Res. 52: 501-507, 1983.

OR-107 Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism and calcium entry on responses to acetylcholine, potassium, and norepinephrine in the isolated canine saphenous vein. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 225: 720-728, 1983.

OR-108 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitory role of the endothelium in the response of isolated coronary arteries to Platelets. Science 221: 273-274, 1983.

OR-109 Verbeuren, T.J., Lorenz, R.R., Aarhus, L.L., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prejunctional beta-adrenoceptors in human and canine saphenous veins. J. Autonomic Nervous System 8: 261-271, 1983.

OR-110 Boels, P.J., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Tissue accumulation and release of newly synthesized 3H-dopamine and 3H-noradrenaline in canine saphenous veins incubated with 3H-(-)-tyrosine. Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 324: 7-14, 1983.

OR-111 Rimele, T.J., Rooke, T.W., Aarhus, L.L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha1-adrenoceptors and calcium in isolated canine coronary arteries. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 226: 668-672, 1983.

OR-112 Van Nueten, J.M., Van Beek, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of Ca2+-entry blockade and serotonergic antagonism on contractions of hypoxic isolated canine coronary arteries. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 265: 172 176, 1983.

OR-113 Rooke, T.W., Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Relaxation of the canine saphenous vein following brief transmural nerve stimulation. Am. J. Physiol. 245: HI073-HI076, 1983.

OR-114 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. 5-Hydroxytryptamine can mediate endothelium.dependent relaxation of coronary arteries. Am. J. Physiol. 245: H1077-H1080, 1983.

OR-115 Vanhoutte, P.M., Aarhus, L.L., Coen, E., Lorenz, R.R., Rimele, T.J. and Verbeuren, T.J. The effects of buflomedil on the responsiveness of canine vascular smooth muscle. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 227: 613-620, 1983.

OR-116 Van Nueten, J.M., De Ridder, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ketanserin and vascular contractions in response to cooling. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 99: 329-332, 1984.

OR-117 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Neurogenic cholinergic prejunctional inhibition of sympathetic beta adrenergic relaxation in the canine coronary artery. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 229: 417-421, 1984.

OR-118 Cooke, J.P., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The effect of warming on adrenergic neurotransmission in canine cutaneous vein. Circ. Res. 54: 547-553, 1984.

OR-119 Lindblad, L.E., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cooling augments platelet-induced contraction of peripheral arteries of the dog. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 176: 119-122, 1984.

OR-120 Rooke, T.W., Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contractions of the canine coronary artery in Ca2+-free solution. Am. J. Physiol. 247: H259-H263, 1984.

OR-121 Lindblad, L.E., Lorenz, R.R., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prolonged vibration of cutaneous artery: absence of persisting after effects. Experientia 40: 1372-1373, 1984.

OR-122 Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism and calcium entry on hypoxic contractions of the isolated canine coronary artery. In: Calcium Antagonists: Mechanisms of Action on Cardiac Muscle and Vascular Smooth Muscle, eds. N. Sperelakis and J.B. Canfield, Martinez-Nijhoff, Boston, pp. 303-316, 1984.

OR-123 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium and asymmetrical responses of the coronary arterial wall. Am. J. Physiol. 247: H403-H408, 1984.

OR-124 Rubanyi, G., Marcelon, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of temperature on the responsiveness of cutaneous veins to the extract of ruscus aculeatus. Gener. Pharmacol. 15:431-434, 1984.

OR-125 McGoon, M.D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Aggregating platelets contract isolated canine pulmonary arteries by releasing 5-Hydroxytryptamine. J. Clin. Invest. 74: 828-833, 1984.

OR-126 Flavahan, N.A., Rimele, T.J., Cooke, J.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of postjunctional alpha1 and alpha2-adrenoceptors activated by exogenous or nerve-released norepinephrine in the canine saphenous vein. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 230: 699-705, 1984.

OR-127 Katusic, Z.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasopressin causes endothelium-dependent relaxations of the canine basilar artery. Circ. Res. 55: 575-579, 1984.

OR-128 Rimele, T.J., Aarhus, L.L., Lorenz, R.R., Rooke, T.W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pharmacology of bucindolol in isolated canine vascular smooth muscle. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 231: 317-325, 1984.

OR-129 Rubanyi, G.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-removal decreases relaxations of canine coronary arteries caused by beta-adrenergic agonists and adenosine. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 7: 139-144, 1985.

OR-130 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis augment ß-adrenergic responsiveness in canine coronary arteries. Circ. Res. 56: 117-125, 1985.

OR-131 Flavahan, N.A., Aarhus, L.L., Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The respiratory epithelium inhibits bronchial smooth muscle tone. J. Appl. Physiol. 58: 834-838, 1985.

OR-132 Houston, D.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Adenine nucleotides, serotonin and endothelium-dependent relaxations to platelets. Am. J. Physiol. 248: H389-H395, 1985.

OR-133 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions to arachidonic acid are mediated by products of cyclo-oxygenase in canine veins. Am. J. Physiol. 248: H432-H437, 1985.

OR-134 Vanhoutte, P.M., Cooke, J.P., Lindblad, L.E., Shepherd, J.T. and Flavahan, N.A. Modulation of postjunctional -adrenergic responsiveness by local changes in temperature. Clin. Sci. 68: 121s-123s, 1985.

OR-135 Rubanyi, G.M., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Bioassay of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s). Inactivation by catecholamines. Am. J. Physiol. 249: H95-H101, 1985.

OR-136 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypoxia releases a vasoconstrictor substance from the canine vascular endothelium. J. Physiol. 364: 45-56, 1985.

OR-137 Rusch, N.J., Chyatte, D., Sundt, T.M., Jr. and Vanhoutte, P.M. 5-Hydroxytryptamine: source of activator calcium in human basilar arteries. Stroke 16: 718-720, 1985.

OR-138 Boels, P.J., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Moderate cooling depresses the accumulation and the release of newly synthesized catecholamines in isolated canine saphenous veins. Experientia 41: 1374-1377, 1985.

OR-139 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ouabain inhibits endothelium-dependent relaxations to arachidonic acid in canine coronary arteries. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 235: 81-86, 1985.

OR-140 Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prejunctional adrenergic inhibition by aggregating platelets in canine blood vessels. Am. J. Physiol. 249: H685-H689, 1985.

OR-141 Flavahan, N.A., Lindblad, L.E., Verbeuren, T.J., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cooling and alpha1 and alpha2-adrenergic responses in cutaneous veins: role of receptor-reserve. Am. J. Physiol. 249: H950-H955, 1985.

OR-142 Cooke, J.P., Rimele, T.J., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nimodipine and inhibition of alpha-adrenergic activation of the isolated canine saphenous vein. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 234: 598-602, 1985.

OR-143 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial alpha2-adrenoceptors in canine pulmonary and systemic blood vessels. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 118: 123-129, 1985.

OR-144 Rubanyi, G.M., Schwartz, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The calcium agonists Bay K 8644 and (+) 202,791 stimulate the release of endothelial relaxing factor from canine femoral arteries. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 117: 143-144, 1985.

OR-145 Lindblad, L.E., Lorenz. R.R., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of vibration on a canine cutaneous artery. Am. J. Physiol. 250: H519-H523, 1986.

OR-146 Katusic, Z.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxytocin causes endothelium-dependent relaxations of canine basilar arteries by activating V1-vasopressinergic receptors. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 236: 166-170, 1986.

OR-147 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions to acetylcholine in the aorta of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension 8: 344-348, 1986.

OR-148 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxygen-derived free radicals, endothelium and responsiveness of vascular smooth muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 250: H815-H821, 1986.

OR-149 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Superoxide anions and hyperoxia inactivate endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s). Am. J. Physiol. 250: H822-H827, 1986.

OR-150 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses to platelets and serotonin in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 8: II-55-II-60, 1986.

OR-151 Rubanyi, G.M., Romero, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Flow-induced release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor. Am. J. Physiol. 250: H1145-H1149, 1986.

OR-152 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha1- and alpha2-adrenoceptors: Response coupling in canine saphenous and femoral veins. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 238: 131-138, 1986.

OR-153 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The effect of cooling on alpha1- and alpha2-adrenergic responses in canine saphenous and femoral veins. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 238: 139-147, 1986.

OR-154 Essandoh, L.K., Houston, D.S., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Differential effects of lower body negative pressure on forearm and calf blood flow. J. Appl. Physiol. 61: 994-998, 1986.

OR-155 Miller, V.M., Aarhus, L.L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Modulation of endothelium-dependent responses by chronic alterations of blood flow. Am. J. Physiol. 251: H520-H527, 1986.

OR-156 Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Anoxic contractions in isolated canine cerebral arteries: Contribution of endothelium-derived factors, metabolites of arachidonic acid, and calcium entry. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 8: S97-S1O1, 1986.

OR-157 Houston, D.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Aggregating human platelets cause direct contraction and endothelium-dependent relaxation of isolated canine coronary arteries: role of serotonin, thromboxane A2 and adenine nucleotides. J. Clin. Invest. 78: 539-544, 1986.

OR-158 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in isolated blood vessels of lower vertebrates. Blood Vessels 23: 225-235, 1986.

OR-159 Daskalopoulos, D.A., Rimele, T.J. Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Flunarizine and alpha-adrenergic responses in isolated canine saphenous veins. Gener. Pharmacol. 18: 193-196, 1987.

OR-160 Edoute, Y., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Inorganic phosphate inhibits sympathetic neurotransmission in canine saphenous veins. Am. J. Physiol. 252: H131-H134, 1987.

OR-161 Lüscher, T.F., Raij, L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent vascular responses in normotensive and hypertensive Dahl-rats. Hypertension 9: 157-163, 1987.

OR-162 Zander, J.F., Aarhus, L.L., Katusic, Z.S., Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of naftidrofuryl on adrenergic nerves, endothelium and smooth muscle in isolated canine blood vessels. J. Pharmac. Exp. Ther. 239: 760-767, 1986.

OR-163 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Sympathetic purinergic vasoconstriction and thermosensitivity in a canine cutaneous vein. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 239: 784-789, 1986.

OR-164 Danser, A.H.J., van den Ende, R., Lorenz, R.R., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prejunctional beta1-adrenoceptors inhibit cholinergic transmission in canine bronchi. J. Appl. Physiol. 62: 785-790, 1987.

OR-165 Lüscher, T.F., Rubanyi, G.M., Aarhus, L.L., Edoute, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin reduces coronary flow in the isolated heart of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. J. Hypertension 4: S148-S150, 1986.

OR-166 Gisclard, V., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha-adrenergic responses of blood vessels of rabbits after ovariectomy and administration of 17 ß-estradiol. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 140: 466-470, 1987.

OR-167 Flavahan, N.A., Miller, V.M., Aarhus, L.L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Denervation augments alpha2- but not alpha1-adrenergic responses in canine saphenous veins. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 240: 589-593, 1987.

OR-168 Lüscher, T.F., Romero, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Bioassay of endothelium-derived vasoactive substances in the aorta of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. J. Hypertens. 4: S81-S83, 1987.

OR-169 Rubanyi, G.M., McKinney, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Biphasic release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s) by acetylcholine from perfused canine femoral arteries. Characterization of muscarinic receptors. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 240: 802-808, 1987.

OR-170 Flavahan, N.A., Cooke, J.P., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Human postjunctional alpha1 and alpha2-adrenoceptors: differential distribution in arteries of the limbs. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 241: 361-365, 1987.

OR-171 Katusic, Z., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contraction to stretch in canine basilar arteries. Am. J. Physiol. 21: H671-H673, 1987.

OR-172 Shimokawa, H., Lam, J.Y., Chesebro, T., Bowie, J H., Walter, E.J. and Vanhoutte, PM. Effects of dietary supplementation with cod-liver oil on endothelium-dependent responses in porcine coronary arteries. Circulation 76: 898-905, 1987.

OR-173 O'Rourke, S.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Subtypes of muscarinic receptors on adrenergic nerves and vascular smooth muscle of the canine saphenous vein. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 241: 64-67, 1987.

OR-174 Bentley, M.D., Vanhoutte, V., Schryver, S.M., Romero, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contraction of isolated canine renal arteries induced by the radiocontrast medium, sodium/meglumine diatrizoate. J. Labor. Clin. Med. 109: 595-600, 1987.

OR-175 Rubanyi, G.M., Frye, R.L., Holmes, D.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasoconstrictor activity of coronary sinus plasma from patients with coronary artery disease. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 9: 1243-1249, 1987.

OR-176 Houston, D.S., Burnstock, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Different P2-purinergic receptor subtypes on endothelium and smooth muscle in canine blood vessels. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 241: 501-506, 1987.

OR-177 Shimokawa, H., Aarhus, A.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Porcine coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium have a reduced endothelium-dependent responsiveness to aggregating platelets and serotonin. Circ. Res. 61: 256-270, 1987.

OR-178 Lüscher, T.F., Cooke, J.P., Houston, D.S., Neves, R.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations in human arteries. Mayo Clin. Proc. 62: 601-606, 1987.

OR-179 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of endothelium-dependent responses to acetylcholine in canine femoral arteries and veins. Blood Vessels 25: 75-81, 1988.

OR-180 Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Relaxation of the canine coronary artery to electrical stimulation: limited role of free radicals. Am. J. Physiol. 253: H884-H889, 1987.

OR-181 Lüscher, T.F., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Raij, L. Antihypertensive treatment normalizes decreased endothelium-dependent relaxations in salt-induced hypertension of the rat. Hypertension 9: III-193/III-197, 1987.

OR-182 Miller, V.M., Reigel, M.M., Hollier, L.H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in autogenous femoral veins grafted into the arterial circulation of the dog. J. Clin. Invest. 80: 1350-1357, 1987.

OR-183 O'Rourke, S.T., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of muscarinic receptors in canine bronchial smooth muscle. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 140: 117-120, 1987.

OR-184 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity in the effects of epithelium-removal in the canine bronchial tree. J. Appl. Physiol. 63: 2510-2515, 1987.

OR-185 Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization of canine coronary smooth muscle. Br. J. Pharmacol. 93: 515-524, 1988.

OR-186 Burnett, J.C. Jr., Rubanyi, G.M., Edwards, B.S., Schwab, T.R., Zimmerman, R.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Atrial natriuretic peptide decreases cardiac output independent of coronary vasoconstriction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med. 186: 313-318, 1987.

OR-187 Blaise, G., Sill, J.C., Nugent, M., Van Dyke, R.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Isoflurane causes endothelium-dependent inhibition of contractile responses of canine coronary arteries. Anesthesiology, 67: 513-517, 1987.

OR-188 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nature of endothelium-derived relaxing factor: Are there two different relaxing mediators? Circ. Res. 61: II61-II67, 1987.

OR-189 Gisclard, V., Miller, V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of 17-Estradiol on endothelium-dependent responses in the rabbit. J. Pharmacol. Exp. THer. 244: 19-22, 1988.

OR-190 Katusic, Z.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Potassium induced endothelium-dependent rhythmic activity in the canine basilar artery. J. Cardiovasc. Pharm. 12: 37-41, 1988.

OR-191 Houston, D.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of serotonergic receptor subtypes on the smooth muscle and endothelium of the canine coronary artery. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 244: l- 10, 1988.

OR-192 Katusic, Z.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions to calcium ionophore A23187, arachidonic acid and acetylcholine in canine basilar arteries. Stroke 19: 476-479, April 1988.

OR-193 Ruff, F., Zander, J.F., Edoute, Y., Santais, M.C., Flavahan, N.A., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Beta2-adrenergic responses to tulobuterol in airway smooth muscle, vascular smooth muscle and adrenergic nerves. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 244: 173-180, 1987.

OR-194 Rusch, N.J., Aarhus, L.L., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte P.M. The effect of cold on adrenergic neurotransmission in canine saphenous arteries and veins. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med. 187: 506-512, 1988.

OR-195 Harker, C.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cooling the central ear artery of the rabbit: myogenic and adrenergic responses. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 245: 89-93, 1988.

OR-196 Kim, P., Sundt Jr., T.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alterations in endothelium-dependent responsiveness of the canine basilar artery after subarachnoid hemorrhage. J. Neurosurgery 69: 239-246, 1988.

OR-197 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Potassium-induced release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor from canine femoral arteries. Circ. Res. 62: 1098-1103, 1988.

OR-198 Cooke, J.P., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasoconstriction induced by ouabain in the canine coronary artery: contribution of adrenergic and non-adrenergic responses. Cardiovasc. Drugs Therapy. 2: 255-263, 1988.

OR-199 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Are there interactions between S2-serotonergic and alpha1-adrenergic receptors in isolated canine arteries? J. Cardiol. Pharmacol. 11: S16-S21, 1988.

OR-200 Miller, V.M., Gisclard, V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Modulation of endothelium-dependent and vascular smooth muscle responses by estrogens. Phlebology 3: 63-69, 1988.

OR-201 Harker, C.T., Marcelon, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Temperature, estrogens and contractions of venous smooth muscle of the rabbit. Phlebology 3: 77-82, 1988.

OR-202 Soares-De-Moura, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of cooling and warming on the vasodilator response of the isolated dog saphenous artery to acetylcholine. Brazilian J. Med. Biol. Res. 21:157-159, 1988.

OR-203 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Potassium-free solution prevents the action but not the release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor. Eur. J. Pharm. 145: 351-355, 1988.

OR-204 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The airway epithelium modulates the responsiveness of porcine bronchial smooth muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 721-727, 1988.

OR-205 Rubanyi, G.M., Hoeffner, U., Schwartz, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Stereoselective effect of diltiazem on endothelium-dependent relaxations in canine femoral arteries. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 246: 60-64, 1988.

OR-206 Komori, K., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nitric oxide, ACh, and electrical and mechanical properties of canine arterial smooth muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 255: H207-H212, 1988.

OR-207 Shimokawa, H., Kim, P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxation to aggregating platelets in isolated basilar arteries of control and hypercholesterolemic pigs. Circ. Res. 63: 604-612, 1988.

OR-208 Vidal, M.J., Romero, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor inhibits renin release. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 149: 401, 1988.

OR-209 Flavahan, N.A., Slifman, N.R., Gleich, G.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Human eosinophil major basic protein causes hyperreactivity of respiratory smooth muscle: role of the epithelium. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 138: 685-688, 1988.

OR-210 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P M. Polarized release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s) by melittin in canine femoral arteries. In: Vasodilatation, Vascular Smooth Muscle, Peptides, Autonomic Nerves, and Endothelium, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 489-495, 1988.

OR-211 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Enhanced release of endothelium-derived factors by chronic increases in blood flow. Am. J. Physiol. 255: H446-H451, 1988.

OR-212 Iqbal, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Flunarizine inhibits endothelium-dependent hypoxic facilitation in canine coronary arteries through an action on vascular smooth muscle. Br. J. Pharmac. 95: 789-794, 1988.

OR-213 Blaise, G., Iqbal, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitors of cyclooxygenase augment serotonergic responsiveness in canine coronary arteries. Am. J. Physiol. 255: HI032-1035, 1988.

OR-214 Kim, P., Lorenz, R.R., Sundt, T.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor after subarachnoid hemorrhage. J. Neurosurgery 70: 108-114, 1989.

OR-215 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Arachidonic acid evokes epithelium-dependent relaxations in canine airways. J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 2170-2180, 1988.

OR-216 Shimokawa, H., Flavahan, N.A., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prostacyclin releases endothelium-derived relaxing factor and potentiates its action in porcine coronary artery. Br. J. Pharmacol. 95:1197-1203, 1988.

OR-217 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Removal of the epithelium potentiates acetylcholine in depolarizing canine bronchial smooth muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 2400-2405, 1988.

OR-218 Félétou, M., Hoeffner, U. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxing factors do not affect the smooth muscle of portal-mesenteric veins. Blood Vessels 26:21-32, 1989.

OR-219 Lüscher, T.F., Diederich, D., Weber, E, Vanhoutte, P.M. and Bühler, F.R. Endothelium-dependent responses in carotid and renal arteries of normotensive and hypertensive rats. Hypertension 2: 573-578, 1988.

OR-220 Shimokawa, H., Aarhus, L.L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids augment endothelium-dependent relaxation to bradykinin in porcine coronary microvessels. Br. J. Pharmacol. 95:1191-1196, 1988.

OR-221 Raij, L., Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. High potassium diet augments endothelium-dependent relaxations in the dahl rat. Hypertension 12: 562-567, 1988.

OR-222 Hoeffner, U. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by arachidonic acid in canine blood vessels is due to prostanoid production. J. Vasc. Med. & Biol. 1: 50-54, 1989.

OR-223 Janczewski, P., Boulanger, C., Iqbal, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent effects of carteolol. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 247:590-595, 1988.

OR-224 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Dietary cod-liver oil improves endothelium-dependent responses in hypercholesterolemic and atherosclerotic porcine coronary arteries. Circulation 78: 1421 1430, 1988.

OR-225 Flavahan, N.A., Shimokawa, H, and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pertussis toxin inhibits endothelium-dependent relaxations to certain agonists in porcine coronary arteries. J. Physiol. 408: 549-560, 1989.

OR-226 Lüscher, T.F., Aarhus, L.L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Indomethacin improves the impaired endothelium-dependent relaxations in small mesenteric arteries of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Am. J. Hypertens. 3: 55-58, 1990.

OR-227 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Dietary omega-3 fatty acids and endothelium-dependent relaxations in porcine coronary arteries. Am. J. Physiol. 256: H968-H973, 1989.

OR-228 Duprez, D.A., Essandoh, L.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Vascular responses in forearm and calf to contralateral static exercises. J. Appl. Physiol. 66: 669-674, 1989.

OR-229 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation to aggregating platelets and related vasoactive substances in porcine coronary arteries in hypercholesterolemia and in atherosclerosis. Circ. Res. 64: 900-914, 1989.

OR-230 Boulanger, C., Hendrickson, H., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Release of different relaxing factors by cultured porcine endothelial cells. Circ. Res. 64: 1070-1078, 1989.

OR-231 Hoeffner, U., Boulanger, C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Proximal and distal dog coronary arteries respond differently to basal EDRF but not NO. Am. J. Physiol. 256: H828-H831, 1989.

OR-232 Hoeffner, U. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Increases in flow reduce the release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor in the aorta of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. Am. J. Hypertens. 2: 762-767, 1989.

OR-233 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypercholesterolemia causes generalized impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxation to aggregating platelets in porcine arteries. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 13:1402-1408, 1989.

OR-234 Harker, C.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cooling and alpha-adrenergic responses in the saphenous vein of the rabbit. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 249: 56-60, 1989.

OR-235 O'Rourke, S.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential inhibition by ergonovine of norepinephrine release in the coronary artery and saphenous vein of the dog. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 249: 52-55, 1989.

OR-236 Vanhoutte, P.M., Auch-Schwelk, W., Boulanger, C., Janssen, P.A., Katusic, Z.S., Komori-Miller, V.M., Schini, V.B. and Vidal, M. Does endothelin-1 mediate endothelium-dependent contractions during anoxia? J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 13: 124-128, 1989.

OR-237 Hoeffner, U., Félétou, M., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Canine arteries release two different endothelium-derived relaxing factors. Am. J. Physiol. 257: H330-H333, 1989.

OR-238 Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Superoxide anion is an endothelium-derived contracting factor. Am. J. Physiol. 257: H33-H37, 1989.

OR-239 Kim, P., Sundt, T.M. Jr. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alterations of mechanical properties in canine basilar arteries after subarachnoid hemorrhage. J. Neurosurgery 71: 430-436, 1989.

OR-240 Auch-Schwelk, W., Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contractions to oxygen-derived free radicals are augmented in aorta of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Hypertension 13: 859-864, 1989.

OR-241 Katusic, Z.S., Marshall, J.J., Kontos, H.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Similar responsiveness of smooth muscle of the canine basilar artery to EDRF and nitric oxide. Am. J. Physiol. 257: H1235-H1239, 1989.

OR-242 Shimokawa, H., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Natural Course of the impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxations after balloon endothelium-removal in porcine coronary arteries. Circ. Res. 65: 740-753, 1989.

OR-243 Komori, K., Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations to aggregating platelets in porcine femoral veins and its modulation by diet. Circulation 80: 401-409, 1989.

OR-244 Komori, K., Shimokawa, H., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypercholesterolemia impairs endothelium-dependent relaxations to aggregating platelets in porcine iliac arteries. J. Vasc. Surg.10: 318-325, Sept. 1989.

OR-245 Schini, V.B., Hendrickson, H., Heublein, D.M., Burnett, J.C., Jr., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Thrombin enhances the release of endothelin from cultured porcine aortic endothelial cells. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 165: 333-334, 1989.

OR-246 Miller, V.M., Komori, K., Burnett, J.C., Jr., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential sensitivity to endothelin in canine arteries and veins. Am. J. Physiol. 257: H1127-H1131, 1989.

OR-247 Hoeffner, U., Aarhus, L.L., Katusic, Z.S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pharmacology of pentoxifylline in isolated canine arteries and veins. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 14: 899-907, 1989.

OR-248 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Lowering the P02 induces epithelium-dependent relaxation in isolated canine bronchi. Am. J. Physiol. 257:C1034-C1037, 1989.

OR-249 Shimokawa, H., Flavahan, N.A., Shepherd, J.T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent inhibition of ergonovine-induced contraction is impaired in porcine coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium. Circulation 80:643-650, 1989.

OR-250 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Is nitric oxide the only endothelium-derived relaxing factor in canine femoral veins? Am. J. Physiol. 257: H1910-H1916, 1989.

OR-251 Zellers, T.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of endothelium-dependent and independent responses among large and small porcine pulmonary arteries. Pulmonary Pharmacol. 2: 201-208, 1989.

OR-252 Schini, V.B., Dewey J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of indapamide on endothelium-dependent relaxations in isolated canine femoral arteries. Am. J. Cardiol. 65: 6H-10H, 1990.

OR-253 Félétou, M., Harker, C.T., Komori, K., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ammonium ions cause relaxation of isolated canine arteries. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 251: 82-89, 1989.

OR-254 Vedernikov, Y.P., Aarhus, L., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Postmortem changes in endothelium-dependent and independent responses of porcine coronary arteries. Gener. Pharmacol. 21: 49-52, 1990.

OR-255 Auch-Schwelk, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor and calcium antagonists. Z. Kardiol. 78: 1989.

OR-256 Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Tetrodotoxin-insensitive relaxation of coronary arterial smooth muscle to electrical stimulation: possible involvement of a dopaminergic mechanism. Blood Vessels 26: 213-227, 1989.

OR-257 Boulanger, C., Schini, V.B., Hendrickson, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Chronic exposure of cultured endothelial cells to eicosapentaenoic acid potentiates the release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s). Br. J. Pharmacol. 99: 176-180, 1990.

OR-258 O'Rourke, S.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Celiprolol has no direct or indirect relaxing effects in isolated arteries and veins. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 15: 831-835, 1990.

OR-259 Komori, K., Flavahan, N.A., Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M., Electrophysiological Analysis of Adrenergic Neurotransmission and its Modulation by Chronic Denervation in Canine Saphenous Veins. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 252: 1197-1201, 1990.

OR-260 Schini, V.B., Boulanger, C., Regoli, D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Bradykinin stimulates the production of cyclic GMP via activation of B2 kinin receptors in cultured porcine aortic endothelial cells. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 252: 581-585, 1990.

OR-261 Flavahan, N.A., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanisms underlying the Inhibitory Interaction between the Nitrovasodilator SIN-1 and the Endothelium. J. Cardiol. Pharmacol. 14: 86-90, 1990.

OR-262 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Relaxations to SIN-1, Nitric Oxide and Sodium Nitroprusside in Canine Arteries and Veins. J. Cardiol. Pharmacol. 14: 67-71, 1990.

OR-263 Komori, K, and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of SIN-1 ON Electrical Responses of the Smooth Muscle of the Canine Saphenous Vein. J. Cardiol. Pharmacol. 14: 62-66, 1990.

OR-264 Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. SIN-1 Stimulates the Production of Cyclic GMP but not cyclic AMP in Porcine Aortic Endothelial Cells. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 14: 91-94, 1990.

OR-265 Edoute, M.D., Yeonda, D.S.C., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of Metabolites and Hyperomolarity in Sympatholysis. J. Vasc. Med. and Biol. 2: 7-11, 1990.

OR-266 Morrison, K.J., Flavahan, N.A., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential Effects of the Anti-Anginal Drug Nicorandil on Canine Arteries and Veins. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 15: 791-798, 1990.

OR-267 Scriabine, A., Pan, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of Lopoxygenase Inhibitors on Ca2+-Induced Constriction of the Isolated Rabbit Ear Artery. Gener. Pharmacol. 21: 235-239, 1990.

OR-268 Boulanger, S., Flavahan, N.A., Katusic, Z.S., Komori, K., Vos, A.A., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of CRL 41034 on the Adrenergic Neuroeffector Interaction in the Canine Saphenous Vein. Fund. and Clin. Pharmacol. 4: 525-538, 1990.

OR-269 Pearson, P.J., Schaff, H.V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Long-term Impairment of Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations to Aggregating Platelets After Reperfusion Injury in Canine Coronary Arteries. Circulation 81: 1921-1927, 1990.

OR-270 Auch-Schwelk, W., Katusic, Z.S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Thromboxane A2 Receptor Antagonists inhibit Endothelium-Dependent Contractions. Hypertension 15: 699-703, 1990.

OR-271 Miller, V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. 17ß-Estradiol Augments Endothelium-Dependent Contractions to Arachidonic Acid in Rabbit Aorta. Am. J. Physiol. 258: R1502-R1507, 1990.

OR-272 Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of SIN-1 on Isolated Canine Basilar Arteries. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 14: 72-75, 1990.

OR-273 Pearson, P.J., Schaff, H.V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Acute Impairment of Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations to Aggregating Platelets Following Reperfusion Injury in Canine Coronary Arteries. Circ. Res. 67: 385-393, 1990.

OR-274 Komori, K., Gloviczki, P., Bourchier, R.G., Miller, V.M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-Dependent Vasorelaxations in Response to Aggregating Platelets are Impaired in Reversed Vein Grafts. J. Vasc. Surg. 12: 139-147, 1990. OR-275 Biondi, M.L., Dousa, T., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Romero, J. C. Evidences for the Existence of Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor in the Renal Medulla. Am. J. Hypertens. 3: 876-879, 1990.

OR-276 Katusic, Z.S., Moncada, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitory Effect of NG-monomethyl-L-arginine on Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations to Vasopressin. Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. (Biomedical Division) 8: 69-72, 1990.

OR-277 Schini, V.B., Moncada, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. NG-monomethyl-L-arginine Inhibits Thrombin-stimulated Production of Cyclic GMP in Cultured Porcine Aortic Endothelial Cells. Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. (Biomedical Division) 50: 451-456, 1990.

OR-278 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelium, Contractile Tone and Responses to Relaxing Agonists in Canine Bronchi. J. Appl. Physiol. 69: 678-684, 1990.

OR-279 Boulanger C. and Vanhoutte P.M. Ouabain, Na+-free and K+-free Solutions and Relaxations to Nitric Oxide and Nitrovasodilators. Gener. Pharmacol. 22: 337-340, 1991.

OR-280 Error

OR-281 O'Rourke, S.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Adrenergic and Cholinergic Responsiveness of the Isolated Canine Bronchial Artery. Am. J. Physiol. 259: H156-H161, 1990.

OR-282 Sanchez-Ferrer, C.F., Burnett, Jr., J.C., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Possible Modulation of the Release of Atrial Natriuretic Factor by Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor. Am. J. Physiol. 259: H982-H986, 1990.

OR-283 Boulanger, C., Schini, V.B., Moncada, S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Stimulation of Cyclic GMP Production in Cultured Porcine Endothelial Cells by Bradykinin, Adenosine Diphosphate, Calcium Ionophore A23187 and Nitric Oxide. Br. J. Pharm. 101: 152-156, 1990.

OR-284 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pertussis Toxin Inhibits Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations Evoked by Fluoride. Eur. J. Pharm. 178: 121-124, 1990.

OR-285 Eber B., Rowbotham, B., Vanhoutte, P.M. Recombinant Hirudin Inhibits Endothelium-Mediated Relaxations Evoked by Thrombin in Isolated Canine Coronary Arteries. J Vasc. Med. and Biol. 2: 45-90, 1990.

OR-286 Busk, M.F., Flavahan, N.A., Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of the methyl xanthine, S9795, on isolated bronchi of the dog. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 254: 1045-1053.

OR-287 Blaise G.A., Witzeling, T.M., Sill, J.C., Vinay, P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Fentanyl is devoid of major effects on coronary vasoreactivity and myocardial metabolism in experimental animals. Anesthesiology 72: 535-541, 1990.

OR-288 Schini, V.B., Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Neurohypophyseal peptides and tachykinins stimulate the production of cyclic GMP in cultured porcine aortic endothelial cells. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 255: 994-1000, 1990.

OR-289 Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. L-arginine evokes both endothelium-dependent and independent relaxations in l-arginine-depleted aortas of the rat. Circ. Res. 68: 209-216, 1991.

OR-290 Flavahan, N.A., Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition of endothelium-dependent relaxations by phorbol myristate acetate in canine coronary arteries. J. Pharmacol. and Exper. Ther. 256: 50-55, 1991.

OR-291 Miller, V.M., Bower, T.C., McCullough, J.L., Gloviczki, P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in non-reversed (in situ) vein grafts. J. Vasc. Biol. Med. 2: 155-162, 1990.

OR-292 Shimokawa, H., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Loss of endothelial pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein function in atherosclerotic porcine coronary arteries. Circulation 83: 652-660, 1991.

OR-293 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Angiographic demonstration of hyperconstriction induced by serotonin and aggregating platelets in porcine coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 17: 1197-1202, 1991.

OR-294 Nagao, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hyperpolarization as a mechanism for endothelium-dependent relaxations in the porcine coronary artery. J. Physiol. 445: 355-367, 1992.

OR-295 Auch-Schwelk, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium antagonists inhibit contractions to norepinephrine in the rat aorta, in the absence, but not in the presence of the endothelium. Gener. Pharmacol. 22: 595-602, 1991.

OR-296 Vidal, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Miller, V.M. Dissociation between endothelium-dependent relaxations and increases in cyclic GMP in systemic veins. Am. J. Physiol. 260: H1531-H1537, 1991.

OR-297 Komori, K., Schini, V.B., Gloviczki, P., Bourchier, R.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxations in reversed vein grafts is associated with a reduced production of cyclic GMP. J. Vasc. Surg. 14: 67-75, 1991.

OR-298 Scott-Burden, T., Resink, T.J., Hahn, A.W.A and Vanhoutte, P.M. Induction of endothelin secretion by angiotensin II: Effects on growth and synthetic activity of vascular smooth muscle cells. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 17: S96-S100, 1991.

OR-299 Schini, V.B., Kim, N.D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The basal and stimulated release of EDRF inhibits the contractions evoked by endothelin-1 and endothelin-3 in aortae of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 17: S266-S270, 1991.

OR-300 Miller, V.M., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pertussis toxin reduces endothelium-dependent and independent responses to alpha2-adrenergic stimulation in systemic canine arteries and veins. J Pharmacol Exp. Ther. 257: 290-293, 1991.

OR-301 Miller, V.M., Marcelon, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ruscus extract releases endothelium-derived relaxing factor in arteries and veins; In: Return Circulation and Norepinephrine: An Update, ed. Vanhoutte P.M. J. Libbey, Paris, pp. 31-42, 1991.

OR-302 Tuncer, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of prostanoids in the increased vascular responsiveness and delayed tachyphylaxis to serotonin in the kidney of the spontaneously hypertensive rats. J. Hypertens. 9: 623-629, 1991.

OR-303 Scott-Burden, T., Mackie, E.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Angiotensin and vascular structure: modulation of extracellular matrix synthesis in cultured smooth muscle cells. In: Current Advances in Ace Inhibition II, eds. G.A. MacGregor and P.S. Sever, Churchhill Livingston, Edinburgh, pp 134-136, 1991.

OR-304 Gao, Y., Nagao, T., Bond, R.A., Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nebivolol Induces Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations of Canine Coronary Arteries. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 17: 964-969, 1991.

OR-305 Eber, B., Auch-Schwelk, W., Biondi, M-L., Vanhoutte, P.M. IgM-Anticardiolipin-antibodies evoke endothelium-independent relaxations in isolated canine coronary arteries. J. Vasc. Med. Biol. 2: 275-280, 1990.

OR-306 Zellers, T.M., Shimokawa, H., Yunginger, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of Endothelium-Dependent and Endothelium-Independent Responses to Aggregating Platelets in Porcine Pulmonary Arteries. Circ. Res. 68: 1437-1445, 1991.

OR-307 Nilsson, F.N., Miller, V.M., Vanhoutte, P.M., McGregor, C.G.A. Methods of Cardiac Preservation Alter the Function of the Endothelium and Vascular Smooth Muscle in Porcine Coronary Arteries. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 102: 923-930, 1991.

OR-308 Kerth, P.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of Perindoprilat on Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations and Contractions in Isolated Blood Vessels. Am. J. Hypertens. 4: 226S-234S, 1991.

OR-309 Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. L-Arginine Evokes Relaxations of the Rat Aorta in Both the Presence and Absence of Endothelial Cells. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 17: S10-S14, 1991.

OR-310 Schini, V.B., Junquero, D.C., Scott-Burden, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interleukin-1ß induces the production of an L-Arginine-derived relaxing factor from cultured smooth muscle cells from rat aorta. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 176: 114-121, 1991.

OR-311 Klein, W., Eber, B., Dusleag, J., Rotman, B., Koeltringer, P., Luha, O. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ketanserin prevents early restenosis following percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Clin. Physiol. Bioch. 8: 101-107, 1990.

OR-312 Vilaine, J-P., Biondi, M.L., Villeneuve, N., Félétou, M., Peglion, J-L and Vanhoutte, P.M. The calcium channel antagonist S 11568 causes endothelium-dependent relaxation in canine arteries. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 197: 41-48, 1991.

OR-313 Nagao, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Membrane hyperpolarization contributes to endothelium-dependent relaxations induced by acetylcholine in the femoral vein of the rat. Am. J. Physiol. 261: H1034-H1037, 1991.

OR-314 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Progesterone and modulation of endothelium-dependent responses in canine coronary arteries. Am. J. Physiol. 261: R1022-R1027, 1991.

OR-315 Mombouli, J-V., Nephtali, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of the Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Cilazaprilat on Endothelium-Dependent Responses. Hypertension 18: II-22-II-29, 1991.

OR-316 Auch-Schwelk, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-Derived Contracting Factor Released by Serotonin in the Aorta of the SHR. Am. J. Hypertens. 4: 769-772, 1991.

OR-317 Morrison, K.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition of Airway Smooth Muscle Tone by a Phorbol Ester in the Guinea-Pig Trachea: Role of Epithelium and Receptor Reserve of the Contractile Agent. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 259: 198-204, 1991.

OR-318 Durante, W. Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T., Junquero, D.C., Kroll, M.H., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Schafer, A.I. Inhibition of Platelet Activation by an L-Arginine Derived Substance Released by Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Treated with Interleukin-1ß. Am. J. Physiol. 261: H2024-H2030, 1991.

OR-319 Nilsson, F.N., Miller, V.M., Vanhoutte, P.M., McGregor, C.G.A. Methods of Cardiac Preservation Alter the Function of the Endothelium in Porcine Coronary Arteries. J. Thor. Card. Surg. 102: 923-930, 1991

OR-320 Gräser, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypoxic contraction of canine coronary arteries: role of endothelium and cGMP. Am. J. Physiol. 261: H1769-H1777, 1991.

OR-321 Junquero, D.C., Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Indapamide potentiates the endothelium-dependent production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate by bradykinin in the canine femoral artery. Am. Heart J. 122: 1204-1209, 1991.

OR-322 Rubanyi, G. Iqbal, A., Schwartz, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular Actions of TA 3090, a Novel Analogue of Diltiazem: Interaction with Endothelium-dependent Relaxation in Canine Femoral and Coronary Arteries. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 255: 639-642, 1991.

OR-323 Rogers, P.J., Miller, T.D., Bauer, B.A., Brum, J.M., Bove, A.A., Vanhoutte, P.M. Exercise Training and Responsiveness of Isolated Coronary Arteries. J. Appl. Physiol. 71: 2346-2351, 1991.

OR-324 Boulanger, C.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cholera Toxin augments the release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor evoked by bradykinin and the calcium ionophore A23187. Gener. Pharmacol. 23: 27-31, 1992.

OR-325 Bond, R.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interaction of tertatolol at the "Atypical" or Beta3-Adrenoceptor in guinea-pig ileum. Gener. Pharmacol. 23: 171-176, 1992.

OR-326 Dean, M.T., Wood, M.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Antagonist Drugs and Bone Vascular Smooth Muscle. J. Orth. Res. 10: 149-155, 1992.

OR-327 Davis, T.R.C., Wood, M.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The Effect of Hypothermic Ischemia on the Alpha-Adrenergic Mechanisms of Long Bone Resistance Vessels. J. Orth. Res. 10: 104-111, 1992.

OR-328 Zhonge, Y., Wood, M.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha-adrenergic Receptor Responsiveness in Vascular Smooth Muscle of Canine Bone. Clin. Orth. Related Res. 287: 286-291, 1993. OR-329 Zellers, T.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations of piglet pulmonary arteries augment with maturation. Ped. Res. 30: 176-180, 1991.

OR-330 Kim, P., Schini, V.B., Sundt, Jr., T.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Reduced production of cyclic GMP underlies the loss of endothelium-dependent relaxations in the canine basilar artery after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Circ. Res. 70: 248-256, 1992.

OR-331 Miller, V.M., Marcelon, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Progesterone augments the venoconstrictor effect of Ruscus without altering adrenergic reactivity. Phlebology 6: 261-268, 1991.

OR-332 Kim, P.M, Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Dietary -3 fatty acids and endothelium-dependent responses in porcine cerebral arteries. Stroke 3: 407-413, 1992.

OR-333 Mombouli, J-V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Kinins and Endothelium-dependent relaxations to converting enzyme inhibitors in perfused canine arteries. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 18: 926-927, 1991.

OR-334 Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitors of calmodulin impair the constitutive but not the inducible nitric oxide synthase activity in the rat aorta. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 261: 553-559, 1992.

OR-335 Auch-Schwelk, W., Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nitric oxide inactivates endothelium-derived contracting factor in the rat aorta. Hypertension 19: 442-445, 1992.

OR-336 Durante, W., Kroll, M.H., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Schafer, A.I. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor inhibits thrombin-induced platelet aggregation by inhibiting platelet phospholipase C. Blood 79: 110-116, 1992.

OR-337 Scott-Burden, T., Mackie, E.J., Bühler, F.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Angiotensin II Induction of Smooth Muscle Extracellular Matrix Synthesis in Culture. J. Vasc. Med. Biol. 3: 271-276, 1992.

OR-338 Guo, H., G., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Anisodamine Inhibits non-selectively muscarinic receptors in isolated canine veins. Chinese Med. J. 105: 5-10, 1992.

OR-339 Junquero, D.C., Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Transforming growth factor-ß-1 inhibits L-arginine derived relaxing factor(s) from smooth muscle cells. Am. J. Physiol. 262: H1788-H1795, 1992.

OR-340 Hoshino, Y., Verbeuren, T.J., Hughes, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of S14001 on Adrenergic Neuroeffector Interaction in Isolated Canine Saphenous Veins. Gener. Pharmacol. 23: 867-872, 1992.

OR-341 Mombouli, J-V., Illiano, S., Nagao, T., Scott-Burden, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The Potentiation of endothelium-dependent relaxations to bradykinin by angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibtors in the canine coronary artery involves both endothelium-derived relaxing and hyperpolarizing factors. Circ. Res. 71: 137-144, 1992.

OR-342 Morrison, K.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of muscarinic receptors that mediate contractions of guinea-pig isolated trachea to choline esters: Effect of removing epithelium. Br. J. Pharmacol. 106: 672-676, 1992.

OR-343 Joly, G.A., Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Balloon injury and interleukin-1ß induce nitric oxide synthase activity in rat carotid arteries. Circ. Res. 71: 331-338, 1992.

OR-344 Schini, V.B., Durante, W., Elizondo, E., Scott-Burden, T., Junquero, D.C., Schafer, A.I. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The induction of nitric oxide synthase activity is inhibited by TGF-ß1, PDGFAB and PDGFBB in vascular smooth muscle cells. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 216: 379-383, 1992.

OR-345 Auch-Schwelk, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contractions to endothelin in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats: role of endothelium and prostaglandins. Blood Pressure 1: 45-49, 1992.

OR-346 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of hydrogen peroxide on the responsiveness of isolated canine bronchi: role of prostaglandin E2 and I2. Am. J. Physiol. 263: L402-L408, 1992.

OR-347 Mombouli, J.-V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Kinins mediate Kallikrein-induced endothelium-dependent relaxations in isolated canine coronary arteries. Biomed. Biophys. Res. Comm. 185: 693-697, 1992.

OR-348 Nagao, T., Illiano, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneous distribution of endothelium-dependent relaxations resistant to nitro-L-arginine in the arterial tree of the rat. Am. J. Physiol. 263: 1090-1094, 1992.

OR-349 Junquero, D.C., Scott-Burden, T., Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition of interleukin-1ß-induced nitric oxide production by transforming growth factor-ß1 in human aortic smooth muscle cells. J. Physiol. 454: 451-465, 1992.

OR-350 Illiano, S.C., Nagao, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calmidazolium, a calmodulin inhibitor, inhibits endothelium-dependent relaxations resistant to nitro-L-arginine in the canine coronary artery. Br. J. Pharmacol. 107: 387-392, 1992.

OR-351 Scott-Burden, T., Schini, V.B., Elizondo, E., Junquero, D.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelet-derived growth factor suppresses, whereas fibroblast growth factor enhances cytokine-induced production of nitric oxide by cultured smooth muscle cells: Effects on cell proliferation. Circ. Res. 71: 1088-1100, 1992.

OR-352 Junquero, D.C., Scott-Burden, T., Schini, V.B., Durante, W., Schafer, A.I. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Induction of nitric oxide production in human vascular smooth muscle cells by interleukin-1ß and its inhibition by transforming growth factor-ß. In: Biology of Nitric Oxide, eds. Moncada, S., Marletta, M.A., Hibbs, J.B., and Higgs, E.A. Portland Press Proceedings, London, pp. 336-341, 1992.

OR-353 Illiano, S.C., Nagao, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of calmodulin inhibitors on endothelium-dependent relaxations in response to bradykinin in porcine and canine coronary arteries. In: Biology of Nitric Oxide eds. Moncada, S., Marletta, M.A., Hibbs, J.B., and Higgs, E.A. Portland Press Proceedings, London, pp. 93-97, 1992.

OR-354 Nagao, T., Illiano, S.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calmodulin antagonists inhibit endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in the canine coronary artery. Br. J. Pharmacol. 107:382-386, 1992.

OR-355 Gao, Y., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypotonic solutions induce epithelium-dependent relaxation of isolated canine bronchi. Lung 170: 339-347, 1992.

OR-356 Guo, H., G., Lorenz R.R., Vanhoutte, P.M. Anisodamine antagonizes acetylcholine-induced inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission in the canine saphenous vein. Chinese Med. Sci. J. 7: 32-35, 1992.

OR-357 Error

OR-358 Mombouli, J.V., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of endothelium-dependent vasodilator effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitors: Role of bradykinin generation during ACE inhibition. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 20: S74-S82, 1992.

OR-359 Guo, H., Lorenz, R.R., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Anisodamine inhibits acetylcholine-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation of canine femoral artery. Chin. Med. J. 105: 666-670, 1992.

OR-360 Nagao, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of endothelium-dependent relaxations resistant to nitro-L-arginine in the porcine coronary artery. Br. J. Pharmacol. 107: 1102-1107, 1992.

OR-361 Shibano, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Induction of NO production by TNF- and LPS in porcine coronary arteries without endothelium. Am. J. Physiol. 264: H403-H407, 1993.

OR-362 Boulanger, C.M., Hughes, H., Bond, R.A., Rafla, E., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of S9977 on adrenergic neurotransmission. Gener. Pharmacol. 24: 429-434, 1993.

OR-363 Taddei, S., Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of endothelium in endothelin-evoked contractions in the rat aorta. Hypertension 21: 9-15, 1993.

OR-364 Boulanger, C.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interleukin-2 causes endothelium-dependent contractions to arachidonic acid. Hypertension 21: 289-293, 1993.

OR-365 Schini, V.B., Catovsky, S., Durante, W., Scott-Burden, T., Schafer, A.I. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Thrombin inhibits the induction of nitric oxide synthase in vascular smooth muscle cells. Am. J. Physiol. 264: H611-H616, 1993.

OR-366 Katusic, Z., Schugel, J., Cosentino, F., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-Dependent Contractions to Oxygen-Derived Free Radicals in the Canine Basilar Artery. Am. J. Physiol. 264: H859-H864, 1993.

OR-367 Shibano, T., Codina, J., Birnbaumer, L., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) causes endothelium-dependent, pertussis toxin-sensitive relaxations in porcine coronary arteries. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 189: 324-9, 1992.

OR-368 Schini, V., Catovsky, S., Scott-Burden, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase is Impaired by Thrombin in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. J. Pharmac. Cardiovasc. 20: 142-144, 1992.

OR-369 Joly, G., Schini, V.B., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Balloon Injury Induces Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity in Rat Carotid Arteries J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 20: 151-154, 1992.

OR-370 Schini, V.B., Durante, W., Scott-Burden, T., Junquero, D.C., Schager, A., I. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The induction of nitric oxide synthase activity in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells exposed to transforming growth factor-ß and platelet-derived growth factor families. In: Biology of Nitric Oxide, eds. Moncada, S., Marletta, M.A., Hibbs, J.B., and Higgs, E.A. Portland Press Proceedings, London, pp. 93-97, 1992.

OR-371 Scott-Burden, T., Schini, V.B., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Induction by interleukin-1ß of nitric oxide synthase leads to inhibition of mitogen-stimulated DNA synthesis in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. In: Biology of Nitric Oxide, eds. Moncada, S., Marletta, M.A., Hibbs, J.B., and Higgs, E.A. Portland Press Proceedings, London, pp. 48-52, 1992.

OR-372 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Respiratory epithelium modulates the responses of canine bronchi to cooling. J. Appl. Physiol. 75: 2421-2425, 1993.

OR-373 Gao, Y., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Products of cyclooxygenase mediate the responses of the guinea-pig trachea to hydrogen peroxide. J. Appl. Physiol. 74: 2105-2111, 1993.

OR-374 Nagao, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Electrical and mechanical changes during anoxic contractions of the isolated canine basilar artery. J. Cerebr.l Blood Flow and Metabolism 13: 498-502, 1993.

OR-375 Junquero, D.C., Scott-Burden, T., Schini, V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The production of nitric oxide evoked by interleukin-1ß in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells from spontaneoulsy hypertensive rats is greater than that from normotensive rats. In: Genetic Hypertension, eds. J. Sassard, Colloque INSERM/ John Libbey Eurotext Ltd., 218: pp. 3-5, 1992.

OR-376 Mombouli, J.V., Illiano, S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Local Production of Kinins contributes to the endothelium dependent-relaxations evoked by converting enzyme inhibitors in isolated arteries. Agents and Actions 38: 186-195, 1992.

OR-377 Guo, Heng-Yi, Lorenz, R., Verbeuren, T., Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of S-11701 on accumulation, release and metabolism of norepinephrine in isolated canine saphenous veins. Gener. Pharmacol. 23: 1079-1085, 1992.

OR-378 Schini, V.B., Durante, W., Catovsky, S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Eicosapentaenoic acid potentiates the production of nitric oxide evoked by interleukin-1 in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. J. Vasc. Res. 30: 209-217, 1993.

OR-379 Schini, V.B., Catovsky, S., Busse, R., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Insulin-like growth factor-I inhibits induction of nitric oxide synthase in vascular smooth muscle cells. Circ. Res. 74: 24-32, 1994.

OR-380 Junquero, D.C., Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Enhanced production of nitric oxide in aortas from spontaneously hypertensive rats by interleukin-1. Am. J. Hypertens. 6:602-610, 1993.

OR-381 Durante, W., Schini, V.B., Catowsky, S., Kroll, M.H., and Vanhoutte, P.M., and Schaffer, A.I. Plasmin potentiates induction of nitric oxide synthesis by interleukin-1 in vascular smooth muscle cells. Am. J. Physiol. 264: H617-H624, 1993.

OR-382 Tuncer, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin releases a vasoconstrictor prostanoid in the kidney of the aging spontaneously hypertensive rat. Blood Pressure 2: 142-145, 1993.

OR-383 Tuncer, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Response to the Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilator Acetylcholine in Perfused Kidneys of Normotensive and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Blood Pressure 2: 217-220, 1993.

OR-384 Boulanger, C.M., Desta, B., Clozel, J.P., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Chronic treatment with the Ca2+ channel inhibitor RO 40-5967 potentiates endothelium-dependent relaxations in the aorta of the hypertensive salt sensitive dahl rat. Blood Pressure, 3: 193-196, 1994.

OR-385 Gao, Y., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Attenuation of contractions to aceytylcholine in canine bronchi by an endogenous nitric oxide-like substance. Br. J. Pharmacol. 109: 887-891, 1993.

OR-386 Boulanger, C.M., Mombouli, J.V., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Indapamide inhibits endothelium-dependent contractions in the aorta of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. 7: 443-448, 1993.

OR-387 Nakashima, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelin-1 and endothelin-3 cause endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in the rat mesenteric artery. Am. J. Physiol. 265: H2137-H2141, 1993.

OR-388 Gao, Y., Vanhoutte, P.M. Responsiveness of the guinea-pig trachea to stretch: role of the epithelium and of products of cyclooxygenase. J. Appl. Physiol. 75: 2112-2116, 1993.

OR-389 Mombouli, J.V., Vanhoutte, P.M. Purinergic Endothelium-Dependent and Independent Contractions in Rat Aorta. Hypertension 22: 577-583, 1993.

OR-390 Nakashima, M., Mombouli, J.V., Taylor A.A., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization caused by bradykinin in human coronary arteries. J. Clin. Invest. 92: 2867-2871, 1993.

OR-391 Vedernikov, Y.P., Goto, K., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The ETA Antagonist BQ-123 Inhibits Anoxic Contractions of Canine Coronary Arteries Without Endothelium. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol, 22: S252-S256,1993.

OR-392 Nakashima, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelins and Membrane Potential of Vascular Smooth Muscle of the Canine Coronary Artery. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 22: S229-S231,1993.

OR-393 Mombouli, J.V., Lee, S.Q., Wasserstrum, N., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelins 1 and 3 and Big-endothelin-1 Contract Isolated Human Placental Veins. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 22: S278-S281, 1993.

OR-394 Nakashima, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Age-Dependent Decrease in Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarizations to Endothelin-3 in the Rat Mesenteric Artery. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 22: S352-S354, 1993.

OR-395 Taddei, S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-Dependent Contractions to Endothelin in the Rat Aorta are mediated by Thromboxane A2. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 22: S328-S331, 1993.

OR-396 Schini, V.B., Bond, R., Gao, Y., Illiano, S., Junquero, D., Mombouli, J.V., Nagao, T., Smart, F., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The Sydnonimine, C87-3754, Evokes Endothelium-Independent Relaxations and Prevents Endothelium-Dependent Contractions in Blood Vessels of the Dog. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 22: S10-S16, 1993.

OR-397 Guo, H., Lorenz, R.R., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Anisodamine at higher concentrations is inhibiting alpha-adrenergic responses in isolated canine blood vessels. Chinese Med. J. 106: 452-457, 1993.

OR-398 Park, S.J., Boulanger, C.M., Kirchengast, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of the Combined 5-hydroxytryptaMine2 receptor and Ca2+ channel antagonist LU49938 on the Responsiveness of Isolated Porcine Coronary Arteries With and Without Endothelium. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 24: 517-522, 1994.

OR-399 Le, S.Q., Wasserstrum, N., Mombouli, J.V., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contractile effect of endothelin in human placental veins: Role of endothelium prostaglandins and thromboxane. Am. J. Obstet Gynecol. 169: 919-924, 1993.

OR-400 Durante, W., Schini, V.B., Kroll, M.H., Catovsky, S., Scott-Burden, S., White, J.G., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Schafer, A.E. Platelets inhibit the induction of nitric oxide synthesis by interleukin-1 in vascular smooth muscle cells. Blood, 83: 1831-1838, 1994.

OR-401 Scott-Burden, T., Elizondo, E., Ge, T., Boulanger, C.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Growth factor regulation of interleukin-1 induced nitric oxide synthase and GTP : cyclohydrolase expression in cultured smooth muscle cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 196: 1261-1266, 1993.

OR-402 Boulanger, C.M., Nakashima, M., Olmos, O., Joly, G., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of the Ca2+ antagonist RO 40-5967 on enothelium-dependent responses of isolated arteries. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 23: 869-876, 1994.

OR-403 Gao, Y., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelium acts as a modulator and a diffusion barrier in the responses of canine airway smooth muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 76: 1843-1847, 1994.

OR-404 Shibano, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Involvement of 5-HT2 receptors in chronic endothelial dysfunction after balloon injury of porcine coronary arteries. Circulation 89: 1776-1785, 1994.

OR-405 Hoshino, Y., Morrison, K.J., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanisms of hypoxic vasoconstriction in the canine isolated pulmonary artery : role of endothelium and sodium pump. Am. J. Physiol. 267: L120-L127, 1994.

OR-406 Boulanger, C.M., Morrison, K.J., and Vanhoutte, P.M. M3-Muscarinic receptors mediate both endothelium-dependent contraction and relaxation to acetylcholine in the aorta of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Br. J. Pharmacol. 112: 519-524, 1994.

OR-407 Illiano, S., Mombouli, J.V., Nagao, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Potentiation by trandolaprilat of the endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization induced by bradykinin, J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 23: S6-S10, 1994.

OR-408 Vidal, M., Joly, G., Mombouli, J.V., Boulanger, C.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The endothelium and vascular effects of the ACE inhibitor trandolaprilat, J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 23: S1-S5, 1994.

OR-409 Shibano, T., Codina, J., Birnbaumer, L., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pertussis toxin-sensitive G-proteins in regenerated endothelial cells after balloon denudation of porcine coronary artery. Am. J. Physiol. 267: H979-H981, 1994.

OR-410 Scott-Burden, T., Elizondo, E., Ge, T., Boulanger, C.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Simultaneous activation of adenylyl cyclase and protein kinase C induces production of nitric oxide by vascular smooth muscle cells. Mol. Pharmacol. 46: 274-282, 1994.

OR-411 Belfort, M.A., Saade, G.R., Moise, K.J., Kirshon, B., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Magnesium sulfate and diphenylhydantoin relax canine middle cerebral artery contracted with the thromboxane-A2 analogue U46619 by different mechanisms: implications for the management of eclampsia. Hypertension in Pregnancy 13: 51-64, 1994.

OR-412 Olmos, L., Mombouli, J.V., Illiano, S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. cGMP mediates the desensitization to bradykinin in isolated canine coronary arteries. Am. J. Physiol. 268: H865-H870, 1995.

OR-413 Park, S.J., Lee, J.J., Kirchengast, M., Boulanger, C.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The combined 5-hydroxytryptamine2 receptor and Ca2+ channel inhibitor LU49938 Restores endothelium-dependent responses in the regenerated endothelium of the porcine coronary artery. Cardiovasc. Res. 29: 95-101, 1995.

OR-414 Weigert, A.L., Schini, V.B., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium dependent potentiation of the relaxation of the rat aorta to isoproterenol. Role of inhibition of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase by cyclic GMP. Life Sciences Advances 13: 45-52, 1994.

OR-415 Nakashima, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Isoproterenol causes hyperpolarization through opening of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in vascular smooth muscle of the canine saphenous vein. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 272: 379-384, 1995.

OR-416 De Castro, M., Mota-Filipe, H., Caneira, M., Giao-T. Rico, J.M., Scott-Burden, T., Vanhoutte, P.M. DL-Propranolol augments production of NO induced by cytokines in cultured aortic smooth muscle of the rat. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 1-5, 1994.

OR-417 Desta, B., Nakashima, M., Kirchengast, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Boulanger, C.M. Previous exposure to bradykinin unmasks an endothelium-dependent relaxation to the converting enzyme inhibitor trandolaprilat in isolated canine coronary arteries. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 272: 885-891, 1995.

OR-418 Le, S.Q., Wasserstrum, N., Mombouli, J.V., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of extracellular calcium and calcium channels in the response of human placental venous smooth muscle to endothelin-1. Am. J. Obstet Gynecol. 169: 1427-1430, 1993.

OR-419 Joly, G.A., Schini, V.B., Hughes, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Potentiation of the hyporeactivity induced by in vivo endothelial injury in the rat carotid artery by chronic treatment with fish oil. Br. J. Pharmacol. 115: 255-260, 1995.

OR-420 Ge, T., Hughes, H., Junquero, D.C., Wu, K.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. Endothelium-Dependent contractions are associated with both augmented expression of prostaglandin H synthase-1 and hypersensitivity to prostaglandin H2 in the SHR aorta. Circ. Res. 76: 1003-1010, 1995. OR-421 Day, N.S., Ge, T., Codina, J., Birnbaumer, L., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. Gi Proteins and the response to serotonin in cultured porcine endothelial cells with impaired release of EDRF. Br. J. Pharmacol. 115: 822-827, 1995.

OR-422 Desta, B., Vanhoutte,P.M., and Boulanger, C.M. Inhibition of the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme by Perindoprilat and Release of Nitric Oxide. Am. J. Hypertens. 8: 1S-6S, 1995.

OR-423 Nagao, T., Nakashima, M., Smart, F.W., Bond, R.A., Morrison, K.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Potentiation of endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization to serotonin by dietary intake of NC 020, a defined fish oil, in the porcine coronary artery. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 26: 679-681, 1995.

OR-424 Schini-Kerth, V.B., Fissithaler, B., Anderson, T.T., Fenton, J.W., Vanhoutte, P.M., Busse, R. Thrombin prevents the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in vascular smooth muscle cells by a proteolytically-activated thrombin receptor. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 74: 980-6,1995.

OR-425 Mombouli, J.V., Nakashima, M., Hamra, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxation and and hyperpolarization evoked by bradykinin in canine coronary arteries : enhancement by exercise-training. Br. J. Pharmacol. 117: 413-418, 1996.

OR-426 Cordi, A.A., Lacoste, J.M., Descombes, J.J., Courchay, C., Vanhoutte, P.M., Laubie, M., and Verbeuren, T.J. Design, Synthesis, and Structure-Activity Relationships of a New Series of -adrenergic Agonists: Spiro1,3-diazacyclopent-1-ene)5-2'-(1',2',3',4'-tetrahydronaphtha-lene). J. Med. Chem. 38: 4056-4069, 1995.

OR-427 Desta, B., Nakashima, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Boulanger, C.M. The Nitrate Ester ITF 296 Relaxes isolated Canine Arteries and Veins. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 26: S53-S58, 1995.

OR-428 Illiano, S., Marsault, R., Descombes, J.J., Verbeuren, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Regulation of nitric oxide-like activity by prostanoids in smooth muscle of the canine saphenous vein. Br. J. Pharmacol. 117: 360-364, 1996.

OR-429 Lee, J.J., Boulanger, C.M., Kirchengast, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Trandolapril Plus Verapamil Inhibits the Coronary Vasospasm Induced by Hypoxia Following Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Dogs. Gener. Pharmac. 27: 1057-1059, 1996.

OR-430 Corriu, C., Félétou, M., Canet, E., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitors of the cytochrome P450-mono-oxygenase and endothelium-dependent hyperplarizations in the guinea-pig isolated carotid artery. Br. J. Pharmacol. 117: 607-610, 1996.

OR-431 King, B.F., Dacquet, C., Ziganshin, A.U., Weetman, D.F., Burnstock, G., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Spedding, M. 2,2'- pyridylisatogen tosylate potentiates ATP-responses at a recombinant P2Y1 purinoceptor. Br. J. Pharmacol. 117:1111-1118, 1996.

OR-432 Morrison, K.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Stimulation of sodium pump by Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide in guinea-pig isolated trachea: potential contribution to mechanisms underlying relaxation of smooth muscle. Br. J. Pharmacol. 118: 557-562, 1996.

OR-433 Pearson, P.J., Lin, P.J., Schaff, H.V., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Augmented endothelium-dependent constriction to hypoxia early and late following reperfusion of the canine coronary artery. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 23: 634-641, 1996.

OR-434 Marsault, R., Taddei, S., Boulanger, C.M., Illiano, S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Rilmenidine activates postjunctional alpha1 and alpha2 adrenoceptors in the canine saphenous vein. Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. 10: 379-385, 1996.

OR-435 Mombouli, J.V., Bissiriou, I., Agboton, V.D., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Bioassay of Endothelium-Derived Hyperpolarizing Factor. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 221: 484-488, 1996.

OR-436 Perrault, L.P., Menasché, P., Wassef, M., Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Jacquemin, C., Bloch, G., Vilaine, J.P., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial effects of hemostatic devices for continuous cardioplegia or minimally invasive surgery. Ann. Thoracic Surg. 62: 1158-1163, 1996.

OR-437 Lee, J.J., Olmos, L., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Recovery of Endothelium-dependent relaxations four weeks after ischemia and progressive reperfusion in canine coronary arteries. Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians 108: 362-367, 1996.

OR-438 Nakashima, M., Morrison, K.J., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hyperpolarization and relaxation of canine vascular smooth muscle to Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 30: 273-277, 1997.

OR-439 Corriu, C., Félétou, M., Canet, E. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium derived factors and hyperpolarization of the carotid artery of the guinea-pig. Br. J. Pharmacol. 119: 959-964, 1996.

OR-440 Desta, B., Schultz, D., Ravel, D., Laudignon, N., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. Acute and chronic effects of dexfenfluramine on the porcine coronary artery. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 279: 1077-1085, 1996.

OR-441 Durante, W., Kroll, M.H., Orloff, G.J., Cunnigham, J.M., Scott-Burden, T., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Schafer, A.I. Regulation of Interleukin-1-Stimulated Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression in Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells by Hemostatic Proetins. Biochem. Pharmacol. 51: 847-853, 1996.

OR-442 Mombouli, J.V., Bissiriou, I., Agboton, V.D., Alvear, J., Chelly, F., Kilbourn, R., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endotoxemia reduces the contribution of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor; but augments that of prostanoids in canine coronary arteries. In: Endothelium-derived-hyperpolarizing factor, ed. Vanhoutte P.M., Harwood Academic publishers, pp.271-278, 1996.

OR-443 Marsault, R., Illiano, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Bradykinin-induced contractions of canine saphenous veins: mediation by B2 receptors and involvement of eicosanoids. Br. J. Pharmacol. 120: 215-220, 1997.

OR-444 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Bruneval, P., Vilaine, J.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Time course of coronary endothelial dysfunction in acute untreated rejection after heterotopic heart transplantation. J. Heart and Lung Transplantation 16: 643-657, 1997.

OR-445 Perrault, L.P., Menasché, P., Bidouard, J.P., Jacquemin, C., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Snaring of the target vessel in less invasive bypass operations does not cause endothelial dysfunction. Ann. Thoracic Surgery 63: 751-755, 1997.

OR-446 Desta, B., Steed, Scott, Ravel, D., Laudignon, N., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. Acute and chronic effects of dexfenfluramine on the porcine pulmonary artery. Gener. Pharmacol. Gen. Pharmac. 30: 403-410, 1998.

OR-447 Borg-Capra, C., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Bidouard, J.P., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Morphological heterogeneity with normal expression but altered function of G proteins in cultured regenerated porcine coronary endothelial cells. Br. J. Pharmacol. 122: 999-1008, 1997.

OR-448 Sansilvestri-Morel, P., Nonotte I., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Rupin, A., Fabiani, J.N., Verbeuren, T., Vanhoutte, P.M. Abnormal deposition of extracellular matrix proteins by cultured smooth muscle cells from human varicose veins. J. Vascular Res. 35:115-123, 1998.

OR-449 De Ceuninck, F., Pastoureau, P., Bouet, F., Bonnet, J. Vanhoutte, P.M. Purification of guinea pig YKL40 and modulation of its secretion by cultured articular chondrocytes. J. Cellular Biochem. 69:414-424, 1998.

OR-450 Weigert, A.L., Vanhoutte, P.M. Prolonged administration of high dose cylosporine A enhances the endothelium-dependent component of the relaxation to isoproterenol in the rat aorta. Rev. Port. Nefrol. Hipert. 11: 345-351, 1997.

OR-451 Flavahan, N.A., Hales, M.A., Aleskowitch, T.D., Gaine, S.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. 1-Adrenoceptors in canine pulmonary artery. J. Cardiol. Pharmacol., 32 :308-316, 1998.

OR-452 Chataigneau, T., Félétou, M., Duhault, J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids, potassium channel blockers and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in the guinea-pig carotid artery. Br. J. Pharmacol. 123: 574-580, 1998.

OR-453 Chataigneau, T., Félétou, M., Thollon, C., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Duhault, J., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cannabinoid CB1 receptor and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in guinea-pig carotid, rat mesenteric and porcine coronary arteries. Br. J. Pharmacol. 123 : 968-974, 1998.

OR-454 Thollon C., Fournet-Bourguignon M.P., Bidouard J.P., Cambarrat C., Saboureau D., Delescluse I., Vanhoutte P.M., and Vilaine J.P. Contribution of nitric oxide and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor to the relaxation evoked by bradykinin in porcine coronary arteries four weeks after removal of the endothelium. In: Endothelium-derived-hyperpolarizing factor, ed. Vanhoutte P.M., ed. Harwood Academic publishers, 1996.

OR-455 Chataigneau T., Thollon C., Villeneuve N., Vilaine J.P., Duhault J., Félétou M., Vanhoutte P.M. EDHF does not activate cannabinoid CB1 receptor in rat mesenteric, guinea-pig carotid and porcine coronary arteries. In: Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Harwood Academic publishers, pp 167-173, 1999.

OR-456 Quignard J.F., Chataigneau T., Corriu C., Duhault J., Félétou M., and P.M. Vanhoutte. Effects of SIN-1 on potassium channels of vascular smooth muscle cells of the rabbit aorta and guinea-pig carotid artery. In : Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Harwood Academic publishers, pp 193-199, 1999.

OR-457 Quignard J.F., Chataigneau T., Corriu C., Duhault J., Félétou M., and P.M. Vanhoutte. Potassium channels involved in EDHF-induced hyperpolarization of the smooth muscle cells of the isolated guinea-pig carotid artery. In : Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations, ed. Vanhoutte P.M., Harwood Academic publishers, pp 201-208, 1999.

OR-458 Chataigneau T.,Félétou M., Huang P.L., Fishman M.C., Duhault J.,and Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in endothelial nitric oxide synthase knockout mice: contribution of NO, EDHF and products of cyclooxygenase. In Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations, ed. Vanhoutte P.M., Harwood Academic publishers, pp 125-132, 1999.

OR-459 Corriu C., Félétou M., Puybasset L., Bea M.L., Berdeaux A., Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in isolated arteries taken from animals treated with NO-Synthase inhibitors. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 32: 944-950, 1998.

OR-460 Boulanger C., Heymes C., Benessiano, J., Geske R., Lévy B., Vanhoutte P.M. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase is expressed in rat vascular smooth muscle cells: activation by angiotensin II in hypertension. Circ. Res., 83: 1271-1278, 1998.

OR-461 Chataigneau T., Félétou M., Huang P.L., Fishman M.C., Duhault J., and Vanhoutte P.M. Acetylcholine-induced relaxation in blood vessels from endothelial nitric oxide synthase knockout mice. Br. J. Pharmacol.,126: 219-226, 1999.

OR-462 Quignard, J.F., Félétou, M., Thollon, C., Vilaine, J.P., Duhault, J.and Vanhoutte, P.M. Potassium ions and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor in guinea-pig carotid and porcine coronary arteries. Br. J. Pharmacol., 127: 27-34, 1999.

OR-463 Thollon, C., Bidouard, J.P., Cambarrat, C., Delescluse, I., Villeneuve, N., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Vilaine, J.P. Alteration of endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations in porcine coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium. Circ. Res. 84: 371-377, 1999.

OR-464 Perrault, L.P. , Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Bruneval, P., Vilaine J.P., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Impairment of G-protein-mediated signal transduction in the porcine coronary endothelium during rejection after heart transplantation. Cardiovasc Research, 43: 457-470, 1999.

OR-465 Kim, N.D., Kang, K.W., Kang, S.Y. Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha-2 adrenoceptor antagonists evoke endothelium-dependent and – independent relaxations in the isolated rat aorta. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 34: 148-152, 1999.

OR-467 Edwards, G., Gardener M.J., Félétou M., Brady G.F.,Vanhoutte P.M., and Weston A.H. Further investigation of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) in rat hepatic artery: studies using 1-EBIO and ouabain. Br. J. Pharmacol., 128: 1064-1070, 1999.

OR-468 Park, S-J, Nakashima M., Nagao, T., Vanhoutte, P.M. Hyperpolarization caused by serotonin contributes to endothelium-dependent relaxations in the porcine coronary artery. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 20: 1093-1097, 2000.

OR-469 De Vriese, A.S., Verbeuren, T.J., Vallez, M.O., Lameire, N.H., De Buyzere, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Off-Line analysis of red blood cell velocity in renal arterioles. J. Vasc. Research, 37: 26-31, 2000.

OR-470 Park, S-J, Lee, J.L., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelin-1 releases endothelium-derived endoperoxides and thromboxane A2 in porcine coronay arteries with regenerated endothelium. Acta Pharmacol. Sinica, 20: 872-878, 1999.

OR-471 Ge, T., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Boulanger, C.M. Increased response to Prostaglandin H2 precedes changes in PGF-synthase 1 expression in the SHR aorta. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 20: 1087-1092, 1999.

OR-472 Perrault, L., Mahlberg, F., Breugnot, C., Bidouard, J-P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine J-P, and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypercholesterolemia Increases coronary endothelial dysfunction, lipid content and accelerated atherosclerosis after heart transplantation. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., 20: 728-736, 2000.

OR-473 Quignard, J-F, Félétou, M., Edwards, G., Duhault, J., Weston, A.H., Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of endothelium cells hyperpolarization in EDHF-mediated responses in the guinea-pig carotid artery. Br. J. Pharmacol, 129: 1103-1112, 2000.

OR-474 Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Castedo-Delrieu, M., Bidouard, J.P., Leonce, S., Saboureau, D., Delescluse, I., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Phenotopic and functional changes in regenerated porcine coronary endothelial cells. Increased uptake of modified LDL and reduced production of NO. Circ. Res., 86: 854-861, 2000.

OR-475 Edwards, G., Félétou, M., Gardener, M.J., Thollon, C., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Weston, A.H. Role of gap junctions in the responses to EDHF in rat and guinea-pig small arteries. Br. J. Pharmacol., 128: 1788-1794, 1999.

OR-476 Edwards, G., Thollon, C., Gardener, M.J., Félétou, M., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Weston, A.H. Role of gap junctions and EETs in endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization of porcine coronary artery. Br. J. Pharmacol. 129: 1145-1154, 2000.

OR-477 Quignard, J.F., Félétou, M., Corriu, C., Chataigneau, T. , Edwards, G., Weston, A.H., Vanhoutte, P.M. 3-Morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1) and K+ channels in smooth muscle cells of the rabbit and guinea-pig carotid arteries. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 399: 9-16, 2000.

OR-478 Deprez-Roy I., Coge, F., Bertry, L., Galizzi, J.P., Félétou, Vanhoutte P.M., Canet, E Endothelin-1 pathway in human alveolar epithelial cell line A549 and human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Acta Pharmacol Sinica, 21: 499-506, 2000.

OR-479 Brandes, R.P., Schmitz-Winnenthal, F., Félétou, M., Gödecke, A., Huang, P.L., Vanhoutte, P.M., Fleming, I., Busse, R. An Endothelum-derived hyperpolarizing factor distinct from NO and PGI2 is a major endothelium-dependent vasodilator in resistance vessels of wild-type and endothelial NO synthase knock-out mice. PNAS, 97: 9747-9752, 2000.

OR-480 Miller, V.M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Prostaglandins but not Nitric Oxide are endothelium-derived relaxing factors in the trout aorta. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 21: 871-876, 2000.

OR-481 Yang, Q., Scalbert, E., Delagrange, P., Vanhoutte, P.M., O'Rourke, S.T. Melatonin Potentiates contractile Responses to serotonin in isolated Porcine Coronary Arteries, Am . J. Physiol., 280: H76-H82, 2001.

OR-482 Félétou, M., Lonchampt, M., Coge, F., Galizzi, J.P., Bassoullet, C., Merial,C., Robineau, P., Boutin, J.A., Huang, P.L., Vanhoutte, P.M., Canet, E. Regulation of Murine Airway Responsiveness by Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase. Am. J. Physiol., 281 : L258-L267, 2001.

OR-483 De Ceuninck, F., Pastoureau, P., Agnellet, S., Bonnet, J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Development of an enzyme-linked immunoassay for the quantification of YKL-40 (cartilage gp-39) in guinea pig serum using hen egg yolk antibodies. J. Immunol. Methods, 252 :153-161, 2001.

OR-484 Bruban, V., Feldman, J., Greney, H., Dontenwill, M., Schann, S., Jarry, C., Payard, M., Boutin, J., Scalbert, E., Pfeiffer, B., Renard, P., Vanhoutte, P.M., Bousquet, P. Respective contributions of -adrenergic and non-adrenergic mechanisms in the hypotensive effect of imidazoline-like drugs. Br. J. Pharmacol., 133: 261-266, 2001.

OR-485 Corriu, C., Félétou, M., Edwards, G., Weston, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential effects of prostacyclin and iloprost in the isolated carotid artery of the guinea-pig. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 426: 89-94, 2001.

OR-486 Sansilvestri-Morel, P., Rupin, A., Badier-Commander, C., Kern, P., Fabiani, J-N, Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Imbalance in the synthesis of collagen type I and collagen type III in smooth muscle cells derived from human varicose veins. J. Vascular Res., 38: 560-568, 2001.

OR-487 Edwards, G, Félétou, M., Gardener, M.J., Glen, C.D., Richards, G.R., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Weston, A.H. Further investigations into the endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizing effects of bradykinin ad substance P in porcine coronary artery. Br. J. Pharmacol., 133: 1145-1153, 2001.

OR-488 Richards, G.R., Weston, A.H., Burnham, M.P., Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Edwards, G. Supression of K+-induced hyperpolarization by phenylephrine in rat mesenteric artery : relevant to studies of entodothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor. Br. J. Pharmacol., 134: 1-5, 2001.

OR-489 Mombouli, J.V., Ballard, K.D., Vanhoutte, P.M. Kininase-independent potentiation of endothelium-dependent relaxations to kinins by converting enzyme inhibitor perindoprilat. Acta Pharmacol. Sinica, 23: 203-207, 2002.

OR-490 Yang, D., Félétou, M., Boulanger, C.M., Wu, Heng-Fang, Levens, N., Zhang, Ji-Nan, Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxygen-Derived Free Radicals Mediate Endothelium-Dependent Contractions to Acetylcholine in Aortas from Spontaneously Hypertenive Rats. Br. J. Pharmacol., 136: 104-110, 2002.

OR-491 Quignard, J.F., Chataigneau, T., Corriu, C., Edwards, G., Weston, A. Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization to acetylcholine in the carotid artery of the guinea-pig: role of lipoxygenase. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 40: 467-477, 2002.

OR-492 Burnham, M.P., Bychkov, R., Félétou, M., Richards, G.R., Vanhoutte, P.M., Weston, A.H., Edwards, G. Characterization of an apamin-sensitive small-conductance Ca2+-activate K+ channel in porcine coronary artery endothelium: relevance to EDHF. Br. J. Pharmacol., 135: 1133-1143, 2002.

OR-493 Sansilvestri-Morel, P., Rupin, A., Jaisson, S., Fabiani, J.N., Verbeuren, T.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. The synthesis of collagen is dysregulated in cultured fibroblasts derived from skin of subjects with varicose veins as it is in venous smooth muscle cells. Circulation, 106: 479-483, 2002.

OR-494 Vanhoutte, P.M., Fournet-Bourguignon M.P., Vilaine, J.P. Dysfonction de la voie du monoxide d’azote au cours de la régénération de l’endothélium coronarien. Académie Nationale de Médecine, 186: 1525-1541, 2002.

OR-495 Thollon, C., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Saboureau, D., Lesage, L., Reure, H., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Vilaine, J.P. Consequences of reduced production of NO on vascular reactivity of porcine coronary arteries after angioplasty : importance of EDHF. Br. J. Pharmacol., 136: 1153-1161, 2002.

OR-496 Perrault, L.P., Malo, O., Desjardins, N., Bidouard, J.P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Surgical Experience with retroperitoneal heterotopic heart transplantation in the large white domestic swine. J. Investigative Surgery, 15:45-55, 2002.

OR-497 Weston, A.H., Richards, G.R., Burnham, M.P., Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Edwards, G. K+-Induced hyperpolarization in rat mesenteric artery: identification, localisation and role of Na+/K+-ATPases. Br. J. Pharmacol., 136: 918-926, 2002.

OR-498 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Desjardins N., Villeneuve N., Vilaine, J.P., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of coronary endothelial dysfunction in the working and nonworking graft in porcine heterotopic heart transplantation. Transplantation, 74: 764-772, 2002.

OR-500 Olmos, L., Mombouli, J.V., Wasserstrum, N., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The ability of sickle cells to scavenge endothelium-derived nitric oxide is reduced. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 23: 967-973, 2002.

OR-501 Bychlov, R., Burham, M.P., Richards, G.R., Edwards G., Weston A.H., Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of a charybdo-sensitive intermediate conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel in porcine coronary endothelium: relevance to EDHF. Br. J. Pharmacol., 137: 1346-1354, 2002.

OR-502 Yang, D., Levens, N., Zhang, J.N., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Félétou, M. Specific potentiation of endothelium-dependent contractions in SHR by tetrahydrobiopterin. Hypertension, 41: 136-142, 2003.

OR-503 Yang, D., Félétou, M., Levens, N., Zhang, J.N., and Vanhoutte, P.M. A diffusible substance(s) mediates endothelium-dependent contractions in the aorta of SHR. Hypertension, 41: 143-148, 2003.

OR-504 Quignard, J.F., Harley,E.A., Duhault J.,Vanhoutte, P.M. and Félétou, M., K+ channels in cultured bovine retinal pericytes : effects of beta-adrenergic stimulation. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 42:379-388, 2003.

OR-505 Gardener, M.J., Edwards, G., Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Weston, A.H. Effects of Hepes on EDHF responses in porcine coronary and rat mesenteric arteries. In: “EDHF 2002”, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, pp. 239-247, 2003.

OR-506 Edwards, G., Richards, G., Gardener, M.J., Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Weston, A.H. Roles of the inward-rectifier K+ channel and Na+/K+-ATPase in the rat mesenteric artery hyperpolarization to K+. In: “EDHF 2002”, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, pp.309-317, 2003.

OR-507 O’Rourke, S.T., Hammad, H., Delagrange, P., Scalbert, E., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Melatonin Inhibits Nitrate Tolerance in isolated coronary arteries. Br. J. Pharmacol., 139: 1326-32, 2003.

OR-508 Shibano, T., and Vanhoutte P.M. Low molecular weight G-proteins of the Rho-family mediate the relaxations to bradykinin in porcine coronary arteries. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 24: 1070-1076, 2003.

OR-509 De Ceuninck, F., Allain, F., Caliez, A., Spik, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. High binding Capacity of cyclophilin B to chondrocyte Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans an dits release from the cell surface by matrix metalloproteinases. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 48: 2197-2206, 2003.

OR-510 Kennedy, S., Fournet-Bourguignon, M-P., Breugnot, C., Castedo-Delrieu, M., Lesage, L., Reure, H., Briant, C., Leonce, S., Vilaine, J-P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cells derived from regenerated endothelium of the porcine coronary artery contain more oxidized forms of Apolipoprotein-B-100 without a modification in the uptake of oxidized LDL. J. Vasc. Res. 40: 389-398, 2003.

OR-511 Yang, D., Gluais, P., Zhang, J.N., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Félétou, M. Endothelium-dependent Contractions to Acetylcholine, ATP and the Calcium Ionophore A23187 in aortas from Spontaneously Hypertensive and Normotensive Rats. Fund. Clin. Pharmacol., Funda & Clinical Pharmacology 18: 321-326, 2004.

OR-512 Zellers, T,M., Wu, Y-Q.,McCormick, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prostacyclin-induced relaxations of small porcine pulmonary arteries are enhanced by the basal release of endothelium-derived nitric oxide through an effect on cyclic GMP-inhibited-cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. Acta Pharmacol. Sinica, 21: 131-138, 2001.

OR-513 Yang, D., Gluais, P., Zhang, J.N., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Feletou, M. Nitric Oxide and Inactivation of the Endothelium-dependent Contracting Factors released by Acetylcholine in SHR. J.Cardiovasc. Pharm., 43: 815-820, 2004.

OR-514 Villeneuve, N., Fortuno, A., Jacquemin, C., Sauvage, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., Vilaine, J.P.. Peristence of the nitric oxide pathway in the aorta of hypercholesterolemic apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. J Vasc Res, 40: 87-96, 2003.

OR-515 Gluais, P., Edwards, G., Weston, A.H., Falck, J.R., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Félétou, M. Role of SKCa and IKCa in endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations of the guinea-pigisolated carotid artery. B.J. Pharmacol., 144: 477-485, 2005.

OR-516 Bos, R., Mougenot, N., Findji, L., Médiani, O, Vanhoutte, P.M., Lechat, P. Potassium Canrenoate, an Aldosterone Receptor Antagonist, Reduces Isoprenaline-Induced Cardiac Fibrosis in the Rat. J Pharmacology and Exp Ther., 309:1160-1166, 2004. OR-517 Lee, M.Y.K., Leung, S.W.S., Vanhoutte, P.M., Man, R.Y.K. Genistein reduces agonist-induced contractions of porcine coronary arterial smooth muscle in a cyclic AMP-dependent manner. European Journal of Pharmacology, 503: 165-172, 2004.

OR-518 Chan, Y.C., Leung, F. P., Yao, X.Q., Lau, C. W., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Huang, Y. Raloxifene Relaxes Rat Pulmonary Arteries and Veins: Roles of Gender, Endothelium and Antagonism of Ca2+ Influx. J Pharm Experimental Therapeutics, 312: 1266-1271, 2005.

OR-519 Gluais, P., Edwards, G., Weston, A.H., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Feletou, M. Hydrogen Peroxide and Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization in the Guinea-Pig Carotid Artery. European Journal of Pharmacology 513: 219-224, 2005

OR-520 Keung, W., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Man, R.Y.K. Acute impairment of contractile responses by 17β-estradiol is cAMP and protein kinase G dependent in vascular smooth muscle cells of the porcine coronary arteries. Br. J. Pharmacol., 144: 71-79, 2005

OR-521 Miao, C.Y., Vileneuve, N., Christine, B.J., Petit, C., Guillaumin, J.P., Gransagne, D., Briant, C., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Chronic Mild Hyperhomocysteinemia Induces Aortic Endothelial Dysfunction but Does Not Elevate Arterial Pressure in Rats. J Vasc Res, 42: 148-156, 2005.

OR-522 Brouri, F., Hanoun, N., Mediani, O., Saurini, F., Hamon, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lechat, P. Blockade of β1- and desensitization of β2-adrenoceptors reduce isoprenaline-inducted cardiac fibrosis. European Journal of Pharmacology, 485: 227-234, 2004

OR-523 Weston, A.H., Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., Falck, J.R., Campbell W.B., Edwards, G. Bradykinin-induced, endothelium-dependent responses in porcine coronary arteries: involvement of potassium channel activation and epoxyeicosatrienoic acids. Br. J. Pharmacol., 145: 775-784, 2005.

OR-524 Tang, E.H.C., Feletou, M., Huang, Y., Man, R.Y.K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Acetylcholine and Sodium Nitroprusside Cause Long-Term Inhibition of EDCF-Mediated Contraction. Am. J. Physiol Heart and Circ Physiol., 289: H2434-H2440, 2005.

OR-525 Gluais, P., Lonchampt, M., Morrow, J.D., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Feletou, M. Acetylcholine-induced endothelium-dependent contractions in the SHR aorta: the Janus face of prostacyclin. Br. J. Pharmacol, 146, 834-845, 2005.

OR-526 Tang, E.H.C., Ku D.D., Tipoe, G.L., Feletou, M., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-Dependent Contractions Occur in the Aorta of Wild Type and COX2-/- Knockout but not COX1-/- Knockout Mice. J Cardiovasc. Pharm, 46: 761-5, 2005.

OR-527 Keung, W., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Man, R.Y.K. Non-genomic responses to 17β-estradiol in male rat mesenteric arteries abolish intrinsic gender differences in vascular responses. Br. J. Pharmacol., 146: 1148-1155, 2005.

OR-528 Rasmussen, L.E., Vanhoutte, PM., Jensen, B.L., and Skott, Ole. Continuous flow augments the reactivity of the rabbit carotid artery by reducing the bioavailability of NO despite an increase in the release of EDHF. Am. J. Physiol. Heart and Circulatory Physiol, 291: 1521-1528, 2006.

OR-529 Wong, C.M., Yao, X., Au, C.L., Tsang, S.Y., Fung, K.P., Laher, I., Vanhoutte, P.M., Huang, Y. Raloxifene prevents endothelial dysfunction inaging ovariectomized female rats. Vascular Pharmacology 44: 290-298, 2006.

OR-530 Leung, H.S., Leung, F.P., Yao, X., Ko, W.H., Chen, Z.Y., Vanhoutte, P.M., Huang, Y. Endothelial mediators of the acetylcholine-induced relaxation of the rat femoral artery. Vascular Pharmacology 44: 299-308, 2006.

OR-531 Shi, Y., Ku, D.D., Man, R.Y.K., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Augmented endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor-mediated relaxations attenuate endothelial dysfunction in femoral and mesenteric, but not in carotid arteries from type I diabetic rats. JPET, 318: 276-281, 2006.

OR-532 Gluais, P., Paysant, P., Badier-Commander, C., Verbeuren, T., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Feletou, M. In SHR aorta, calcium ionophore A 23187 releases prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 as endothelium-derived contracting factors (EDCF). Am J Physiol: Heart Circ Physiol, 291: 2255-2264, 2006.

OR-533 Yeung, D.K.Y., Leung S.W.S., Xu, Y.C., Vanhoutte, P.M., Man, R.Y.K. Puerarin, an isoflavonoid derived from Radix puerariae, potentiates endothelium-dependent relaxation via the cyclic AMP pathway in porcine coronary arter. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 552: 105-111, 2006.

OR-534 Gluais, P., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Feletou, M. Mechanisms underlying ATP-induced endothelium-dependent contractions in the SHR aorta. Eur. J. Pharmacology, 556: 107-114, 2007.

OR-535 Shi, Y., Feletou, M., Ku, D.D., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. The calcium ionophore A23187 induces endothelium-dependent contractions in fermoral arteries from rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Br. J. Pharmacol., 150: 624-432, 2007.

OR-536 Tang, E.H.C., Leung, F.P., Huang, Y., Félétou, M., So, K.F., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium and reactive oxygen species increase in endothelial cells in response to releasers of endothelium-derived contracting factor. British Journal of Pharmacology, 151: 15-23, 2007.

OR-537 E1-Hamamsy, I., Stevens, L.M., Vanhoutte, P.M., Perrault, L.P. Denudation of the coronary endothelium at implantation increases endothelial dysfunction and intimal hyperplasia after heart transplantation. J. Heart Lung Transplant., 24:251-258, 2005.

OR-538 Perrault, L.P., Malo, O., Thollon, C., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Status of the endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor pathway in conronary arteries after heterotopic heart transplantation. J. Heart Lung Transplant. 26: 48-55, 2007.

OR-539 Chan, Y.C., Leung, F.P., Yao, X., Lau, C.W., Vanhoutte, P.M., Huang Y. Raloxifene modulates pulmonary vascular reactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats. J. Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 49: 355-361, 2007.

OR-540 Li, R.W.S., Tse, C.M., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M., Leung, G.P.H. Inhibtion of human equilibrative nucleoside transporters by dihydropyridine-type calcium channel antagonists. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 568: 75-82, 2007.

OR-541 Uhrenholt, T.R., Schjerning, J., Vanhoutte, P.M., Jensen, B.L. and Skott, O. Intercellular calcium signaling and nitric oxide feedback during constriction of rabbit renal afferent arterioles.Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 292: 1124-1131, 2007.

OR-542 Leung, F.P., Yung, L.M., Leung, H.S., Au, C.L., Yao, X., Vanhoutte, P.M., Laher, I., Huang Y. Therapeutic concentrations of raloxifene augment nitric oxide-dependent coronary artery dilatation in vitro. Br.J. Pharmacol., 152: 223-229, 2007.

OR-543 Michel, F.S., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Increased spontaneous tone in renal arteries of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circul. Physiol., 293: 1673-1681. 2007. OR-544 Shi, Y., So, K.F., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxygen-derived free radicals mediate endothelium-dependent contractions in femoral arteries of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Br. J. Pharmacol., 152: 1033-1041, 2007.

OR-545 Lee, M.Y.K., Tse, H.F., Siu, C.W., Zhu S.G., Man R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Genomic changes in regenerated porcine coronary arterial endothelial cells. ATVB, 27: 2443-2449, 2007

OR-546 Leuranguer, V., Vanhoutte, P.M., Verbeuren, T., Félétou, M. C-type natriuretic peptide and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in the guinea-pig carotid artery. Br. J. Pharmacol., 153: 57-65, 2008.

OR-547 Shi, Y., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. The two isoforms of cyclooxygenase contribute to the augmented endothelium-dependent contractions in femoral arteries of one year old rats. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 29: 185-192, 2008.

OR-548 Hristovska, A., Rasmussen, L.E., Hansen, P.B.L., Nielsen, S.S., Nüsing, R.M., Narumiya, S., Vanhoutte, P., Skøt, O., Jensen, B.L. Prostaglandin E2 induces vascular relaxation by E-prostanoid 4 receptor-mediated activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthease. Hypertension, 50: 525-530, 2007.

OR-549 Tang, E.H.C., Jensen, B., Skott, O., Leung, G.P.H., Feletou, M., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. The role of EP and TP receptors in the response to prostaglandin E2 in the aorta of WKY and SHR. Cardiovascular Research, 78: 130-138, 2008.

OR-550 Ng, W.W.H., Keung, W., Xu, Y.C., Ng, K.F.J., Leung, G.P.H., Vanhoutte, P.M., Choy, P.C. , Man, R.Y.K. Genistein potentiates protein kinase A activity in porcine coronary artery. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 311: 37-44, 2008.

OR-551 Li, G.T., Wang, H.B., Qin, G.W., Jin, M.W., Qiang, T, Sun, H.Y., Du, X.L., Deng, X.L., Zhang, X.H., Chen, J.B., Chen, L., Xu, S.H., Cheng, L.C., Chiu, S.W., Tse, H.F., Vanhoutte, P.M., Lau, C.P. Acacetin, a natural flavone, selectively inhibits human atrial repolarization potassium currents and prevents atrial fibrillation in dogs. Circulation, 117: 2449-2457, 2008.

OR-552 Xu, Y.C., Leung, G.P.H., Wong, P.Y.D., Vanhoutte, P.M., Man, R.Y.K. Kaempferol stimulates large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channels in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) via cAMP/PKA-dependent pathway. Br. J. Pharmacol., 154:1247-1253. 2008.

OR-553 Wong, M.S.K., Delansorne, R., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Vitamin D derivatives acutely reduce endothelium-dependent contractions in the aorta of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Am J Physiol.: Heart Circ Physiol., 295:H289-H296, 2008.

OR-554 Michel, F.S., Man, G.S., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypertension and the absence of EDHF-mediated responses favor endothelium-dependent contractions in renal arteries of the rat. Br. J. Pharmacol. 13: 4198-4217, 2008.

OR-555 Shi, Y, Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxidative stress and COX cause hyper-responsiveness in vascular smooth muscle of the femoral artery from diabetic rats. Br. J. Pharmacol., 154: 639-651, 2008.

OR-556 Li, R.W.S., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M., Leung, G.P.H. Stimulation of ecto-5’ nucleotidase in human umbilical vein endothelial cells by lipopolysaccharide. Am. J. Physiol. Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 295:H1177-H1181, 2008.

OR-557 Tang, E.H.C., Vanhoutte, P.M. Gap junction inhibitors reduce endothelium-dependent contractions in the aorta of sponteanously hypertensive rats. JPET, 327(1): 1-6, 2008.

OR-558 Leuranguer, V., Gluais, P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Openers of calcium-activated potassium channels and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations in the guinea pig carotid artery. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol, 377: 101-109, 2008.

OR-559 Tang, E.H.C., Vanhoutte, P.M. Gene expression changes of prostanoid synthases in endothelial cells and prostanoid receptors in vascular smooth muscle cells caused by aging and hypertension. Physiol Genomics, 32: 409-418, 2008.

OR-560 Lee, M.Y.K., Sorensen G.L., Holmskov, U., Vanhoutte, P.M. The presence and activity of SP-D in porcine coronary endothelial cells depend on Akt/PI3K, Erk and nitric oxide and decrease after multiple passaging. Molecular Immunology, 46: 1050-1057.

OR-561 Al-Mashhadi, R.H., Skott, O., Vanhoutte, PM., Hansen P.B. Adenosine dilates the cortical efferent arteriole of the mouse by activating A2 adenosine receptors. Kidney International, 75:793-799, 2009.

OR-562 Wong, S.L., Leung, F.P., Lau, C.W., Au, C.L., Yung, L.M., Yao, X., Chen, Z.Y., Vanhoutte, P.M., Gollasch, M., Huang, Y. Cyclooxygenase-2-derivd PGF2α mediates endothelium-dependent contractions in the aortae of hamsters with increased impact during ageing. Circulation Research, 104:228-235, 2009.

OR-563 Walter A, Etienne-Selloum N, Brasse D, Schleiffer R, Bekaert V, Vanhoutte PM, Beretz A, Schini-Kerth VB. Red wine polyphenols prevent acceleration of neovascularisation by Ang II in the ischemic rat hindlimb. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 329:699-707, 2009.

OR-564 Xu, A., Wang, H., Hoo, R.L.C., Sweeney, G., Vanhoutte, P.M., Wang, Y., Wu, D., Chu, W., Qin, G., Lam, K.S.L. Selective elevation of adiponectin production by the natural compounds derived from a medicinal herb alleviates insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in obese mice. Endocrinology 150: 625-633, 2009.

OR-565 Chan, C.K.Y., Mak, J.C., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Rho kinase inhbitors prevent endothelium-dependent contractions in the rat aorta. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 329: 820-826, 2009.

OR-566 Wang, Y., Huang Y., Lam, K.S.L., Li Y., Wong, W.T., Ye, H., Lau, C.W., Vanhoutte, P.M., Xu, A. Berberine prevents hyperglycemia-induced endothelial injury and enhances vasodilatation via AMP-activated kinase and eNOS. Cardiovascular Research, 82: 484-492, 2009.

OR-567 Cheng, K.K.Y., Iglesias, M.A., Lam, K.S.L. Lam, Wang, Y., Sweeney, G, Zhu, W., Vanhoutte, P.M., Kraegen, E.W., Xu, A. APPL1 potentiates insulin-mediated inhibition of hepatic glucose production and alleviates diabetes via Akt activation in mice. Cell Metabolism, 9: 417-427, 2009

OR-568 Law, I, Liu, L., Xu, A., Lam, K., Vanhoutte, P., Che, C.M., Leung, P. Wang, Y. Identification and characterization of proteins interacting with SIRT1 and SIRT3: implications in the anti-aging and metabolic effects of Sirtuins. Proteomics, 9:2444-2456, 2009.

OR-569 Lee, M.Y.K., Wang, Y., Vanhoutte, P. Senescence of cultured porcine coronary arterial endothelial cells is associated with accelerated oxidative stress and activation of NFκB. J Vascular Research, in press, 2009.


R-1 Vanhoutte, P.M. De bezenuwing van hart en bloedvaten in het kader van de reflexe bloeddrukregeling. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 15: 636-644, 1967.

R-2 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lacroix, E. De veneuze circulatie in het kader van de algemene hemodynamiek. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 17: 854-858, 1969.

R-3 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Thermosensitivity and veins. J. Physiol. 63: 449-451, 1971.

R-4 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Skeletal muscle blood flow-neurogenic determinants. In: Peripheral Circulations, ed. R. Zelis. Grune and Stratton, New York, pp. 3-55, 1975.

R-5 Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition by acetylcholine of adrenergic neurotransmission in vascular smooth muscle. In: Physiology of Smooth Muscles, eds. E. Bulbring and M. F. Shuba. Raven Press, New York, pp. 369-377, 1976.

R-6 Vanhoutte, P.M. Physiologie et physiopathologie du système veineux. Praxis 65: 1291-1297, 1976.

R-7 Vanhoutte, P.M. Cholinergic inhibition of adrenergic transmission. Fed. Proc. 36: 2444-2449, 1977.

R-8 Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of changes in venular and venous diameter in circulatory control. Bibliotheca Anatomica 16: 294-297, 1977.

R-9 Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Fysiologie en fysiopathologie van het veneus stelsel. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 34: 109-118, 1978.

R-10 McGrath, M.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasodilatation caused by peripheral inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission. In: Mechanisms of Vasodilatation, eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and I. Leusen. S. Karger, Basel, pp. 248-257, 1978.

R-11 Shepherd, J.T., Lorenz, R.R., Tyce, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Acetylcholine-inhibition of transmitter release from adrenergic nerve terminals mediated by muscarinic receptors. Fed. Proc. 37: 191-194, 1978.

R-12 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of the venous system in circulatory control. Mayo Clin. Proc. 53: 247-255, 1978.

R-13 Vanhoutte, P.M. Prospectives in vasodilatation: a few answers but many questions. In: Mechanisms of vasodilatation, eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and I. Leusen. S. Karger, Basel, pp. 294-297, 1978.

R-14 Vanhoutte, P.M. Adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in the blood vessel wall. Fed. Proc. 37: 181-186, 1978.

R-15 Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of vascular smooth muscle. In: Microcirculation, eds. G. Kaley and B.M. Altura, vol. II. University Park Press, Baltimore, pp. 181-309, 1978.

R-16 Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission in venous smooth muscle. In: Regulation of the Capacitance Vessels, ed. A.M. Chernuch and B. Tkachenko. Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Moscow). pp. 324-338 and Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 645-680, 1978.

R-17 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Janssens, W.J. Local control of venous function. Microvasc. Res. 16: 196-214, 1978.

R-18 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Janssens, W.J. Local control of venous function. In: Hemodynamic Changes in Anesthesia, Proc. Vth European Congress of Anesthesiology, Paris, vol. I, pp. 423-435, 1978.

R-19 Verhaeghe, R.H., Lorenz, R.R., McGrath, M.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Metabolic modulation of neurotransmitter release-adenosine, adenine nucleotides, potassium, hyperosmolarity and hydrogen ion. Fed. Proc. 37: 208-211, 1978.

R-20 De Mey, Ch., Wellens D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Physiopathology and pharmacotherapy of occlusive arterial disorders. Angiology 30: 433-439, 1979.

R-21 Vanhoutte, P.M., De Mey, Ch. and Wellens, D. Intermittent claudication: pathophysiological considerations. Acta Cardiologica 34: 125-132, 1979.

R-22 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Levy, M.N. Cholinergic inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission in the cardiovascular system. In: Integrative Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System, eds. C.McC. Brooks, K. Koizumi and A. Sato. Tokyo University Press, Tokyo, pp. 159-176, 1979.

R-23 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alterations in vascular and neuronal reactivity during the development of hypertension. In: Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms, eds. J.A. Bevan, T. Godfraind, R.A. Maxwell and P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 364-365, 1980.

R-24 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Adrenergic mechanisms and apparent heterogeneity in venous smooth muscle. In: Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms, eds. J.A. Bevan, T. Godfraind, R.A. Maxwell and P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 328-329, 1980.

R-25 Driessens, M., Mortier, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasculaire reactiviteit van het bot. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 36: 517-518, 1980.

R-26 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. How the heart functions. In: The American Heart Association Heart Book, the American Heart Association, pp. 127-150, 1980.

R-27 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Regulation of the venous system. In: First Workshop on Peripheral Hemodynamics, ed. A.H.M. Jagenau, Janssen Research Foundation, Beerse, pp. 9-28, 1980.

R-28 Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity or homogeneity? In: Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms, eds. J.A. Bevan, T. Godfraind, R.A. Maxwell and P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 331-332, 1980.

R-29 Vanhoutte, P.M. Physical factors and regulation of vascular smooth muscle function. In: Handbook of Physiology: Section 2: Circulation: Volume II: Vascular Smooth Muscle, ed. D.F. Bohr, A.P. Somlyo and H.V. Sparks. The American Physiological Society, Washington, D.C., pp. 443-474, 1980.

R-30 Vanhoutte, P.M. The adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in the normotensive and hypertensive blood vessel wall. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 2: S253-S267, 1980.

R-31 Vanhoutte, P.M., De Mey, C. and Janssens, W.J. Gevoeligheid van huidbloedvaten voor temperatuur en ziekte van Raynaud. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 36: 925-928, 1980.

R-32 Vanhoutte, P.M., De Mey, C., and Janssens, W.J. Thermosensibilite des vaisseaux cutanés et maladie de Raynaud. Rev. Med. de Liege 35: 634-639, 1980.

R-33 Vanhoutte, P.M. and De Mey, J.G. Fysiologie van het veneuze stelsel. In: "Perifere Circulatie en Hartfunctie," Boerhaave Commissie, Leiden, pp. 47-58, 1980.

R-34 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Janssens, W.J. Thermosensitivity of cutaneous vessels and Raynaud's disease. Am. Heart J. 100: 263-265, 1980.

R-35 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Levy, M.N. Prejunctional cholinergic modulation of adrenergic neurotransmission in the cardiovascular system. Am. J. Physiol. 238: H275-H281, 1980.

R-36 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Van Nueten, J.M. The pharmacology of lidoflazine. Proc. Royal Soc. Med., Congress and Symposia Series 29: 61-77, 1980.

R-37 Vanhoutte, P.M., Webb, R.C. and Collis, M.G. Pre- and postjunctional adrenergic mechanisms and hypertension. Clin. Sci. 59: 211s-223s, 1980.

R-38 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Improvement of tissue perfusion with inhibitors of calcium ion influx. Biochem. Pharmacol. 29: 479-481, 1980.

R-39 Burrows, M.E. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Physiopathologie de la micro-circulation et de la circulation lymphatique. In: Physiopathologie Cardiopulmonaire, ed. H. Denolin. SIMEP, Villeurbanne, France, pp. 343-356, 1982.

R-40 De Mey, J.G., De Ridder, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Uneven distribution of postjunctional alpha-adrenergic receptors and handling of Ca2+ in canine vascular smooth muscle. Proc. XXVIIIth Int. Congr. Physiol. Sci., Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, pp. 263-268, 1981.

R-41 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of Na+,K+ ATPase in the vasodilator response to acetylcholine. In: Vasodilatation, eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and I. Leusen. Raven Press, New York, pp. 331-337, 1981.

R-42 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cold vasoconstriction and cold vasodilatation. In: Vasodilatation, eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and I. Leusen. Raven Press, New York, pp. 263-271, 1981.

R-43 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Local modulation of adrenergic neurotransmission. Circulation 64: 655-666, 1981.

R-44 Shepherd, J.T., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Donald, D.E. Regulation of the veins by the arterial baroreceptors. In: Arterial Baroreceptors and Hypertension, ed. P. Sleight. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 123-129, 1980.

R-45 Vanhoutte, P.M. Les veines. In: Precis des Maladie des Vaisseaux, eds. C. Olivier and J.F. Merlen. Masson, Paris, pp. 20-25, 1983.

R-46 Vanhoutte, P.M. Local control of venous function. Proc. XXVIIIth Int. Congr. Physiol. Sci., Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, pp. 239-246, 1981.

R-47 Vanhoutte, P.M. The prejunctional and postjunctional effects of acetylcholine in the blood vessel wall. Verhand. Kon. Akad. Geneesk. 44: 269-294, 1981.

R-48 Vanhoutte, P.M. Why is acetylcholine a vasodilator? In: Vasodilatation, eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and I. Leusen. Raven Press, New York, pp. 67-72, 1981.

R-49 Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium entry blockers and the cardiovascular system. Why calcium blockers? Fed. Proc. 40: 2851, 1980.

R-50 Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium entry blockers and cardiovascular failure. Fed. Proc. 40: 2882-2887, 1981.

R-51 Vanhoutte, P.M. Perifere hemodynamica: fysiopathologische aspekten. In: Cardiologie, ed. D.L. Clément. Omega Editions, Gent, Belgium, pp. 426-449, 1983.

R-52 Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential effects of calcium entry blockers on vascular smooth muscle. In: New Perspectives on Calcium Antagonists, ed. G.B. Weiss. Clinical Physiology Series, The American Physiological Society, Washington, D.C., pp. 109-121, 1981.

R-53 Vanhoutte, P.M. Local regulation of smooth muscle contraction. In: Noninvasive Methods on Cardiovascular Haemodynamics, ed. A.H.M. Jagenau. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, pp. 3-20, 1981.

R-54 Vanhoutte, P.M. Pharmacology of the blood vessel wall. In: llth European Conference on Microcirculation, ed. P. Gaeghtens. S. Karger, Basel, pp. 329-333, 1981.

R-55 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Physiopathologie de la circulation veineuse. In: Physiopathologie Cardiopulmonaire, ed. H. Denolin. SIMEP, Villeurbanne, pp. 324-342, 1982.

R-56 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Vasodilatation due to prejunctional inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission. In: Modulation of Neurochemical Transmission, ed. S. Vizi. Hungarian Publishing House, Budapest, pp. 127-136, 1980.

R-57 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Role of the venous system in cardiovascular regulation. Proc. XXVIIIth Int. Congr. Physiol. Sci., Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, pp. 280-290, 1981.

R-58 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Van Nueten, J.M. Anoxia-induced contraction of coronary arterial smooth muscle. Antagonism by the Ca2+ inhibitor lidoflazine. In: Coronary Spasms, ed. M.E. Bertrand. Lille, pp. 77-81, 1979.

R-59 Vanhoutte, P.M., Verbeuren, T.J. and Webb, R.C. Local modulation of the adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in the blood vessel wall. Physiol. Rev. 61: 151-247, 1981.

R-60 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium entry blockers and vasospasm. In: Vasodilatation, eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and I. Leusen. Raven Press, New York, pp. 459-468, 1981.

R-61 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium entry blockers and vascular smooth muscle heterogeneity. Fed. Proc. 40: 2862-2865, 1981.

R-62 Webb, R.C., Lockette, W.E., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Bohr, D.F. Sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase and vasodilatation. In: Vasodilatation, eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and I. Leusen. Raven Press, New York, pp. 319-330, 1981.

R-63 Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of the veins in the circulation. Acta Cardiol. 36: 239-248, 1981.

R-64 Vanhoutte, P.M. Physiology of the venous wall. Medicographia 2: 8-12, 1980.

R-65 Vanhoutte, P.M. Release and disposition of norepinephrine in the blood vessel wall of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. In: New Trends in Arterial Hypertension, eds. M. Worcel, et al. Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, pp. 3-10, 1981.

R-66 Vanhoutte, P.M. Introductory remarks: Pharmacology of the blood vessel wall. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 3: 1359 1369, 1981.

R-67 Burrows, M.E. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pharmacology of arterioles: some aspects of variability in response to norepinephrine, histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 3: 1370-1380, 1981.

R-68 Vanhoutte, P.M. Introductory remarks: Alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors and the cardiovascular system. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 3: Sl-S13, 1981.

R-69 Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of postjunctional vascular -adrenoceptors and handling of calcium. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 4: S91-S96, 1982.

R-70 Van Nueten, J.M., Janssen, P.A.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pharmacological properties of serotonergic responses in vascular, bronchial and gastrointestinal smooth muscle. In: Vascular Neuroeffectors, eds. J.A. Bevan, et al. Raven Press, New York, pp. 243-250, 1983.

R-71 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular reactivity and neurotransmitter release in experimental hypertension. Proceedings, International Symposium, Cellular Handling of Ions, Transmitter Release, Smooth Muscle Contractility and Hypertension, ed. Searle, Stenungsund, Sweden., pp. 27-29, 1983.

R-72 Vanhoutte, P.M. 5-Hydroxytryptamine, vasospasm and hypertension. In: 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Peripheral Reactions, eds. F. De Clerck and P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 163-174, 1982.

R-73 Vanhoutte, P.M. Control of vascular function: role of the non-muscle components. Mayo Clin. Proc. 57: 20-27, 1982.

R-74 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Effects of buflomedil on the blood vessel wall. In: Microcirculation and Ischemic Vascular Diseases. Clinical and Therapeutic Approaches, ed. S. Kornfeind. Biomedical Information Corporation, New York, pp. 465-474, 1982.

R-76 Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium entry blockers and vascular smooth muscle. Circulation 65: I-11-I-19, 1982.

R-77 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Levy, M.N. Prejunctional cholinergic modulation on adrenergic neurotransmission and the cardiovascular system. In: Excitation and Neural Control of the Heart, eds. M.N. Levy and M. Vassalle. The American Physiological Society, pp. 243-255, 1982.

R-78 Vanhoutte, P.M. Are there haemorheological reasons for using drugs acting on vascular smooth muscle? Clinical Hemorrheology. 2: 299-303, 1982.

R-79 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Autonomic nerves to the systemic blood vessels. In: Peripheral Neuropathy, eds. P.J. Dyck, P.K. Thomas, E. Lambert and R. Bunge. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, pp. 301-326, 1984.

R-80 Vanhoutte, P.M. Does 5-hydroxytryptamine play a role in hypertension? Tr. Pharmacol. Sci. 3: 370-373, 1982.

R-81 Vanhoutte, P.M. Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs, adrenergic neuroeffector interaction and systemic vascular resistance. In: Advances in Beta-Blocker Therapy II, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium, ed. A. Zanchetti. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pp. 279-289, 1982.

R-82 Van Nueten, J.M., Leysen, J.E., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Janssen, P.A.J. Serotonergic responses in vascular and non-vascular tissue. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 256: 331-334, 1982.

R-83 Shepherd, J.T., Rusch, N.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of cold on the blood vessel wall. Gener. Pharmacol. 14: 61-64, 1983.

R-84 Vanhoutte, P.M. and De Mey, J.T. Control of vascular smooth muscle function by the endothelial cells. Gener. Pharmacol. 14: 39-41, 1983.

R-85 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Muscarinic and -adrenergic prejunctional modulation of adrenergic neurotransmission in the blood vessel wall. Gener. Pharmacol. 14: 35-37, 1983.

R-86 Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of calcium entry blockers on tissue hypoxia. J. Cerebral Blood Flow Metab. 2: S42-S44, 1982.

R-87 Vanhoutte, P.M. Hyperreactivity of the blood vessel wall in hypertension. In: Cardiology, Vol. 1. Hypertension, eds. P. Sleight and E. Freis. Butterworth and Co., Ltd., England, pp. 216-228, 1982.

R-88 Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypoxia and tissue perfusion. In: Cerebral Hypoxia in the Pathogenesis of Migraine, eds. F.C. Rose and W.K. Amery. Pitman Press, Great Britain, pp. 3-11, 1982.

R-89 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Van Nueten, J.M. Lidoflazine. In: New Drugs Annual: Cardiovascular Drugs, ed. A. Scriabine. Raven Press, New York, pp. 203-226, 1983.

R-90 Vanhoutte, P.M. Why 5-hydroxytryptamine? Fed. Proc. 42: 211-212, 1983.

R-91 Vanhoutte, P.M. 5-Hydroxytryptamine and vascular disease. Fed. Proc. 42: 233-237, 1983.

R-92 Vanhoutte, P.M., Van Nueten, J.M., Symoens, J. and Janssen, P.A.J. Antihypertensive properties of ketanserin (R 41 468). Fed. Proc. 42: 182-185, 1983.

R-93 Vanhoutte, P.M. Cinnarizine, flunarizine, lidoflazine. In: Calcium Modulators, eds. T. Godfraind, A. Albertini and R. Paoletti. Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, pp. 351-362, 1982.

R-94 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Rimele, T.J. Effects of calcium entry blockers on isolated blood vessels. Prog. Pharmacol. 5: 23-36, 1983.

R-95 Vanhoutte, P.M. Adjustments in the peripheral circulation in chronic heart failure. Eur. Heart J. 4: 67-83, 1983.

R-96 Van Nueten, J.M., Leysen, J.E., Schuurkes, J.A.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ketanserin: a selective antagonist of 5-HT2 serotonergic receptors. The Lancet, February 5, pp. 297-298, 1983.

R-97 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Van Nueten, J.M. Ketanserin - a novel antihypertensive drug. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 35: 339-340, 1983.

R-98 Vanhoutte, P.M., Rimele, T.J. and Van Nueten, J.M. Calcium entry blockers and contractile responses of vascular smooth muscle. Calcium Antagonists: The State of the Art and Role in Cardiovascular Disease. Symp. Front. Pharmacol. 2: 65-75, 1983.

R-99 Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of the endothelium in control of vascular smooth muscle function. Verh. Kon. Akad. Geneesk. 44: 411-418, 1982.

R-100 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Rimele, T.J. Role of the endothelium in the control of vascular smooth muscle function. J. Physiol. 78: 681-686, 1983.

R-101 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Cohen, R.A. The elusory role of serotonin in vascular function and disease. Biochem. Pharmacol. 32: 3671-3674, 1983.

R-102 Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypoxia, tissue perfusion and potential role of vasodilator drugs. Symp. Front. Pharmacol. 3: 97-102, 1983.

R-103 Vanhoutte, P.M. Buflomedil. In: New Drug Annual: Cardiovascular Drugs, ed. A. Scriabine, Raven Press, New York, pp. 211-224, 1984.

R-104 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Rimele, T.J. Control of vascular smooth muscle function. Int. Angiology 3: 17-30, 1984.

R-105 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Cohen, R.A. Calcium entry blockers and cardiovascular disease. Am. J. Cardiol. 52: 99A-103A, 1983. R-106 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasodilatation mediated by the coronary endothelium in response to aggregating platelets. In: Vasodilator Mechanisms, eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and S.F. Vatner, Karger, Basel, pp. 35-42, 1984.

R-107 Vanhoutte, P.M. The cardiovascular pharmacology of buflomedil. In: Vasodilator Mechanisms. eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and S.F. Vatner, Karger, Basel, pp. 209-221, 1984.

R-108 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cardiovascular pharmacology of ketanserin. In: Vasodilator Mechanisms, eds. P.M. Vanhoutte and S.F. Vatner, Karger, Basel, pp. 222-233, 1984.

R-109 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lorenz, R.R. Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitors and the adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in the blood vessel wall. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 6: S88-S94, 1984.

R-110 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Why nerves to coronary vessels? Fed. Proc. 43: 2855-2861, 1984.

R-111 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of the adrenergic transmitter on epicardial coronary arteries. Fed. Proc. 43: 2862-2866, 1984.

R-112 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Cohen, R.A. Effects of acetylcholine on the coronary artery. Fed. Proc. 43: 2878-2880, 1984.

R-113 Vanhoutte, P.M., Rimele, T.J. and Rooke, T.W. Calcium entry and the contraction of vascular smooth muscle. In: Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide and Protein Phosphorylation Research, vol. 17, eds. P. Greengard, A. Robison, R. Paoletti and Nicosa. Raven Press, New York, pp 569-573, 1984.

R-114 Vanhoutte, P.M. Autonomic nerves, aggregating platelets and contraction of coronary arterial smooth muscle. In: Functional Aspects of the Normal, Hypertrophied and Failing Heart, eds. F.L. Abel and W.H. Newman. Martinez-Nijhoff, Hingam, MA, pp. 135-148, 1984.

R-115 Vanhoutte, P.M. Rôle de l'endothelium dans le fonctionnement des fibres vasculaires. J. Pharmacol. 14: 73-79, 1983.

R-116 Vanhoutte, P.M., Cohen, R.A. and Van Nueten, J.M. Serotonin and arterial vessels. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 6: S421-S428, 1984.

R-117 Vanhoutte, P.M. Control of venous function. Int. Angiol. 3: 40-46, 1984.

R-118 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Miller, V.M. Heterogeneity of endothelium-dependent responses in mammalian blood vessels. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 7: S12-S23, 1985.

R-119 Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium entry blockers in vascular disease. Int. Angiology 3: 5-7, 1984.

R-120 Rimele, T.J and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential effects of calcium entry blockers on vascular smooth muscle. Int. Angiology 3: 17-23, 1984.

R-121 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin and vascular function. Clinics in Anesthesiology 2: 363-382, 1984.

R-122 Vanhoutte, P.M. and McGoon, M.D. The endothelial cell. In: Abnormal Pulmonary Circulation, ed. E.H. Bergofsky, Churchill-Livingstone, New York, 1986.

R-123 Vanhoutte, P.M. The role of serotonin in hypertension Clinical implications for the use of serotonin antagonists. Drug Therapy, pp. 111-126, June, 1984.

R-124 Vanhoutte, P.M. Why are Ca2+ entry blockers effective in the treatment of hypertension and tissue hypoxia? In: Calcium Entry Blockers in Cardiovascular and Cerebral Dysfunctions, eds. T. Godfraind, A.G. Herman, and D. Wellens. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 307-312, 1984.

R-125 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Adrenergic pharmacology of human and canine peripheral veins. Fed. Proc. 44: 337-340, 1985.

R-126 Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium-entry blockers, vascular smooth muscle and systemic hypertension. Am. J. Cardiol. 55: 17B-23B, 1985.

R-127 Vanhoutte P.M. and Cooke, J.P. Vascular responsiveness in hypertension. In: Clinical Medicine, eds. J.A. Spittell and S. Sheps. J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, pp. 1-13, 1985.

R-128 Marcelon, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanism of action of ruscus extract. Internat. Angiol. 3: 74-76, 1984.

R-129 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Flunarizine. In: New Drugs Annual: Cardiovascular Drugs, ed. A. Scriabine. Raven Press, New York, pp. 245-266, 1984.

R-130 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Spasm of the coronary arteries: Causes and consequences (the scientist's viewpoint). Mayo Clin. Proc. 60: 33-46, 1985.

R-131 Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium entry blockers and peripheral vascular disease. In: Calcium Entry Blockers and Tissue Protection, eds. T. Godfraind, P.M. Vanhoutte, S. Govoni and R. Paoletti. Raven Press, New York, pp. 195-202, 1985.

R-132 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The respiratory epithelium releases a smooth muscle relaxing factor. Chest 87: 189S-190S, 1985.

R-133 Cohen, R.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelets, serotonin, and endothelial cells. In: Serotonin and the Cardiovascular System, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 105-112, 1985.

R-134 Webb, R.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Responsiveness of the hypertensive blood vessel wall to serotonergic stimuli. In: Serotonin and the Cardiovascular System, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 113-122, 1985.

R-135 Vanhoutte, P.M. Peripheral serotonergic receptors and hypertension. In: Serotonin and the Cardiovascular System, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 123-134, 1985.

R-136 Van Nueten, J.M., Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin and vascular smooth muscle. In: Serotonin and the Cardiovascular System, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 95-104, 1985. R-137 Vanhoutte, P.M., Katusic, Z.S. and Shepherd, J.T. Vasopressin induces endothelium-dependent relaxations of cerebral and coronary, but not of systemic arteries. J. Hypertens. 2: 421-422, 1984.

R-138 Vanhoutte, P.M. Can peripheral serotonergic blockade explain the hypotensive effect of ketanserin? J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 7: SI05-S109, 1985.

R-139 Van Nueten, J.M., Leysen, J.E., de Clerck, F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonergic receptor subtypes and vascular reactivity. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 6: S564-S574, 1984.

R-140 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Circulation in tissues with obstructive arterial disease. In: Calcium Entry Blockers and Tissue Protection, eds. T. Godfraind, P.M. Vanhoutte, S. Govoni and R. Paoletti. Raven Press. New York, pp. 107-116. 1985.

R-141 Symoens, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of serotonin in blood pressure regulation. In: Care of the Postoperative Patient, ed. J.A.R. Smith and J. Watkins. Butterworth, Kent, pp. 141-164, 1985.

R-142 Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasodilator and vasoconstrictor signals generated by the endothelium. In: The Peripheral Circulation, eds. S. Hunyor, J. Ludbrook, J. Shaw and M. McGrath. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 3-8, 1984.

R-143 Vanhoutte, P.M., Rimele, T.J. and Flavahan, N.A. Lipoxygenase and calcium entry in vascular smooth muscle. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 7: S47-S52, 1985.

R-144 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The sensory systems involved in cardiovascular regulation. Chapter 7, In: Mayo Clinic Textbook of Cardiology, eds. R.0. Brandenburg, V. Fuster, E.R. Giuliani and D.C. McGoon. Year Book Medical Publishers, pp. 164-182, 1986.

R-145 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Local modulation of adrenergic neurotransmission in blood vessels. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 7: S167-S178, 1985.

R-146 Vanhoutte, P.M. Autonomic nerves, endothelium, aggregating platelets and contraction of coronary arterial smooth muscle. In: Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanisms, eds. J.A. Bevan, et al. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 205-210, 1985.

R-147 Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin and hypertension. In: Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanism, eds. J.A. Bevan, et al. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 329-332, 1985.

R-148 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Houston, D.S. Platelets, endothelium and vasospasm. Circulation 72: 728-734, 1985.

R-149 Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin, adrenergic nerves, endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle. In: Progress in Applied Microcirculation, Vol. 10, Serotonin and Microcirculation. Karger, Basel, pp. 1-11, 1986.

R-150 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Regulation of the circulation to skin and muscle in the limbs. In: "Conservative Therapy on Arterial Occlusive Disease", ed. G.T. Verlag, Stuttgart-New York, pp. 3-9, 1986.

R-151 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lüscher, T.F. Serotonin and the blood vessel wall. J. Hypertens. 4: S29-S35, 1986.

R-152 Vanhoutte, P.M., Rubanyi, G.M., Miller, V.M. and Houston, D.S. Modulation of vascular smooth muscle contraction by the endothelium. Ann. Rev. Physiol. 48: 307-320, 1986.

R-153 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Flavahan, N.A. Effects of temperature on alpha-adrenoceptors in limb veins. Role of receptor reserve. Fed. Proc. 45: 2347-2354, 1986.

R-154 Vanhoutte, P.M. Could the absence or malfunction of vascular endothelium precipitate the occurrence of vasospasm? J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 18: 679-689, 1986.

R-155 Van Nueten, J.M., Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin and vascular reactivity. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 17: 585-608, 1985.

R-156 Houston, D.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin and the vascular system. Role in health and disease and implications for therapy. Drugs 3: 149-163, 1986.

R-157 Vanhoutte, P.M. Ca2+ entry blockers: What are they and on which cells do they act? J. Cerebral Blood Flow Metab. 5: S327-S328, 1985.

R-158 Rorie, D.K., Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Anatomy and physiology of the coronary arteries. In: Anesthesia and Coronary Artery Surgery, ed. S. Tarhan. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago, pp. 1-23, 1986.

R-159 Vanhoutte, P.M., Ball, S.G., Berdeaux, A., Cohen, M.L., Hedner, T., McCall, R., Ramage, A.G., Reimann, I.H., Richer, C., Saxena, P.R., Schalekamp, M.A.H.D., Struyker-Boudier, H.A.J., Symoens, J., Van Nueten, J.M. and van Zwieten, P.A. Mechanism of action of ketanserin in hypertension. Tr. Pharmac. Sci. 7: 58-59, 1986.

R-160 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Flavahan, N.A. The heterogeneity of adrenergic receptors: Chairman's comments. In: Pharmacology of Adrenoceptors, eds. E. Szabadi, C.M. Bradshaw and S.R. Nahorski. Macmillan Press, Ltd., London, pp. 43-46, 1986.

R-161 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lüscher, T.F. Peripheral mechanisms in cardiovascular regulation: Transmitters, receptors and the endothelium. In: Handbook of Hypertension: Section on Physiology and Pathophysiology of Hypertension, eds. R.C. Tarazi and A. Zanchetti. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, pp. 96-123, 1986.

R-162 Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin-antagonisten. Der Informierte Arzt 3: 42-48, 1986.

R-163 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Flavahan, N.A. Temperature and adrenergic activation of cutaneous veins. In: Progress in Angiology, eds. P. Balas and A. Schirger. Edizioni Minerva Medica, Italy, pp. 209-216, 1986.

R-164 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Katusic, Z.S. Endothelium-dependent responses in cerebral blood vessels. In: Neural Regulation of Brain Circulation, eds. Ch. Owman and J.E. Hardebo. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 19-25, 1986.

R-165 Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha-adrenergic effects of Ruscus aculeatus on cutaneous veins. Modulation by local temperature. In: Advances in Medical Phytochemistry:I, eds. D. Barton and W.D. Ellis. John Libbey, London, pp. 187-194, 1986.

R-166 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, R.F. Serotonin, serotonergic antagonists and hypertension. In: Primary Hypertension, eds. W. Kaufmann, et al. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 210-224, 1986.

R-167 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanisms responsible for coronary vasospasm. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 8: 50A-54A, 1986.

R-168 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha1-adrenoceptor subclassification in vascular smooth muscle. Tr. Pharmacol. Sci. 7: 347-349, 1986.

R-169 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Houston, D.S. Serotonin, platelets and vascular function. In: Central and Peripheral Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Regulation, eds. A. Magro, W. Osswald, D. Reis and P. Vanhoutte. Plenum Press, New York and London, pp. 135-161, 1986.

R-170 Marcelon, G., Balanant, Y., Pouget, G., Sablayrolles, S., Tisne-Versailles, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Warming augments the pharmacological displacement of norepinephrine caused by ruscus in cutaneous veins. In: What is New in Angiology?, eds. P.C. Maurer, H.M. Becker, H. Heidrich, G. Hoffmann, A. Kriessmann, H. Muller-Wiefel and C. Pratorius. W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag Munchen, pp. 240-241, 1986.

R-171 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothélium et réactivité artérielle. J. des Maladies Vaculaires 11: 213-221, 1986.

R-172 Vanhoutte, P.M. Kardiovaskulare Pharmakologie von Buflomedil. In: Makro und Mikrozirkulation bei ischämischer Verschlusskrankheiten, eds. K. Messmer. W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag, Munchen, pp. 1-5, 1986.

R-173 Marcelon, G., Sales V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Potentialisation, sous l'effet de la chaleur, de l'activite veinotonique de l'extrait de Ruscus aculeatus. In: Phlebology, eds. D. Negus and G. Jantet. John Libbey, London and Paris, pp. 886-889, 1985.

R-174 Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelets, endothelium, vasospasm and atherosclerosis. In: Les medicaments de l'athérosclérose, eds. P. Meyer and J.C. Gilbert. Masson, Paris, pp. 105-121, 1986.

R-175 Vanhoutte, P.M. Peripheral adrenergic transmission and hypertension. Medicographia 8: 9-11, 1986.

R-176 Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin and the vascular wall. Int. J. Cardiol. 14: 189-203, 1987.

R-177 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium and the control of vascular tissue. News in Physiol. Sci. 2: 18-22, 1987.

R-178 Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin and the blood vessel wall. J. Hypertens. 4: Sl12-S115, 1986.

R-179 Vanhoutte, P.M. Possible pharmacological approaches to the treatment of peripheral vascular disease. In: Vascular Diseases, eds. E. Strandness, P. Didisheim, A. Clowes and J. Watson, Grune and Stratton, Orlando, FL, pp. 151-182, 1987.

R-180 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Paoletti, R. Classification of calcium-antagonists: The viewpoint of the expert committee of the WHO. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci., 8: 4-5, 1987.

R-181 Vanhoutte, P.M. Airway epithelium and bronchial reactivity. Can. J. Physiol. & Pharmacol. 65: 448-450, 1987.

R-182 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions in arteries and veins. Blood Vessels 24: 141-144, 1987.

R-183 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Pharmacology of large coronary arteries. Chapter 38.C, In: Cardiology: Fundamentals and Practice Volume 1, eds R.0. Brandenburg, V. Fuster, E. R. Giuliani and D.C. McGoon, Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago, pp. 1061-1072, 1986.

R-184 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions in veins and arteries. Chapter 2, In: Relaxing and Contracting Factors: Biological and Clinical Research, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Humana Press, Clifton, N.J., pp. 27-39, 1988.

R-185 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Modulation of the release and biological activity of endothelium-derived relaxing factor by oxygen-derived free radicals. Chapter 5, In: Relaxing and Contracting Factors: Biological and Clinical Research, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Humana Press, Clifton, N.J., pp. 91-105, 1988.

R-186 Rubanyi, G.M., Schwartz, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium transport mechanisms in endothelial cells regulating the synthesis and release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor. Chapter 9, In: Relaxing and Contracting Factors: Biological and Clinical Research, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Humana Press, Clifton, N.J., pp. 179-188, 1988.

R-187 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity in endothelium-dependent relaxations: acute, chronic and evolutionary modulations. Chapter 14, In: Relaxing and Contracting Factors: Biological and Clinical Research, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Humana Press. Clifton, N.J., pp. 285-307, 1988.

R-188 Houston, D.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelets and endothelium-dependent responses. Chapter 21, In:, Relaxing and Contracting Factors: Biological and Clinical Research, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Humana Press, Clifton, N.J., pp. 425-449, 1988.

R-189 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanisms of altered endothelium-dependent responses in hypertensive blood vessels. Chapter 24. In: Relaxing and Contracting Factors: Biological and Clinical Research, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Humana Press, Clifton, N.J., pp. 495-509, 1988.

R-190 Johnson, J.M., Brengelmann, G.L., Hales, J.R.S., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Wenger, C.B. Regulation of the cutaneous circulation, Fed. Proc., 45: 2841-2850, 1986.

R-191 Vanhoutte, P.M. The Expert Committee of the World Health Organization on Classification of Calcium Antagonists: The viewpoint of the rapporteur. Am. J. Cardiol. 59: 3A-8A, 1987.

R-192 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The circulation in the limbs: normal function and effects of disease. In: Handbook of Cardiology, eds. W. Parmley and Chatterjee, J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1987. R-193 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The sensory systems involved in cardiovascular regulation. In: Cardiology Fundamentals and Practice, eds. R. 0. Brandenberg, V. Fuster, E. R. Giuliani and D. C. McGoon. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago-London, pp. 164-182, 1987.

R-194 Vanhoutte, P.M. Ca2+-antagonists: What are they and what do they do? Actual. Chim. Ther. 14: 119-123, 1987.

R-195 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Receptor-reserve and heterogeneity of vascular responses to vasodilator stimuli. Chapter on Catecholamines In: Vasodilatation: Vascular Smooth Muscle Peptides, Autonomic Nerves, and Endothelium, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 201-210, 1988.

R-196 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Zander, J.F. Vascular pharmacology of naftidorfuryl. In: Vasodilatation, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 281-288, 1988.

R-197 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. Endothélium et réactivité vasculaire. Comm. Cell. & Pathol. 10: 49-53, 1988.

R-198 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypertension and endothelium-dependent responses. In: Vasodilatation: Vascular Smooth Muscle, Peptides, Autonomic Nerves, and Endothelium, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte. Raven Press, New York, pp. 523-529, 1988.

R-199 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of alpha-adrenergic responsiveness in vascular smooth muscle: role of receptor subtypes and receptor reserve. In: The Alpha-1 Adrenergic Receptors, ed. R. Ruffolo. Humana Press, New Jersey, pp 351-403, 1987.

R-200 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Flavahan, N.A. "Modulation of Cholinergic Neurotransmission in the Airways", In: The Airways: Neural Control in Health and Disease, eds. Kaliner and P.Barnes, New York, pp. 203-216, 1987.

R-201 Vanhoutte, P.M. The role of the systemic veins. An update. Phlebology 2: 61-73, 1987. R-202 Vanhoutte, P.M., Amery, A., Birkenhager, W., Breckenridge, A., Buhler, F., Distler, A., Dormandy, J., Doyle, A., Frohlich, E., Hansson, L., Hedner, T., Hollenberg, N., Jensen H., Lund-Johansen, P., Meyer, P., Opie, L., Robertson, I., Safar, M., Schalekamp, M., Symoens, J., Trap-Jensen, J. and Zanchetti, A. Serotonergic mechanisms in hypertension: focus on the effects of ketanserin. Hypertension 11: 111-133, 1988.

R-203 Vanhoutte, P.M. Interviene la 5-hidroxitriptamina (serotonina) en la hipertension? Hipertension 3: 22-28, 1984.

R-204 Vanhoutte, P.M. Kardiovaskulare pharmakologie von buflomedil. In: Makro- und Mikrozirkulation bei ischamischer verschlusskrankheit, K. Messmer, ed. W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag, Munich, pp 3-11, 1987.

R-205 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. -1-Adrenoceptor subclassification in vascular smooth muscle. A premature proposal? (Flavahan and Vanhoutte reply.) Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 8: 124-125, 1987.

R-206 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lüscher, T.F. Vascular endothelium and hypertension. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 10: S19-S24, 1987.

R-207 Vanhoutte, P.M. Ca2+antagonists and vascular disease. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 552: 380-389, 1988.

R-208 Vanhoutte, P.M. The end of a quest? Nature 327: 459-460, 1987.

R-209 Van Nueten, J.M., Janssen, P.A., Symoens, J., Janssens, W.J., Heykants, J., De Clerck, F., Leysen, J.E., Vancauteren, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ketanserin. In: New Cardiovascular Drugs 1987, ed. A. Scriabine, New York, Raven Press, pp. 1-56, 1987.

R-210 Vanhoutte, P.M. Cardiovascular effects of serotonin. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 10: S8-S11, 1987.

R-211 Vanhoutte, P.M. Interactions between nerves, smooth muscle and endothelium in vascular responses. In: Neuronal Messengers in Vascular Function, eds. A. Nobin, C. Owman and B. Arnecklo-Nobin, Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers, pp. 295-304, 1987.

R-212 Shepherd, R.J.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanisms of coronary artery spasm. Cardiol. 4: 46-48,76; 1987.

R-213 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium and Activation of the Release of Endothelium-derived Relaxing Factor. Proc. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 552: 226-233, 1988.

R-214 Lüscher, T.F., Raij, L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of hypertension and its reversal on endothelium-dependent relaxations in the aorta of the rat. J. Hypertens. 5: S153-S155, 1987.

R-215 Vanhoutte, P.M. State of the Art Lecture: Endothelium and responsiveness of vascular smooth muscle. J Hypertens. 5: S115-S120, 1987.

R-216 Moncada, S., Herman, A.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) is identified as nitric oxide. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 8: 365-368, 1987.

R-217 Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelets, endothelium and blood vessel wall. Experientia 44:105-109, 1988.

R-218 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Thermosensitivity of cutaneous and deep veins. Phlebology 3: 41-45, 1988.

R-219 Shepherd, J.T., Coffman, J.D., Lassen, N.A., Lindblad, L.E., Mellstrand, T., Norgren, L., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Van Nueten, J.M. Panel discussion: Has transmitter interaction physiological or pathophysiological relevance in human vascular function? In: Neuronal Messengers in Vascular Function. eds A. Nobin, C. Owman and B. Arneklo-Nobin. Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division), Amsterdam, pp. 557-567, 1987.

R-220 Opie, L.H., Buhler, F.R., Fleckenstein, A., Hansson, L., Harrison, D.C., Poole-Wilson, P.A., Schwartz, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. in consultation with Braunwald, E., Nayler, W.G., Paoletti, R., Contin, C.R., Rapaport, E., Godfraind, T., Snyder, S.H. and Kubler, W. International Society and Federation of Cardiology: Working Group on Classification of Calcium Antagonists for Cardiovascular Disease (editorial). Am. J Cardiol. 60: 630-632, 1987.

R-221 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Bühler, F.R. Links and interactions between alpha-adrenergic and serotonergic receptors. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 11: v-vi, 1988.

R-222 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Threshold phenomena and interactions between receptors. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 11: S67-S72. 1988.

R-223 Marcelon, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Venotonic effect of Ruscus under variable temperature conditions in vitro. Phlebology 3: 51-54, 1988.

R-224 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium and Control of Vascular Smooth Muscle. In: Cerebral Vasospasm, ed. R.H. Wilkins, Raven Press, New York, pp. 119-128, 1988.

R-225 Kim, P., Sundt, T.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Loss of Endothelium-dependent Relaxation and Maintenance of Endothelium-dependent Contractions in Chronic Vasospasm Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. In: Cerebral Vasospasm, ed. R.H. Wilkins, Raven Press, New York, pp. 145-149, 1988.

R-226 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lüscher, T.F. Role of the Endothelium in the Pathophysiology of Hypertension. JAMA (South East Asian Ed.) 4: 34-42, 1988.

R-227 Vanhoutte, P.M. The Endothelium and Control of Coronary Arterial Tone. Hospital Practice, pp. 77-94, 1988.

R-228 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in human blood vessels. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 9: 181-184, 1988.

R-229 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Katusic, Z.S. Endothelium-derived Contracting Factor: Endothelium and/or Superoxide Anion? Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 9: 229-230, 1988.

R-230 Vanhoutte, P.M. Ca2+-Antagonists: What are they and what do they do? In: Antagonists in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, eds. Lawin, Van Aken, Mollmann; Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York, pp. 112-129, 1988.

R-231 Van Nueten, J.M., Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium Antagonism and Vascular Smooth Muscle. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 552: 234-247, 1988.

R-232 Houston, D.S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pathophysiologic significance of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the periphery. In: The Peripheral Actions of 5-Hydroxytryptamine, ed. J.R. Fozard, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 377-406, 1989.

R-233 Vanhoutte, P.M. Editorial: Epithelium-derived relaxing factor: myth or reality? Thorax 43: 665-668, 1988.

R-234 Lüscher, T.F., Buhler, F.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin and the Cardiovascular System. In: Neurocardiology, eds. Kulbertus H.E., Franck G., NY, Futura Publishing Co., Inc., Mount Kisco pp. 257-274, 1988.

R-236 Vanhoutte, P.M. The endothelium - modulator of vascular smooth-muscle tone. New England J. Med. 319: 512-513, 1988.

R-237 Kim, P., Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses to arginine vasopressin. In: Vasopressin: Cellular and Interactive Functions, eds. Cowley, A.W., Jr., Liard, J.F. and Ausiello, D.A., Raven Press, New York, pp. 455-459, 1988.

R-238 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Miller, V.M. Alpha2-adrenoceptors and endothelium-derived relaxing factor. Am. J. Med. 87: 1S-5S, 1989.

R-239 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium, Platelets and Vasospasm. In: Blood Cells and Arteries in Hypertension and Atherosclerosis, eds. P. Meyer and P. Marche, Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-14, 1989.

R-240 Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelium-derived relaxing factor(s) and bronchial reactivity. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 138: S24-S30, 1988.

R-241 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of the endothelium in modulating vascular adrenergic receptor actions. In: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Septic Shock, eds. B. Roth, T. Nielsen and A. McKee, vol. 286, pp. 33-39, 1989.

R-242 Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular endothelium and Ca2+- antagonists. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 12: S21-S28, 1988.

R-243 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing and contracting factors. Heart Failure 5: 5-12, 1989.

R-244 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. Endothelium, plaquettes et spasme vasculaire. Artères et Veines 7: 441-448, 1988.

R-245 Vanhoutte, P.M. Aging and Vascular Responsiveness. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 12: Sll-S18, 1988.

R-246 Vanhoutte, P.M. State of the Art Lecture: Endothelium and control of vascular function. Hypertension 13: 658-667, 1989.

R-247 Furchgott, R.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing and contracting factors. FASEB J. 3: 2007-2017, 1989.

R-248 Lüscher, T.F., Diedrich, D., Buhler, F.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interactions between platelets and the vessel wall: role of endothelium-derived vasoactive substances. In: Hypertension, Pathology, Diagnosis and Management, eds. J.H. Laragh and B.M. Brenner, Raven Press, New York, Chapter 41:637-648, 1990.

R-249 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shimokawa, H. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s) and coronary vasospasm. Circulation 80: 1-9, 1989.

R-250 Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions in cerebral arteries. In: Biosignalling in Cardiac and Vascular Systems, eds. M. Fujiwara, S. Narumiya and S. Miwa, Pergamon Press, 1989.

R-251 Vanhoutte, P.M. The endothelium and the role of 5-hydroxytryptamine in vascular disease. In: Cardiovascular Pharmacology of 5-hydroxytryptamine: Prospective therapeutic applications, eds. P.R. Saxena, D.I. Wallis, W. Wouters and P. Bevan, Kluwer Scientific Publications, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1988.

R-252 Vanhoutte, P.M., Auch-Schwelk, W., Biondi, M.L., Lorenz, R.R., Schini, V.B. and Vidal, M.J. Why are converting enzyme inhibitors vasodilators? Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 28: 95S-104S, 1989.

R-253 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived vasoactive factors. Hypertens. Annual, pp. 3-20, 1990.

R-254 Vanhoutte, P.M. Facteurs relaxants et contractants dérives de l'endothélium. Actual. Neph. pp. 7-19, 1989.

R-255 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing and contracting factors. Advances in Nephrology, 19: 3-16, 1990.

R-256 Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelium-derived relaxing factor(s) and bronchial reactivity. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 83: 855-861, 1989.

R-257 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in hypertension. Drugs of Today, 25, 1989.

R-258 Shimokawa, H., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations to serotonin: signal transduction and effects of diets. International Symposium on "Serotonin. In: Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics, eds. Paoletti et al, Florence Italy, pp. 97-104, 1989.

R-259 Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular effects of serotonin. Progress in Pharmacol. 7: 17-25, 1990.

R-260 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Derks, P.M.A. Cardiovasculaire effecten van serotonine en hypertensie. J. for Drug Therapy and Research 14: 111-114, 1989.

R-261 Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonergic antagonists and vascular disease: Vascular Effects of Platelet-Released Serotonin. Cardiovasc. Drugs and Therapy, 4: 7-12, 1990.

R-262 Shepherd, J.T., Joyner, P.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The Sensory Systems Involved in Cardiovascular Regulation in Cardiology: Fundamentals and Practice, 7: 164-182, 1990.

R-263 Vanhoutte, P.M. Claudicatio intermittens: Fysiopathologie en farmacologie. Atherosclerose 55-72, 1989.

R-264 Vanhoutte, P.M., Mombouli, J.V., and Shimokawa, H. Facteurs relaxants d'origine endothéliale et spasme coronarien. Arch Mal Coeur, 83: 11-21, 1990.

R-265 Vanhoutte, P.M. La vasodilatation endothelium-dépendante. JAMA (French Ed.) 1: 8-11, 1990.

R-266 Morrison, K.J., Gao, Y., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelial modulation of airway smooth muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 258: L254-L262, 1990.

R-267 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent effects of carteolol. In: New Aspects of Carteolol. Third Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy International Symposium, eds. , pp. 8-33, 1989. R-268 Vanhoutte, P.M. Molsidomine is a donor of EDRF. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 14: S-139-S140, 1989.

R-269 Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin, Hypertension and Vascular Disease. Netherlands J. Med. 38: 35-42, 1991.

R-270 Vanhoutte P.M., Shimokawa H., Boulanger C.M. Fish Oil and the Platelet-Blood Vessel Wall Interaction. World Rev Nutr Diet, Basel, Karger, 66: 233-244, 1991.

R-271 Error

R-272 Vanhoutte, P.M. L'endothélium: un régulateur du tonus du muscle lisse vasculaire. Angiologie 104: 1121-1124, 1989.

R-273 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P. M. Endothelium-dependent responses and their potential relevance to the distribution of blood flow during hemorrhagic shock. Resuscitation, 18: 165-171, 1989.

R-274 Shimokawa, H., Flavahan, N.A. Lorenz, R.R., Vanhoutte. Synergistic interaction between prostacyclin and endothelium-derived relaxing factor in porcine coronary arteries. In: Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factors, eds. G.M. Rubanyi and P.M. Vanhoutte, Basel, Karger, pp. 303-308, 1990.

R-275 Flavahan, N.A., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Regulation of endothelium-dependent relaxation by protein kinase C: possible inhibition of a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein. In: Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factors, eds. G.M. Rubanyi and P.M. Vanhoutte, Basel, Karger, pp. 136-142, 1990.

R-276 Katusic, Z.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-Dependent Contractions to NG-Monomethyl-L-Arginine in Canine Basilar Artery. In: Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factors. eds. G.M. Rubanyi and P.M. Vanhoutte, Basel, Karger, pp. 95-98, 1989.

R-277 Auch-Schwelk, W., Katusic, Z., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium dependent contractions in the SHR aorta are inhibited by thromboxane A2 receptor antagonists. In: Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factors, eds. G.M. Rubanyi and P.M. Vanhoutte, Basel, Karger, pp.39-43, 1990.

R-278 Vanhoutte, P.M., and Lüscher, T.F. Endothelium-Dependent Vasoconstriction. In: Endothelium-derived relaxing factors, eds. G.M. Rubanyi and P.M. Vanhoutte, Basel, Karger, pp. 1-7, 1990.

R-279 Komori, K., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor. Blood Vessels 27:238-245, 1990.

R-280 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent Effects of Beta-Adrenergic Blockers. Blood Vessels 27:301-305, 1990.

R-281 Kim, P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations and chronic vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Blood Vessels 27:263-268, 1990.

R-282 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contractions to endothelin in canine veins: effects of calcium antagonists and inhibitors of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(1). In: Endothelium-derived contracting factors, eds. G. Rubanyi and P.M. Vanhoutte, Basel, Karger, pp. 80-87, 1989. R-283 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. G-Protein and endothelial responses. Blood Vessels 27:218-229, 1990.

R-284 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelium-derived relaxing factor. In: Airway smooth muscle : modulation of receptors and response, eds. bt D.K. Agrawal and R.G. Townley, CRS Press 6: 129-145, 1990.

R-285 Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin to kouketsuatsusho. In: Serotonin and Hypertension, 2: 1-4, 1990.

R-286 Romero, J.C., Bentley, M.D., Vanhoutte, P.M. Intrarenal mechanisms that regulate sodium excretion in relationship to changes in blood pressure. Mayo Clin. Proc. 64: 1406-1424, 1989.

R-287 Boulanger, C.M., Shimokawa, H., Schini, V.B., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular Endothelium and n-3 unsaturated fatty acids. In: Endothelium-derived contracting factors, eds. G. Rubanyi and P.M. Vanhoutte, Basel, Karger, pp. 169-177, 1989.

R-288 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived vasoactive factors, platelets and coronary disease. In: The Coronary circulation in physiological and pathophysiological states, eds. M. Nakamura and Vanhoutte, P.M. Springer Verlag, Tokyo, Chapter 6: 89-102, 1991.

R-289 Shepherd, J.T., Katusic, Z.S., Vedernikov, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanisms of coronary vasospasm: role of endothelium, J. Mol. Cellul. Cardiology, 23: 125-131, 1990.

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R-291 Busk, M.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. "Epithelium-dependent responses in airways". In: Asthma: its pathogenesis and treatment, eds. Kaliner, P. Barnes and Persson, 5: 135-188, 1990.

R-292 Vanhoutte, P.M. Rôle modulateur de l'endothélium sur la motricité vasculaire. Pharmacologie Cardio-Vasculaire et Respiratoire 12: 117-122, 1990.

R-293 Zellers, T.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Lung biology in health and disease endothelial modulation of pulmonary vascular smooth muscle. In: The Airway Epithelium, ed. S. Farmer, M. Dekker Inc., New York, pp. 565-596, 1991.

R-294 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interactions between epithelium and smooth muscle in canine airways. In: The Airway Epithelium, ed. S. Farmer, M. Dekker Inc., New York, pp. 485-503, 1991.

R-295 Vanhoutte, PM Endothelium-derived vasoactive factors and the blood vessel wall interaction. Medicographia, 12: 6-12, 1990.

R-296 Vanhoutte, PM, Lüscher, TF, Gräser, T. Endothelium-Dependent Contractions. Blood Vessels 28: 74-83, 1991.

R-297 Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelium des voies respiratoires et réactivité bronchique. Les Entretiens du Carla 8: 79-82, 1990.

R-298 Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium, endothelin and local hemodynamic control. J. Nephrol. 1: 17-27, 1990. R-299 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium, ß-Blockers and vascular protection. Drug Investigation 3: 201-203, 1991.

R-300 Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular Effects of Serotonin and Ischemia. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 16: S-15-S-19, 1990.

R-301 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing and contracting agents. In: The Pulmonary Circulation and Acute Lung Injury, (Second Edition) ed. Sami I. Said, 4: 79-115, 1991.

R-302 Lüscher,T.F. and Vanhoutte,P.M. Dysfunction of the Release of Endothelium-derived Relaxing Factor. In: Endothelial Cell Dysfunction, eds N. Simionescu, M. Simionescu, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, pp. 65-102, 1992.

R-303 Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasospasm or Vasoconstriction? (Letter to the Editor) Eur. J. Plastic Surg. 14: 203-204, 1991.

R-304 Boulanger, C.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Rôle de l'endothélium dans la régulation de la vasomotricité. Arch. Mal. Coeur Vaisseaux 84: 35-44, 1991.

R-305 Vanhoutte, P.M., Van Nueten, J.M. and Janssens, W.J. The role of the endothelium in the cardiovascular response to serotonin. In: Serotonin: From Cell Biology to Pharmacology and Therapeutics, eds R. Paoletti, P.M. Vanhoutte, N. Brunello and F.M. Maggi, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 81-96, 1990.

R-306 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Eber, B. Endothelium-derived relaxing and contracting factors (Relaxierende und kontrahierende endothelfaktoren). Wiener Klin. Wochenschrift, 14:405-411, 1991.

R-307 Vanhoutte, P.M. Venous wall and venous disease. In: Return Circulation and Norepinephrine: An Update, ed. Vanhoutte P.M. J. Libbey, Paris, pp. 1-14, 1991.

R-308 Höffner, U. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial factors and regulation of vascular tone; In: Return Circulation and Norepinephrine: An Update, ed. Vanhoutte P.M., J. Libbey, Paris, pp. 15-29, 1991.

R-309 Boulanger, C., Schini, V.B., Shimokawa, H., Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of chronic exposure to cod liver oil and 3 unsaturated fatty acids on endothelium dependent relaxations. In: Fish Oil and Blood Vessel Wall Interactions, eds. Vanhoutte P.M. and Douste Blasy Ph., J. Libbey, Paris, pp. 89-97, 1991.

R-310 Morrison, K.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Airway epithelial cells in the pathophysiology of asthma. In: Advances in the Understanding and Treatment of Asthma. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 629: 82-88, 1991.

R-311 Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Superoxide anion and endothelial regulation of arterial tone. Sem. Perin. 15: 30-33, 1991.

R-312 O'Rourke, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular Pharmacology. In: Vascular Medicine, Textbook of Vascular Biology and Diseases, eds. Loscalzo, J., Dzau, V., and Creager, M.A., CITY, Little, Brown and Co., I: 133-155, 1992.

R-313 Van Nueten, J.M., Janssen, P.A.J., Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The development of 5-HT2 receptor antagonists. In: Serotonin: Actions, Receptors, Pathophysiology, eds. E.J. Mylecharane, Angus, J.A., de la Lande, I.S. and Humphrey, P.A., Macmillan Press, pp. 3-11, 1990.

R-314 Kim, P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations and contractions. In: Cerebral Vasospasm, Eds. K. Sano, K. Takakura, N.F. Kassell, and T. Sasaki, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, pp. 221-226, 1990.

R-315 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent vascular responsiveness: Evolutionary aspects. In: Endothelial Regulation of Vascular Tone, eds. G. Rubanyi and U.S. Ryan, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 1-20, 1991.

R-316 Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelet-derived serotonin, the endothelium, and cardiovascular disease. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 17: S6-S12, 1991.

R-317 Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing (EDRF) and contracting factors (EDCF) in the control of cardiovascular homeostasis: the pioneering observations. In: Cardiovascular Significance of Endothelium-Derived Vasoactive Factors, ed. Gabor M. Rubanyi, Futura Publishing Co., Mount Kisco, NY, pp. 39-64, 1991.

R-318 Lüscher, T.F., Vanhoutte, P.M., Boulanger, C., Dohi, Y. and Bühler, F.R. Endothelial dysfunction in hypertension. In: Cardiovascular Significance of Endothelium-Derived Vasoactive Factors, ed. Gabor M. Rubanyi, Futura Publishing Co., Mount Kisco, NY, pp. 199-221, 1991.

R-319 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s). In: Endogenous Factors of Cardiovascular Regulation and Protection, eds. M. Cantin, R. Paoletti, P. Braquet, Y. Christen, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pp. 84-121, 1990.

R-320 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial cell mediators of vascular reactivity - Overview. Coronary Artery Disease, 2: 291-292, 1991.

R-321 Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelin-1: A potent vasoactive peptide. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 69: 1-7, 1991.

R-322 Vanhoutte, P.M., Gräser, T. and Lüscher, T.F. Endothelium-derived contracting factors. In: Endothelin, ed. Gabor Rubanyi, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 3-16, 1992.

R-323 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T.: Pharmacology of large coronary arteries. In: Cardiology: Fundamentals and Practice, Volume 2, eds. R.O. Brandenburg, V. Fuster, E.R. Giuliani and D.C. McGoon, Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago, pp. 1159-1171, 1990.

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R-325 Peters, Th., Wilffert, B., Vanhoutte, P.M. and van Zwieten, P.A. Calcium channels in the brain as targets for the calcium-channel modulators used in the treatment of neurological disorders. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 18: S1-S5, 1991.

R-326 Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypercholesterolaemia, atherosclerosis and release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor by aggregating platelets. Eur. Heart J. 12: 25-32, 1991. R-327 Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelets, endothelium-derived vasoactive factors and coronary disease. Cardiologia, 37: 89-93, 1992.

R-328 Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of calcium and endothelium in hypertension, cardiovascular disease and subsequent vascular events. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 19: S6-S10, 1992.

R-329 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Schini, V.B. Endothelin and other endothelium-derived vasoactive factors. In: Peptide Regulation of Cardiovascular Function, eds. H. Imura, H. Matsuo and T. Masaki, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Tokyo, pp. 219-234, 1991.

R-330 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived vasoactive factors, platelets and coronary disease, In: Schering Lectures, Schering Research Foundation, Berlin, pp. 4-22, 1996.

R-331 Edoute, Y., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Rubanyi, G.M. Mechanisms of nickel-induced coronary vasoconstriction in isolated perfused rat hearts. In: Nickel and Human Health, eds E. Niebour and J.O. Nciagu, Advances in Environmental Science and Technology, John Wiley and Sons Inc. New-York, 25: 587-602, 1992.

R-332 Pearson, P.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasodilator and vasoconstrictor substances produced by endothelium. Rev. Physiol. Biochem. Pharmacol. 122: 1-67,1993.

R-333 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. L'endothélium vasculaire. Publicité/Information/Liaison, Paris, France, pp. 1-60, 1992.

R-334 Vanhoutte P.M., Boulanger C.M., Vidal M. and Mombouli J.V. Endothelium-derived mediators and the renin-angiotensin system. In: The Renin-Angiotensin System, eds. J.I.S. Robertson and M.G. Nicholls. Gower Medical Publishing, Chapter 29, pp 29.1-29.15, 1993.

R-335 Vanhoutte, P.M. Is endothelin involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension? Hypertension 21:747-751, 1993.

R-336 Schini, V.B., Nagao, T., Illiano, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium and the production of endothelium-derived vasoactive factors. In: Calcium Antagonists: Pharmacology and Clinical Research, eds. T. Godfraind, R. Paoletti and P.M. Vanhoutte, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, in press.

R-337 Vanhoutte, P.M. International union of pharmacology committee on receptor nomenclature and drug classification. Pharmacol Rev, 44: 349-350, 1992.

R-338 Nagao, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor and endothelium-dependent relaxations. Am. J. Resp. Cell. Mol. Biol. 8: 1-6, 1993.

R-339 Vanhoutte, P.M. Atherosclerosis and nitric oxide. In: Nitric Oxide- The Rational Basis for Nitrate Therapy, eds. J. Vane and A. Henderson, William Harvey Research Conferences, London, UK, pp 31-33.

R-340 Vanhoutte, P.M. Inducible nitric oxide synthase and vascular smooth muscle. Jap. J. Pharmacol. 15: 192-199, 1992.

R-341 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of female steroid hormones on endothelium-derived factors and vascular function. In: Steroid Hormones and Uterine Bleeding, eds. Alexander, N.J., D'Areangues, C. AAAS Press (Washington, D.C.) pp. 301-306, 1992.

R-342 O'Rourke, S.T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Adrenergic and cholinergic regulation of bronchial vascular tone. Respiratory Disease 146: 11-14, 1992.

R-343 O'Rourke, S.T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular pharmacology. In: Vascular Medicine, eds. Loscalzo, J., Creager, M., and Dzau, V. Little, Brown and Comany, Boston, pp. 133-155, 1992.

R-344 Vanhoutte, P.M. Other endothelium-derived vasoactive factors. Circulation, 87: V9-V17, 1993.

R-345 Vanhoutte, P.M., and Shepherd, J.T. Autonomic nerves to the systemic blood vessels. In: Peripheral Neuropathy, eds. Dyck, P.J., Thomas, P.K., Griffin, J.W., Low, P.A., and Podulso, J.F. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, pp. 208-227 (Vol. 1), 1992.

R-346 Morrison, K.J., Gao, Y., and Vanhoutte, P.M. -Adrenoceptors and the epithelial layer in airways. Life Sciences, 52: 2123-2130, 1993.

R-347 Schini, V.B., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived vasoactive factors. In: Thrombosis and Hemorrhage, eds J. Loscalzo, A.I. Schafer Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, pp 349-367, 1994.

R-348 Scott-Burden, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The endothelium as a regulator of vascular smooth muscle proliferation. Circulation 87: V-51-V-55, 1993.

R-349 Morrison, K.J., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanisms of drug action. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. and Ther. 1-14, 1993.

R-350 Vanhoutte, P.M., Boulanger, C.M., Illiano, C., Nagao, T., Vidal, M., and Mombouli, J.V. Endothelium-dependent effects of converting-enzyme inhibitors. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 22: S10-S16, 1993.

R-351 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived vasoactive factors and cardiovascular disease. The Journal of Myocardial Ischemia, 5: 1-7, 1993.

R-352 Lüscher, T.F., Rubanyi, G.M., Masaki, T., Vane, J.R., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial control of vascular tone and growth. Circulation 87: V1-V2, 1993.

R-353 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endotheliale dysfunktion und Koronäre Herzkrankheit: Interaktion von Endothel und Thrombozyten. Rundschau Med. (Praxis) 82: 1161-1166, 1993.

R-354 Spedding, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nomenclature of calcium channels and channel modulators: IUPHAR classification. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 22: 906, 1993.

R-355 Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Le monoxyde d'azote et l'homéostasie du muscle lisse vasculaire. Arch. Mal. Coeur 865: 83-89, 1993.

R-356 Félétou, M., Canet, E., and Vanhoutte, P.M. NO, endothélium et régulation vasculaire. Réanimation Urgences, 2: 609-624, 1993.

R-357 Spedding, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Channel nomenclature: IUPHAR Recommendations. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 14: 435-436, 1993.

R-358 Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of the L-arginine-nitric pathway in vascular smooth muscle. Eur. Heart J. 14: 16-21, 1993.

R-359 Vanhoutte, P.M., Barnard, E.A., Cosmides G.J., Humphrey P.P.A., Spedding, M., and Godfraind T. The IUPHAR Committee on receptor nomenclature and drug classification. Pharm. Rev. 46: 111-116, 1994.

R-360 Masaki, T., Vane, J.R., and Vanhoutte, P.M. IUPHAR nomenclature of endothelin receptors. Pharm. Rev. 46: 137-142, 1994.

R-361 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Scott-Burden, T. The Endothelium in health and disease. Texas Heart Institute Journal 21: 62-67, 1994.

R-362 Morrison, K.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelial control over smooth muscle reactivity. In: Asthma and Rhinitis, eds. Busse WW and Holgate ST, pp 1159-1170, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston.

R-363 Vanhoutte, P.M. A matter of life and breath, Nature 368: 693-694, 1994.

R-364 Félétou, M., Canet, E., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial NO and vascular regulation. Endothelium-derived factors and vascular functions, ed. T. Masaki, Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 47-59, 1994.

R-365 Schini, V.B., Busse, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inducible nitric oxide synthase in vascular smooth muscle, Arzneim.Forsch./Drug Res. 44: 432-435, 1994.

R-366 Scott-Burden, T., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Regulation of smooth muscle cell growth by endothelium-derived factors. Texas Heart Institute Journal 21: 91-97, 1994.

R-367 Schini, V.B., Busse, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inflammatory mediators induce the production of nitric oxide in vascular smooth muscle. Exp. Nephrol. 2: 139-144, 1994.

R-368 Humphrey, P., Spedding, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Receptor classification and nomenclature : the revolution and the resolution. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 15: 203-204, 1994.

R-369 Mombouli, J.V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Kinins and vascular endothelium. Current Science in Nephrology and Hypertension 3: 481-484, 1994.

R-370 Flavahan, N., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial cell signaling and endothelial dysfunction. Am. J. Hypertens. 8: 28S-41S, 1995.

R-371 Mombouli, J.V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived hyper-polarizing factor(s) and the potentiation of kinins by converting-enzyme inhibitors. Am. J. Hypertens. 8: 19S-27S, 1995.

R-372 Boulanger, C.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The endothelium: a pivotal role in health and cardiovascular disease.

R-373 Junquero, D.C., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Increased production of nitric oxide in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells from SHR. Progress in Hypertension. New Advances in SHR Research, eds Saito et al., 3: 45-56, 1995.

R-374 Vanhoutte, P.M., Koenig-Bérard, E.A., Schutz, D. Les récepteurs aux imidazolines : où allons-nous ? La Lettre du Pharmacologue, 8: 23, 1994.

R-375 Vanhoutte, P.M., and Boulanger, C.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in Hypertension. Hypertens. Res. 18: 87-98, 1995.

R-376 Mombouli J.V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Kinins and vascular endothelium. Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 35: 679-705, 1995.

R-377 Canet E, Félétou M, Schini V.B., and Vanhoutte P.M. The L-Arginine-nitric oxide pathway in the vascular wall. In: The immune consequences of trauma, shock, sepsis. Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches, ed. E. Faist, Pabst Science Publishers Lengerich, pp 687-705, 1996.

R-378 O'Rourke, S.T., Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular pharmacology, In: Vascular Medicine. A textbook of Vascular Biology and Diseases, eds. J. Loscalzo, M. Creager, V. Dzau ; Little Brown and Campus, Boston MA, pp.117-139.

R-379 Scott-Burden, T., Elizondo, E., Ge, T., Boulanger, C.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Protein kinase C and adenylate regulate nitric oxide production by cultured smooth muscle cells, In: Biology of nitric oxide, eds. Moncada S., Feelisch M., Busse R., Higgs E.A., Vol. 3 Physiological and clinical aspects. Portland Press, London, pp 30-34, 1994.

R-380 Nakashima, M., Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization and potassium channels. In: Pharmacological control of calcium and potassium Homeostasis,Kluwer Academic Publishers and Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, eds. T. Godfraind et al., pp 73-83, 1995.

R-381 Vanhoutte, P.M. The male paradox ? The Lancet, 346: 717, 1995.

R-383 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing factors. Europ. J. Med.Chemist. 3: 361s-370s, 1995.

R-384 Schini-Kerth, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nitric oxide synthases in vascular cells. Experim. Physiol. 80: 885-905, 1995.

R-385 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothélium vasculaire et tonus vasomoteur. Rev. Med. Liège 50: 18-426, 1995.

R-386 Vanhoutte, P.M., Spedding, M. IUPHAR Guidelines for classification of new receptor-subtypes. Internation. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 33: 478, 1995.

R-387 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. La fonction endothéliale dans l'hypertension artérielle. La Revue du Praticien, 45: 2513-2517,1995.

R-388 Laurent, S., Vanhoutte, P.M., Cavero, I., Chabrier, P.E., Dupuis, B., Elghozi, J.L., Hamon, G., Janiak, P., Juillet, Y., Kher, A., Koen, R., Madonna, O., Maffrand, J.P., Pruneau, D., Thuillez, C., Mourad, J.J. La paroi artérielle : une nouvelle cible pharmacologique et thérapeutique ? Thérapie 50: 387-398, 1995.

R-389 Vanhoutte, P.M., Boulanger, C.M. and Mombouli, J.V. Endothelium-derived relaxing factors and converting enzyme inhibition. Am. J. Cardiol. 76: 3E-12E, 1995.

R-390 Cohen, R.A., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization : beyond nitric oxide and cyclic GMP. Circulation 92: 3337-3349, 1995.

R-391 Vane, J.R., Botting, R., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Preface: Up-to-date on endothelins, J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 26: xi-xii, 1995.

R-392 Vanhoutte, P.M., Humphrey, P.P.A., and Spedding, M. International union of pharmacology. X. Recommendations for nomenclature of new receptor subtypes. Pharmacol. Rev. 48: 1-2, 1996.

R-393 Vanhoutte, P.M., Félétou, M., Boulanger, C.M., Höffner, U., and Rubanyi, G. Existence of multiple endothelium-derived relaxing factors. In: Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Harwood Academic publishers, pp. 1-10, 1996.

R-394 Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Bioassay of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor in canine arteries. In: Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Harwood Academic publishers, pp. 25-31, 1996.

R-395 Mombouli, J.V., Bissiriou, I., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Bioassay of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor : is endothelium-derived depolarizing factor a confounding element ? In: Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Harwood Academic publishers, pp.51-55, 1996.

R-396 Corriu, C., Félétou, M., Canet, E., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitors of the P-450 monooxygenase pathway do not prevent endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations in the carotid artery of the guinea-pig. ? In: Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Harwood Academic publishers, pp. 91-94, 1996.

R-397 Nakashima, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Decreased endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization with aging and hypertension in the rat mesenteric artery. In: Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Harwood Academic publishers, pp.227-233, 1996. R-398 Mombouli, J.V., Bissiriou, I., Agboton, V.D., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor: a key mediator of the vasodilator action of bradykinin. Immunopharmacology 33: 46-50, 1996.

R-399 Nakashima, M., Mombouli, J.V., Taylor, A.A., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in the human coronary artery. In: Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, ed. Vanhoutte, P.M., Academic publishers: pp. 279-285, 1996.

R-400 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Félétou, M. Conclusion : existence of multiple endothelium-derived hyperpolarization factor(s) ? In: Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Academic publishers: pp.303-305, 1996.

R-401 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium and vascular injury in hypertension and atherosclerosis. In: Handbook of Hypertension, Pathophysiology and Hypertension, eds. A. Zanchetti and G. Mancia. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 17: 1007-1068, 1997.

R-402 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in congestive heart failure. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 28: 2233-2240, 1996.

R-403 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium vasculaire et tonus vasomoteur. Rev. Port. Cardiol. 15: 27-38, 1996.

R-404 Félétou, M., Corriu, C., Canet, E., Nakashima, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF), an opener of K+ channels in vascular smooth muscle. In: Potassium Channels in Normal and Pathological Conditions, eds. J. Vereecke, P.P. van Bogaert, F. Verdonck. pp. 308-313, 1995.

R-405 Vanhoutte, P.M. La Disfuncion endothelial en la Hipertension Arterial., Iberoamerican Journal of Hypertension,1: 11-17, 1996.

R-406 Laurent, S., Vanhoutte, P.M, Cavero, I., Chabrier, P.E., Dupuis, B., Elghozi, J.L., Hamon, G., Janiak, P., Juillet, Y. Kher, A., Koen, R., Madonna, O., Maffrand, J.P., Pruneau, D., Thuillez, C. The arterial wall: a new pharmacological and therapeutic target. Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. 10: 243-257, 1996.

R-407 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses and inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme. Clin. and Exp. Pharmacol. and Phys. 23: S23-S29, 1996.

R-408 Schini-Kerth, V., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Le monoxyde d'azote: un effecteur vasculaire multifonctionnel. In : L'inflammation, eds. John Libbey Eurotext, pp. 295-303, 1998.

R-409 Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. and Physiol., 23: 1082-1090, 1996.

R-410 Vanhoutte, P.M., Perrault, L.P. and Vilaine, J.P. Endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. In: The endothelium in clinical practice, eds. G. Rubanyi, V.J. Dzau, Marcel Dekker, pp. 265-289, 1997.

R-411 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction in Hypertension. J. Hypertens. 14: S83-S93, 1996.

R-412 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Mombouli, J.V. Vascular endothelium: vaso-active mediators. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases,39 (3):229-238, 1996.

R-413 Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The alternative : EDHF. J. Mol. Cardiol. Cell. 31 :15-22, 1999.

R-414 Mombouli J.V., and Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelial dysfunction : from physiology to therapy. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 31:61-74, 1999.

R-415 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses and inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme (in Russian). Kardiologiya, 36:71-79, 1996.

R-416 Mombouli, J.V., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial function after converting-enzyme inhibition. Medicographia 18:35-40, 1996.

R-417 Vanhoutte, P.M. In: Medicinal chemistry. The challenges for the future. eds. H. van de Waterbeemd, B. Testa, G. Folkers, pp 1-6, 1997.

R-418 Vanhoutte, P.M., Perrault, L.P., Vilaine J.P. Endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. Antioxidantes y calidad de vida, 4 (14): 8-24, 1997.

R-419 Boulanger, C.M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Vasomotricité d'origine endothéliale - rôle des protéines G. Sang Thrombose Vaisseaux, 9: 22-30, 1997.

R-420 Boulanger, C.M., Vanhoutte, P.M. G-proteins and endothelium-dependent relaxations. J. Vascul. Res. 34: 175-185, 1997.

R-421 Vanhoutte, P.M., Corcaud, S., de Montrion, C. Venous Disease: from pathophysiology to quality of life. Angiology, 48 (7): 559-567, 1997.

R-422 Morrison, K.J., and Vanhoutte, P.M. In: Meccanismi d'azione dei farmaci in Farmacologia e terapia cardiovascolare. eds. Singh, B.N., Dzau, V.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Woosley, R.L. Guidotti, pp.1-8, 1996.

R-423 Mombouli, J.V., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor(s) updating the unknown. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 18: 252-256, 1997.

R-424 Vanhoutte, P.M. Dysfunction endothéliale et athérosclérose. Réalités Cardiologiques - Repères pratiques, 115: 29-30, 1997

R-425 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis. European Heart Journal, 18: E19-E29, 1997.

R-426 Vanhoutte, P.M. Dysfonctionnement endothelial et athérosclérose. Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux, 90: 9-19, 1997.

R-427 Vanhoutte, P.M. Disfunçao endothelial e aterosclerose. Rev. Port. Cardiol. 16: 23-31, 1997.

R-428 Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor. In: Vascular Endothelium in Human Physiology and Pathophysiology. eds. : P.J.T. Vallance, D.J. Webb, Harwood Academic Publishers, pp. 75-93, 1999.

R-429 Vanhoutte, P.M., and Spedding, M. The international union of pharmacology committee on receptor nomenclature and drug classification. In: The IUPHAR Compendium of receptor characterization and classification, IUPHAR Media, London, pp. 1-5, 1998.

R-430 Vanhoutte, P.M., Humphrey, P.P.A., and Spedding, M. NC-IUPHAR recommendations for nomenclature of receptors. In: The IUPHAR Compendium of receptor characterization and classification, IHPHAR Media, London, pp. 31-33, 1998.

R-431 Verbeuren T.J., and Vanhoutte P.M. Vasomotricité et environnement thermique - physiopathologie des acrosyndromes vasculaires.La revue du praticien, 48 :1642,1998.

R-432 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and inhibition of converting enzyme. European Heart Journal, 19: J7-J15,1998.

R-433 Vanhoutte, P.M., and Félétou M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization. Pharmacology & Toxicology, 83: 51-56, 1998.

R-434 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. Verhandelingen Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van België, 251-266, 1998.

R-435 Vanhoutte, P.M. An old-timer makes a come-back. Nature, 396: 213-216, 1998.

R-436 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Félétou, M. Concluding Remarks: Identified and unidentified endothelium-derived hyperpolarizng factors. In: Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations. ed. Vanhoutte, P.M., Harwood Academic publishers, pp. 399-403, 1999.

R-437 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. Endothelial function and dysfunction. in : Biology of the Arterial Wall, eds B. Lévy and A. Tedgui, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 49-70, 1999.

R-438 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. In : Endothelium, Nitric oxide and Atherosclerosis. From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Implications. eds : J.A. Panza and R.O. Cannon III. Futura Publishing Co, Inc, Armonk, NY, pp.79-95, 1999.

R-439 Boulanger, C.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The endothelium: a modulator of cardiovascular health and disease. Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine, 3: 187-200, 1998.

R-440 Vanhoutte, P.M. How to assess endothelial function in human blood vessels. J. Hypertens., 17:1047-1058, 1999.

R-441 Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte P.M. Is nitric oxide the only answer ? Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine, 3: 202-207, 1998.

R-442 Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor. Drug News Perspect. 12:217-222, 1999.

R-443 Nicolaides, A. et al. The investigation of chronic venous insufficiency. A consensus statement. Circulation, 102 :e126-e163, 2000.

R-444 Vanhoutte, P.M. Oestrogènes et l'organe vasculaire. Thérapie, 54:323-326, 1999.

R-445 Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization of vascular smooth muscle cells, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 21:1-18, 2000.

R-446 Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The third pathway: endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization. J. Physiol. Pharmacol., 50:525-534, 1999.

R-447 Vanhoutte, P.M. Say NO to ET. J. Autonom. Nervous System, 81: 271-277, 2000.

R-448 De Vriese, A.S, Verbeuren T.J, Van de Voorde J., Lameire, N.H, Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelial dysfunction in diabetes. Br. J. Pharmacol., 130: 963-974, 2000.

R-449 Vanhoutte, P.M. Converting enzyme inhibition and bradykinin. Eur. Heart J.,H1-H2, 2000.

R-450 Verbeuren, T.J., Bouskela, E., Cohen, R.A., Vanhoutte, P.M. Regulation of adhesion molecules : a new target for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. Microcirculation, 7: S41-S48, 2000.

R-451 Thollon, C., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Lesage, L., Saboureau, D., Cambarrat, C., Reure, H., Vanhoute, P.M., and Vilaine, J.P. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor maintains a normal relaxation to bradykinin despite the reduced production of nitric oxide in porcine coronary arteries after angioplasty. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease, eds. Lyon, 2000.

R-452 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived free radicals: for worse and for better. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 107:23-25, 2001.

R-453 Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Prostacyclin and EDHF. Internal Medicine, 8: 19-24, 2000.

R-454 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and vascular Disease. In : Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the New Millennium, ed. S.K. Gupta, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, p. 1-17, 2001.

R-455 Vanhoutte, P.M. Jing Mai Bi Yao Li Xue( Pharmacology of the venous wall, in Chinese). In: Progress in pharmacology. Eds. Y.M. Wang and D.F. Su, People’s health Press, Beijing, P.R. China. 2001.

R-456 Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Activation of vascular smooth muscle K+ channels by endothelium-derived factors. In : Potassium Channels in Cardiovascular Biology, eds. S. Archer and N. Rusch, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 691-723, 2001.

R-457 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial adrenoceptors. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol.38:796-808, 2001.

R-458 Weston, A.H., Edwards, G., Thollon, C., Gardener, M.J., Vilaine, J.-P., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Félétou, M. Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in porcine coronary arteries. In : EDHF 2000, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 207-213, 2001.

R-459 Quignard, J.F., Chataigneau, T., Corriu, C., Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Lipoxygenase-derived metabolites of arachidonic acid are not involved in the endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization to acetylcholine in the carotid artery of the guinea-pig. In : EDHF 2000, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 214-221, 2001.

R-460 Corriu, C., Vanhoutte, P.M., Félétou, M. Prostacyclin and iloprost in the isolated carotid artery of the guinea-pig. In : EDHF 2000, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 294-303, 2001.

R-461 Thollon, C., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.-P., Lesage, L., Saboureau, D., Cambarrat, C., Reure, H., Vanhoutte, P.M., Vilaine, J.-V. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor maintains a normal relaxation to bradykinin despite impairment of the nitric oxide pathway in porcine coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium. In : EDHF 2000, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Taylor & Francis, pp. 332-340, 2001.

R-462 De Vriese, A.S., Van de Voorde, J., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Lameire, N.H. Folate restores the NO synthase-and cyclooxygenase-resistant renal vasodilator response to acetylcholine in diabetes. In : EDHF 2000, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Taylor & Francis, London,pp.360-369, 2001.

R-463 Félétou, M, Vanhoutte, P.M. EDHF : gap junction or chemical ? and many other questions. In : EDHF 2000, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, Taylor & Francis, London,pp.424-429, 2001.

R-464 Vanhoutte, P.M. Ageing and endothelial dysfunction. Eur. Heart J., 4:A8-A17, 2002.

R-465 Vanhoutte, P.M. B2-Kinin receptors : a major player in the release of nitric oxide and EDHF. Dialogues in cardiovascular medicine, 6: 223-233, 2002.

R-466 Fredholm, B., Fleming, W.W., Vanhoutte, P.M. , and Godfraind, T. The role of pharmacology in drug discovery. Nature Review, 1: 237-238, 2002.

R-467 Vanhoutte, P.M. Pharmacology of the venous wall. In: Progress in Pharmacology, eds D.F. Su, C.Y. Miao and Y.M. Wang People’s Health Press, Beijing, 1-7, 2002.

R-468 Busse, R., Edwards, G., Félétou, M., Fleming, I., and Vanhoutte, P.M. EDHF: Bringing the concepts together. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci., 23:374-380, 2002.

R-469 Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. The third pathway : endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization. Drug Development Research, 58:18-22, 2003.

R-470 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial AT2-receptors : chicken or egg ? Br. J. Pharmacol., 136:481-483, 2002.

R-472 Boulanger, C.M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Facteurs vasoactifs produits par l’endothélium vasculaire. In : Biologie et pathologie du coeur et des vaisseaux, ed : Médecine-Sciences Flammarion, pp. 447-454, 2002.

R-473 Vanhoutte, P.M. Dysfonctionnement endothélial et pathologie vasculaire. In : Journées de Diabétologie Hôtel-Dieu 2002, ed Flammarion Médecine-Sciences, pp. 1-15, 2002.

R-474 Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular nitric oxide. Hypertension Primer, American Heart Association, pp. 44-46, 2003.

R-475 Bychkov, R., Burham, M.P., Richards, G.R., Thollon, C., Edwards, G., Weston, A.H., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Félétou, M. Small and intermediate conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels(SKCa and IKCa) in porcine coronary endothelium: relevance to EDHF. In: “EDHF 2002”, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, pp. 261-273, 2003.

R-476 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions: from superoxide anions to TP-receptor agonists. Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine, 7:211-225, 2003.

R-477 Félétou, M., Busse, R., Edwards, G., Fleming I., Weston, A.H., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Dialogue entre cellules endotheliales et cellulers musculaires lisses. Médecine /Sciences 19 :1242-1250, 2003.

R-478 Singh B.N. and Vanhoutte P.M. Selective and specific If inhibition in cardiovascular disease. IN: “Selective and Specific If Inhibition in Cardiovascular Disease”, eds. B.N. Singh and P.M. Vanhoutte, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, P.1, 2003

R-479 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations : the history. Pharmacol. Res., 49: 503-508, 2004.

R-480 Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. EDHF 2002: the take home message. In: “EDHF 2002”, ed. P.M. Vanhoutte, pp. 371-375, 2003.

R-481 Félétou, M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarisation: an alternative pathway for endothelial cells to control vascular tone. The Cardiology Forum, 2: 18-29, 2002.

R-482 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial control of vasomotor function: from health to coronary disease. Circulation J., 67: 572-575, 2003.

R-483 Feletou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., Weston, A.H., and Edwards G. EDHF and Endothelial potassium channels: IKCa and SKCa. Letter to the Editor. Br. J. Pharmacol., 140: 225, 2003.

R-484 Boulanger, C.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Regulation endotheliale du tonus vasomoteur. In: “L’atherosclerose, physiopathologie, diagnostics, therapeutiques”. Eds: Toussaint,JF, Jacob, MP, Lagrost, L, and Chapman, J. Masson, Paris, pp160-168, 2003.

R-485 Feletou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. EDHF: A new Therapeutic Target? Pharmacol. Res.,49: 565-580, 2004.

R-486 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial Function and Dysfunction. Heart and Metabolism, 22: 5-10, 2004.

R-488 Félétou, M., Taddei, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. I fattori iperpolarizzanti. In: Monografie di Cardiologia, L’endotelio; ed: Salvetti A. & Taddei S., Società Italiana di Cardiologia, pp. 21-28, 2004.

R-489 Vanhoutte, P.M., Félétou, M. and Taddei S. Endothelium-dependent contractions in hypertension. B.J. Pharmacol., 144: 449-458, 2005.

R-490 Haddy, FJ., Vanhoutte, PM and Felectou, M. Role of potassium in regulating blood flow and blood pressure. Am J. Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 290: R546-R552, 2006.

R-491 O'Rourke, S.T., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Miller, V.M. (2006) Biology of blood vessels. In: Creager MA, Dzau V, Loscalso J (eds): Vascular Medicine, A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease. Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 71-100, 2006.

R-492 Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. EDHF: Where are we now? Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 26:1215-1225, 2006.

R-494 Félétou, M. & Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction: a multifaceted disorder (The Wiggers Award Lecture). Am J Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol 291: H985-H1002, 2006.

R-495 Vanhoutte, P.M. Dysfonctionnement endothelial et pathologie vasculaire. Bulleting et Mémories de l’Académie royale de Médecine de Belgique, 161 :529-537, 2006.

R-496 Svendsen, O. , Ahnfelt-Ronne, I. and Vanhoutte, P.M. In vivo Pharmacology in Drug Discovery and Development. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 99: 89-90, 2006.

R-497 Félétou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations: past beliefs and present facts. Ann. Med., 39: 495-516, 2007.

R-498 Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Pivotal contribution of potassium channels in endothelium-dependent responses 1) endothelium-dependent contractions. In: Savineau Jean-Pierre ( ed): New Frontiers in Smooth Muscle Biology and Physiology 2007, pp. 195-222, 2007 R-499 Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Pivotal contribution of potassium channels in endothelium-dependent responses 2) Endothelium-dependent relaxations. In: Savineau Jean-Pierre (ed): New Frontiers in Smooth Muscle Biology and Physiology 2007, 223-249, 2007. R-500 Vanhoutte, P.M. L’endothelium: Un quart de siecle de surprises. Annales Cardiologie Angiologie, 2008, 57 :133-135, 2008.

R-501 Zhu, W., Cheng, K.K.Y., Vanhoutte, P.M., Lam, K.S.L., Xu, A. Vascular effects of adiponectin : molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic intervention. Clinical Science, 114: 361-374, 2008.

R-502 Feletou, M., Tang, E.H.C., Vanhoutte, P.M. Nitric oxide the gatekeeper of endothelial vasomotor control. Front Biosci. 13: 4198-4217, 2008.

R-503 Vanhoutte, P.M. Arginine and arginase: eNOS double crossed? Circulation Research, 102: 866-868, 2008.

R-504 Vanhoutte, P.M. EDHF: a quarter of a century and still going strong! Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol in press, 2009.

R-505 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction: the first step towards coronary disease. Asia Pacific Cardiology, in press, 2009.

R-506 Schini-Kerth, V.B., Vanhoutte, P.M. “Nitric oxide” In: Michael Bader (ed): Cardiovascular Hormone Systems, 395-406, 2008. Wiley-Blackwell. City and Stae/Country

R-507 Vanhoutte, P.M., Tang, E.H.C. Endothelium-dependent contractions: when a good guy turns bad! J Physiol., 586.22: 5295-5304, 2008.

R-508 Félétou, M., Verbeuren, T.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions in SHR: a tale of prostanoid TP and IP receptors , Br J Pharmacol , 156: 563-574, 2009.

R-509 Vanhoutte, P.M., Tang, E, Félétou, M., Shimokawa, H. Endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. Acta Physiol. In press, 2009.

R-510 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction: the first step toward coronary arteriosclerosis. Circulation Journal 73(4): 595-601, 2009.

R-511 Tang, E.H.C., Vanhoutte, P.M. Prostanoids and reactive oxygen species: team players in endothelium-dependent contractions. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 122: 140-149, 2009.

R-512 Shi, Y., Vanhoutte, P.M. Reactive oxygen-derived free radicals are key to the endothelial dysfunction of diabetes. J of Diabetes. 1: 151-162, 2009

R-513 Vanhoutte, P.M. How we learned to say NO. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis. 29:1156-1160, 2009.

R-514 Vanhoutte, P.M. COX-1 and vascular disease. Clin Pharmacol Ther, 86(2): 212-215, 2009

R-515 Michel, T., Vanhoutte, P.M. Cellular signalling and NO production. Pflueger's Arch, in press, 2009.


1. A-2 Brender, D., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J. Potentiation of adrenergic venomotor responses by cardiac glycosides. Circulation 39-40 (Suppl. III): 50, 1969.

2. A-3 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Effect of temperature on reactivity of cutaneous veins to vasoactive agents. Fed. Proc. 28: 519, 1969.

3. A-4 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Effect of temperature on reactivity of different veins of the dog. The Physiologist 12: 380, 1969.

4. A-5 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Effect of cooling on beta-receptor mechanisms in isolated saphenous veins of the dog. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 185: 208, 1970.

5. A-7 Vanhoutte, P. and Shepherd, J.T. Effect of acetylcholine on reactions of isolated cutaneous veins to sympathetic stimulation. The Physiologist 15: 293, 1972.

6. A-8 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Depression by acetylcholine of 3 H-norepinephrine release from isolated cutaneous veins during sympathetic stimulation. Circulation 46: 308, 1972.

7. A-9 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Cholinergic venodilatation by inhibition of sympathetic nerve activity. Clin. Res. 20: 720, 1972.

8. A-10 Vanhoutte, P.M. Aerobic and glycolytic determinants of basal tension and reactivity to drugs in isolated cutaneous, mesenteric and pulmonary veins of the dog. The Physiologist 16: 297, 1973.

9. A-11 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lorenz, R.R. Effects of changes in external potassium concentrations on 3H-norepinephrine release from isolated cutaneous veins. Circulation 47-48 (Suppl. IV): 29, 1973.

10. A-12 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Effect of anoxia on reactions of isolated cutaneous veins to vasoactive agents. Clin. Res. 21: 455, 1973.

11. A-13 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Lorenz, R.R. Inhibition of norepinephrine uptake by potassium ions in vascular smooth muscle. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 208: 111, 1974.

12. A-15 Muldoon, S. and Vanhoutte, P. Venous relaxation by halothane acting on the sympathetic nerves. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 213: 330-331, 1975.

13. A-16 Muldoon, S.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Evidence for dual action of etidocaine on adrenergic transmission in isolated venous smooth muscle. The Pharmacologist 17: 2, 1975.

14. A-17 Vanhoutte, P.M., Dalemans, P. and Verbeuren, T.J. Effects of catecholamines on adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in isolated cutaneous veins. Circulation 52 (Suppl. II): II-6, 1975.

15. A-19 Vanhoutte, P.M., Van Nueten, J.M., Verbeuren, T.J. and Laduron, P. Enzymatic degradation and disposition of 3H-norepinephrine in dogs' cutaneous veins. Blood Vessels 12: 381, 1975.

16. A-20 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Inhibition of norepinephrine release in vascular smooth muscle by acetylcholine. Due to hyper-polarization of adrenergic nerve endings? Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 213: 332-333, 1975.

17. A-21 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Effects of local cooling on adrenergic neurotransmission in the dog's cutaneous vein. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 215: 350, 1975.

18. A 22 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular reactivity in the isolated perfused kidney of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 223: 164, 1976.

19. A-23 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular reactivity in isolated perfused kidneys from renal hypertensive rats. Circulation 53-54 (Suppl. II): II-175, 1976.

20. A-24 Dalemans, P., Janssens, W., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of naturally occurring catecholamines on adrenergic neuro-effector interaction in isolated cutaneous veins. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 220: 333-334, 1976.

21. A-25 Muldoon, S.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha-adrenergic blocking effect of droperidol on isolated pulmonary arteries and cutaneous veins of the dog. Fed. Proc. 35: 209, 1976.

22. A-26 Van Hee, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cholinergic inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission in dogs' gastric arteries. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 220: 348, 1976.

23. A-27 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Effect of pH-changes on adrenergic neuro-effector interaction in isolated cutaneous veins. Circulation 53-54 (Suppl. II): II-42, 1976.

24. A-28 Verhaeghe, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of adenosine nucleotides on response of isolated cutaneous veins to adrenergic activation. Fed. Proc. 35: 698, 1976.

25. A-29 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Increased renal vascular sensitivity to angiotensin II but not to norepinephrine is associated with renal hypertension in rats. Eur. J. Clin. Invest., Proc. lOth Ann. Meeting, A5, 1977.

26. A-30 Collis, M.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Increased responsiveness to renal nerve stimulation in isolated perfused kidneys from young spontaneously hypertensive rats. Circulation 55-56 (Suppl. III): III 161, 1977.

27. A-31 Driessens, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular reactivity in an isolated bone preparation. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 230: 330, 1977.

28. A-32 De Mey, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of the reactivity of isolated saphenous veins of rabbit and dog. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 227: 155-156, 1977.

29. A-33 Greenberg, S., Curro, F.A., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Evidence for the existence of two subtypes of alpha-adrenoceptors in canine saphenous veins. Fed. Proc. 36: 464, 1977.

30. A-34 Gutheil, K., Curro, F.A., Patil, P.N., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Greenberg, S. The effect of calcium ion on adrenoceptor blocking activity of phentolamine. The Pharmacologist 19: 130, 1977.

31. A-35 Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of temperature on the disposition of neurotransmitters in the saphenous veins of the dog. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 226: 346-347, 1977.

32. A-36 Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of temperature on drug-receptor interaction in isolated canine veins. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 227: 164-165, 1977.

33. A-37 Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Instantaneous changes of alpha-adrenoceptor affinity caused by moderate cooling in canine cutaneous veins. Circulation 55-56 (Suppl. III): III-202, 1977.

34. A-38 Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Sodium-potassium ATPase is not involved in temperature sensitivity of isolated canine veins. J. Pharmacol. (Paris) 8: 557, 1977.

35. A-39 McGrath, M.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interference with peripheral adrenergic neurotransmission. Blood Vessels 14: 257-258, 1977.

36. A-41 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Moderate acidosis depresses neuronal uptake of norepinephrine in canine saphenous veins. The Physiologist 20: 97, 1977.

37. A-43 Vanhoutte, P.M., Verbeuren, T.J. and Collis, M.G. Muscarinic inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission is not due to direct interference with Ca++ entry in the adrenergic nerve endings. J. Pharmacol. (Paris) 8: 556-557, 1977.

38. A-44 Vermeire, P.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition by catecholamines of cholinergic neurotransmission in canine bronchi in vitro. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 227: 175-176, 1977.

39. A-46 Vermeire, P.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition of cholinergic neuro-transmission by catecholamines mediating adrenergic bronchodilatation in the dog. Bull. Eur. Physiopath. Resp. 13: 118P-119P, 1977.

40. A-49 De Mey, Ch., Zonnekeyn, L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of the tachyphylaxis to 5-hydroxytryptamine and angiotensin II in the isolated perfused kidney of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 236: 298-299, 1978.

41. A-51 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxygen-dependency of the acetylcholine induced relaxation in vascular smooth muscle. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 234: 339, 1978.

42. A-52 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium-dependency of the direct relaxant effect of acetylcholine on canine femoral artery. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 236: 296, 1978.

43. A-54 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Disposition of adrenergic neurotransmitter in saphenous veins of dog and rabbit. Br. J. Pharmacol. 63: 341P-342P, 1978.

44. A-55 Driessens, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular reacivity of the isolated perfused tibia of the dog. Fed. Proc. 37: 876, 1978.

45. A-56 Herman, A.G., Verbeuren, T.J., Moncada, S., Vane, J.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of prostacyclin on myogenic activity and adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in isolated canine veins. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 232: 340-341, 1978.

46. A-57 Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of cooling on COMT-activity in canine saphenous vein homogenates determined by a microradio-enzymatic assay. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 236: 305-306, 1978.

47. A 58 Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Instantaneous changes of alpha-adrenoceptor affinity caused by moderate cooling in canine cutaneous veins. Acta Cardiologica 33: 30, 1978.

48. A-63 Van Maercke, Y., Van Moer, E., Bauwens, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of pentagastrin on the reactivity of isolated canine blood vessels. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 232: 347, 1978.

49. A-64 Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Influence of MAO-inhibitors on deamination of 3H-norepinephrine in the dog's saphenous vein. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 232: 348-349, 1978.

50. A-65 Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Deamination of 3H-norepinephrine in the dog's saphenous vein. Fed. Proc. 37: 684, 1978.

51. A-66 Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P M. Effect of blockade of neuronal uptake on the evoked release of 3H-norepinephrine in the saphenous vein of the dog. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 234: 349-350, 1978.

52. A-67 Vercruysse, P., Hanegreefs, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Influence of skeletal muscle relaxants on the prejunctional effects of acetylcholine in adrenergically innervated blood vessels. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 232: 350, 1978.

53. A-69 Vermeire, P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Do different subtypes of beta-adrenergic receptors mediate the pre- and postjunctional effects of catecholamines in isolated canine bronchi? Ann. Rev. Resp. Dis. 117: 408, 1978.

54. A-70 Webb, R.C., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Bohr, D.F. Effect of potassium on the mechanical activity of rat tail artery. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 236: 329-330, 1978.

55. A-71 Anderson, M.J., Cambridge, D., Davey, M.J., Massingham, R., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. The effect of a high dose of prazosin and transmural stimulation on the disposition of transmitter noradrenaline in the rabbit pulmonary artery and the dog saphenous vein. Br. J. Pharmacol. 66: 151P-152P, 1979.

56. A-73 De Mey, Ch. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Tachyphylaxis to 5-hydroxytryptamine and angiotensin II in the isolated perfused kidney of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Eur. J. Clin. Invest., Proceedings, 13th Annual Meeting, 1979.

57. A-74 De Mey, Ch., Zonnekeyn, L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Aging and responsiveness to 5-hydroxytryptamine in the perfused kidney of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Acta Cardiologica 34: 35, 1979.

58. A-75 De Mey, Ch., Zonnekeyn, L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The influence of age on the vascular reactivity to 5-hydroxytryptamine in the isolated perfused kidney of the spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats. Blood Vessels 16: 212, 1979.

59. A-76 De Mey, J., Burnstock, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential effects of adenosine and adenosine-triphosphate in canine saphenous veins. Blood Vessels 16: 212, 1979.

60. A-77 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Is the direct relaxing effect of acetylcholine on vascular smooth muscle due to activation of Na+/K+ ATP.ase? Br. J. Pharmacol. 66: 150P, 1979.

61. A-78 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Relaxation of the isolated canine femoral artery caused by acetylcholine and by potassium ions. The Physiologist 22: 28, 1979.

62. A-79 Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of cooling on efflux of 3H-norepinephrine in canine cutaneous veins. Br. J. Pharmacol. 66: 148P, 1979.

63. A-80 Rusch, N.J., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of profound cooling on adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in the blood vessel wall. Br. J. Pharmacol. 66: 149P, 1979.

64. A-81 Rusch, N.J., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of stepwise rewarming on the response of canine cutaneous veins to sympathetic stimulation. Fed. Proc. 38: 1228, 1979.

65. A-82 Rusch, N.J., Webb, R.C., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Blood flow responses of the human calf and forearm. The Physiologist 22: 110, 1979.

66. A-84 Vanhoutte, P.M., Bossuyt, P., Coen, E., De Ridder, W. and Verbeuren, T.J. Acetylcholine inhibits the release of endogenous norepinephrine in the dog's saphenous veins. Blood Vessels 16: 222, 1979.

67. A-86 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Verbeuren, T.J. Role of neuronal uptake in the disposition of released 3H-norepinephrine in the dog's saphenous vein. Br. J. Pharmacol. 66: 116, 1979.

68. A-87 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Webb, R.C. Inactivation of released norepinephrine in rat tail artery by neuronal uptake. Br. J. Pharmacol. 66: 116, 1979.

69. A-88 Verbeuren, T.J., Coen, E.P., De Ridder, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Measurement of endogenous norepinephrine released by nerve stimulation in the dog's saphenous vein by a radioenzymatic method. Blood Vessels 16: 222, 1979.

70. A-89 Vercruysse, P., Bossuyt, P., Jordaens, F., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Gallamine inhibits the depression of the nerve stimulation induced norepinephrine release caused by acetylcholine in dog's saphenous veins. Blood Vessels 16: 222, 1979.

71. A-92 Webb, R.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of potassium on nerve endings and effector cells in isolated vascular smooth muscle. The Physiologist 22: 130, 1979.

72. A-93 Webb, R.C., Verbeuren, T.J., Coen, E.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Decreased sensitivity to cocaine in isolated arteries of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Fed. Proc. 38: 1234, 1979.

73. A-94 Burrows, M.E. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Acetylcholine relaxation in resting and contracted rat mesenteric arterioles. Fed. Proc. 39: 272, 1980.

74. A-95 De Mey, J., De Ridder, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Different potencies of alpha-adrenergic antagonists in canine arteries and veins. Blood Vessels 17: 148, 1980.

75. A-97 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differences in pharmacological properties of postjunctional alpha-adrenergic receptors among arteries and veins. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 244: 328-329, 1980.

76. A-98 De Mey, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Dependency on monovalent alkali ions of the direct relaxant effects of acetylcholine in the canine femoral artery. Blood Vessels 17: 148, 1980.

77. A-99 De Mey, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium and relaxation of isolated canine arteries. The Pharmacologist 22: 282, 1980.

78. A-100 Driessens, M.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of calcitonin, parathormone and hydrocortisone on vascular reactivity of the isolated tibia of the dog. Blood Vessels 17: 149, 1980.

79. A-102 Janczewska, H., De Mey, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mediators of functional hyperemia and reactivity of isolated arteries and veins to acetylcholine. Blood Vessels 17: 152, 1980.

80. A-103 Janssens, W. J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of moderate cooling on the overflow of endogenous and tritiated norepinephrine in canine saphenous veins. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 244: 336-337, 1980.

81. A-105 Rusch, N.J., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alternation of contraction and relaxation during profound cooling in canine cutaneous veins. J. Physiol. 295: 74P-75P, 1980.

82. A-109 Vanhoutte, P.M., De Ridder, W. and De Mey, J. Characteristics of postjunctional alpha-adrenoceptors in canine arteries and veins. Fed. Proc. 39: 1070, 1980.

83. A-110 Vanhoutte, P.M., De Ridder, W., Verbeuren, T.J. and De Mey, J. Moderate cooling and responses to various alpha-adrenergic agonists in canine cutaneous veins. The Physiologist 23: 102, 1980.

84. A-112 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contraction of isolated coronary arteries caused by norepinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, anoxia and ergonovine. Blood Vessels 17: 167, 1980.

85. A-114 Verbeuren, T.J., Coen, E.P., Collis, M.G., Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Adenosine but not acetylcholine inhibits norepinephrine release evoked by the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Blood Vessels 17: 167-168, 1980.

86. A 116 Webb, R.C., Lockette, W.E., Bohr, D.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Monovalent ion specificity of the electrogenic sodium pump in vascular smooth muscle. Blood Vessels 17: 168, 1980.

87. A-117 Webb, R.C., Rusch, N.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of forearm reactive hyperemia in male and female subjects. Fed. Proc. 39: 383, 1980.

88. A-118 Aarhus, L.L., Donald, D.E., Shepherd, J.T., Tyce, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Obligatory role of adrenergic nerve endings in the contractile response of splenic artery, capsule and vein to ouabain. Fed. Proc. 40: 2835, 1981.

89. A-119 De Mey, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Removal of endothelium and arterial reactivity to acetylcholine and adenine nucleotides. Br. J. Pharmacol. 72: 510P, 1981.

90. A-120 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential effects of Na+ loading and activation of Na+ pumping in canine arterial and venous smooth muscle. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 250: 312-313, 1981.

91. A-121 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of the intima in the relaxation of the canine femoral artery caused by thrombin. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 250: 314-315, 1981.

92. A-122 Vanhoutte, P.M., De Ridder, W.J. and De Mey, J. Differences in pre- and postjunctional cholinergic responsiveness between canine arteries and veins. Fed. Proc. 240: 659, 1981.

93. A-124 Vanhoutte, P.M., Zonnekeyn, L. and Verbeuren, T.J. Transmission adrenergique dans le rein du rat hypertendu adulte. J. Physiol. (Paris) 8: 4A, 1981.

94. A-126 Van Nueten, J.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular effects of the serotonergic antagonist R 41 468. Fed. Proc. 40: 267, 1981.

95. A-127 Van Nueten, J.M., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Janssen, P.A.J. Comparison of the pharmacological properties of serotonergic responses in the vasculature with those in bronchial and gastrointestinal smooth muscle. Blood Vessels 18: 230, 1981.

96. A-130 Van Nueten, J.M., Xhonneux, R., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Janssen, P.A.J. Vascular activity of ketanserin (R41468), a selective 5-HT2 receptor antagonist. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 250: 328-329, 1981.

97. A-131 Will, L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effets de l'hydrocortisone et du 17-e-oestradiol sur la reactivite des vaisseaux isoles du chien. J. Physiol. (Paris) 8: 4A, 1981.

98. A-133 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contribution of the endothelium to the response to anoxia in the canine femoral artery. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 253: 325-326, 1981.

99. A-134 Boels, P.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Formation of 3H-dopamine and 3H-noradrenaline from 3H tyrosine in the canine saphenous vein. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 253: 315-316, 1981. 100. A-135 De Mey, J.G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium and arterial effects of adenine nucleosides. The Physiologist 24: 72, 1981.

101. A-136 Verbeuren, T.J., Lorenz, R.R., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of the functional importance of prejunctional beta-adrenoceptors in human and canine blood vessels. Fed. Proc. 41: 1630, 1982.

102. A-141 Boels, P.J., Coen, E. and Vanhoutte, P.M. L.Tyrosine and adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in the canine saphenous vein. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 256: 155-156, 1982.

103. A-142 Boels, P.J., De Potter, W.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Release of newly synthesized 3H-noradrenaline from adrenergic nerve endings in the canine saphenous vein. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 256: 157-158, 1982.

104. A-143 Cohen, R.A., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Neurogenic beta and alpha adrenergic activation in large and small canine coronary arteries. Fed. Proc. 41: 1598, 1982.

105. A-144 Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Indomethacin augments the veno-constrictor effect of acetylcholine independently of the endothelium in the canine saphenous vein. Fed. Proc. 41: 1233, 1982.

106. A-152 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Aggregating platelets and 5-hydroxytryptamine inhibit canine coronary artery smooth muscle tone by an endothelium-mediated process. The Physiologist 25: 240, 1982.

107. A 153 Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium and alpha-adrenoceptor activation in isolated canine blood vessels. The Physiologist 25: 239, 1982.

108. A-154 Rusch, N.J., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Increase in alpha-adrenoceptor affinity in dog saphenous vein caused by profound cooling. The Physiologist 25: 239, 1982.

109. A-155 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Augmentation by Prejunctional alpha-adrenergic blockade of sympathetic beta-adrenergic relaxation in canine coronary artery. Circulation 66: II-153, 1982.

110. A-156 Verbeuren, T.J., Coen, E.P. and Vanhoutte, P M. Influence of neuronal uptake inhibitors on tissue accumulation of 3H-norepinephrine and its metabolites in isolated canine saphenous veins. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 260: 314-315, 1982.

111. A-157 McGoon, M.D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ketanserin inhibits contractions of isolated canine pulmonary arteries caused by platelets and 5-hydroxytryptamine. Fed. Proc. 42: 594, 1983.

112. A-158 Vanhoutte, P.M., Lorenz, R.R., Rimele, T.J. and Verbeuren, T.J. Metabolism of buflomedil by the adrenergic nerve endings increases its efficacy. Fed. Proc. 42: 636, 1983.

113. A-159 Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of bucindolol on adrenergic nerve endings in the canine saphenous vein. Fed. Proc. 42: 648, 1983.

114. A-160 Aarhus, L.L., Rimele, T.J., Rooke, T.W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of bucindolol on isolated canine vascular smooth muscle. Fed. Proc. 42: 749, 1983.

115. A-161 Lindblad, L.E., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of moderate cooling on responses of canine saphenous veins to alpha1 - and alpha2-adrenergic agonists. Fed. Proc. 42: 749, 1983.

116. A-162 Rusch, N.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Interruption of neurotransmission by profound cooling in canine cutaneous arteries. Fed. Proc. 42: 749, 1983.

117. A-163 Cohen. R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Involvement of the endothelium in responses of vascular smooth muscle to intra-versus extraluminal applications of vasoactive substances. Fed. Proc. 42: 1263, 1983.

118. A-164 Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Acute anoxia augments the entry of Ca2+ in quiescent coronary vascular smooth muscle. Fed. Proc. 42: 1263, 1983.

119. A-165 Rooke, T.W., Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Potassium augments prostaglandin F2alpha_-induced contractions of dog coronary artery in calcium-free solution. Fed. Proc. 42: 1263, 1983.

120. A-166 Vanhoutte, P.M. Control of venous function. Int. Angiology 3 (suppl.): 16, 1983.

121. A-167 Marcelon, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Proposed mechanism of action for Ruscus extract. Int. Angiology 3 (suppl.): 23, 1983.

122. A-173 Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha1-adrenoceptors and calcium in isolated canine coronary arteries. The Pharmacologist 25: 136, 1983.

123. A-174 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitory role of the endothelium in response of isolated canine coronary arteries to platelets. Blood Vessels 20: 188-189, 1983.

124. A-175 Vanhoutte, P.M., Aarhus, L.L., Lorenz, R.R. and Verbeuren, T.J. Effects of buflomedil on the responsiveness of canine vascular smooth muscle. Blood Vessels 20: 208, 1983.

125. A-181 McGoon, M.D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin is the predominant mediator of platelet-evoked contraction of canine pulmonary artery. Circulation 68 (suppl. III): III-400, 1983.

126. A-182 Lindblad, L.E. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Augmentation by cold of platelet induced contraction of peripheral arteries of the dog. Circulation 68 (suppl. III): III-201, 1983.

127. A-183 Vanhoutte, P.M., Aarhus, L.L., Lorenz, R.R. and Verbeuren, T.J. Effects of buflomedil on the responsiveness of canine vascular smooth muscle. Blood Vessels 20: 208, 1983.

128. A-184 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibitory role of the endothelium in response of isolated canine coronary arteries to platelets. Blood Vessels 20: 188-189, 1983.

129. A-186 Daskalopoulos, D.A., Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha1-and alpha2-adrenoceptors and calcium in the isolated canine saphenous vein. Fed. Proc. 43: 352, 1984. 130. A-187 Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of alpha1-and alpha2-adrenoceptors in the isolated canine saphenous vein. Fed. Proc. 43: 352, 1984.

131. A-188 Lindblad, L.E., Lorenz, R.R., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of vibration on a canine cutaneous artery. Fed. Proc. 43: 426, 1984.

132. A-189 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses to arachidonic acid in canine veins. Fed. Proc. 43: 429, 1984.

133. A-190 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelial-dependent attenuation of bronchial smooth muscle tone. Fed. Proc. 43: 429, 1984.

134. A-191 Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Aggregating platelets and adrenergic neurotransmission in isolated canine blood vessels. Fed. Proc. 43: 430, 1984.

135. A-192 Cooke, J.P., Shanley, T., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ouabain reverses beta-adrenergic predominance in isolated canine coronary arteries. Fed. Proc. 43: 899, 1984.

136. A-193 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Neurogenic cholinergic prejunctional inhibition of sympathetic beta-adrenergic relaxation in the canine coronary artery. Fed. Proc. 43: 900, 1984.

137. A-194 Rubanyi, G. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis enhances beta-adrenoceptor responsiveness in canine coronary arteries. Fed. Proc. 43: 900, 1984.

138. A-195 Aarhus, L.L., Rimele, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Removal of the epithelium causes bronchial supersensitivity to acetylcholine and 5-hydroxytryptamine. Fed. Proc. 43: 955, 1984.

139. A-196 Houston, D.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelets cause endothelium-dependent relaxations in some but not all isolated canine vessels. Fed. Proc. 43: 1084, 1984.

140. A-197 Katusic, Z., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Arginine vasopressin induces endothelium-dependent relaxations of canine basilar and coronary arteries. Fed. Proc. 43: 1084, 1984.

141. A-200 Vanhoutte, P.M. 5-Hydroxytryptamine and hypertension. Blood Vessels 21: 203, 1984.

142. A-201 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Catecholamines inactivate endothelial relaxing factor in canine coronary arteries. The Physiologist 27: 231, 1984.

143. A-202 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The receptor-reserve determines the modulation by cooling of alpha-adrenergic responses in canine cutaneous veins. The Physiologist 27: 282, 1984.

144. A-203 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Muscular and endothelial responsiveness to alpha2-adrenergic activation in canine blood vessels. The Physiologist 27: 282, 1984.

145. A-204 Katusic, Z., Shepher, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxytocin induces endothelium-dependent relaxation of canine basilar arteries. The Physiologist 27: 282, 1984.

146. A-205 Houston, D.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelet activating factor induces endothelium-independent relaxation of isolated canine blood vessels. The Physiologist 27: 282, 1984.

147. A-208 Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of serotonin on endothelium-autonomic nerve endings and smooth muscle cells. Int. J. Microcirc. 3: 465, 1984.

148. A-209 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hypoxia releases vasoconstrictor substance(s) from the coronary endothelium. Circulation 70 (suppl. II): II-122, 1984.

149. A-211 Edoute, Y., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of inorganic phosphate on adrenergic neurotransmission in canine saphenous vein. Fed. Proc. 44: 1733, 1985.

150. A-212 Katusic, Z.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Anoxia causes endothelium-dependent contractions of canine basilar artery. Fed. Proc. 44: 1587, 1985.

151. A-213 Houston, D.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Direct contraction and endothelium-mediated relaxation of isolated canine coronary arteries by aggregating human platelets. Fed. Proc. 44: 1562, 1985.

152. A-214 Rubanyi, G.M., McLaran, C., Holmes, D., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Frye, R.L. Coronary vasoconstriction induced by blood from patients with ischemic heart disease. Fed. Proc. 44: 1561, 1985.

153. A-215 Aarhus, L.L., Thome, S., Zander, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prejunctional effects of naftidrofuryl in canine saphenous veins. Fed. Proc. 44: 1248, 1985.

154. A-216 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Rubanyi, G.M. Ouabain inhibits endothelium-dependent relaxations to arachidonic acid in canine coronary arteries. Fed. Proc. 44: 1234, 1985.

155. A-217 Luscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interaction between S2-serotonergic and alpha1-adrenergic receptors in the canine femoral artery. Fed. Proc. 44: 1230, 1985.

156. A-218 Zander, J., Edoute, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of the pharmacological properties of tulobuterol. Fed. Proc. 44: 1110, 1985.

157. A-219 Clothiaux, P.L., Wood, M.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular reactivity of the isolated canine tibia. Fed. Proc. 44: 1109, 1985.

158. A-220 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses can be modulated chronically in canine arteries and veins. Fed. Proc. 44: 455, 1985.

159. A-221 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. "Alpha-adrenoceptor reserve" and the effects of cooling on alpha-adrenergic responses in canine femoral and saphenous veins. Fed. Proc. 44: 1903, 1985.

160. A-222 Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Exocytotic release and pharmacological displacement of 3H-norepinephrine in canine bronchi. Fed. Proc. 44: 734, 1985.

161. A-224 Brum, J.M., Go, V.L.W., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Bove, A.A. Evidence for VIP-ergic control of coronary vasoregulation. Regulatory Peptides, Suppl. 3: S37, 1985.

162. A-228 Katusic, Z.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Potassium causes endothelium-dependent rhythmic activity in canine basilar artery. The Pharmacologist 27: 223, 1985.

163. A-229 Rubanyi, G.M., Schwartz, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The effect of diltiazem and verapamil on endothelium-dependent responses in canine blood vessels. The Pharmacologist 27: 290, 1985.

164. A-230 Edoute, Y., Luscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Abnormalities in coronary circulation and myocardial oxygen consumption in isolated hearts from spontaneously hypertensive rats. The Physiologist 28: 290, 1985.

165. A-231 Miller, V.M., Vanhoutte, V.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in aortae of reptiles. The Physiologist 28: 366, 1985.

166. A-232 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses to adenosine diphosphate and serotonin in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats. The Physiologist 28: 270, 1985.

167. A-233 Flavahan, N.A., Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Denervation augments alpha2- but not alpha1-adrenergic responses in canine saphenous veins. The Physiologist 28: 308, 1985.

168. A-234 Gisclard, V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Estrogens and endothelium-dependent responses in the femoral artery of the rabbit. The Physiologist 28: 324, 1985.

169. A-235 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Muscarinic receptor subtypes mediating the release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s) in canine femoral arteries. The Physiologist 28: 325, 1985.

170. A-236 Feletou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s) hyperpolarizes coronary vascular smooth muscle. The Physiologist 28: 325, 1985.

171. A-237 Houston, D.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-independent contraction of canine coronary artery to aggregating human platelets. The Physiologist 28: 341, 1985.

172. A-238 McGoon, M.D., Vlietstra, R.E. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hemodynamic response to intravenous ketanserin in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 35: 258, 1984.

173. A-239 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Superoxide dismutase prolongs the half-life of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s). Clin. Res. 33: 522A, 1985.

174. A-240 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Rubanyi, G.M. Oxygen-derived free radicals and endothelium-mediated relaxation in canine coronary arteries. Clin. Res. 33: 523A, 1985.

175. A-241 Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelets, serotonin and hypertension, a link? Thromb. Haemostas. 54: 321, 1985.

176. A-242 Lüscher, T.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions to acetylcholine in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 7: 843, 1985.

177. A-243 Rubanyi, G.M., Romero, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of steady and pulsatile flow on the production of prostacyclin and endothelium-derived relaxing factor in canine femoral arteries. Circulation 72: III-265, 1985.

178. A-244 Brum, J.M., Bove, A.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Participation of the endothelium in the vasodilator effects of vasoactive intestinal peptide and substance P in the coronary arteries. Circulation 72: III-83, 1985.

179. A-245 Katusic, Z.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions to stretch in canine basilar arteries. Fed. Proc. 45: 289, 1986.

180. A-246 Lüscher, T.F., Aarhus, L.L., Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of acetylcholine and serotonin on coronary flow in isolated hearts of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Fed. Proc. 45: 303, 1986.

181. A-247 Edoute, Y., Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nickel chloride inhibits metabolic coronary vasodilatation in isolated rat hearts. Fed. Proc. 45: 397, 1986.

182. A-248 Rubanyi, G.M., Schwartz, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium-channel agonists stimulate the release of endothelial relaxing factor from perfused canine femoral arteries. Fed. Proc. 45: 426, 1986.

183. A-249 Feletou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Non-neurogenic relaxation to electrical stimulation in canine coronary arteries is not due to free radicals. Fed. Proc. 45: 532, 1986.

184. A-250 O'Rourke, S.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Subtypes of muscarinic receptors in the canine saphenous vein. Fed. Proc. 45: 669, 1986.

185. A-251 Hoeffner, U., Aarhus, L.L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pharmacology of pentoxifylline in isolated canine arteries and veins. Fed. Proc. 45: 670, 1986.

186. A-252 Miller, V.M., Reigel, M.M., Pennell, R.C., Hollier, L.H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in veins grafted into the arterial circulation. Fed. Proc. 45: 767, 1986.

187. A-253 Houston, D.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Different serotonergic receptor subtypes on endothelium and smooth muscle of canine coronary artery. Fed. Proc. 45: 787, 1986.

188. A-258 Cooke, J.P., Flavahan, N.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential contribution of alpha1- and alpha2-adrenoceptors to contractile responses to norepinephrine in human limb arteries. Blood Vessels 23: 62, 1986.

189. A-259 Feletou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived factor(s) and membrane potential of vascular smooth muscle. Blood Vessels 23: 68, 1986.

190. A-260 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Functional antagonism, receptor reserve and vascular heterogeneity. Blood Vessels 23: 68, 1986. 191. A-261 Houston, D.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mediators of platelet-induced responses of coronary arteries. Blood Vessels 23: 76, 1986.

192. A-262 Luscher, T.F., Raij, L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Functional properties of the vascular endothelium in experimental hypertension. Blood Vessels 23: 87, 1986.

193. A-263 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Chronic increases in blood flow enhance endothelium-dependent relaxation of canine blood vessels. Blood Vessels 23: 90, 1986.

194. A-264 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Polarity of the release of endothelium-derived relaxing factors. Blood Vessels 23: 98, 1986.

195. A-265 Vanhoutte, P.M., Lüscher, T.F., Cooke, J.P., Houston, D.S. and Neves, R. Endothelium-dependent relaxations in human peripheral and renal arteries. Blood Vessels 23: 104, 1986.

196. A-266 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contracting factors. Int. J. Microcirc. 5: 169, 1986.

197. A-267 Vanhoutte, P.M. Platelets, serotonin and the hypertensive blood vessel wall. Int. J. Microcirc. 5: 170, 1986.

198. A-277 Burnett, J.C., Jr., Rubanyi, G.M., Edwards. B.S., Schwab, T.R., Zimmerman, R.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of atrial natriuretic peptide on the coronary circulation in-vivo and in-vitro. Clin. Res. 34: 286A, 1986.

199. A-278 Blaise, G., Sill, J.C., Nugent, M., Van Dyke, R.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Isoflurane attenuates epicardial coronary artery response to phenylephrine and PGF2_ in dogs. Anesth. Analg. 65: 520, 1986.

200. A-280 Luscher, T.F., Neves, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations to acetylcholine and adenosine diphosphate in human renal arteries. Kidney Int. 29: 251, 1986.

201. A-281 Luscher, T.F., Raij, L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Decreased endothelium-dependent relaxations to acetylcholine in the aorta of hypertensive Dahl rats. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 7: 245, 1986.

202. A-282 Cohen, R.A., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The endothelium of perfused canine coronary arteries inhibits contractions due to 5-hydroxytryptamine and aggregating platelets. Clin. Res. 32: 156A, 1984.

203. A-284 Vanhoutte, P.M. Serotonin and the vascular wall. Angio. Archiv. 12: 41, 1986.

204. A-285 Marcelon, G., Balanant, Y., Pouget, G., Sablayrolles, S., Tisne-Versailles, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Warming augments the pharmacological displacement of norepinephrine caused by ruscus in cutaneous veins. Angio. Archiv. 12: 100, 1986.

205. A-286 O'Rourke, S.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. M2-muscarinic receptors mediate contraction of canine bronchi by acetylcholine. The Pharmacologist 28: 157, 1986.

206. A-287 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Sympathetic purinergic vasoconstriction and thermosensitivity in a canine cutaneous vein. The Pharmacologist 28: 135, 1986. 207. A-288 Vanhoutte, P.M. Reactivité de l'endothélium et du muscle lisse arteriel. J. de Maladies Vasculaires 11 (Suppl. C): 98, 1986.

208. A-289 Hoeffner, U. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Arachidonic acid releases relaxing factor(s) from the endothelium of canine blood vessels. The Physiologist 29: 153, 1986.

209. A-290 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanism of augmented endothelium-dependent relaxations to acetylcholine in fistula-operated canine arteries. The Physiologist 29: 158, 1986.

210. A-291 Feletou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Electrical stimulation induced-relaxation of canine coronary artery: possible involvement of dopaminergic receptor. The Physiologist 29: 165, 1986.

211. A-292 Rubanyi, E.L., Rubanyi, G.M., Romero, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Release of prostacyclin and endothelium-derived relaxing factor by acetylcholine from canine femoral arteries. The Physiologist 29: 166, 1986.

212. A-293 Harker, C.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Myogenic response to cooling in the central ear artery of the rabbit. The Physiologist 29: 181, 1986.

213. A-294 Lüscher, T.F., Vanhoutte, P.M., and Raij, L. Antihypertensive treatment normalizes decreased endothelium-dependent relaxations in salt-induced hypertension of the rat. Circulation 74: II 286, 1986.

214. A-295 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Reduced endothelium-dependent relaxations to aggregating platelets and serotonin in porcine coronary arteries after previous endothelial injury. Circulation 74: II 413, 1986.

215. A-296 Rubanyi, G.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Na+-K+ pump and endothelium-dependent relaxation of canine blood vessels. Fed. Proc., 46: 644, 1987.

216. A-297 Hoeffner, U. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ouabain inhibits the effect of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s). Fed. Proc., 46: 644, 1987.

217. A-298 Iqbal, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The Ca2+-antagonist flunarizine inhibits endothelium-dependent hpoxic facilitation through an action on vascular smooth muscle. Fed. Proc., 46: 645, 1987.

218. A-299 Feletou, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ammonium ions and relaxation of vascular smoothmuscle in vitro. Fed. Proc., 46: 650, 1987.

219. A-300 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Regional differences in the effect of epithelium-removal in three generations of canine airways. Fed. Proc., 46: 660, 1987. 220. A-301 Aarhus, L. L., Katusic, Z. S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Arginine-vasopressin causes edothelium-dependent relaxations of the canine cerebral resistance arteries. Fed. Proc., 46: 828, 1987.

221. A-302 Miller, V.M., Aarhus, L. L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Estrogen modulates endothelium-dependent responses to oxytocin in ovarian arteries of rabbits. Fed. Proc., 46: 828, 1987.

222. A-303 Katusic, Z.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium ionophore A23187, arachidonic acid and acetylcholine cause endothelium-dependent contractions in the canine basilar arteries. Fed. Proc., 46: 829, 1987.

223. A-304 Schryver, S.M., Bentley, M.D., Rubanyi, G.M., Romero, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Fed. Proc., 46: 828, 1987.

224. A-305 Harker, G.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Sex-related differences in the effects of cooling on the central artery of the rabbit ear. Fed. Proc., 46: 1121, 1987.

225. A-306 O'Rourke, S.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneous prejunctional modulation of norepinephrine release by ergonovine. Fed. Proc., 46: 1146, 1987.

226. A-307 Duprez, D., Essandoh, L.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Shepherd, J.T. Different peripheral vascular responses during static exercise: role of muscle mass and relative tension. Fed. Proc., 46: 1405, 1987.

227. A-308 Janczewski, P.H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Carteolol augments endothelium-dependent relaxations to alpha2-adrenergic activation. Fed. Proc., 46: 1456, 1987.

228. A-311 Blaise, G.A., Sill, J.C., Nugent, M., Van Dyke, R.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial damage abolishes isoflurane attenuation of PGF2alpha and 5HT-mediated canine coronary constriction. Anesthesioiogy, 65: A7, 1986.

229. A-313 Vanhoutte, P.M. Fentanyl and responsiveness of canine coronary arterial smooth muscle. Canad. Anaesth. Soc. J., 33: S104, 1986.

230. A-314 Shimokawa, H., Lam, Jules Y.T., Bowie, E.J. Walter, Chesebro, James, H. and Vanhoutte, Paul M. Chronic Treatement with cod liver oil facilitates endothelium-dependent responsiveness in porcine coronary arteries. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 9: 210A, 1987.

231. A-319 Shimokawa, H., Lam, J. Y.T., Chesebro, J. H., Bowie, E.J. W. and Vanhoutte, P. M. Platelets, unsaturated fatty acid and endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s). Thrombosis Research Suppl. VII: 9, 1987. Editors: H. R. Lijnen and M. Verstraete. New York, Pergamon Press, 1987.)

232. A-320 Harker, C.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of hypoxia on contractions and endothelium-dependent relaxations in aorta and femoral artery of the thirteen lined ground squirrel. The Physiologist, 30: 140, 1987.

233. A-321 Shimokawa, H., Kim, P. and Vanhoutte, P. M. Hypercholesterolemia impairs endothelium-dependent relaxations to aggregating platelets in porcine basilar arteries. The Physiologist, 30: 179, 1987.

234. A-322 Vanhoutte, Paul M. and Shimokawa, Hiroaki. Effects of hypercholesterolemia on heterogeneity in endothelium-dependent responsiveness in porcine arteries. The Physiologist, 30: 216, 1987.

235. A-323 Gao, Y.S. and Vanhoutte, P. M. Removal of the epithelium causes depolarization of canine bronchial smooth muscle. The Physiologist, 30: 240, 1987.

236. A-326 O'Rourke, S.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Autonomic pharmacology of isolated canine bronchial artery. The Pharmacologist, 29: 124, 1987.

237. A-327 Hoeffner, U. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Two different endothelium-derived relaxing factors are released from canine arteries. The Pharmacologist, 29: 125, 1987.

238. A-328 Harker, C.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of temperature, estrogen levels and the extract of Ruscus Aculeatus in the saphenous vein of the rabbit. The Pharmacologist, 29: 126, 1987.

239. A-329 Feletou, M., Aarhus, L.L., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ammonia induces relaxation of small arteries from canine skeletal muscle. The Pharmacologist, 29: 127, 1987.

240. A-330 Flavahan, N.A., Vos, A.A.A.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alpha1-adrenoceptor subclassification in vascular smooth muscle of canine pulmonary arteries. The Pharmacologist, 29: 169, 1987.

241. A-331 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Arachidonic acid evokes epithelium-dependent relaxations of canine bronchi The Pharmacologist, 29: 174, 1987.

242. A-332 Boulanger, C.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of the alpha-adrenergic antagonistic properties of buflomedil and CRL 41034 in canine saphenous vein. The Pharmacologist, 29: 196, 1987.

243. A-336 Kim, P., Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P. M. Effect of dietary unsaturated fatty acids on endothelium-dependent responses in the porcine cerebral artery. Circulation (Part II, Suppl.). 76: IV-10, 1987.

244. A-337 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P. M. Dietary supplementation with unsaturated fatty acids augments endothelium-dependent relaxations in porcine coronary arteries. Circulation (Part II, Suppl.), 76: IV-10, 1987.

245. A-338 Kim, P., Sundt, T. M., Jr. and Vanhoutte, P. M. Differential alterations of endothelium-dependent responses in chronic vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Circulation (Part II, Suppl.), 76: IV-10, 1987.

246. A-339 Kim, P., Sundt, T. M., Jr. and Vanhoutte, P. M. Absence of mechanical stiffening of the arterial wall in cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in dogs. Circulation (Part II, Suppl.), 76: IV-10, 1987.

247. A-340 Miller, V.M., Aarhus, L.L. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of estrogens on adrenergic and endothelium-dependent responses in the ovarian artery of the rabbit. Blood Vessels, 13: 42, 1988. 250. A-343 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation to aggregating platelets and related vasoactive substances in porcine coronary arteries in hypercholesterolemia and in atherosclerosis. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.: 2A, 1987.

251. A-344 Shimokawa, Hiroaki and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of dietary supplementation with cod-liver oil on impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation in atherosclerotic porcine coronary arteries. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol: 191A, 1987.

252. A-345 Rogers, P J., Bauer, B.A , Brum, J.M., Bove, A.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Exercise training and responsiveness of coronary arteries. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol: 246A, 1987.

253. A-346 Boulanger, Chantal, Lorenz, Robert R., Hendrickson, Helen and Vanhoutte Paul M. Release of different relaxing factors by porcine endothelial cells in culture. FASEB J., 2: 104, 1988.

254. A-347 Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Pharmacological analysis of relaxations to bradykinin and NO in the canine basilar artery. FASEB J., 2: 108, 1988. 255. A-348 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nitric oxide may not be the endothelium-derived relaxing factor in canine veins. The FASEB Journal, 2: 109, 1988.

256. A-349 Guo, H., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prevention of acetylcholine induced inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission by anisodamine. FASEB J., 2: 192, 1988.

257. A-350 Hoeffner, U. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Proximal and distal canine coronary artery segments respond differently to endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s) but not to nitric oxide. FASEB J. 2: 1289, 1988.

258. A-351 Shimokawa, H., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of the endothelium in prostacyclin-induced relaxation in porcine coronary arteries. FASEB J., 2: 1290, 1988.

259. A-352 Komori, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of nitric oxide on electrical and mechanical properties of smooth muscle cells of canine mesenteric and rabbit saphenous arteries. FASEB J., 2: 1291, 1988.

260. A-353 Auch-Schwelk, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of products of cyclo-oxygenase in endothelium-dependent contractions of the rat aorta to serotonin. FASEB J. 2: 1292, 1988.

261. A-354 Lorenz, R.R., Sanchez-Ferrer, C.F., Burnett, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Influence of endocardial-derived factor(s) on the release of atrial natriuretic factor. FASEB J., 2: 1293, 1988.

262. A-355 Aarhus, L.L., Miller, V.M., McCullough, J.L., Bower, T.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in nonreversed (in situ) vein grafts. FASEB J., 2: 1294, 1988.

263. A-356 O'Rourke, S.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Studies on the mechanism of celiprolol-induced vasodilatation. FASEB J., 2: 1788, 1988.

264. A-357 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C. Effect of the inhibition of Na+, K+ ATPase pump on the relaxation induced by nitric oxide and nitroglycerin in the canine coronary artery. FASEB J., 2: 1820, 1988.

265. A-358 Harker, C.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanisms of ammonium induced relaxation. FASEB J., 2: 1823, 1988.

266. A-359 Vidal, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent effects of the converting enzyme inhibitor trandolapril. FASEB J., 2: 2410, 1988.

267. A-360 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity in sodium-potassium pump activity in canine airway smooth muscle. FASEB J., 2: 2666, 1988.

268. A-361 Pearson, P J., Schaff, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Reperfusion after acute coronary occlusion in dogs impairs endothelium-dependent relaxation to aggregating platelets. FASEB J., 2: 3923, 1988.

269. A-362 Tuncer, Meral and Vanhoutte, Paul M. Indomethacin augments the responsiveness to 5-hydroxytryptamine in the perfused kidney of the normotensive rat. FASEB J., 2: 3930, 1988.

270. A-363 Lüscher, T.F., Diederich, D., Siebermann, R., Lehmann, A., Stultz, P., Buehler, F. R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of endothelium-dependent relaxations in the human internal mammary artery, internal mammary vein and saphenous vein. FASEB J. 2: 6874, 1988.

271. A-364 Zellers, T.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity in endothelium-dependent and independent responses of porcine pulmonary arteries. FASEB J., 2: 6875, 1988.

272. A-365 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The airway epithelium of the pig releases both relaxing and a contracting factor. FASEB J., 2: 7334, 1988.

273. A-366 Busk, M.F., Flavahan, N.A., Seta, J.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Methylxanthine, S 9795, inhibits the bronchoconstrictor effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine and acetylcholine. FASEB J., 2: 7335, 1988.

274. A-367 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The release of ATP-evoked by transmural stimulation of the canine saphenous vein. FASEB J., 2: 8737, 1988.

275. A-368 Busk, M.F., Seta, J.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The effect of S 9795 on cholinergic nerve endings in canine bronchi. Am. Review of Respiratory Disease, 137: 34, 1988.

276. A-369 Stuart-Smith, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Epithelium-dependent responses to arachidonic acid in canine airways. Am. Review of Respiratory Disease, 137: 100, 1988.

277. A-374 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium and hyperreactivity of hypercholesterolemic, atherosclerotic porcine coronary arteries. Circulation 1987.

278. A-375 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Modulation of the responsiveness of endothelium and arterial smooth muscle by estrogens. Circulation 1987. 279. A-376 Iqbal, A., Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of hypoxia and hypercholesterolemia on relaxations induced by isoproterenol and adenosine in pig coronary arteries. Circulation 1987.

280. A-377 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of prostaglandins and free radicals in the impaired endothelium-dependent responses in atherosclerotic porcine coronary arteries. Circulation 1987.

281. A-388 Komori, K., Miller, V.M., Flavahan, N., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Electrical properties of the smooth muscle cells in canine saphenous veins before and after adrenergic denervation. FASEB J., 3:A899, 1989.

282. A-389 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Relaxations to nitric oxide and calcium ionophore A23187 in the ventral aorta of trout. FASEB J., 3:A684, 1989.

283. A-390 Komori, K., Miller, V.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Electrophysiological effects of endothelium-derived factors. Blood Vessels, 1989 (

284. A-391 Miller, V.M., Flavahan, N.A., Gloviczki, P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of pertussis toxin on endothleium-dependent and independent responses in canine veins and vein-grafts. Blood Vessels, 1989

285. A-392 Vidal-Ragout, M.J., Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Dissociation between the production of cyclic GMP and endothelium-dependent relaxations in canine systemic arteries and veins. Blood Vessels, 1989.

286. A-393 Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential effects of chronic estrogen treatment on endothelium-dependent and independent responses in rabbit arteries. The Physiologist 31:A4, 1988.

287. Error

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289. A-396 Miller, V.M., McCullough, J.M., Bower, T.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor and prostanoid production in "in situ" (nonreversed) vein grafts. Clin. Res. 35:543A, 1988.

290. A-397 Miller, V.M., Aarhus, L.L., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of estrogens on adrenergic and endothelium-dependent responses in the ovarian artery of the rabbit. Blood Vessels 25:42, 1988.

291. A-398 Auch-Schwelk, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived contracting factor released by serotonin in the SHR aorta. American Journal of Hypertension: 20A.

292. A-399 Auch-Schwelk, W., Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxygen-derived free radical-induced contractions are augmented in chronic hypertension. Hypertension: 350, 1988.

293. A-401 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Natural course of the impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxations after balloon endothelium-removal in porcine coronary arteries. Circulation Suppl. Part II 78: 170, 1988.

294. A-402 Shimokawa, H., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Impaired Gi Protein function may account for endothelial dysfunction in regenerated state and in hypercholesterolemia. Circulation Suppl. Part II 78: 475, 1988.

295. A-403 Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxygen-derived free radicals cause endothelium-dependent contractions of canine cerebral arteries. Circulation Suppl. Part II 78: 451, 1988.

296. A-404 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Influence of the epithelium on the accessibility of intraluminal bronchoactive agents to canine airway smooth muscle. FASEB J., 3:A972, 1989.

297. A-405 Auch-Schwelk W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Contractions to endothelin in isolated arteries of SHR and WKY rats. FASEB J., 3:A1008, 1989.

298. A-406 Guo, H., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Anisodamine is a non-selective inhibitor of pre- and post-junctional muscarinic receptors in canine saphenous veins. FASEB J., 3:A889, 1989.

299. A-407 Behrends, S., Hoeffner, U., Goetz, A.E., Peter, K., Brendel, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Shock waves do not alter vascular tone of isolated rabbit carotid artery segments. FASEB J., 3:A1193, 1989.

300. A-408 Katusic, Z.S and Vanhoutte, P.M. Hydrogen peroxide causes endothelium-dependent contractions in canine cerebral arteries. FASEB J., 3:A1177, 1989.

301. A-409 Busk, M.F. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Theophylline, causes the release of epithelium-derived relaxing factor. FASEB J., 3:A274, 1989.

302. A-410 Boulanger, C., Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of chronic exposure to eicosapentaenoic acid on the release of relaxing factor and the production of cyclic GMP by cultured endothelial cells. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 79, 1989.

303. A-411 Auch-Schwelk, W., Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions in the SHR aorta are inhibited by thromboxane A2 receptor antagonists. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 76, 1989.

304. A-412 Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent contractions to NG-mono-methyl-L-arginine in the canine basilar artery. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 75, 1989.

305. A-413 Schini, V.B., Boulanger, C., Regoli, D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Bradykinin induces release of endothelium-dependent relaxing factor(s) via activation of B2 receptors in porcine aortic endothelial cells in culture. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 112, 1989.

306. A-414 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Differential inhibitory effects of phorbol esters on endothelium-dependent relaxations in canine coronary arteries. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 86, 1989.

307. A-415 Lorenz, R.R., Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium does not increase the release of tritiated-norepinephrine in canine saphenous veins. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 100, 1989.

308. A-416 Miller, V.M., Komori, K. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Responses of canine veins to endothelin. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 104, 1989.

309. A-417 Shimokawa, H., Flavahan, N., Lorenz, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Prostacyclin releases endothelium-derived relaxing factor and potentiates its action in coronary arteries of the pig. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 115, 1989.

310. A-418 Vanhoutte, P.M., Shimokawa, H. and Flavahan, N.A. Pertussis toxin inhibits endothelium-dependent responses in canine arteries. The Physiologist 31:A3, 1988.

311. A-419 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Sodium-calcium exchange in canine airway smooth muscle. The Physiologist 31:A139, 1988. 312. A-420 Guo, H.-Y., Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of S-11701 on adrenergic neuroeffector interaction in isolated canine saphenous veins. The Physiologist, 31: A56, 1988.

313. A-421 Vidal, M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of endothelium-dependent responses to acetylcholine in canine coronary and femoral arteries. The Physiologist 31:A208, 1988.

314. A-422 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of different endothelium-dependent relaxing factors released from canine arteries. The Physiologist, 31:A3, 1988. 315. A-423 Komori, K., Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Dietary modulation of endothelium-dependent responses to aggregating platelets in porcine femoral veins. The Physiologist, 31:A4, 1988.

316. A-424 Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Superoxide anion mediates endothelium-dependent contractions to calcium ionophore A23187 in the canine basilar artery. The Physiologist, 31: A3, 1988.

317. A-425 Boulanger, C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Porcine endothelial cells in culture release different relaxing factors. The Physiologist, 31:A208, 1988.

318. A-426 Lorenz, R.R., Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The effect of epithelium removal on airway contractility is not mediated by arachidonic acid metabolites or nitric oxide. The Physiologist, 31:A124, 1988.

319. A-427 Vidal-Ragout, M., Lorenz, R.R., Bentley, M., Romero, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor modulates renin secretion. Clin. Res., 36:546A, 1988.

320. A-428 Boulanger, C., Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Production of cyclic GMP by bradykinin, adenosine diphosphate, the calcium ionophore A23187 and nitric oxide in cultured porcine aortic endothelial cells. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 162, 1989.

321. A-429 Flavahan, N.A., Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations: regulation by a pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 170, 1989.

322. A-430 Kim, P., Sundt, T.M. Jr. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responsiveness in the spastic cerebral arteries after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 181, 1989.

323. A-431 Vanhoutte, P.M., Janczewski, P.H. and Boulanger, C. Carteolol augments endothelium-dependent relaxations to alpha2 adrenergic activation. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology 1: 206, 1989.

324. A-432 Eber, B., Biondi, M.L., Auch-Schwelk, W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. IGM-anticardiolipin-antibodies evoke endothelium-independent relaxations in isolated canine coronary arteries. The Physiologist, 32: 189, 1989.

325. A-433 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Lowering the PO2 or cooling induces epithelium-dependent relaxations of canine bronchi. The Physiologist, 32: 227, 1989.

326. A-436 Lorenz, R.R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent effects of perindoprilat. Cardiovascular Drugs & Therapy, 3: 606, 1989.

327. A-437 Morrison, K., Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The effects of nicorandil on canine arteries and veins. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 3: 613, 1989.

328. A-438 Janczewski, P., Boulanger, C., Iqbal, A., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent effects of carteolol. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 3: 655, 1989.

329. A-440 Katusic, Z.S., Shepherd, J.T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanisms of endothelium-dependent relaxations to vasopressin in cerebral arteries. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology, 1: 180, 1989.

330. A-441 Boulanger, C., Vidal-Ragout, M., Fiksen-Olsen, M., Romero, J.C. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cultured endothelial cells release a non-prostanoid inhibitor of renin release. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology, 1: 207, 1989.

331. A-442 Miller, V.M., Flavahan, N.A., Gloviczki, P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of pertussis toxin on endothelium-dependent and independent responses in canine veins and vein-grafts. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology, 1: 289, 1989.

332. A-443 Komori, K., Miller, V.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Electrophysiological effects of endothelium-derived factors. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology, 1: 182, 1989.

333. A-444 Schini, V., Dewey, J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of indapamide on endothelium-dependent and independent relaxation of canine femoral arteries. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology. 1: 198, 1989.

334. A-445 Shimokawa, H. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects of endothelial regeneration and diets on endothelium-dependent relaxations in porcine coronary arteries. Journal of Vascular Medicine and Biology. 1: 201, 1989.

335. A-446 Zellers, T.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Heterogeneity of endothelium-dependent and independent responses to aggregating platelets in porcine pulmonary arteries. Clin. Res., 36:590A, 1989.

336. A-447 Busk, M.F., Flavahan, N.A., Seta, J.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The methylxanthine, S9795, causes the release of an epithelium-derived relaxing factor. Clin. Res., 36:592A, 1988.

337. A-448 Flavahan, N.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Fluoride causes endothelium-dependent relaxation of canine coronary arteries. The Pharmacologist, 31: 171, 1989.

338. A-450 Vanhoutte, P.M., Hendrickson, H. and Boulanger, C. Effect of chronic exposure to eicosapentaenoic acid on the release of relaxing factor from cultured endothelial cells. The FASEB Journal, 3:A532, 1989.

339. A-451 Schini, V.B., Boulanger, C., Regoli, D. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Production of cyclic GMP by kinins in cultured porcine aortic endothelial cells. The FASEB Journal, 3: A533, 1989.

340. A-454 Auch-Schwelk, W., Katusic, Z.S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-Dependent contractions to Acetylcholine in the SHR Aorta are Augmented During Inactivation of Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor. J. Amer. College of Cardiology, 15, 67A, 1990.

341. A-457 Vanhoutte, P.M. and Pearson, P.J. Repersion after acute coronary occlusion in Dogs acutely and chronically impairs endothelium-dependent relaxation to aggregating platelets. Cardiovasc. Drugs and Therapy 3: pg. 895, 1989.

342. A-460 Schini, V.B., Katusic, Z.S., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxytocin, Arg8-vasopressin and tachykinins evoked the production of cyclic GMP in porcine aortic endothelial cells. FASEB J. 4, A415, 1990.

343. A-461 Kim, N.D., Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparison of endothelin-1 and endothelin-3 induced contractions in SHR and Wistar rat aorta. FASEB . 4, A1081, 1990.

344. A-463 Auch-Schwelk W., Katusic Z.S., Vanhoutte P.M. Pharmacology of Endothelium-Dependent Contractions to Acetylcholine in the SHR Aorta. Arch. Intern. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 305: 228, 1990.

345. A-464 Miller V.M. and Vanhoutte P.M. Hormonal modulation of endothelium-dependent responses: role of guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins. Arch. Intern. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 305: 267, 1990.

346. A-465 Schini V.B., Bond R.A., Vanhoutte P.M. L-Arginine induces endothelium-dependent and independent relaxations of tolerant rat aortas. Arch. Intern. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 305: 277, 1990.

347. A-466 Vilaine J.P., Bondi M., Villeneuve N., Feletou M., Peglion J.L., Vanhoutte P.M. The calcium antagonist S11568 causes endothelium-dependent relaxation in canine arteries. Arch. Intern. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 305: 291, 1990.

348. A-467 Bond R.A., Kenakin T.P. and Vanhoutte P.M. Functional pharmacologic receptor classification: are the problems real or theoretical? Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183, 82, 1990.

349. A-468 Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelium-derived Relaxing and Contracting Factor: pathological and therapeutic implications. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183, 109, 1990.

350. A-469 Mombouli J-V., Rafla E. and Vanhoutte P.M. Effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor: cilazapril, on arterial endothelium-dependent responses. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183,698, 1990.

351. A-470 Morrison K.J. and Vanhoutte P.M. Relaxations induced by arachidonic acid in airway smooth muscle. Eur . J. Pharmacol., 183, 1191, 1990.

352. A-471 Schini V.B, Kim N.D. and Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelium-dependent modulation of the contractions evoked by endothelin-1, endothelin-3 and phenylephrine in SHR and wistar rat aorta. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183, 1815, 1990.

353. A-472 Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelium-derived relaxing and contracting factors. Eur. J. Pharmacol. , 183, 2088, 1990.

354. A-473 Ruff F., Santais M.C., Callens E., Naline E., Advenier C. and Vanhoutte P.M. Beta-2 adrenergic actions of tulobuterol and its metabolites on airway smooth muscle. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183, 2130, 1990.

355. A-474 Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelium-derived contracting factors. International Journal of Microcirculation 9(Suppl 1): 171, 1990.

356. A-475 Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelium, Platelets and Vascular Occlusion

357. A-476 Auch-Schwelk W, Katusic Z.S., Vanhoutte P.M. Pharmacological properties of the contracting factor released by the endothelium in the SHR aorta. Eur. Heart J., 11: 265, 1990.

358. A-478 Nagao T and Vanhoutte PM Hyperpolarization contributes to endothelium-dependent relaxations in the rat femoral vein. Circulation Supplement III; 82, 344.

359. A-479 Pearson PJ, Lin PJ, Schaff HV, and Vanhoutte PM Augmented Endothelium-dependent Hypoxic Contractions In Vivo and In Vitro Early Following Coronary Reperfusion Injury. Circulation Supplement III; 82, 506.

360. A-482 Vanhoutte, P.M. Vascular Effects of Ischemia and Serotonin. Journal of Vascular Diseases Supplement 30, 25, 1990

361. A-484 T. Scott-Burden, T.J. Resink, A.W.A. Hahn, F.R. Buhler and P.M. Vanhoutte. Induction of growth factor expression by endothelin in vascular smooth muscle cells may be regulated by angiotensin II. J. Vasc. Med. Biol., 2, 175, 1990.

362. A-485 Schini V.B., Kim N.D. and Vanhoutte P.M. Endothelin-1 and endothelin-3 evoke endothelium-dependent relaxations in aortas from normotensive and hypertensive rats. J. Vasc. Med. Biol. 2, 179, 1990.

363. A-488 Eber, B., Biondi, M.L., Auch-Schwelk, W., Vanhoutte, P.M. Anticardiolipin-antibodies relax coronary vascular smooth muscle. FASEB J., 4, A596, 1990.

364. A-489 Nagao, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations resistant to nitro-L-arginine are mediated by endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations in porcine coronary arteries. FASEB J., 5, A1417 ,1991.

365. A-490 Gao, Y., Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The Epithelium-Dependent Potentiation of Relaxation of Canine Bronchi to Isoproterenol is not mediated by cyclic nucleotides. FASEB J.5, A1056, 1991.

366. A-491 Bond, R.A., Smart, F.W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Responses to norepinephrine in porcine coronary arteries. FASEB J. 5, A1219, 1991.

367. A-492 Morrison, K.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of Muscarinic Receptors in Guinea-Pig Trachea. FASEB J. 5, A1241, 1991.

368. A-493 Junquero, D.C., Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T. and Vanhoutte,P.M. Interleukin-1ß Induces the Production of a Smooth Muscle-Derived Relaxing Factor. FASEB J. 5, A1607, 1991.

369. A-494 Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interleukin-1ß Stimulates the Production of a Stable Factor that Induces the Accumulation of Cyclic GMP in Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. FASEB J.,5, A1607, 1991.

370. A-495 Scott-Burden, T., Mackie, E.J., Hahn, A.W.A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The Influence of Vasoconstrictor Peptides on Extracellular Matrix Glycoconjugate Synthesis by Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. FASEB J., A1609, 1991.

371. A-496 Illiano, S.C., Mombouli, J.V., Nagao, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Potentiate Hyperpolarizations and Nitric Oxide-Independent Relaxations Induced by Bradykinin. FASEB J., 5, A1727, 1991.

372. A-497 Mombouli, J-V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Perindoprilat Amplifies Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations to Bradykinin and Unmasks Those to Kininogen. FASEB J., 5, A1417, 1991.

373. A-498 Weigert, A.L., Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Lipopolysaccharide Causes Relaxation of the Rat Aorta by Inducing the L-Arginine-Nitric Oxide Pathway in Smooth Muscle. FASEB J., 5, A385, 1991.

374. A-499 Gräser, T and Vanhoutte, P.M. Role of Cyclic GMP in Endothelium-Dependent Hypoxic Contraction of Canine Coronary Arteries. FASEB J., 5, A385, 1991.

375. A-500 Mombouli, J-V, Nagao, T., Illiano, S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Does local generation of kinins mediate the endothelium-dependent relaxations to converting enzyme inhibitors in isolated canine arteries? Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, Supplement 3, 349, 1991.

376. A-501 Auch-Schwelk, W., Katusic, Z.S. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inactivation of endothelium-derived relaxing factor augments endothelium-dependent contractions to acetylcholine in the SHR aorta. J Hypertension, 8 (suppl 3):S84, 1990.

377. A-503 Gao Y., Nagao T., Bond R.A., Janssens W. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Characterization of endothelium-dependent relaxations induced by nebivolol in canine coronary arteries. Br J Pharmacol 102:312P, 1991.

378. A-504 Gao, Y., Nagao, T., Bond, R.A., Janssens, W.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Nebivolol Induces Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations of Canine Arteries. Drug Investigation 3(Suppl. 1):118-119, 1991.

379. A-515 Morrison, K.J .and Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition of aiway smooth muscle tone by phorbol ester in guinea-pig trachea. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis.,143: A341, 1991.

380. A-516 Morrison, K.J. and Vanhoutte, PM. Possible involvement of protein kinase C in modulation of airway smooth muscle reactivity by epithelium. FASEB J., 4: A841, 1990.

381. A-517 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutt,e P.M. Contraction-level and epithelium-dependent relaxations induced by lowering PO2 in canine bronchi. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., 141 : A914, 1990.

382. A-518 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Cooling induces epithelium-dependent contractions of canine bronchi. FASEB J 4:A841, 1990.

383. A-519 Scott-Burden, T., Mackie, E.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Angiotensin and vascular structure: modulation of extracellular matrix synthesis in cultured smooth muscle cells. In: Current Advances in Ace Inhibition II, 134, 1991.

384. A-520 Durante, W., Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T., Junquero, D.C., Kroll, M.H., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Schafer, A.I. Platelet products (TGF-ß1 and PDGF) inhibit the induction of nitric oxide synthase activity in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Blood 78:395a, 1991.

385. A-521 Durante, W., Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T., Junquero, D.C., Kroll, M.H., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Schafer, A.I. Inhibition of Platelet activation by an L-arginine derived substance released by cultured vascular smooth muscle cells treated with interleukin-1ß. Blood 78:141a, 1991.

386. A-522 Nagao, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Mechanism of Anoxic Contraction in Canine Basilar Artery. FASEB J 4: A684, 1990.

387. A-526 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-Derived Relaxing and Contracting Factors. J Vasc Med Biol, 3:76, 1990.

388. A-527 Weigert, A.L., Schini, V.B., Bond, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Basal Release of nitric oxide modulates the relaxing effect of isoproterenol (ISO) in the aorta of the rat. FASEB. J., 6: A-1509, 1991.

389. A-528 Morrison, K.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Ouabain inhibits relaxation induced by vasoactive intestinal peptide in guinea-pig isolated trachea. FASEB. J., 6:A-1586, 1991.

390. A-529 Bond, R.A., Smart, F.W., Morrison, K.J., Roberts, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of chronic dietary supplement- ation with NC 020, a defined fish oil, on relaxation induced by norpinephrine in porcine coronary artery. FASEB. J., 64:A-1581, 1991.

391. A-530 Smart, F.W., Bond, R.A., Geske, R. Morrison, K.J., Roberts, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of balloon abrasion and dietary supplementation with NC 020, a defined fish oil, on relaxations induced by 5-hydroxytryptamine in porcine coronary artery. FASEB. J., 6:A-1581, 1991.

392. A-531 Boulanger, C.M. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of interleukin-2 on contractions to arachidonic acid in rat aorta. FASEB. J Part II., 6:A-1457, 1991.

393. A-532 Hoshino, Y., Morrison, K.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent hypoxic contraction of canine pulmonary artery. FASEB. J., 6:A-1179, 1991.

394. A-533 Scott-Burden, T., Schini, V.B., Junquero, D.C., Elizondo, E. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Growth factor stimulated proliferation of cultured smooth muscle cells is inhibited by interleukin-1ß-induced nitric oxide production. FASEB. J.,; 6:A-1603, 1991.

395. A-534 Gao, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The epithelium modulates the responses of the guinea-pig trachea to hydrogen peroxide. FASEB J., 6(:A-1818, 1991.

396. A-535 Shibano, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Induction of an L-arginine: nitric oxide pathway in porcine coronary artery. FASEB J., 6:A-1803, 1991.

397. A-536 Joly, G.A., Schini, V.B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial denudation of the rat carotid artery, in vivo, induces nitric oxide synthase activity. FASEB J., 6:A-1732, 1991.

398. A-537 Junquero, D.C., Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interleukin-1ß evokes a greater loss of aortic tone in SHR than in WKY rats by inducing a larger production of nitric oxide. FASEB J., 6:A-1733, 1991.

399. A-538 Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T., Durante, W., Elizondo, E., Schafer, A. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) enhances the activity of nitric oxide synthase evoked by interleukin-1 ß (IL-1 ß) in cultured smooth muscle cells from human aorta. FASEB J., 6:A-1732, 1991.

400. A-539 Mombouli, J.-V. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent relaxations and contractions to ADP and ATP in rat aorta and in canine coronary arteries. FASEB J., 6:A-2017, 1991.

401. A-545 Junquero, D.C., Schini, V.B., Scott-Burden, T. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The expression by interleukin-1ß of the inducible nitric oxide synthase activity in vascular smooth muscle is augmented in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Am J Hypertension 5:3A-4A, 1992.

402. A-578 Desta, B., Clozel, J.P., Boulanger, C.M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Chronic treatment with the Ca2+ channel inhibitor RO 40-5967 potentiates endothelium-dependent relaxations in the aorta of the hypertensive salt sensitive dahl rat. The Pharmacologist, 35 (n°3) : p. 160, 1993.

403. Error

404. A-582 Scott-Burden, T., Elizondo, E., Ge, T., Boulanger, C.M., and Vanhoutte, P.M. Protein kinase C and Adenylate cyclase regulate NO production by cultured smooth muscle cells. Endothelium, 1: S1-S104, 1993.

405. A-587 Boulanger, C.M., Morrison, K.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. M3-Muscarinic receptors mediate both endothelium-dependent contraction and relaxation to acetylcholine in the aorta of the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 72, Supplement 1: 1, 1994.

406. A-589 Ge, T., Hughes, H., Junquero, D.C., Wu, K.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Augmented expression and activity of prostaglandin H synthase in SHR aorta. FASEB J., 8, 1994.

407. A-590 Day, N.S., Ge, T., Codina, J., Birnbaumer, L., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. Expression of Gi- Proteins in cultured endothelial cells with impaired release of relaxing factors. FASEB J., 8, 1994.

408. Error

409. A-596 Day, N.S., Ge, T., Codina, J., Birnbaumer, L., Vanhoutte, P.M., et Boulanger, C.M. Gi Proteins and the Response to Serotonin in Cultured Porcine Endothelial Cells with Impaired EDRF Release. Journal of Endothelium Cell Research, 2: 18, 1995.

410. A-597 Ge, T., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Boulanger, C.M. Increased Response to PGH2 contributes to Endothelium-dependent Contractions in SHR Aorta.Journal of Endothelium Cell Research, 2: 27, 1995.

411. A-598 Mombouli, J.V., Chelly, F., Alvear, J., Ibrahim, B., Kilbourn, R. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Alterations in Coronary Endothelial Vasodilator Mediators following Endotoxemia in Dogs. Journal of Endothelium Cell Research, 2: 62, 1995.

412. A-599 Mombouli, J.V., Ibrahim, B. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Interactions between Kinins and Ace-Inhibitors in Canine Arteries. Journal of Endothelium Cell Research, 2: 63, 1995.

413. A-600 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial Dysfunction in Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Endothelium Cell Research, 2: 90, 1995.

414. A-601 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-Derived Vasoactive Factors in Hypertension. Am J Hypertens.,8: 28,1995.

415. A-614 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular diseases. Pharmacological Research, 31: 151, 1995.

416. A-615 Nonotte, I., Verbeuren, T.J., Fabiani, J.N. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Production of extracellular matrix by smooth muscle cells from human varicose veins. Pharmacological Research, 31: 307, 1995.

417. A-616 Vanhoutte, P.M. Impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilata-tion in heart failure. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 6: A334, 1995.

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419. A-629 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. Meth. Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. 17(A): 31-32, 1995.

420. A-633 Mombouli, J.V., Bissiriou, I., Desta, B., Ballard, K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Potentiation of kininase II-resistant kinins by ACE-inhibitors. Circulation, 92:796, 1995.

421. A-634 Mombouli, J.V., Nakashima, M., Hamra, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Exercise-training enhances endothelium-dependent relaxtions and hyperpolarization evoked by bradykinin. Circulation 92: 3614, 1995.

422. A-635 Mombouli, J.V., Bissiriou, I., Vanhoutte, P.M. Circulation, 92: 3609, 1995.

423. A-636 Borg-Capra, C., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Bidouard, J.P., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Régénération endothéliale après dénudation de coronaires de porc: chronologie des événements études morphologiques et fonctionnelles. Archives des maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux, 32, 1995.

424. A-637 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Lesage, L., Reure, H., Delescluse, I., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Canovi, C., Jacquemin, C., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Dysfonction endothéliale et artériosclérose accélérée après greffe cardiaque: chronologie des événements. Archives des maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux, 35, 1995.

425. A-638 Corriu, C., Félétou, M., Canet, E., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization and cytochrome P450 monooxygénases (P450) inhibitors. FASEB J., 10: A10, 1996.

426. A-639 Nakashima, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Membrane hyperpolarization and relaxation of canine blood vessels to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. FASEB J., 10 : A69, 1996.

427. A-640 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Impairment of G-protein function and endothelial dysfunction after heart transplantation. FASEB J., 10: A572, 1996.

428. A-641 Borg-Capra, C., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Bidouard, J.P., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Expression of Gi-proteins in regenerated endothelial cells of the porcine coronary artery. FASEB J., 10: A602, 1996.

429. A-642 Villeneuve, N., Perrault, L.P., Janiak, P., Bidouard, J.P, Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. G-protein impairment and endothelial dysfunction during acute rejection after heart transplantation. FASEB J., 10: A809, 1996.

430. A-644 Spedding, M., King, B.F., Dacquet, C., Vanhoutte, P.M., Burnstock, G. Specific modulation of P2 receptors by 2-2'-pyridylisatogen (PIT). Drug Dev. Res. 37: 174, 1996.

431. A-645 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. G-protein dysfunction in acute and chronic rejection after heart transplantation. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2: A3, 1996.

432. A-646 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease. International Angiology, 15: 1, 1996.

433. A-647 Vanhoutte, P.M. Pathophysiology of venous disease. International Angiology, 15 : 1, 1996.

434. A-648 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Time course and specific mechanisms of coronary endothelial dysfunction in acute untreated rejection after heart transplantation. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 15: S49 , 1996.

435. A-649 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent responses in hypertension. From the 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Glasgow, 23-27 June 1996.

436. Error

437. A-651 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and reperfusion injury. Acta Physiologica Pharmacologica et Therapeutica Latinamericana, 46: 36, 1996.

438. A-652 Perrault, L.P., Borg-Capra, C., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Expression and function of endothelial Gi-proteins in accelerated atherosclerosis after heart transplantation. European Heart Journal, 17: 464 , 1996.

439. A-653 Vanhoutte, P.M. The local kinin-kallikrein system and endothelial control of vascular tone. International Journal of Microcirculation Clinical and Experimental, 16: 82, 1996.

440. A-654 Perrault, L.P., Menasché P., Wassef, M., Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Jacquemin, C., Bloch, G., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Effects on endothelial function of different hemostatic devices during continuous delivery of blood cardioplegia or minimally invasive surgery. Cardiovascular Surgery, 168, 1996.

441. A-656 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Heart transplantation as a model of endothelial dysfunction in coronary atherosclerosis. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 12 : 148E, 1996.

442. A-657 Perrault, L.P., Janiak, P., Gransagne, D., Bidouard, J.P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Expression of metalloproteinases in coronary arteries after angioplasty and heart transplantation. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 12 : 167E, 1996.

443. A-658 Perrault, L.P., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Bidouard, J.P., Janiak, P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Expression of endothelial Gi-proteins and nitric oxide synthase in accelerated atherosclerosis after heart transplantation. Circulation, 94:I-106, 1996.

444. A-659 Janiak, P., Perrault, L.P., Gransagne D., Bidouard, J.P., Villeneuve, J.P., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Expression of matrix metalloproteinases in coronary arteries after balloon denudation and heart transplantation. Circulation, 94: I-586, 1996.

445. A-660 Vanhoutte, P.M. Pathophysiologie de la maladie veineuse. Angéiologie, 49: 82-84, 1997.

446. A-662 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Jacquemin, C., Petit, C., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. The production of cyclic GMP decreases with the coronary endothelial dysfunction after heart transplantation. FASEB J., 11 : A426, 1997.

447. A-663 Castedo-Delrieu, M., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Bidouard, J.P., Delescluse, I., Leonce S., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Phenotypic and functional characterization of regenerated endothelial cells after balloon injury in the pig. Journal of Vascular Research, 34 : 1-48, 1997.

448. A-664 Chataigneau, T., Corriu, C., Félétou, M., Canet, E., Duhault, J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Potassium channels and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization of the guinea-pig carotid artery. Journal of Vascular Research, 34 : 1-48, 1997.

449. A-665 Chataigneau, T., Thollon, C., Iliou, J.P., Villeneuve, N., Félétou, M., Vilaine, J.P., Duhault, J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Cannabinoid CB1 receptors and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in guinea-pig carotid, rat mesenteric and porcine coronary arteries. Journal of Vascular Research, 34: 1-48, 1997.

450. A-666 Corriu, C., Félétou, M., Puybasset, L., Berdeaux, A., Vanhoutte, P.M., Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations after chronic treatment with NO-synthase inhibitors. Journal of Vascular Research, 34: 1-48, 1997.

451. A-667 Félétou, M., Corriu, C., Chataigneau, T., Canet, E., Duhault, J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization of the guinea-pig carotid artery and cytochrome P450-mono-oxygenase. Journal of Vascular Research, 34: 1-48, 1997.

452. A-668 Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Bidouard, J.P., Saboureau, D., Delescluse, I., Vanhoutte, P.M., Vilaine, J.P. Alteration of nitric oxide pathway in regenerated endothelial cells 28 days after balloon injury of porcine coronary arteries. Journal of Vascular Research, 34: 1-48, 1997.

453. A-669 Nakashima, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Hyperpolarization and relaxation of canine vascular smooth muscle to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Journal of Vascular Research, 34: 1-48, 1997.

454. A-671 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard J.P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. L-nitro arginine-resistant relaxations of coronary arteries are impaired after heart transplantation. Journal of Vascular Research, 34: 1-48, 1997.

455. A-672 Perrault, L.P., Villeneuve, N., Bidouard, J.P., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in the working versus non-working heterotopic transplantic heart. Journal of Vascular Research, 34: 1-48, 1997.

456. A-673 Thollon, C., Bidouard, J.P., Cambarrat, C. Delescluse, I., Vanhoutte, P.M., Vilaine, J.P. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in porcine coronary arteries with regenerated endothelium: decreased response to serotonin and increased hyperpolarization to bradykinin. Journal of Vascular Research, 34: 1-48, 1997.

457. A-674 Villeneuve, N., Marteau, V., Jacquemin, C., Petit, C., Pillon, A., Vanhoutte, P.M., Vilaine, J.P. An in vitro model of selective endothelial dysfunction. Journal of Vascular Research, 34: 1-48, 1997.

458. A-676 Perrault, L.P., Villeneuve, N., Bidouard, J.P., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in the working versus non-working heterotopic transplanted hearts. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 13: 81C, 1997.

459. A-677 Perrault, L.P., Menasché, P., Lisi, G., Bidouard, J.P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery and the endothelium. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 13: 116C, 1997.

460. A-681 Perrault, L.P., Villeneuve, N., Bidouard, J.P., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of left ventricular loading on coronary endothelial dysfunction and intimal thickening in a swine model of heterotopic heart transplantation. Circulation, 96(suppl. 8): 3399, 1997.

461. A-682 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial denudation at implantation worsens coronary endothelial dysfunction and intimal thickening after heart transplantation. Circulation, 96: 3749, 1997.

462. A-683 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Impairment of L-nitro arginine-resistant vasorelaxations in the endothelial dysfunction after heart transplantation. Circulation, 96: 3751, 1997.

463. A-684 Corriu, C., Félétou, M., Puybasset, L., Berdeaux, A., Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations after chronic in vivo treatment with nitric oxide synthase inhibitors. Br. J. Pharmacol., 122: 205P, 1997.

464. A-685 Chataigneau, T., Félétou, M., Thollon, C., Vilaine, J.P., Duhault, J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Cannabinoid CB1 receptor and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization in guinea-pig carotid, rat mesenteric and porcine coronary arteries. Br. J. Pharmacol., 122: 249P, 1997.

465. A-686 Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. EDHF exists. Br. J. Pharmacol. 122 : 441P, 1997.

466. A-687 Villeneuve, N., Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Comparative study of coronary endothelial dysfunction after heart transplantation in domestic versus microswines. FASEB J., : A481, 1998.

467. A-688 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of intracoronary L-Name infusion on endothelial dysfunction and intimal hyperplasia after heart transplantation. FASEB J., : A978, 1998.

468. A-689 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., 31: 454C, 1998.

469. A-690 Perrault, L.P., Bidouard, J.P., Villeneuve, N., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M. Effect of intracoronary L-Name infusion on endothelial dysfunction and intimal hyperplasia after heart transplantation. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 30: A36, 1998.

470. A-691 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction : From Physiology to therapy. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 30: A198, 1998.

471. A-703 Cardososo Leão, M., Vayssettes-Courchay, C., Vanhoutte, P.M., Cordi, A.A. and Verbeuren, T.J. LPS-treatment decreases contractility of the rabbit saphenous vein in vivo: implication of NO. Research in Cardiology, 94: 400, 1999.

472. A-704 Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Castedo-Delrieu, M., Bidouard, J.P., Leonce, S., Saboureau, D., Delescluse, I., Vilaine, J.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M. Increased uptake of modified LDL and reduced production of NO in regenerated coronary endothelial cells after balloon injury in the pig. FASEB J., 14: A1375, 2000.

473. A-705 Sansilvestri-Morel, P., Rupin, A., Fabiani, J.B., Verbeuren, T.J. and Vanhoutte, P.M.. Dysregulation of collagen expression in smooth muscle cells derived from human varicose veins. FASEB J., 14 : A1388, 2000.

474. A-706 Villeneuve, N., Iliou, J.P., Jacquemin, C., Lestriez, V., Petit, C., Pillion, A., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Vilaine, J.P. Hydrogen peroxyde (H202) and vascular reactivity in normal and pathological arteries. FASEB J., 14 : A1454, 2000.

475. A-709 Vanhoutte, P.M. Are there functional Endothelial Adrenoceptors ? Pharmacoloy & Toxicology, 87: L2, 2000.

476. A-710 Brandes, R.P., Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., Fleming, I., Busse, R. An EDHF Distinct from No and PGI2 is a Major Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilator in Resistance Vessels of Wild-Type and Enos knockout Mice. Circulation, 102: 31, 2000.

477. A-711 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium dysfunction in Hypertension. Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia Terapeutica. Suppl.1: 9, 2000.

478. A-712 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium: role in hypertension. Rol del endotelio en la Hipertension. Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia Terapeutica. Suppl.1 : 29, 2000.

479. A-713 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and coronary disease : a novel therapeutic target. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy., 15 : 31, 2001.

480. A-714 Bychkov, R., Félétou, M., Edwards, G., Weston, A., Vanhoutte, P.M. Ca2+-Activated K+ channels in freshly isolated endothelial cells of porcine coronary artery. J. of Vascular Research, 38: 8, 2001.

481. A-715 Edwards, G., Félétou, M., Thollon, C., Gardener, M.J., Vilaine, J.P., Weston, A., Vanhoutte, P.M. EDHF and Gap-Junctions in rat, guinea-pig and porcine arteries. J. of Vascular Research, 38: 11, 2001.

482. A-716 Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Thollon, C., Saboureau, D., Brulé, E., Lesage, L., Reure, H., Vilaine, J.P. and Vanhoutte, P.M.. Cells from regenerated endothelium loss their anti-thrombogenic properties due to the alteration of NO synthase activity. J. of Vascular Research, 38: 12, 2001.

483. A-717 Sansilvestri-Morel, P., Rupin, A., Fabiani, J.N., Verbeuren, T.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Alterations of remodeling of varicose veins can be reproduced in vitro by cultures smooth muscle cells. J. of Vascular Research, 38: 21, 2001.

484. A-718 Thollon, C., Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Lesage, L., Reure, H., Saboureau, D., Vanhoutte, P.M., Vilaine, J.P. Reduced basal production of nitric oxide in porcine arteries with regenerated endothelium. J. of Vascular Research, 38: 25, 2001.

485. A-719 Villeneuve, N., Fortuno, A., Sauvage, M., Fournier, N., Iliou, J.P., Breugnot, C., Jacquemin, C., Petit, C., Briant, C., Lestriez, V., Vanhoutte, P.M., Vilaine, J.P.. Persistence of the nitric oxide pathway in the aorta of hypercholesterolemic apolipoprotein E. deficient mice. J. of vascular Research, 38: 27, 2001.

486. A-720 Weston, A., Félétou, M., Thollon, C., Gardener, M.J., Vilaine, J.P., Vanhoutte, P.M., Edwards, G. EDHF and gap junctions in rat, guinea-pig and porcine arteries. J. of vascular Research, 38: 27, 2001.

487. A-721 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium Dysfunction and Coronary Disease : a novel therapeutic target. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 15: 31, 2001

488. A-722 Fournier, N., Fortuno, A., Villeneuve, N., Sauvage, M., Iliou, J.P., Carpentier, N., Vanhoutte, P.M., Vilaine, J.P. Peristence of the nitric oxide pathway and VEGF-induced angiogenesis in Apolipoprotein-Edeficient mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 22(5): 183, 2002.

489 A-723 Fortuno, A., Thollon, C., Villeneuve, N., Jacquemin, C., Vanhoutte, P.M., Vilaine, J.P. Non NO, non-prostanoid dependent hyperpolarization in the aorta of control and apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 22(5): 394, 2002.

490 A-724 Fournet-Bourguignon, M.P., Breugnot, C., Fortuno, A., Saboureau, D., Brule, E., Villeneuve, N., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Vilaine, J.P. Thrombogenic properties of the endothelium of Apolipopretein-E deficient mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 22(5): 390, 2002.

491 A-725 Félétou, M., Burnham, M., Bychkov, R., Richards, G.R., Edwards, G., Weston, A.H., Vanhoutte, P.M. Apamin-sensitive and chartybdotoxin-senstivie samal and intermediate conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels in porcine coronary endothelium: relevance to EDHF. FASEB J., 880, 2002.

492. A-727 Yang, D., Félétou, M., Levens, N., Zhang, J.N., Vanhoutte, P.M. Tetrahydrobiopterin potentiates endothelium-dependent contactions to acetylcholine in aortas from spontaneously hypertensive rats. FASEB J., : A1137, 2002.

493. A-728 Yang, D., Félétou, M., Levens, N., Zhang, J.N., Vanhoutte, P.M. Demonstration of a diffusible endothelium-derived contracting factor in response to acetylcholine. FASEB J, :1137, 2002.

494. A-729 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 16 (suppl. 1): 5, 2002.

495. A-731 Sansilvestri-Morel, P., Rupin, A., Lembrez, N., Julien, N., Fabiani, J.N., Verbeuren, T.J., Vanhoutte, P.M. Marimastat restores the production of collagen III by cultured smooth muscle cells derived from human varicose veins. Pharmacologist, 44 : A89, 2002.

496. A-732 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial control of vascular function. Circulation J., 67: I-8, 200

497. A-733 Vanhoutte, P.M.. Endothelial Function: from Health to Heart Failure. J HK Coll. Cardiol., 11 (supp 1):A1, 2003.

498. A-734 Chan, Y.C., Yao, X., Liu, C.L., Vanhoutte, P.M. and Huang, Y. Raloxifene dilates rat pressurized mesentweric arteries: role of endothelium. J HK Coll. Cardiol., 11 (supp1): A19, 2003.

499. A-735 Leung, H.S., Yao, X., He, G.W., Huang, Y. and Vanhoutte, P.M. The vasorelaxant Response of Raloxifene in porcine Coronary Arteries. J HK Coll. Cardiol., 11 (supp 1): A20, 2003.

500. A-736 Félétou, M., Burnham, M.P., Bychkov, R., Richards, G.R., Edwards, G., Weston, A.H., Vanhoutte, P.M.. Apamin-Sensitive and Charybdotoxin-Sensitive Small and Intermediate Conductance Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels in Porcine Coronary Endothelium: Relevance to EDHF. Faseb J. 16(4): A80, 2002.

501. A-737 Yang, D., Félétou, M., Levens, N., Zhang, J-N., Vanhoutte, P.M. Tetrahydrobiopterin specifically potentiates endothelium-dependent contractions, in response to acetylcholine, in aortas from spontaneously hypertensive rats. Faseb J. 16(5): A1137, 2002.

502. A-738 Yang, D., Félétou, M., Levens, N., Zhang, J-N., Vanhoutte, P.M.. Evidence of diffusible endothelium-derived contracting factor in response to acetylcholine in the aortas from spontaneously hypertensive rats. Faseb J. 16(5): A1138, 2002.

503. A-739 Yang, D., Félétou, M., Levens, N., Zhang, J-N., Vanhoutte, P.M.. Endothelium-dependent contractions in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rat: involvement of tetrahydrobiopterin-sensitive diffusible substance. Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. I16(5), A420, 2002.

504. A-740 Yang, D., Félétou, M., Levens, N., Zhang, J-N., Vanhoutte, P.M. A diffusible substance(s) mediate(s) endothelium-dependent contractions in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rat. Br. J. Pharmacol., 136: 7P, 2002.

505. A-741 Vanhoutte, P.M. Historical notes: the other EDRF. Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. 18(1), S04.1, 2004.

506. A-742 Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. Actions of EDHF on vascular smooth muscle. Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. 18(1), S04.5, 2004.

507. A-743 Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M. The obligatory role of endothelial SKCa and IKCa channels in EDHF-mediated responses. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 25(11): 1387-1568, 2004.

508 A-744 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelium-dervived Contracting Factor in Health and Disease J HK Coll Cardiol. Vo1 12, IL5 (87), July/October 2004.

509 A745 Shi, Y., Ku, D.D., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Streptozocin-induced Effects on Endothelium-dependent Responses in Rat Carrotid and Measenteric Arteries J HK Coll Cardiol Vol 12, OC1 (92), July/October 2004.

510 A746 Tang, E.H.C., Félétou, M., Huang, Y., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Nitric Oxide Causes Long-term Inhibition of EDCF-mediated Contractions. J HK Coll Cardiol Vol 12, OC8 (95), July/October 2004.

511 A747 Chan, Y.C., Yao, X., Lau, C.W., Vanhoutte, P.M., Huang, Y. Raloxifene Therapy Improves Basal Nitric Oxide Release in Pulmonary Arteries of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. J HK Coll Cardiol Vol 12, P38 (111), July/October 2004.

512 A748 Leung, S.H., Yao, X., Vanhoutte, P.M., Huang, Y. Characterization of Endothelium-dependent Relaxation in Rat Femoral Arteries. J HK Coll Cardio Vol 12, P39 (111), July/October 2004.

513 A749 Ho, K.W., Chan, Y.C., Wong, K.M., Chan, F.L., Yao, X., Gollasch, M., Vanhoutte, P.M., Huang, Y. Regulation of Vascular Reactivity by Periadventitial Fat in Rat Small Arteries. J HK Coll Cardio Vol 12, P41 (112), July/October 2004.

514 A750 Ng, C.H., Chen, Z.Y., Yao, X., Au, C.L., Yung, L.M., Wong, C.M., Vanhoutte, P.M., Huang, Y. Raloxifene Improves Vasorelaxation in Oxidized LDL-treated Rat Aortas. J HK Coll Cardio Vol 12, P43 (113), July/October 2004.

515 A751 Wong, C.M., Yung, L.M., Au, C.L., Yao, X., Leung, F.P., Cheng, H.K., Vanhoutte, P.M., Huang, Y. Raloxifene Ameliorates Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by Free Radical Exposure. J HK Coll Cardio Vol 12, P42 (113), July/October 2004.

516 A752 Tang, E.H., Ku, D.D., Tipoe, G.L., Félétou, M., Man, R.Y., Vanhoutte, P.M. The Calcium lonophore A23187 Causes Endothelium-Dependent Contractions in the Aorta of Wild-Type but not COX1-Knockout Mice. Circulation Vol 110 , III-35 (163), October 26, 2004.

517 A753 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial Dysfunction and Vascular Disease. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Suppl.1, L13, July 2006.

518 A754 Félétou, M., Vanhoutte, P.M.. Prostacyclin: EDRF, EDHF and EDCF Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Suppl.1, P080002, July 2006.

519 A755 Tang, E.H.C., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Spontaneous Contractions in the Aorta of the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Suppl.1, P080043, July 2006.

520 A756 Rasmussen, L.E., Vanhoutte, P.M., Jensen, L.B., Skott, O. Continuous luminal flow attenuates basal relaease of NO but augments that of EDHF in the rabbit carotid artery. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Suppl.1, P110100, July 2006.

521 A757 Shi, Y., Ku, D.D., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxygen-derived free radicals mediate endothelium-derived contractions in the femoral artery from streptozotocin-treated rats. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Suppl.1, P110154, July 2006.

522 A758 Lee, M.Y.K., Holmskov, U., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Reduced up regulation of SP-D in response to TNF-α in senescent endothelial cells. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Suppl.1, P110158, July 2006.

523 A759 Frederic, M., Man, G., Tang, E., Man, R., Vanhoutte, P. Age, hypertension and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition augment endothelium-derived contracting factor (EDCF) in the rat renal artery. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Suppl.1, P110182, July 2006.

524 A760 Schjerning, J., Uhrenholt, T.R., Vanhoutte, P.M. Intercellular calcium signaling and nitric oxide feedback during constriction of rabbit renal arterioles. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Suppl.1, P360059, July 2006.

525 A761 Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial function and coronary disease. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 14(2): IL6, p.70, Oct 2006.

526 A762 Shi, Y., Ku, D.D., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Oxygen-derived free radicals mediate endothelium-dependent contractions in the femoral artery from streptozotocin-treated rats. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 14(2): OC3, p.74, Oct 2006.

527 A763 Tang, E.H.C., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Celular changes in aortas of spontaneously hypertensive rats facilitate the occurrence of endothelium-dependent contractions. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 14(2): P13, p.83, Oct 2006.

528 A764 Xu, Y.C., Leung, S.W.S., Leung, G.P.H., Vanhoutte, P.M. Kaempferol potentiated relaxation in porcine coronary arteries and stimulated large-conductance potassium channes in HUVEC. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 14(2): P19, p.85, Oct 2006.

529 A765 Yung, L.M., Leung, F.P., Wong W.T., Lau, C.W., Yao, X.Q., Chen, Z.Y., Vanhoutte, P.M., Huang, Y. Cranberry juice consumption prevents endothelial dysfunction in ovariectomized rats. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 14(2): P20, Oct 2006.

530 A766 Wang, Y., Huang, Y., Lam, K.S.L., Lau, C.W., Vanhoutte, P.M., Xu, A. Berberine as a potential drug for the treatment and prevention of vascular dysfunction in obesity and diabetes. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 16(2): IL 11, Oct 2008.

540 A767 Chan, C.K.Y., Mak, J., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Contractile response to hypoxia in the porcine coronary artery. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 16(2): OC1, Oct 2008.

541 A768 Lee, M.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M., Xu, A Adipocyte-fatty acid binding protein (A-FABP) is present in the endothelium of male apolipoprotein e-knockout mice. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 16(2): IL 11, Oct 2008.

542 A769 Kong, B.W.C., Leung, S.W.S., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. The effect of aging and hypertension on endothelial-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF)-mediated responses in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 16(2): P4, Oct 2008.

543 A770 Leung, I.C.Y., Vanhoutte, P.M., Man, R.Y.K., Leung, G.P.H. Tissue-type plasminogen activator: a possible candidate of endothelium-derived hyperpolarization factor? Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 16(2): P5, Oct 2008.

544 A771 Liang, C.F., Leung, S.W.S., Ng, J.K.F., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Inhibition of the relaxation to CNP by endothelium-derived nitric oxide in the porcine coronary artery. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 16(2): P6, Oct 2008.

545 A772 Wong, E.S.W., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M., Ng, K.F.J. Effects of dexmedetomidine in the mesenteric artery and the aorta of endotoxin induced rat. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 16(2): P10, Oct 2008.

546 A773 Wong, M.S.K., Man, R.Y.K., Vanhoutte, P.M. Calcium-independent phospholipase A2 involves in endothelium-dependent contractions in the aorta of the spontaneously hupertensive rats. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 16(2): P9, Oct 2008.

547 A774 Leung, G.P.H., Li, R.W.S., Seta, S.W., Kwan, Y.W. Inhibitory effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) on nucleoside transporters in human aortic smooth muscle cells. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 16(2): P21, Oct 2008.

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