David Ruelle#
Membership Number: | 1510 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 1993 |
Main Country of Residence: | FRANCE |
Homepage(s): | http://www.ihes.fr/~ruelle |
Present and Previous Positions
- since 2000 Honorary Professor at IHES
- 1964 - 2000 Professor at the IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette
- 1962 - 1964 Member, Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ
- 1960 - 1962 Research Assistant and then also Privatdozent, ETH Zurich
- 1959 PhD in Physics, Free University of Brussels
Fields of Scholarship
- Mathematical physics
- Axiomatic quantum field theory
- Equilibrium statistical mechanics (rigorous)
- Chaos and turbulence
- Differentiable dynamical systems
- Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
Honours and Awards
- 2006 " Henri Poincaré Prize", International Association of Mathematical Physics
- 2004 "Matteucci medal", Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze
- 1995 "Ludwig Boltzmann-Forschungspreis", Land Steiermark and Universität Graz
- 1993 "Holweck medal", Société Française de Physique and Institute of Physics
- 1986 "Boltzmann medal", IUPAP
- 1985 "Dannie Heineman prize for Mathematical Physics", American Physical Society and American Institute of Physics
- 1979 "Prix Albert Ier de Monaco", Acadèmie des Sciences de Paris
- 1974 "Boris Pregel Award for Research in Chemical Physics", New York Academy of Sciences