Janusz Reykowski - Publications#


1. Eksperymentalna psychologia emocji (Experimental Psychology of Emotion), Warszawa: KiW 1968, 1974, German Edition (FRG)-Donauworth 1973, Russian Edition 1979, Bulgarian Edition 1981.

2. Motywacja, postawy prospołeczne a osobowość (Prosocial Motivation, Prosocial Attitudes and Personality), Warszawa: PWN 1979,1986.

3. Development and Maintenance of Prosocial Behavior. Plenum Press NY 1984 (coauthors: E.Staub, D.Bar-Tal, J.Karylowski).

4. Social and Moral Values. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. 1989. (coauthors: N.Eisenberg, E.Staub).

5. Postawy i wartości Polaków a zmiany systemowe (Values and attitudes of Poles and changes in the socio-political system). Warszawa: Wyd. Instytutu Psychologii PAN. 1993

6. Potoczne wyobrażenia o demokracji. Psychologiczne uwarunkowania i konsekwencje. (The lay concepts of democracy: Their sources and consequences) Warszawa: Wyd. IP 1995

Selected articles:

1.Intrinsic Motivation and Intrinsic Inhibition of Aggressive Behavior, . In: Feshbach S., Frączek A. (Eds.), Aggression and Behavior Change, NY Praeger Publishers 1979

2.Social Motivation,. Annual Review of Psychology, 1982,33,123-154

3.Developmental patterns of prosocial motivation: A cross-national study. (with R.Silbereisen et al.). J.of Cross-Cultural Psychology. V.20, 3, 1989

4.Collectivism, individualism and interpretation of social change: Limitations of a simple model. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 24, 2, 89-109. 1993. (coauthor Z. Smoleńska)

5.Patriotism and collective system of meanings. In D. BarTal and E. Staub (red.) Patriotism in a global age. Chicago: Nelson-Hall (1997)

6.Justice motive and altruistic helping - Rescuers of Jews in Nazi occupied Europe.: Ross, M. & Miller, D.T. (Eds). The justice motive in everyday life. New York: Cambridge University Press 2001

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