Peter Neumann - Curriculum Vitae#
- Umhabilitation University of Bern Zoology 2007
- Habilitation MLU Halle-Wittenberg Zoology 2004
- PhD MLU Halle-Wittenberg Biology 1998
- MSc FU Berlin Biology 1994
- 30 projects with a total external funding of >4.4 Mio €
- 23 laboratorial & 17 field courses, 32 tutorials, 4 lectures and 10 integrated courses (incl. lectures, seminars, field excursions and laboratory) in classic and molecular genetics, molecular ecology, ecology, evolutionary biology; honeybee pathology, biology and apiculture to students, beekeepers and veterinarians
- Supervision of 12 PhD, 2 Dr. med. vet., 47 MSc, 2 BSc and 2 Honours students
- Memberships in scientific organizations: European Association for Bee Research (EurBee), European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB); International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), Corresponding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute für Bienenforschung e.V.
- Referee activity: International Scientific Journals: >50 (incl. SCIENCE, Animal Behaviour, Apidologie, Behavioural Ecology, Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, Proceedings of the Royal Society [B]]); Grant Awarding Agencies: >20 (incl. AvH Foundation, ISF, NRF, NSF); External Examiner: 11 Universities (incl. University of Lausanne; Zhejiang University)
- Sientific Boards: The Bee Informed Partnership Project (USA, since 2012), EU Bee Health Project ICIPE (Kenya, since 2012, International Commission for Plant Pollinator Relationships (ICPPR, since 2012), IBRA (since 2010); Journal of Apicultural Research (since 2010), Apidologie (since 2009)
- Guest Editor:
- Journal of Apicultural Research Special Issues:
- Dietemann V, Ellis JD, Neumann P (2013) The COLOSS BEEBOOK, Volume I: Standard Methods for Apis mellifera Research. J Apic Res 51 (1);
- Dietemann V, Ellis JD, Neumann P (2013) The COLOSS BEEBOOK, Volume II: Standard Methods for Apis mellifera Pest and Pathogen Research. J Apic Res 51 (2).;
- Neumann P, Carreck N (2010) Honey bee colony losses. J Apic Res 49 (1).;
- Neumann P, Ellis JD (2008) The small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray, Coleoptera: Nitidulidae): distribution, biology and control of an invasive species. J Apic Res 47 (3).;
- Apidologie Special Issue:
- Moritz RFA, Neumann P (2003) The Cape honeybee (Apis mellifera capensis): from laying workers to social parasites. Apidologie 33 (2).
- Journal of Apicultural Research Special Issues:
Behavioral, evolutionary & molecular ecology of social insects and their pathogens with focus on honey bee pathology
4 post docs, 1 technician (full time), 4 technicians (part time), 4 PhD students, 3 Dr. med. vet. students, 6 MSc students, 2 secretaries (part time), 2 technical staff (part time)