Yan Lavallée - Selected Publications#

Lavallée Y., Meredith P.G., Dingwell B.D., Hess K.-U., Wassermann J., Cordonnier B., Gerik, A., Kruhl J.H., 2008.
Seismogenic lavas and explosive eruption forecasting. Nature 453, 507-510.

Russell J.K., Porritt L.A., Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., 2012 Kimberlite ascent by assimilation-fuelled buoyancy.
Nature 481, 352-356.

Lavallée Y., Dingwell D.B., Cimarelli C., Hornby A.J. Johnson J.B., Kendrick J.E., von Aulock F.W., Wadsworth
F.W., Rhodes E., Kennedy B.M., Andrews B.J., Chigna G., 2015. Thermal vesiculation during volcanic eruptions.
Nature 528, 544-547.

Lavallée Y., Hirose T., Hess, K.-U., Dingwell, D.B., 2015. Fault rheology beyond frictional melting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 112, 9276-9280. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1413608112

Lavallée Y., Hirose T., Petrakova L., Kendrick J., de Angelis S., Hornby A., Dingwell, D.B., 2014. A frictional law for volcanic ash gouge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 400, 177-183.

Lavallée Y., Hess K.-U., Cordonnier B., Dingwell B.D., 2007. A non-Newtonian rheological law for highlycrystalline
dome lavas. Geology 35, 843-846.

Lavallée Y., Mitchell T.M., Heap M., Hirose T., Hess K.-U., Dingwell D.B., 2012. Experimental generation of
volcanic pseudotachylytes: constraining rheology. In “Physico-chemical processes in seismic faults” of Journal of
Structural Geology, 38, 222-233.

Lavallée Y., Benson P.M., Heap M., Hess K.-U., Flaws A., Dingwell D.B., 2013 Reconstructing magma failure and
the degassing network of dome-building eruptions. Geology 41, 515-518.

Kendrick J. E., Lavallée Y., Hirose T., Di Toro G., Hornby A.J., De Angelis S., Dingwell D.B., 2014. Volcanic drumbeat seismicity caused by stick-slip motion and magmatic frictional melting. Nature Geosciences 7, 438-442.

Lavallée Y., Heap M.J., Kueppers U., Kendrick J.E., Dingwell D.B., 2018. The fragility of Volcán de Colima – a material constraint. In Volcán de Colima – Managing the Threat. eds: Varley N.R., Komorowski J.-C., Springer. In press. ISBN 978-3-642-25911-1

Ca. 100 publications, ca. 2000 ISI citations, h-factor (ISI) 28.

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