Roman Jerala#

Roman Jerala
Membership Number:4566
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:SLOVENIA

Present and Previous Positions

  • Since 2002 head, Department of synthetic biology and immunology at the National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Since 2009 director of research area synthetic biology, Centre of Excellence EN-FIST, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Since 2010 professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, University of Ljubljana
  • 1996 - 2001 research associate, Department of NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • 1994 - 1995 postdoc, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
  • 1988 - 1993 PhD student, Department of biochemistry, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Fields of Scholarship
  • Designed bionanostructures
  • Conformational diseases, prions
  • Synthetic biology
  • Antimicrobial peptides
  • Molecular mechanism of innate immunity
  • Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy
  • Molecular modeling

Honours and Awards
  • 2017 Elected as EMBO member
  • 2016 Best project in Medicine, overgraduate division, iGEM competition (team leader)
  • 2015 Elected member of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry
  • 2014 Medal for services for the scientific and high school education achievements, awarded by the President of the Republic of Slovenia
  • 2012 Finalist, Best project in health and medicine, first runner up at iGEM 2competition in synthetic biology (team leader)
  • 2011 Rector’s award for the best innovations at the University of Ljubljana
  • 2011 Gold medal at Biomod (Biomolecular design) competition (Wyss institute, Harvard University, team leader)
  • 2011 Lapanje award by the Slovenian Biochemical Society
  • 2010 Grand prize winner at iGEM, Best New Application, (team leader)
  • 2009 Zois award (the highest national award for science)
  • 2009 Pregl award by the National institute of chemistry
  • 2009 Parliamentary lecture on Synthetic biology
  • 2008 Grand prize winner at iGEM, Best project in Health and Medicine (team leader)
  • 2008 Socrates award for high school didactics, SDVD
  • 2007 Prometheus of Science award by the Slovenian Science Foundation
  • 2007 Finalist, Best project in Health and Medicine at the iGEM (team leader)
  • 2006 Grand Prize for the best project at the iGEM competition at MIT (team leader)
  • 1991 Boris Kidric Slovenian state award for science

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