Adnan Ibrahimbegovic - Curriculum Vitae#
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- 1997 Habilitation for supervising research in Mechanics, University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France
- 1989 PhD in Computational Mechanics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA
- 1984 MSc in Structural Mechanics and Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia (ex-Yugoslavia)
Three stages: 1) 1989 - 1999 consolidation; 2) 1999 - 2014 leadership; 3) 2014 innovation
1) UC Berkeley PhD Thesis & Res.Assis. (with E.L. Wilson & R.L. Taylor, thesis advisors)
& Univ. Sarajevo youngest University Professor & Research Engineer (Adjoint Scientifique) EPFL.
2) Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan Professor (promoted to ‘Classe Exceptionnelle 1’) with leadership role in research for 45 researchers in Civil Engineering
3) Chair Position at UTC & IUF Senior Member & promotion to highest professor rank 'Classe Exceptionnelle 2' & leadership of Mechanics-Mathematics platform with 35 researchers and of interdisciplinary projects for innovation
- 1990 - 1995 with founders of computational mechanics at UC Berkeley / membrane finite elements with drills for connecting structure and continuum FE models; 1990 IJNME journal paper became the main reference in the field
- 1995 - 2000 with research environment at EPFL Switzerland / finite rotations geometrically exact structure mechanics models, with applications to structure instability and flexible multibody systems dynamics; top 4 papers collect more than 1000 citations
- 2000 - 2010 with biggest French nuclear industry company and government institutes (EDF, CEA, IRSN) and leadership roles at ENS-Cachan / inelastic constitutive models for brittle and ductile fracture
- 2010 - 2015 with French government institute for nuclear safety (IRSN) / code-coupling for multiphysics-multiscale problems and coupled mechanics-probability problems, quantifying structure durability
- 2015 with international colleagues: TU-Braunschweig Germany; TU-Tampere Finland; USP Brazil; IPN Mexico; KAIST Korea