Richard Horne - Selected Publications#

Citations are from ISI Web of Science, January 13, 2023
In total more than 230 scientific articles, career-long h-index 70

Horne, R. B., Glauert, S. A., Kirsch, P., Heynderickx, D., Bingham, S., Thorn, P., et al. (2021). The satellite risk prediction and radiation forecast system (SaRIF). Space Weather, 19, e2021SW002823.
4 citations, forecasting system with great societal impact

Hapgood, M., Angling, M.J., Attrill, G., Bisi, M., Cannon, P.S., Dyer, C., Eastwood, J.P., Elvidge, S., Gibbs, M., Harrison, R.A., Hord, C., Horne, R.B. , Jackson, D.R., Jones, B., Machin, S., Mitchell, C.N., Preston, J., Rees, J., Rogers, N.C., Routledge, G., Ryden, K., Tanner, R., Thomson, A.W.P., Wild, J.A., Willis, M.. (2021) Development of space weather reasonable worst case scenarios for the UK National Risk Assessment. Space Weather, 19. doi: 10.1029/2020SW002593
14 citations, contribution with great societal impact

Meredith, N.P., Horne, R.B., Shen, X.C. , Li, W., Bortnik, J. (2020) Global Model of Whistler Mode Chorus in the Near-Equatorial Region (|lambda(m)|< 18 degrees), Geophys. Res. Lett., 47. doi:10.1029/2020GL087311
23 citations, comprehensive model based on observations of multiple spacecraft

Horne, R.B., Glauert, S.A., Meredith, N.P., Boscher, D., Maget, V., Heynderickx, D., Pitchford, D. (2013) Space weather impacts on satellites and forecasting the Earth’s electron radiation belts with SPACECAST. Space Weather, 11. doi:10.1002/swe.20023
118 citations, the most influential outcome of the EU H2020 SPACECAST project

Horne, Richard B. , Thorne, Richard M., Glauert, Sarah A. , Menietti, J. Douglas, Shprits, Yuri Y., Gurnett, Donald A.. (2008) Gyro-resonant electron acceleration at Jupiter. Nature Physics, 4. doi:10.1038/nphys897
80 citations, an example of contributions to physics of other planets

Horne, R.B. , Thorne, R.M., Glauert, S.A. , Meredith, N.P. , Pokhotelov, D., Santolik, O. (2007) Electron acceleration in the Van Allen radiation belts by fast magnetosonic waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 34. 5doi:10.1029/2007GL030267
314 citations, an article pointing out the importance of a somewhat neglected wave mode

Horne, R.B., Thorne, R.M., Shprits, Y.Y., Meredith, N.P. , Glauert, S.A. , Smith, A.J., Kanekal, S.G., Baker, D.N., Engebretson, M.J., Posch, J.L., Spasojevic, M., Inan, UdS., Pickett, Jo.S., Decreau, P.M.E.. (2005) Wave acceleration of electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts. Nature, 437. doi:10.1038/nature03939
448 citations, an article with a great impact on the coming Van Allen Probes mission of NASA

Horne, R.B., Thorne, R.M., Glauert, S.A.Albert, J.M., Meredith, N.P., Anderson, R.R. (2005) Timescale for radiation belt electron acceleration by whistler mode chorus waves, J. Geophys. Res., 110, doi:03210.01029/02004JA010811
520 citations, the most cited paper authored by Richard Horne

Horne, R. B., Thorne, R.M. (2003), Relativistic electron acceleration and precipitation during resonant interactions with whistler‐mode chorus, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30. doi:1510.1029/2003GL016973
239 citations, an article with a great impact on further studies of Van Allen radiation belts

Horne, R.B., Thorne, R.M. (1998), Potential waves for relativistic electron scattering and stochastic acceleration during magnetic storms, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25. doi:10.1029/98GL01002
493 citations, a classic study of acceleration and loss of relativistic electrons in radiation belts

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