
Mikko Heino - Curriculum Vitae#

  • MSc, University of Helsinki, ecology and mathematics, 1993
  • PhD, University of Helsinki, animal ecology, 1998

Positions held

University of Bergen, Norway:
Researcher/professor - leader of the research group "Evolutionary (fisheries) ecology", 2007-

Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway:
Senior/principal scientist - first-hand experience as a provider of scientific advice to resource managers, 2001-2007.
Adjunct research director - research and advice related to marine fisheries and aquaculture, 2007-

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria:
Visiting research fellow, 1998- (1-3 months per year)

Academy of Finland:
Postdoctoral research fellow, 2010-2011

University of Helsinki, Finland:
Researcher - coordinating the Spatial Ecology research programme, 1998-1999
PhD fellow, 1995-1998

Position of responsibility

  • Editor: Ecology Letters, 2007-, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2012-
  • External referee: for NERC (UK) Research Grant Application -assessment, 2000; Grant of Excellence assessment for the Icelandic Research Fund, 2009
  • External examinator: 3 MSc theses, 5 PhD theses
  • Chair/co-chair: Coastal States Scientific Working Group on Blue Whiting, 2004–2005; ICES Study Group on Fisheries-induced Adaptive Change, 2007–2009; ICES Working Group on Fisheries-induced Evolution, 2010–)
  • Student supervision: 5 MSc theses, 3 PhD theses as the main supervisor
  • Refereeing: e.g., Nature, Science, Trends in Ecology & Evolution
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