
Eileen Furlong Selected Publications#

1. Ghavi-Helm Y., Klein FA, Pakozdi T, Ciglar L, Noordermeer D, Huber W, Furlong EE. (2014). Enhancer loops appear stable during development and are associated with paused polymerase. Nature Aug 7;512(7512):96-100. (65 citations)

2. Ciglar L, Girardot C, Wilczynski B, Braun M, Furlong EE. (2014). Coordinated repression and activation of two transcriptional programs stabilizes cell fate during myogenesis. Development Jul;141(13):2633-43

3. Rembold M, Ciglar L, Yáñez-Cuna JO, Zinzen RP, Girardot C, Jain A, Welte MA, Stark A, Leptin M*, Furlong EE.* (2014). A conserved role for Snail as a potentiator of active transcription. Genes Dev. Jan 15;28(2):167-81 * Co-corresponding authors.
Top 5 most downloaded articles in January 2014

4. Erceg J, Saunders TE, Girardot C, Devos DP, Hufnagel L, Furlong EE. (2014). Subtle changes in motif positioning cause tissue-specific effects on the robustness of enhancer activity. PLoS Genet. Jan;10(1):e1004060. (14 citations)
Research highlighted in Nature Genetics, February 2014, v46

5. Wilczynski G, Liu YH, Yeo ZX, Furlong EE. (2012). Predicting spatial and temporal gene expression using an integrative model of transcription factor occupancy and chromatin state. PLoS computational Biology, Dec;8(12):e1002798. (26 citations)
Research highlighted in Nature Reviews Genetics, February 2013

6. Spitz F and Furlong EE (2012). Transcription factors: From enhancer binding to developmental control.
Nature Reviews Genetics, Sep;13(9):613-26. (344 citations)

7. Bonn S, Zinzen RP, Gonzalez AP, Riddell A, Gavin AC, Furlong EE. (2012). Cell type-specific chromatin immunoprecipitation from multicellular complex samples using BiTS-ChIP. Nature Prot, Apr 26;7(5):978-94 (32 citations)

8. Junion G*, Spivakov M*, Girardot C, Gustafson EH, Birney E, Furlong EE (2012). A transcription factor collective defines cardiac cell fate and reflects the developmental history of this cell lineage. Cell, Feb 3;148(3):473-86. (103 citations)

9. Bonn S*, Zinzen RP*, Girardot C*, Gustafson EH, Gonzalez AP, Delhomme N, Ghavi-Helm Y, Wilczynski B, Riddell A and Furlong EE. (2012). Tissue specific analysis of chromatin state identifies temporal signatures of enhancer activity during embryonic development. Nature Genetics, Jan 8;44(2):148-56. (180 citations)

10. Zinzen RP*, Girardot C*, Gagneur J*, Braun M, Furlong EE. (2009). Combinatorial binding predicts spatio-temporal cis-regulatory activity. Nature. 2009 Nov 5;462(7269):65-70. (260 citations)

Research highlighted in Molecular Systems Biology, November 2009
Research highlighted in Nature Biotechnology. February 2010
Research highlighted in BioEssays, May 2010

E. Furlong's publications have 3902 total citations - 5 papers with more than 200 citations, 8 papers with IF>20; H-index: 29
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