Elsa Maria Fornero#
Membership Number: | 5900 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2021 |
Main Country of Residence: | ITALY |
Homepage(s): | http://sites.carloalberto.org/fornero/home.html |
ORCID: | 0000-0002-2294-4681 |
Present and Previous Positions
- Since Nov. 1st, 2018 Honorary Professor of Economics at the University of Turin
- Since Dec 1999 Scientific coordinator of CeRP, Centre for Research in Pensions and Welfare Policies (which she founded), established by the University of Torin and the Collegio Carlo Alberto (https://www.cerp.carloalberto.org/it
- Nov. 1st Nov. 2000 - 31 Oct. 2018 Full Professor of Economics at the School of Management and Economics of the University of Turin
- 1984 - 2000 Associate Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics (before: Assistant professor, at the same Faculty, and still before “research assistant”)
- Nov. 2011 to 28 April 2013 Minister of Labor, Social Policies and Equal Opportunities in the Italian Government (Prime Minister Mario Monti)
- Vice-President of the Observatoire de l'Epargne Européenne, Paris, http://www.oee.fr
- Member of the Research Committee of the OECD International Network on financial Education (INFE), http://www.oecd.org/finance/financial-education
- Vice-President of Share Eric (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe), http://www.share-project.org
- Since 2016 Member of the Research Committee of the OECD International Network on financial Education (INFE), http://www.oecd.org/finance/financial-education
- Since 2021 Vice-President of the Observatoire de l'Epargne Européenne, Paris, http://www.oee.fr
Fields of Scholarship
- Retiring choices
- Population aging
- Life insurance
- Financial literacy and education
- Households’ saving
- Public and private pension systems and reforms
- Labour market
Honours and Awards
- 2013 Tarantelli prize for AspI, (the Social Insurance for Employment scheme, one of the pillars of the labour market reform), selected as best economic idea of the year by “Il Club dell’Economia”
- 2013 The “Liberal Award” by the Swiss “Young Liberals”
- 2011 “La Mela d’Oro / Women: innovation and human capital” prize by the Marisa Bellisario Foundation
- 2003 INA International Prize for the Economics, Finance and Statistics of Private Insurance by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome (with Olivia Mitchell)
- 2001 (jointly with Ignazio Musu), Saint Vincent Price for Economics, 2001.