Ástráður Eysteinsson - Selected publications#


The Concept of Modernism. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press 1990 (265 pp.). Paperback edition 1992.

Tvímæli. Þýðingar og bókmenntir [on translation studies and literary translation]]. Reykjavík: The University of Iceland Press 1996 (307 pp.).

Umbrot. Bókmenntir og nútími [on literature and modernity]]. Reykjavík: The University of Iceland Press 1999 (485 pp.).


Heimur skáldsögunnar [The World of the Novel]]. Reykjavík: The University of Iceland Institute of Literary Research 2001 (343 pp.).

Heimur ljóðsins [The World of Poetry]] (with Dagný Kristjánsdóttir and Sveinn Yngvi Egilsson). Reykjavík: The University of Iceland Institute of Literary Research 2005 (350 pp.).

Translation – Theory and Practice: A Historical Reader (with Daniel Weissbort). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press 2006 (649 pp.).

The Cultural Reconstruction of Places. Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press 2006 (224 pp.).

Modernism (with Vivian Liska). International Comparative Literature Association, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins 2007 (two vols., 1043 pp.).

Walter Benjamin: Fagurfræði og miðlun: Úrval greina og bókakafla. Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press 2008 (622 pp.).

Translated books:

Réttarhöldin. Icelandic translation (with Eysteinn Thorvaldsson) of Franz Kafka’s novel Der Prozeß (The Trial), Reykjavik: Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóðs, 1983. Revised edition, Reykjavík: Mál og menning 1995.

Homo faber. Icelandic translation (with Eysteinn Thorvaldsson) of Max Frisch’s novel Homo faber, Reykjavik: Örn og Örlygur 1987. Revised edition, Reykjavík: Mál og menning 2000.

Í refsinýlendunni og fleiri sögur. Icelandic translation (with Eysteinn Thorvaldsson) of a collection of Franz Kafka’s short stories, Reykjavík: Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóðs 1991.

Úr glatkistunni. Icelandic translation (with Eysteinn Thorvaldsson) of a collection of Franz Kafka’s short stories, diaries, and letters. Special issue of Bjartur og frú Emilía, No.10, 1993.

Ameríka. Icelandic translation (with Eysteinn Thorvaldsson) of Franz Kafka’s novel Amerika (or Der Verschollene). Reykjavík: Mál og menning 1998.

Umskiptin. Icelandic translation (with Eysteinn Thorvaldsson) of Franz Kafka’s novella Die Verwandlung (The Metamorphosis). Bilingual edition. Reykjavík: The Vigdis Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages / The University of Iceland Press 2006.

Bréf til föðurins. Icelandic translation (with Eysteinn Thorvaldsson) of Franz Kafka’s Brief an den Vater. Reykjavík: Forlagið 2008.

Hliðargötur / Sideroads. English translation (with Julian Meldon D’Arcy) of the poetry book Hliðargötur by Jónas Þorbjarnarson. Bilingual edition (Icelandic/English). Reykjavík: The Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute for Foreign Languages 2011.

Selected papers (2006-2012):
  • Literary History, Translation, Value. In: The Angel of History. Literature, History and Culture. Eds. V. Haapala, H. Helander, A. Hollsten, P. Lyytikäinen og R. Paqvalén. Helsinki: University of Helsinki 2009, pp. 48-65.
  • ‘What’s the Difference?’ Revisiting the Concepts of Modernism and the Avant-Garde”. In: Europa! Europa? The Avant-Garde, Modernism and the Fate of a Continent. Eds. Sascha Bru, Jan Baetens, Benedikt Hjartarson, Peter Nicholls, Tania Ørum, and Hubert van den Berg (European Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies, Vol. I). Berlin: De Gruyter 2009, pp. 21-35.
  • Transporting Nature: Landscape in Icelandic Urban Culture (co-author Anna Jóhannsdóttir). In: Conversations with Landscape. Eds. Karl Benediktsson and Katrín Anna Lund. Farnham: Ashgate 2010, pp. 137-155.
  • Á höttunum eftir Hemingway. Ummerki, áhrif, þýðingar. In: Andvari, Vol. 136, 2011, No. 2, pp. 103-128.
  • Hvirfill. Tilraun um Hringsól. In: Rúnir. Greinasafn um skáldskap og fræðastörf Álfrúnar Gunnlaugsdóttur. Ed. Guðni Elísson. Reykjavik: University of Iceland Press 2010, pp. 51-68.
  • Concocting Ulysses in the North. In: Scientia Traductionis, No. 8, 2010, pp. 171-177 (http://www.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/scientia/article/view/17633/16206).
  • Museum, Canon, Collection. In: Museum Education in a Global Context: Priorities and Processes. (ICOM/CECA). Eds. Rakel Pétursdóttir og Ólöf K. Sigurðardóttir. Reykjavík: ICOM 2010 (conference proceedings, CD).
  • Icelandic Prose Literature, 1940-1980, in: A History of Icelandic Literature. Ed. by Daisy Neijmann, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press 2006, pp. 404-438.
  • Notes on World Literature and Translation. In: Angles on the English-Speaking World, Vol. 6 (ed. Ida Klitgård), Museum Tusculanum Press (University of Copenhagen) 2006, pp. 11-24.
  • T.S. Eliot in Iceland: A Historical Portrait (with Eysteinn Thorvaldsson). In: The International Reception of T.S. Eliot. Eds. Elisabeth Däumer and Shyamal Bagchee, London and New York: Continuum 2007, pp. 103-122.
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