Thierry Courvoisier - Selected Publications#
Camenzind and Courvoisier, A wind and shock model for active galactic nuclei, Ap.J. 266, L83, 1983
Robson et al., A new infrared spectral component of the quasar 3C273, Nature 323, 134, 1986
Courvoisier et al. Rapid infrared and optical variability in the bright quasar 3C273, Nature 335, 330, 1988
A series of papers on multi-wavelength observations of the quasar 3C 273, the early parts of this work is reviewed in Courvoisier, The bright quasar 3C 273, A&ARv 9,1, 1998
Courvoisier and Tuerler, Cascades of shocks in active galactic nuclei and their radiation, A&A 444, 417, 2005
This was folowed by a series of papers by Hishibashi and Courvoisier to explore the properties of the model.
H factor of 42, more than 400 publications of which 163 in the refereed literature, more than 6000 citations, according to SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System.
High Energy Astrophysics, an Introduction, Springer 2012
Cérès en Atlantique, récit et réflexions d'un Suisse en mer, Slatkine, 2012